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Peng Challenge Telethon a Success – Australia Saved

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Let's do an analysis:

Minne-as in Mini, microscopic, infintesimle. Represents all aspects of existance in the state, especially stature and intelligence.

So-as in So What. Represents reaction to the statement "I'm from Minnesota"

Ta-as in Ta Ta. Represents continuation of above example. "I'm from Minnesota" "So what, ta ta"

Known for it's renegade iceflows which have been known to crush docks as helpless/hopeless owners watch in horror.

Should be avoided by all except those named Nanook or Sven

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Okay, last month we Minnesotans (i.e. the True Core of the MBT) were cavorting on the water in the good graces of Lars and his LadyFriend. Then Papa Khann had one too many Cosmopolitans I guess, and developed a "fascination" for drunken garden gnomes. I was going to try and come up with witty captions for the horror presented below, but alas, my mind is but a barren plain, swept by the dry winds of despair at the memory of what occurred.

Mayhap dear Persephone can "fix" the horror?




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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


Let's do an analysis:

Minne-as in Mini, microscopic, infintesimle. Represents all aspects of existance in the state, especially stature and intelligence.

So-as in So What. Represents reaction to the statement "I'm from Minnesota"

Ta-as in Ta Ta. Represents continuation of above example. "I'm from Minnesota" "So what, ta ta"

Known for it's renegade iceflows which have been known to crush docks as helpless/hopeless owners watch in horror.

Should be avoided by all except those named Nanook or Sven

Slow day at the office, eh Jim? All your beans have been counted and put away. Now you sit quietly in your tiny cubicle. Watching as geckos and palmetto bugs fight each other for the sad remnants of your lunch, a few crusts of white bread, perhaps a sliver of olive loaf. Yours is a simple existence, isn't it, Jim? Somehow, it fits.
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Originally posted by dalem:

Okay, last month we Minnesotans (i.e. the True Core of the MBT) were cavorting on the water in the good graces of Lars and his LadyFriend. Then Papa Khann had one too many Cosmopolitans I guess, and developed a "fascination" for drunken garden gnomes. I was going to try and come up with witty captions for the horror presented below, but alas, my mind is but a barren plain, swept by the dry winds of despair at the memory of what occurred.

Mayhap dear Persephone can "fix" the horror?




And a perfectly good woman in the background that they ignored, that's what I didn't understand.

Not that there is anything wrong with that...

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Yours is a simple existence, isn't it, Jim? Somehow, it fits.

Life is sweet in the Sunshine State!

Besides I've only got from 8-5 to post 24 hours worth of stuff, so.......

Tip for Boo:

Zing me at 5:05PM est, then you can relax all night!

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Originally posted by Lars:

And a perfectly good woman in the background that they ignored, that's what I didn't understand.

Not that there is anything wrong with that...

Here now, she was with the French lad, now wasn't she? How rude would that have been, hitting on the woman with her husband standing right there?

Besides, she seemed desperately concerned with where Orono was, and for the most part we didn't even know where we were. You certainly didn't know where the boat was most of the time, and you were running it.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

And a perfectly good woman in the background that they ignored, that's what I didn't understand.

Not that there is anything wrong with that...

Here now, she was with the French lad, now wasn't she? How rude would that have been, hitting on the woman with her husband standing right there?

Besides, she seemed desperately concerned with where Orono was, and for the most part we didn't even know where we were. You certainly didn't know where the boat was most of the time, and you were running it. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Here now, she was with the French lad, now wasn't she? How rude would that have been, hitting on the woman with her husband standing right there?

So you're saying Papa Kahn was a better choice?

Besides, she seemed desperately concerned with where Orono was, and for the most part we didn't even know where we were. You certainly didn't know where the boat was most of the time, and you were running it.
Did too.

It was on the blue part of the map.

So there.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

* Fielding teams in the US national basketball, baseball and gridiron competitions.

The entertainment factor of just seeing an Aussie basketball team would alone be worth it.

Not to mention that it would by default become the largest state, shutting up those snooty Alaskans and dropping Texas to a dismal third. No downside there.

<font color=blue size=4>Thank you for reminding me of how much I enjoyed watching a basketball team from a country with a population of 4 million people (New Zealand) make it into the semifinals of the world cup, leaving the behind a giant like the US in the quater finals.

Thank you.</font>

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

I assume, by the very existence of your response, that I am not yet on the list. I look forward to being put on the list in the near future.

[scribbles something in the Paddock Book of Listless Plonkers... ]

Yer on me list... under...

[scribble, scribble, scribble]




[... and with a *honk* and at a trot something does several turns around the Paddock to a croaky Sullivan, nostrils vibrato forte]

As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,

I've got a little list--I've got a little list

Of society offenders who might well be underground,

And who never would be missed--who never would be missed!

