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I tried to challenge Peng, but all I got was an indecent proposal...

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MrSpkr I have a new creation in the mold of Jabo! for your review. It's a little gem of a scenario I call ... IL Be Seeing You and gives the Axis player some serious armor for a change. None of this Mk III crap for Ker Dessel*, no sir, we've got KTs and even ... wait for it ... SturmTigers! AND no silly Matilda's either.

I tell you it's likely the best thing I've done. Would you care to look at it?


p.s. And besides it gets us one more post toward ending this stupid page.

* Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way.

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Originally posted by DUNDROY:

Never let it be said I didn't comply

to the rules.

First lad, you don't comply TO the rules, you comply WITH the rules ... and second, no you don't.

The rules (first post, first page, this incarnation of the MBT) state most specifically that you must CHALLENGE someone or SOD OFF! I've yet to see a compliant challenge from you ... so SOD OFF!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

First lad, you don't comply TO the rules, you comply WITH the rules ... and second, no you don't.

The rules (first post, first page, this incarnation of the MBT) state most specifically that you must CHALLENGE someone or SOD OFF! I've yet to see a compliant challenge from you ... so SOD OFF!


I challenge Peng.

[ May 09, 2003, 11:52 AM: Message edited by: DUNDROY ]

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Photos are fine in their place or for additional impact, but BY TRADITION this is a place of WORDS, and words shall be given priority. As keeper of the sacred traditions of the CessPool I find this to be only fair.


Joe ,honestly , the value of words here are pretty sad lately.

I thought I'm saving this place from permanent disgrace...

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Send it my way.

Now that we are on a new page, let's avoid posting pictures for a bit, guys. It's getting old (and you all know to whom I am referring).


Mr Spkr ,you are getting old.Thanks God ,you just one of 6 billions species.

(personally I find penguins much more entertaining ,and more important ,honest then you)

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A scene from a dark cave far beneath the Cess-Pool. Effluent drips with metronome regularity, and torches gutter in the dank air. Even the fire seems weary as it struggles to push back the darkness. A few shadowy forms huddle around a stone table; the worn down defenders of the MBT resigned to the seemingly doomed struggle against creeping mediocrity. Empty bottles litter the floor.

Jo Xia - Well that’s it then. This is how it is to end? With morons posting pictures or penguins and whatnot, and other morons challenging Peng? Oh the shame. I’m sorry lads, it appears that I’ve failed in my duties as keeper of the traditions of the MBT. [weeps softly].

MrSpanker – There, there Jo, its not all your fault. I’ve not done to well as Inquisitor either. It’s a sad thing, these pool-dipping idiots have done to a once proud institution, but there is more than enough blame to go around. [looks around] Where are the squires, I need another beer?

Boo Boo – The’ve all left. Doesn’t really matter since the booze is gone as well.

Lard – NOOOOoooooooo. [collapses on the floor]

Boo Boo - So are the inflatable sheep.

Mace - NOOOOoooooooo. [collapses on the floor]

· * * *

Thus marks the nadir of the Cesspool. A once shining star amongst the plethora of tournaments, ladders, rules, and gamey opponents, rushing jeeps and running machine guns. Once the Olympian heights to which the average Boardie could only dream, it has, much like Nobel Peace Prize, been reduced to a shell of what it once stood for.

But stick to it lads. You are caretakers of the Cess. You few await the return to glory. A time when idiots such as this Monty and DUNGBOY would verbally have had their spleens crushed, their bellies split open, and their intestines used as a Sicilian necktie. A time when Meeks would have popped Morons such as Lt. Wort like a pimple on Berli’s bum rather than make him a Squire (or whatever the hell he is). A time when jd would have unleashed his attack Croda on any who dared soil the Cess as has been done of late. That time will come.

In the meantime, something almost as good. I’ll be sending out some equally long awaited turns to a lucky few who had games with me.

[ May 09, 2003, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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Originally posted by DUNDROY:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

First lad, you don't comply TO the rules, you comply WITH the rules ... and second, no you don't.

The rules (first post, first page, this incarnation of the MBT) state most specifically that you must CHALLENGE someone or SOD OFF! I've yet to see a compliant challenge from you ... so SOD OFF!


I challenge Peng. </font>
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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Marlow:

But stick to it lads. You are caretakers of the Cess.

The chance was there .The chance was missed.Only a miracle or a disaster could restore it.

Nothing is true ,everything is permitted.

( the place was at first unknown to me , but more familiar with each step I took as if some hideous jigsaw of memory were slowly failing into place:the monuments all empty ,the smell of hunger and death ,sulfurous blazing hate in faces that turned to look at me as I passed...now they were all pointing at me and shouting a words I could not understand..)

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Marlow:

But stick to it lads. You are caretakers of the Cess.

The chance was there .The chance was missed.Only a miracle or a disaster could restore it.

Nothing is true ,everything is permitted.

