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Peng Eye For the Challenge Guy: The Grog Makeovers

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Editted to ensure PondScum loses another precious two seconds of his life

[rumages around a particularly dank and ailing shrub]

It was probably the most meaningful two seconds...or four seconds (not that I'm counting)... Have we got to a minute yet?

Tick, tock *honk*

Lob 'im a crayon to record the event. *sniff* One can only take so much enlightenment... pathetic.


[ September 24, 2003, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

I was carrying a Panzerschrect

Since this is a special GROG thread (thanks to 'I sleep with Grogs and want to have their children' Seanachai), I may as well play the part....

<font size = 5>It's a feckin PANZERSCHRECK, you pathetic excuse of a Human!!!

A panzer SCHRECK!!!!

S ..C ..H ..R ..E ..C ..K!!!!!

For feck sake.........



There. I think that sounded quite Grog like.


[ September 24, 2003, 04:35 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Mace? I think your sheep are calling you.


Shhh. He's not allowed to "play" with the sheep, yet. He is VERY BUSY .... doing unmentionable things on his computer (except sending turns) for the good of wargaming humanity. We must leave him to complete this onerous task. He can play with the sheep - AFTER he is finished.

What ever you do; don't mention the 53,000 sheep stuck on the cruise ship. They wouldn't let him sign on as crew - he had a smile on his face as he tried to convince the Captain he was a paid up member of the RSPCA....


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

I was carrying a Panzerschrect

Since this is a special GROG thread (thanks to 'I sleep with Grogs and want to have their children' Seanachai), I may as well play the part....

<font size = 5>It's a feckin PANZERSCHRECK, you pathetic excuse of a Human!!!

A panzer SCHRECK!!!!

S ..C ..H ..R ..E ..C ..K!!!!!

For feck sake.........



There. I think that sounded quite Grog like.

Mace </font>

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Further testing shows a two-man team, with the proper motivation could sprint with the model OU812 Panzershark even after a picnic. I utterly fail to understand why BFC left this out of CMBB. The OU812 model being the most common from June of ’43 to July of ’44. Early September of ’44 saw the introduction of the lighter I812Green model Panzershark. The new model while much lighter, in many cases caused troops issued with it to slow down considerably with the extra bowel problems inherent in its design. Introducing what has become known as the Grogsyndrome, crapping and running off at the mouth.

[ September 24, 2003, 09:18 AM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

Never fear little Mouse, it is a neverending story, my possible birthday present. For instance, dear Lars could hear the noise outside an lean out of his window to get a better view, but forget that his window is closed, causing him to smash his dull-but-heavy brainpan through a sheet of leaded glass and thereby severing his grinning skull. Said bodyless noggin could fall at 32 ft/sec2 until it smacked onto little Mouse, who could be scurrying along the sidewalk in an effort to avoid the whole mess.

If my death takes a SSN with me, I'd consider it a blessing.

Yes, yes, I know you would consider it a blessing too.


SSN Hint Of The Day: Take your colicky baby to the movies.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Further testing shows a two-man team, with the proper motivation could sprint with the model OU812 Panzershark even after a picnic. I utterly fail to understand why BFC left this out of CMBB. The OU812 model being the most common from June of ’43 to July of ’44. Early September of ’44 saw the introduction of the lighter I812Green model Panzershark. The new model while much lighter, in many cases caused troops issued with it to slow down considerably with the extra bowel problems inherent in its design. Introducing what has become known as the Grogsyndrome, crapping and running off at the mouth.

Hey Nick how about sending me a set up? I haven't had a good drubbing from you in months.
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Hey Nick how about sending me a set up? I haven't had a good drubbing from you in months.
I would be happy to Sir Nidan . Several of us are putting “The Road to Moscow” scenario through its paces before uploading it to The Depot . Becket and I just started a PBEM in which I have the Russian side. A setup, which gives you the Russian side, is on its way to your inbox. Please feel free to open the battle in your editor and take a thorough look at it. This is its finished form and it has play tested very well.

Good luck sir!

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Boo? Mister Radley??

