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Hurricane Peng – A Cat 5 Challenge or just a steady drip?

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Originally posted by Abbott:

As you are new around here let me take a moment to assure you that the above post to start this thread has NOTHING to do with you.

WRONG! Thanks for playing. Here's a nice dead rat as a consolation prize. Has everything to do with him, and every other mook that wanders stupidly in here
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Oh look it's bearlickthatagain or whatever. Got some time off from the CORE did ya? Man, you guys work less than my dad and he's a civil servant.

What is it you mostly do over there? It's hard to tell, but as far as I can see it has a lot to do with getting involved in fights that have nothing to do with you.

Platoon was a cool movie. Lots of soldiers in that one.

Don't you have a dictator in a third world country to topple somewhere?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You're just going to hurry the whole process of being sent to Coventry, and I simply can't afford to cross the Justicar on that issue any more, as every time I have it has turned out very, very badly.

He can be taught!

Geez, I'm gone for part of a day, the thread pops out ten pages (most from Canuckians and their ilk), and Seanachai gets a stalker.

I never did quite get the hang of Fridays.

By the way, can anyone logically explain to me why I do not have phone service at my house anymore (it has been transferred to the new home), but I do have internet access? Or why I cannot use my home email program (outlook) to send mail, but I can receive it? Or why I can access the same mailbox via email and both send and receive from there?

This is all so very puzzling.


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What is it you mostly do over there? It's hard to tell, but as far as I can see it has a lot to do with getting involved in fights that have nothing to do with you.
I TOLD you he didn't get it! He just doesn't seem to understand that the Peng Challenge Thread is ALL about fights, we fight all the time, with each other mostly but we DO so enjoy the lesser lights that wander in from time to time. It's a nice change of pace.

But lads, we've forgotten our manners! What MUST this SSN think of us not to formally welcome him to the Mutha Beautiful Thread? Allow me ... SOODDDDD OFFFFFFFF!. There ... all nice and proper.

Btw, Seanachai I'm beginning to think that your age analysis is right on the money. Do they have a legal age for stalking? How about Mortal Enemies, how old must you be to do that? Are the rules different in Canada and does the snow depth affect the speed of the stalking?


[ September 19, 2003, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Cabron66:

Snip. Now that's how much I love PENG.

My oh my oh my. Where to begin? in medias res seems apropos of nothing and nothing is what this is all aboot. A boot to the groin or a knuckle to the head. It doesn't make a hoot bit of an owl's knockers to me. So Seana-Chachi loves Ritchie has hisself a Mordant Emily? P-funkadelic Allstars brotherman and I mean that like I mean just about everything to do with Jehova's Witlesses Self abusing self afreebasing Pryorian flaming headed runnin down the street fan-boy attaboy where's the mescaline preaching sundogs. This Cabron feller makes a stinging nettle condom seem like a dip in the internet pornoramathonathong humdingery dowop a dilly. If I had a hammer I'd rather be a tissue than a snot. Or is that the other side up? Can't seem to figger it out. Lets dig a bit deeper uncle Festering Mexinadian chappy got the thingy onthe brain and the strap in the crack aboot his supine suppereatin supporatin wounded knee. Long about this time last year he was crossin both borders at once buyin books and frightenin the middleclass middleaged middleamerikkkaners with his mapleleaf rag and his ground a-maizing tortillaflathead. Couldn't find hisself a bleedin clue fitwas on a all female clue college campus on the 28th of the month.

An that's aboot all I gots tosay aboot that.

And another thingy. erm. Where's the mushrooms?


P.S. Sorry C66, Boo is my latest flame. After he has had his way with me, praps you can get sloppy 67ths.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cabron66:

Man, you are too easy. 4 threads shut down in one day. Shall we go for 5? 6?

You are truly amazing! Why I bet you'll have this one locked right around the time it hits 12 or 13 pages </font>
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Oh, and one more thing before I go to bed. If there are some 13,000 people on this forum you guys account for what? 0.0003% of them. So, no matter how hard I try with you twits, I won't even scratch the surface. Now that is discouraging. Much more so than being insulted by a guy who licks bears again, hangs out in the core and apparently trips on Oliver Stone flics.