( the place was at first unknown to me , but more familiar with each step I took as if some hideous jigsaw of memory were slowly failing into place:the monuments all empty ,the smell of hunger and death ,sulfurous blazing hate in faces that turned to look at me as I passed...now they were all pointing at me and shouting a words I could not understand..) </font>

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I, for one, will not allow this thread to die...becuase it irrates Peng so. As long as there is breath in my lungs, and I am not working on that which cannot be named *cough* CMAK, I will continue to torture the poor souls here with scenarios.

Marlow , of House Rune , do not dispair...I could send you a new evilness now...or even worse. a monstrosity being worked on, that shall even make my 3.06 machine of wonder quiver in fear. What battle could be so large as to cause this? Think July, think 1943, think LSSAH...think trouble.

I have not heard from my Squirette lately. Have you put any lawyers in their place yet. {Yes, I mean where Berli lives.

The thread shall live on, and regain its potential...even if we have to get Joe Shaw to give up on Mormon Wives to do it!


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Originally posted by rune:

I, for one, will not allow this thread to die...becuase it irrates Peng so. As long as there is breath in my lungs, and I am not working on that which cannot be named *cough* CMAK, I will continue to torture the poor souls here with scenarios.

Marlow , of House Rune , do not dispair...I could send you a new evilness now...or even worse. a monstrosity being worked on, that shall even make my 3.06 machine of wonder quiver in fear. What battle could be so large as to cause this? Think July, think 1943, think LSSAH...think trouble.

I have not heard from my Squirette lately. Have you put any lawyers in their place yet. {Yes, I mean where Berli lives.

The thread shall live on, and regain its potential...even if we have to get Joe Shaw to give up on Mormon Wives to do it!


Rune you're wrong ... wow ... if we only had a buck for each time one of us said THAT eh lads?

Actually you're spot on for most of your post but the ending is completely incorrect. The Mormon Wives are an integral part of the lore and legend of the CessPool, much as the statement "Oh crap, not another stupid RUNE scenario." actually goes to the heart of the hole CessPool experience.

And to prove it ...



















And they would say the CessPool is dead ... WE know better don't we Rune.


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No one likes clowns anymore. Except the clowns themselves ofcource. Well, to be perfectly honest, Im not sure clowns were ever in demand. They were probably something people watched because there was nothing better to do...kinda like watching Batchelor or Survivor. Anyway, clowns are a thing of the past, like jesters, or vinyl records. They freak everyone out when they appear dressed as complete retards. Then they pour water over themselves and fall on their ass, and expect us to laugh? I dont think so. We’d all rather just dress them up as deer and leave them in the woods in the middle of hunting season.

Seriously, does ANYONE think they are funny? No, they are just sick, sad, pathetic drunks, wearing disgusting clothes. But THEY think they are funny. The clowns go "oh, but we are doing this for the kids" like hell they are. They are doing it because it is the only thing they know how to do. And they need the money to buy booze.


In the entire history of mankind there has never been a more hated "profession" than that of the mime. Creepy figures closely related to the clowns, these guys also think they are funny. Or at least thought provoking. Come on, they dress up in tights and put on makeup, then they dance around like complete retards...HELLO isnt all just one gigantic way of saying Hey I’m a HOMO not that there is anything wrong with THAT... It would be all fine and well if they stayed hidden in basements or in remote parts of the wilderness...nut nooo they have to do it in the middle of crowded streets or in some shopping mall. Often they claim to have a message, they pretend to be locked in a box to symbolize how many can feel trapped in their lifes. I say BS. And guess what, we dont really want to see you out yourself like that. No, in fact we’d rather have drunk and unwashed fat 65yrold female Bulgarian ex-weight lifters lick our eyeballs than watch you dance around in tights.


Our own Polish-Dutch-Clown-Mime-clone.

I dont like you Lenakonrad. For several reasons. The most obvious being that you post in this thread. See you dont belong here. Frankly, you probably belong in some Dutch streetcorner pestering tourists with little clay penguins you made yourself under some drug inflicted ruse, trying to scrape together enough money to buy another hit.

Now I know that you are a very deep person. Yes, I think you are really smart (as if), and you are probably someone who’ve spent several hundreds of nights pondering over the deeper meanings of our existence. Someone who hangs out with artists and actors, smoking pot and drinking red wine. Fine...that is all fine and well. I knew guys like you when I was at the uni. And believe it or not, I can appreciate those discussions sometimes, yes they can be fun, interesting, stimulating. But they can also go overboard...get it?

See I think you find your penguin pictures funny or maybe not funny, but thought provoking or smart in some deeper artistic meaning. Well, they sure as hell aint funny. Maybe they are deep on some level for you or your artist friends, but we dont care about that deeper level. We could not care less. Here they are just a nucience. I think I speak for all of us when I say STOP POSTING PICTURES IN THE MBT.

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