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The Wheels of the Challenge Thread go "Peng, Peng, Peng".

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Originally posted by Lars:

{Lars pulls up a chair, cracks a fresh brew, and prepares to watch the festivities...}

*pulls up another deck chair, applies some factor 30 sunscreen and dons his favorite sun glasses then settles down.*

Hey Lars....

*Reaches over and looks through Lars' esky, finds nothing worth drinking and so cracks a bottle of VB from his own*

How long....

*takes a long tug at the bottle*

AAAAaaaaaaaa *UUUUUURRRRRP* Scusey.

....do you think he'll be rolling on the ground in agony when YK2 rearranges his genitalia with a quick kick to the yarbles?

My bet's 20 minutes.


[ June 12, 2003, 04:20 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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On a lighter note, I have completed my first attempt at designing a CMBB scenario. If anyone of you lot would like to give it a try...(feedback appreciated/serious), EMail me, and I'll send you the game file.

It involves battles in the swampy forests south of Lake Ladoga. I believe it presents interesting tactical problems for both sides.

Bye now, I cant stand the sight of blood.

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Originally posted by YK2:

You and your little friend set me up gaylord..

or at least you tried to......


Please believe me when I say that in no way whatsoever was my tribute to you an attempt to set you up for gaylord's despicable postings.

During the recent dark time in my life your attitude of always seeing the brighter side of life was much appreciated and served to bolster my spirits during this time.

I am truly pained by the hurt that was the unintended outcome of my posting.

I cannot remove the post, but you have my sincerest apologies for having been the source of what transpired.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

On a lighter note, I have completed my first attempt at designing a CMBB scenario. If anyone of you lot would like to give it a try...(feedback appreciated/serious), EMail me, and I'll send you the game file.


Young Nidan. Your rockets suck.


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Originally posted by Mace:

How long....

*takes a long tug at the bottle*

AAAAaaaaaaaa *UUUUUURRRRRP* Scusey.

....do you think he'll be rolling on the ground in agony when YK2 rearranges his genitalia with a quick kick to the yarbles?

My bet's 20 minutes.

20 minutes for the first kick, sure.

It's the follow-ups I really enjoy.

Now hand me one of those VB's.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Goose the bride and groom.

Now sod off.

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Let's see,

Gaylord's turned into a troll.

Jim Boggs has the soul of a poet,

Nidan's rockets suck

and it's raining in Ohio.

Yeah, OK...guess I'm pretty much up to speed.

But, before I forget, those of you who have been experiencing any kind of delay in getting moves, set-ups, etc. from me in the last few days, I apologize. I've been attempting to update my graphics card and as I am such a technical neophyte when it comes to computers, I was way in over my head. But then, out of the southern mist came a young technician riding a white steed (or it could have been a Ford Pinto covered in primer...tough call). Yes, it was Seanachai's very own squire, Malakovski, who talked me through the process of finding the right card, installing it, getting the best drivers and what-not. No matter how obtuse my E-mail's got, he kept his cool and helped me out.

For this, I promise to kill him last.

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Just wondering if you have a special place for evil want-a-bes? Nidan1 has turned to the dark side of scenario making, and while I applaud the lad for the effort, does he realize the amount of work it takes to become REALLY evil? A really evil scenario is a thing of beauty...anyone can add 20 aircraft...but to be evil on multiple levels...well...it is just evil.

So welcome young Nidan1 to the dark side. May all your maps be childlike and without sewers.


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Originally posted by rune:


Just wondering if you have a special place for evil want-a-bes? Nidan1 has turned to the dark side of scenario making, and while I applaud the lad for the effort, does he realize the amount of work it takes to become REALLY evil? A really evil scenario is a thing of beauty...anyone can add 20 aircraft...but to be evil on multiple levels...well...it is just evil.

So welcome young Nidan1 to the dark side. May all your maps be childlike and without sewers.


Have him check out Villiers Fossard - or hell, just rewrite it for CMBB, but give the Germans King Tigers.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Yes, it was Seanachai's very own squire, Malakovski, who talked me through the process of finding the right card, installing it, getting the best drivers and what-not. No matter how obtuse my E-mail's got, he kept his cool and helped me out.

For this, I promise to kill him last.

I hope you've all enjoyed my clever ploy to cut down on the atrocious number of Boo posts lately. I threw a couple darts at a hardware catalog, pointed him to a few random driver web sites, and promised massive performance increases.

I figure it'll take him weeks to get it all sorted out, if he doesn't melt his motherboard first.

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Gee, where's the Justicar when you need him?

Until he makes an appearance, I call Coventry on Gaylord Focker. Calling a Lady of the Pool a 'ho' is a bit beyond the pale.

Are there any meaningful dissents to this recommendation?


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Gee, where's the Justicar when you need him?

Until he makes an appearance, I call Coventry on Gaylord Focker. Calling a Lady of the Pool a 'ho' is a bit beyond the pale.

Are there any meaningful dissents to this recommendation?


Coventry on who??? I don't seem to recall the name...
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Gee, where's the Justicar when you need him?