You rang? Sorry I didn't get an opportunity to send you a move last evening. I know how you so count on them to distract you from the endless ennui that is your life, but I had a meeting to go to and then, when I got home, there was a program I wanted to see on Nova. (No. Not Noba. Any program on him would be like a public access program developed, directed, written and starring tree moss. And not the really hep, cool tree moss. We're talking something that even lichen would take out Snipe hunting.)

The program was called "Neanderthals on Trial" and boasted a slew of computer animations, wax and plaster figures and artist's conceptions, that I imagine, looked just like one of your family photo albums.

Quite informative.

I wonder if I could get an endowment from the Chubb Group of Insurance Agencies by providing a university with photos of you? Nah, they'd take one look at them and cry, "Fraud! Fake! Piltdown!"

Well, it would be expected, I guess.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Never fear little Mouse, it is a neverending story, my possible birthday present. For instance, dear Lars could hear the noise outside an lean out of his window to get a better view, but forget that his window is closed, causing him to smash his dull-but-heavy brainpan through a sheet of leaded glass and thereby severing his grinning skull. Said bodyless noggin could fall at 32 ft/sec2 until it smacked onto little Mouse, who could be scurrying along the sidewalk in an effort to avoid the whole mess.

If my death takes a SSN with me, I'd consider it a blessing.


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Originally posted by Mouse:

I mean, 2 inches of solid skull bone around you has to provide some sort of protection, doesn't it?

Not against High Explosives and Clankety Things.

Which begs the question (much like Hiram begs for freedom from fleas): How did the Explosives get high in the first place?


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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Groggy wankers, wanking on about grogs. The only species on the BFC forums to hold in more contempt than you lot. And that includes SSNs.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

Are you going postal in this thread too?

I thought they agreed it was temporary.


You're sure grouchy enough to be a grog.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Boo? Mister Radley??

You rang? Sorry I didn't get an opportunity to send you a move last evening. I know how you so count on them to distract you from the endless ennui that is your life, but I had a meeting to go to and then, when I got home, there was a program I wanted to see on Nova. (No. Not Noba. Any program on him would be like a public access program developed, directed, written and starring tree moss. And not the really hep, cool tree moss. We're talking something that even lichen would take out Snipe hunting.)

The program was called "Neanderthals on Trial" and boasted a slew of computer animations, wax and plaster figures and artist's conceptions, that I imagine, looked just like one of your family photo albums.

Quite informative.

I wonder if I could get an endowment from the Chubb Group of Insurance Agencies by providing a university with photos of you? Nah, they'd take one look at them and cry, "Fraud! Fake! Piltdown!"

Well, it would be expected, I guess. </font>

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

What's your point? You didn't send a turn. Are you scared, Boo?? Are you getting the hershey squirts knowing that I will beat you senseless in your scenario? Are you trembling in abject fear that I have now begun to spank the twins known as Dalem and Lee Oh and will do the same to you? Give me some more excuses, Boo. I care.

You amuse me Hiram. And not in an innocent, child-like way, like watching clowns have sex or cartoon characters injuring each other in graphic, physically impossible ways. You amuse me in the way I would be amused if I saw a hated enemy slip on a banana peel and then fall into a cauldron of boiling poison, then as he attempted to climb out, be attacked by a swarm of mutant killer bees that would rend the supperating flesh from his face as it was stretched in a rictus of horror and pain.

This is how you amuse me.

Do your worst. I've given you every advantage I can think of in this game and on this map, except for just outright surrendering on move one, hoping that it may possibly offset your truly abysmal, horrible, horrid, lackluster, amateurish, pathetic playing.

Croda, my most estimable former leige once told me that he beat you once just by drawing movement lines from his side of the map to yours and hitting "GO" repeatedly. Is this true?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Croda, my most estimable former leige once told me that he beat you once just by drawing movement lines from his side of the map to yours and hitting "GO" repeatedly. Is this true?

Hiram must be learning sumfink, because that method is not currently working for me. I blame it on my reduced malt liquor intake of late.
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