There's the pestilential nuisances who write for autographs--

All people who have flabby hands and irritating laughs--

All children who are up in dates, and floor you with 'em flat--

All persons who in shaking hands, shake hands with you like _that_--

And all third persons who on spoiling tete-a-tetes insist--

They'd none of 'em be missed--they'd none of 'em be missed!

CHORUS. He's got 'em on the list--he's got 'em on the list;

And they'll none of 'em be missed--they'll none of

'em be missed

*sniff* thrilling, bleedin' thrilling... one just can't get enough of existence... assumed or otherwise (which isn't a lot)... its all just too dreadful and weary when one has to compile a list of one.

Yeknod </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I don't know, the more I think about this game the more I think that Geier may actually be onto something.


If I hadn't slaughtered my hard drive and murderated my Addy book I would have been able to reach more of you ... people. Lars for instance, and Hakko. Imagine the gnawing hollowness they must feel when they fully understand that there is no way they can make a cooler character than my 26th level (currently, I left the puter on at work, HA!) Eel Man Hunter-Strangler with an INT of 48!

Seanachai will get right on with this game since you can play as a Demicanadian Tickle-Mimic. Or maybe he'll opt for a powerful Double Hobbit Robot Monk.

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Offstralia joining the U.S.? God would not be so cruel. I already have to smell Minestroneans when the wind is from the west, and ILLannoyans fester to my south, now I am expected to pitch in when someone starts collecting for orphaned kangaroo's? Or pay the prison bills of some deviant Koala molester?

They wouldn't bring the Kiwi's with them would they?

Heck, while we are at it, why not let the Canadianinnys in?

Alright, at least ABBA will always be Swedish. That is one thing they can't hang on us.

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Originally posted by Geier:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I don't know, the more I think about this game the more I think that Geier may actually be onto something.


If I hadn't slaughtered my hard drive and murderated my Addy book I would have been able to reach more of you ... people. Lars for instance, and Hakko. Imagine the gnawing hollowness they must feel when they fully understand that there is no way they can make a cooler character than my 26th level (currently, I left the puter on at work, HA!) Eel Man Hunter-Strangler with an INT of 48!

Seanachai will get right on with this game since you can play as a Demicanadian Tickle-Mimic. Or maybe he'll opt for a powerful Double Hobbit Robot Monk. </font>

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Originally posted by SirReal:

Ohh... that's way cool! I couldn't resist it.

Fear SirReal on the Oobag realm!

Currently a level 1 Skraeling Mu-Fu Monk, but with GREAT THINGS to come!


<font color=blue size=4> You people really don't have a life do you? </font>
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Originally posted by Mr. Tittles:

Those boat pictures remind me of Cap'tin Stabbin porno.

Oh dear what a pity, no email address and no "recognizable" location ... I suppose we'll just have to ignore this one lads.

By the way, V00above is NOT sent to Coventry and MAY be addressed ... though why you'd want to escapes me.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mr. Tittles:

Those boat pictures remind me of Cap'tin Stabbin porno.

Oh dear what a pity, no email address and no "recognizable" location ... I suppose we'll just have to ignore this one lads.

By the way, V00above is NOT sent to Coventry and MAY be addressed ... though why you'd want to escapes me.

Joe </font>

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[serious] Dear V00above ... it is a long standing and hallowed practice in the CessPool to mangle the names of SSNs. If you ever lose your attitude and become part of the thread your name will be spelled (by me at least) properly. Should you become a Squire of the CessPool or, later, a Knight, it will be properly spelt AND bolded. Others may follow these procedures or not at their whim.

Some here call me Jo Xia, for example, others spell and bold my name, it's up to them.

Jim Boggs was an SSN and his name was commonly spelt Gym Baggs ... not too mature perhaps but as Dave Barry once said ...

You're only young once ... but you can be immature forever.
You see it's all about having ... some fun. It's not consistently funny of course, sometimes it's not funny at all. It's frequently awash with "In References" that we don't feel obliged to explain to newcomers. We don't, after all, recruit anyone to join us. People can join, lurk or ignore us as they wish. We're just a small part of the BFC Combat Mission community, but we like it. If others choose NOT to enjoy us we encourage them to look elsewhere for their fun. If they choose to stay here they can expect some good natured taunting ... that is, after all, what we do.

Your introduction to this thread indicated that you didn't care for the way we treated our Aussie comrades. Take a good look at this thread. We treat EVERYONE that way. I make sport of Minnesota and they make sport of Utah. I call Seanachai a gnome and he calls me a Mormon ... neither of which are true.

I've know Mace for years now and consider him one of my best ... "mates" ... doubtless that will make him spew his Fosters ... not that there's anything wrong with that ... Australians drink too much anyway. Oh ... I bold the name of Australia to remind myself ... and them ... that SOME Americans remember the losses they suffered in Bali ... and thank them for their support of the war on terror.

So you see ... we're swine ... but we like it that way. Your mileage, as they say, may vary. [/serious]


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