Until he makes an appearance, I call Coventry on Gaylord Focker. Calling a Lady of the Pool a 'ho' is a bit beyond the pale.

Are there any meaningful dissents to this recommendation?


My word, what an awful couple of days. First my work is just piling it on, then my wife gets ill and requires TWO trips to the emergency room (thanfully she appears to be all right now but it certainly had me worried) and then Gaylord Focker goes back to his old tricks.

Lads, there is a REASON why Coventry is proclaimed and once proclaimed it shouldn't be retracted save in the face of overwhelming evidence of misunderstanding. For see you, if ONCE a miscreant steps over the line then surely they will AGAIN step over. Remember lads, a rose (or an Iron Chef) by any other name will still be a flaming idiot given a chance.

In this case I must admit to a degree of ... distraction. I did not see the offending paragraph as I, frankly, rarely pay much attention to the postings from such as he.

Now that I see it, I can do naught but agree with MrSpkr. I call upon the Olde Ones to agree to a proclamation of Coventry upon Gaylord Focker for EXTREME discourtesy to a Lady of the Pool and for failure to follow the long established rule of the CessPool, to wit ... Sound Off Like Ya Got A Pair But Not ABOUT Your Pair ... but mostly for just being a crashing bore.

What say you Olde Ones?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

What say you Olde Ones?


Yeah, c'mon boys, pretend you're sober for two or three minutes. OK, Berli let's see if we can't clean you up a bit. What's that you have in your beard? Creamed corn??? Don't even want to think about that. Seanachai? No, no, no...pants do NOT go on over your head. I don't care how whimsical it makes you look. Berli? No, you can't have a bit of a lie down, you have important decisions to make. Well, of course I realize it's just Gaylord...yes, you do indeed sound just like the Red Queen when you say "Off with their heads!" but I don't think that's really germain...What Seanachai? No, I don't happen to have any tuna fish on me...what was that, Berli? No I don't know why you're putting ice cubes in your pockets. It's because you have hot pants? Yes, very clever. No, I mean that. Look, you made Seanachai wet his...Oh, you just did that because it's more convenient? OK, fine. I think this is about as good as it's going to get. Maybe if you guys just sort of lean against each other, you won't both fall flat on your...no, Seanachai I'm sure Berli doesn't have any Tuna fish either...what Berli? Thank you Berli, I love you too, man. No, not more than I love you, Seananchai, OK guys, just stand there as best you can. Now, great big smiles, you're about to go in front of the whole Pool...Yes, Berli "The whole Pool and nothing but the Pool so help you dog." That's nice...

<small>Pssst...Lars get the curtain, I don't think I can hold them up any longer. Yeah, just let it fly..."</small>

"Kanniggets and Ladies of the Mutha Beautiful Thread,give it up for the Olde Ones!"

Gawd, I'm gonna start drinkin' early tonight.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

My word, what an awful couple of days. First my work is just piling it on, then my wife gets ill and requires TWO trips to the emergency room (thanfully she appears to be all right now but it certainly had me worried)

Glad to hear your wife is ok

Now that I see it, I can do naught but agree with MrSpkr. I call upon the Olde Ones to agree to a proclamation of Coventry upon Gaylord Focker for EXTREME discourtesy to a Lady of the Pool and for failure to follow the long established rule of the CessPool, to wit ... Sound Off Like Ya Got A Pair But Not ABOUT Your Pair ... but mostly for just being a crashing bore.

What say you Olde Ones?

I've got no problem with a bit of anarchy, and Hell knows there are plenty of no wit morons that we deal with every day. However, Gaylord is a troll. Since I had already decided to treat him as though he was in Coventry, I see no reason to stand in the way of making it official
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Fair Emma

A diamond's lot is to reflect the blight

It's whine is it's own

A diamond costs not light at sight

No different from a ho.

Herr Emma though will ever fail

To be what we cannot

Her light flickers right, over mill and ale

Even unto this blotch

So weed the herbs of wisdom flair

Cats like pearls too and wine

Her age is as the Grizzly Bear

Her smell like cheap wine

She comes, she hoes, as she sees it

So if you're ever blue

Know the scottish will be kilt

By the gentile King of England

Bravo Boggs ! </font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

in that the Jim Bogg's of the world do not know you and vice versa either.


The people I'm referring to, do indeed know me and I them, so don't go twisting my words and take things out of context..

In simple terms just for you..

You and your little friend set me up gaylord..

or at least you tried to...... well sorry but I don't come here to listen to the foul mouthed abuse that you seem to have in abundance. You have a real big chip on your shoulder about something, and I'm sorry you feel it neccessary to take whatever it is that's bugging you out on everyone who crosses your path...

I (like the best of them) can use sarcasm, and I like to think a little wit when posting.

At times (I accept) that maybe some things I post to a particular person may just be a little too close for comfort, there is no way of knowing exactly what's going on in that persons life at that time but my aim has never been to hurt anyone by making things personal... If I hurt you in anything I said them I apologise, but if you read through my posts to you then you will see they were meant with humour, not an outright attempt to hit out at you in anyway I can.

