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PBEM file sizes are way too large!

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What happened with the patch? :confused:

I have started now 2 new CMBB PBEM-games and first one was QB, 2000pts, large map.

First movie size was 4,3Mb! We quitted that game and started a new one.

The new game was QB, 1250pts, medium map. And with these settings the first movie size was 6,3Mb!

We've played 3 QBs before 1.01-patch and none of the file sizes went over 700kb. What has happened? These 6Mb file sizes makes PBEM-gaming impossible for me because I'm behind a crappy modem...

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Kaizer - I also have noticed a large increase in file sizes although I have yet to see one over 2.5MB.

As a slightly fiddly workaround you can .zip the files before mailing them (there are several ways of doing it but I use PowerArchiver).

Keep this thread active and you'll probably get a comment from someone at BFC very soon.

[Edit] What type of terrain was on those maps, were they heavily wooded? My pet theory at the moment is that somehow trees are causing the big files. They certainly are bringing the game to a crawl in normal play as well.

[ November 30, 2002, 08:56 AM: Message edited by: Rex_Bellator ]

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Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

Kaizer - I also have noticed a large increase in file sizes although I have yet to see one over 2.5MB.

As a slightly fiddly workaround you can .zip the files before mailing them (there are several ways of doing it but I use PowerArchiver).

Keep this thread active and you'll probably get a comment from someone at BFC very soon.

[Edit] What type of terrain was on those maps, were they heavily wooded? My pet theory at the moment is that somehow trees are causing the big files. They certainly are bringing the game to a crawl in normal play as well.

LOL - The trees (or number of them) have or do nothing to add to the size of a PBEM file. The terrain part of the file should be a fixed size and would contain data describing the X loc,Y loc,altitude,terrain type, etc...

The units and the plotting of moves make a big difference. If the battle being talked about consisted of large amounts of armored units with all of them moving at the same time then that is probably why the file size is so big. I have to admit that I would freak out with a 6 Meg file size! :D

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I also like to mention that BEFORE 1.01CDV patch I've played 3 CMBB PBEM-games.

2000pts, medium map, summer day, moderate tree coverage, still (biggest file :864kb)

1500pts, medium map, snow ground, moderate tree coverage, blizzard (biggest file :604kb)

1250pts, medium map, summer day, moderate tree coverage, breeze (biggest file :459kb)

Now AFTER THE PATCH, the first 1 minute video : 6,21Mb!

Some specs of this QB

Tree coverage : moderate

Hilliness : modest hills

Damage : none

Ground : snow

Air : snow & strong wind

So, all the environment settings are very similar than always before, but the file size has increased 10x!

I zipped the 6,21Mb file to 4,3Mb, but still it's too large for a modem player.

OH YEAH! And all the games were meeting engagements, so at the beginning there is a lot of moving going on...

I cannot afford yet to buy the "all-resolving-ADSL"-connection.

[ November 30, 2002, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Kaiser Soze 71 ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I think it's all about LOS calculations. If you have even a small battle, but there are twenty tanks at once facing off it will create a huge file size. Let me guess - in your 6mg battle, you guys are all in range and LOS of each other, aren't you?

No, I don't see any enemy troops/tanks and I have placed my troops so, that the enemy certainly won't spot my troops on first minute...
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I've just checked my 'sent' folder in Outlook, and the largest file-size I have is 900kb. And I am playing about 11 games of varying size, with the largest a 3000 Armoured Engagement. The average movie-file seems to be 400kb - 700kb, and in all my years of CM I've NEVER seen one over about 2mb.

The new game was QB, 1250pts, medium map. And with these settings the first movie size was 6,3Mb!
That can't be right, there has to be something else causing the large size. Can you think of anything it might be?
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I haven't noticed it myself, the most recent I've received (about 5 minutes ago) is a movie turn from one of the CD scenarios - 481kb. I'm using the CDV version, but I can't see why it should be an issue of localisation.

So far though I've only played scenarios PBEM, I wonder if it's just QBs that are casuing the problem.

Edited for Kaizer: I always use EFOW too.

[ November 30, 2002, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

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Nope, not mods, the size is almost totally dependant on calculations. I don't think EFOW makes a difference, either. In fact, it's possible EFOW would create smaller sizes since target-recognition would be reduced.

I would say it has to do with a great number and variety of unit types coupled with long and complex movement paths, and intensive LOS calculations.

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Things that really matter are:

1) LOS calculations

2) long range gunnery

3) movement paths (the longer the worse) - because there has to be a calculation figuring out whether the unit can be seen and shot at, at any given point, for every moving unit in comparison to any other unit on the board (at least that is how I understand it).

Now I have just sent off a turn in which I have quite a bit of long-range fire (up to 1,600m) and about 50-80 moving units. The size was 408k. In 1.01.

I think BFC will need to see the file to figure out what is going on.

[ November 30, 2002, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: Andreas ]

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I've never seen anything above 2.5 megs, it would be nice if BFC could comment this one. If it's not a bug, then an explanation of what's causing that huge file size so that I can avoid it.

I have the same opinion as Andreas about what causes the big file sizes, but from what I can understand that shouldn't be the cause here.

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It's also weird, that we both updated the game as instructed - without any problems. And when we continued the (now with updated CMBB) ongoing battle, the file sizes were always as usual (less than 1Mb).

But with the new game, the problems started.

If Battlefront wants that file, I will happily send it to them (even when it takes about 40mins).

Yes, I have a lot of hires-mods, but my opponent doesn't. The screen view is just different for him than I have (for example I see winter uniforms, but his troops are wearing summer clothing). PBEM-files doesn't include the bitmaps.

PS. Now with the new game, the placings are done and next we are going to order some movements.

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Originally posted by Kaiser Soze 71:

Yes, I have a lot of hires-mods, but my opponent doesn't. The screen view is just different for him than I have (for example I see winter uniforms, but his troops are wearing summer clothing). PBEM-files doesn't include the bitmaps.

Bugger Mods. Mods are on your computer, and affect nothing, other than the pretty pictures that you see. They are not transmitted, affect not the file size, and go unreguarded by your opponent.

Omit this from you concerns over 'large file sizes'.

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Just to throw in my 2 cents worth. It may be related to playing the game in snow/ice conditions (although god knows why). I'm currently playing a game against Noloff set in snow/ice conditions with my units wearing ski's. Perhaps the ski's may have some effect on file size since I noticed my initial PBEM file was almost 2 megs in size which certainly surprised me for a relatively modest sized scenario.

I assume the programme has to keep tab of which unit is using ski's & which isn't and this may have something to do with it. Of course, I could be talking completely out of my arse as well! smile.gif


Jim R.

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