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Originally posted by Andreas:

a) The absence of Bren Tripods in CMBB

B) Why can't HMGs run in CMBO

c) Funnies in all shapes and forms

d) Mine dogs

e) Horses and their pityful absence

f) Why CM would be r0ks0r in real time (yeah, I know I suck at lEEt speak - comes with the phenomenal IQ I have)

g) September 11th conspiracy

h) The bombing of the Baldwin residence

Oh please let it be A. That would bring back such fond memories.
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Well isn't that a pesser. Seanachai, if I'd know you wanted your own Canuckianite Personal Stalker / (slash) Mortal Enemy I would have gladly volunteered.

Now the new idjit from Nova Scotia (which I don't believe...with his attitude he Has to be from Toronto) has the title and he probably won't give it up without a lot of crying, whining and another government handout (or two).

I'm so depressed / (slash) upset I think I'm actually going to let you say nice things about Canaduh for as long as you want. Or I think you're being nice to us. Whichever comes first.


Ps. If I can find my copy of Care and Feeding of Your Personal Stalker I'll send it to you. I think it's even the Cuba North edition with the coupons for free health care inside.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

My oh my oh my. Where to begin? in medias res seems apropos of nothing and nothing is what this is all aboot. A boot to the groin or a knuckle to the head. It doesn't make a hoot bit of an owl's knockers to me. So Seana-Chachi loves Ritchie has hisself a Mordant Emily? P-funkadelic Allstars brotherman and I mean that like I mean just about everything to do with Jehova's Witlesses Self abusing self afreebasing Pryorian flaming headed runnin down the street fan-boy attaboy where's the mescaline preaching sundogs. This Cabron feller makes a stinging nettle condom seem like a dip in the internet pornoramathonathong humdingery dowop a dilly. If I had a hammer I'd rather be a tissue than a snot. Or is that the other side up? Can't seem to figger it out. Lets dig a bit deeper uncle Festering Mexinadian chappy got the thingy onthe brain and the strap in the crack aboot his supine suppereatin supporatin wounded knee. Long about this time last year he was crossin both borders at once buyin books and frightenin the middleclass middleaged middleamerikkkaners with his mapleleaf rag and his ground a-maizing tortillaflathead. Couldn't find hisself a bleedin clue fitwas on a all female clue college campus on the 28th of the month.

Bob Dylan, right?
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If there are some 13,000 people on this forum you guys account for what? 0.0003% of them. So, no matter how hard I try with you twits, I won't even scratch the surface.
But we're the cool 0.0003%.

And of course you're quite right, you WON'T even scratch the surface, as you've demonstrated so well.

Harv ... you've been absent, oh former Squire o' mine ... explain yourself sirrah!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Harv ... you've been absent, oh former Squire o' mine ... explain yourself sirrah!



Been busy?

Actually, I just got done that harvest type thingy so that the rest of you slackers/tossers/losers can continue eating.

Which really makes me wonder why I do it, but I digress...

Speaking of which, I must find out if there is any way to ensure that Cabdriver never eats anything produced in Canaduh. If he's forced to eat imported food (cows are happy outside of Cuba North I hear), then hopefully then he'll pick some other poor sodding country to move to and defend and finally leave us to be picked on in peace.

I'll tell you about the skunk in the wheat swath that went through the combine later maybe. I'd hate to have the Ladies afraid of what might be in the next loaf of bread they open.


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

An that's aboot all I gots tosay aboot that.

And another thingy. erm. Where's the mushrooms?

What was the name of the guy who wrote "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?" Just wait, let me run and grab my copy of "Desolation Dogs" so I can copy another writer's style and convince my groveling pack of dogs that I know all.

Be this the golden calf upon whose pedestal gifts of the Peng throng are laid? False idols be damned! With all the (PENG!) breath in times breast do the cosmos let blare the silvered trumpets of war (PENG!) and a NEW god is born. He who is above all things and (PENG!) in them. From nothing he comes and with malicious innocence does see what was not. For before he, there was naught but nothing to see (PENG!)...

"Listen, there it is again. Can you hear it?"



(Camera shifts to igloo in isolated wilderness. A shadow falls across the entrance and a bearded man with hollow eyes drags himself out into the chill air. Looking about him he turns and bolts off over the tundra. His long shanks gleaming under the light of a cruel moon. A bear skin (freshly licked by that guy named "again") coat his only protection.)

Minutes after his passing the shadows come alive and sweep across the clearing. The igloo is gone, the trees and stars follow, soon all the land will share their fate. PENG has come.

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