So what if Jim Boggs writes a poem that makes me feel good and gives my ego a boost.. Why should that bother you so much that you feel the need to take that away from me?? Enquiring minds want to know..

That's it really..

I will not be dragged into the web you are weaving so consider this my last response..

And I suggest you ignore my posts from now on, as I will yours.. I certainly wont be replying to ANYTHING you have to say in future so kindly keep me out of your battle for self destruction. </font>

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

in that the Jim Bogg's of the world do not know you and vice versa either.


The people I'm referring to, do indeed know me and I them, so don't go twisting my words and take things out of context..

In simple terms just for you..

You and your little friend set me up gaylord..

or at least you tried to...... well sorry but I don't come here to listen to the foul mouthed abuse that you seem to have in abundance. You have a real big chip on your shoulder about something, and I'm sorry you feel it neccessary to take whatever it is that's bugging you out on everyone who crosses your path...

I (like the best of them) can use sarcasm, and I like to think a little wit when posting.

At times (I accept) that maybe some things I post to a particular person may just be a little too close for comfort, there is no way of knowing exactly what's going on in that persons life at that time but my aim has never been to hurt anyone by making things personal... If I hurt you in anything I said them I apologise, but if you read through my posts to you then you will see they were meant with humour, not an outright attempt to hit out at you in anyway I can.

So what if Jim Boggs writes a poem that makes me feel good and gives my ego a boost.. Why should that bother you so much that you feel the need to take that away from me?? Enquiring minds want to know..

That's it really..

I will not be dragged into the web you are weaving so consider this my last response..

And I suggest you ignore my posts from now on, as I will yours.. I certainly wont be replying to ANYTHING you have to say in future so kindly keep me out of your battle for self destruction. </font>

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Well i just finished reading the rest of the posts, though i am a bit surprised, oh well.

I'll do you all a favor since you otherwise seem like nice people by saving you the time and wasted energy on a convetry trial and instead i will just leave this thread for good since people even here continue to take me the wrong way.


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Right then, it has hereby been proposed by a Knight in Good Standing (granted it was MrSpkr but work with me on this) and seconded by an Olde One that Coventry[ be proclaimed in the case of The Mutha Beautiful Thread, a.k.a. The CessPool, a.k.a. The Peng Challenge Thread vs. the Squire ... oh my ... say lads it just occurred to me that we've NEVER had a policy for this situation.

Previously all invocations of Coventry were against SSNs or Serfs. Indeed the whole process of making serfs from SSNs and Squires from Serfs was designed to weed out those who might be candidates for Coventry.

In this case ... I find myself at a loss (not unusual I grant you but still). It seems to me that we have three choices:

The Taft Hartley Bill: We can STILL proclaim Coventry but ... what then? He's still a member of the CessPool.

Tippiecanoe and Tyler Too: We can, as a group, renounce his membership and THEN proclaim Coventry.

The Royal Navy is the Senior Service: We can have HIS LIEGE (who the hell is it anyway) renounce him and throw him back in the SSN pool and THEN proclaim Coventry.

Cloture: We can just proclaim Coventry and TREAT him as if he's not a member.

I think we need a committee on this one. I nominate MrSpkr as chairman ... oh wait, he'll pack the committee with Republicans and gerrymander it so no one on the committee likes Gaylord F ... ... I nominate MrSpkr for chairman and recommend that he be allowed to select his committee members.


p.s. In light of the busy lives led by some amongst us, the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread will be supplying STENOGRAPHERS to the Chairman and all committee members.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Old Joe Shaw:

<font size=-1>p.s. In light of the busy lives led by some amongst us, the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread will be supplying STENOGRAPHERS to the Chairman and all committee members.</font>

These wouldn't be Mormon stenographers, would they?

My momma always told me to read the fine print, see.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Well i just finished reading the rest of the posts, though i am a bit surprised, oh well.

I'll do you all a favor since you otherwise seem like nice people by saving you the time and wasted energy on a convetry trial and instead i will just leave this thread for good since people even here continue to take me the wrong way.


Aw come on, don't be a wussy, if you truly feel that there is a misunderstanding, then make it clear, lad, state your side of the story, call your witnesses, dont take all the fun out of it all by just skulking away back to the GF. If Lady Emma , feels truly wronged, then apologize, I would apologize anyway. Sometimes words can be carried too far. We all are nice people....ummmm, maybe except Berli and Noba (dont like my rockets eh?), do the right thing.
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Originally posted by rune:


Just wondering if you have a special place for evil want-a-bes? Nidan1 has turned to the dark side of scenario making, and while I applaud the lad for the effort, does he realize the amount of work it takes to become REALLY evil? A really evil scenario is a thing of beauty...anyone can add 20 aircraft...but to be evil on multiple levels...well...it is just evil.

So welcome young Nidan1 to the dark side. May all your maps be childlike and without sewers.


You speak the truth sir, true evil requires copious amounts of effort, I will strive to live up to the example you, and others have set, although I dont know if I have the energy to attempt another one, or if I can afford to send my wife away on another visit to her mother, while I spend all my time at the computer.
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