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How long until CMBB is replaced?

Guest Mike

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DT-WW2 will evolve over time, covering different theaters of combat at different points in the war. The initial setting will be the hectic battles in Normandy during the summer of 1944.
Drop Team WW2 announced - looks like CMBO's replacement, and the other 2 in good time too I dare say....
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It won't be, ever. Drop Team is not a CM replacement. Not designed to be one, won't ever be one.

If you believe differently, please send me a Drop Team PBEM setup once the WW2 mod is out. Or write an AAR about how your game against the AI in which you took a battalion combat team into a defended village went.

All the best


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phil standbridge and Bonxa,

BFC has emphatically said several times that the days of CMBO/CMBB/CMAK theater wide games are over.

Instead, the new CMX2 approach is based on game modules focused on a specific battle or campaign,

with men and equipment tailored accordingly. The idea is to cut development time from years to months, improve cash flow in consequence,

and provide a deeper, richer gaming experience using a wholly new, purpose built engine designed specifically to be rapidly reconfigurable, rather than the hard coded earlier one. The new engine will be adaptable to all sorts of games.


John Kettler

[ August 07, 2006, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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It looks like 'Theatre of War 'will have several Russian Front segments (After all, the game is being developed in Russia). So that my be as close as we're going to get to a new cutting edge Eastern Front tactical game for awhile. But what we gain in detail we'll lose in scope. I don't see ANYBODY out there with the nerve to attempt the whole freakin' 41-45 Eastern Front again! CMBB is in a class by iteslf.

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I don't see the problem - the "whole" theatre consists of getting 1 set of mechanics, and applying data for equipment over the 4 year period - once the mechanics are sorted out the data would seem to be fairly simple in comparison!

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The only thing that needs to be replaced in the CMx1 series of games is the unshaded terrain IMHO.

Setting up a defense in hilly quick-battle terrain can be a real psychological challenge and borders on making the game unplayable for me! The green pixel soup is soo difficult to "read"!

Of course, once the AT shells start flying, the tedium is forgotten quickly!

Best regards,


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Have you tried any of the grid mod and other terrain readability enhancement programs that people have developed for the CM series? Also, if you think the "green pixel soup" is tough, try reading the desert contours in CMAK. Practically melted my brain on the first few times, and it's still not easy.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Have you tried any of the grid mod and other terrain readability enhancement programs that people have developed for the CM series? Also, if you think the "green pixel soup" is tough, try reading the desert contours in CMAK ...

Hi John!

Indeed, I tried downloading Captain Wacky's low res grids from CMMODS yesterday, but I was unable to unzip them on my system?! Maybe I have an outdated version of WinZip at home. I did not pursue the matter further.

About the desert in CMAK ... the main reason that I did not buy it (so far) was my total inability of finding that ditch in the center of the demo map; my troops stumbled into it by accident in the middle of the game :mad: . Sorry, but this broke the game for me, because in the third iteration of the game I would have expected at least some stupid Gouraud shading. So I decided to vote with my wallet, though I am definitely not proud of it redface.gif

Best regards,


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lol dont you guys use the near flat camera view so you can see the terrain better?

I love the desert!

As for CMBB, am currently thinking there will be no replacement, at least in the near future.

Prehaps CM2 ww2 modules covering the Eastern front will provide a suitable replacement but that isnt going to be happening for a while no?

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About CMAK terrain, it seems after the first few months of play few people touch the desert campaigns much, especially flat open terrain maps. CMAK morphs into an improved engine CMBO - Most of the 3rd party scenarios out there are either Normandy or Bulge battles!

About CMBB scope, remember we've now got over 300 different vehicle types in the game including Sturmtiger and two different types of Cz38T light tank. A CMx2 game with substantially higher polygon count vehicles would probably be closer to 20 - 30 vehicles maybe? That's 1/10th the current number.

When BFC has a finished base European terrain and a X versus Germans game setup, perhaps they could swap-out Americans vs Germans for a Brits vs Germans and eventually a more complex Russian vs Germans module. But global warming will have caused the ocean to inundate my home town before that happens, and I'll have other things to think about then.

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Besides the demo scenario, how often do we really see open steppe terrain (remember steppes?) in CMBB? Its not that desert and steppe terrain is unplayable, its just that both terrains are hell on infantry an need a LOT of time to cross. Your typical 30 turn farm country infantry scenario often needs to be 45+ turns in an open steppe/desert environment. And those extra fifteen turns are mostly spent just marching your infantry from point A to point B.

- Tank heavy scenarios are another matter entirely, though :D;)

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

Besides the demo scenario, how often do we really see open steppe terrain (remember steppes?) in CMBB? Its not that desert and steppe terrain is unplayable, its just that both terrains are hell on infantry an need a LOT of time to cross. Your typical 30 turn farm country infantry scenario often needs to be 45+ turns in an open steppe/desert environment. And those extra fifteen turns are mostly spent just marching your infantry from point A to point B.

- Tank heavy scenarios are another matter entirely, though :D;)

Ive seen the steppe quite a bit tongue.gif

But no i understand what you mean lol smile.gif

Although if a play a desert QB i go for the 40-50 turns.

Gives you enough time to fight the tank battle which usally ensures and the time to maneuver

your infantry ready for the fight.

I love it :D

Although anything with grass on, i do like more terrain hehe.

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