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The Imperial Peng Challenge Thread OR Seanachai's Finest Hour

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Fire lit strolls past the tormented lawyers. Intimate picnic by the River Styx. What could be more romantic

Flock of sheep down by the billabong.

Mace </font>

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Has Mace been dabbling in Equines?

Man charged with sexually abusing mare


CARROLLTON -- A Chesterfield man was charged Wednesday with sexually abusing a mare in Macoupin County, even as prosecutors in Greene County filed new charges against him of aggravated cruelty to animals.

Horse owners from the two counties attended Wednesday’s preliminary hearing in Greene County Circuit Court for Kevin Eugene McAfee, whose 43rd birthday also was Wednesday. A number of horse owners say they believe McAfee has been sexually abusing their mares oversome 20 years.

Macoupin County State’s Attorney Vince Moreth charged McAfee with one count of sexual conduct with an animal, as well as criminal trespass to property and criminal damage to property.

McAfee allegedly engaged in sexual misconduct with a mare belonging to Cory Suttles of rural Chesterfield on March 30 of this year. The charges also allege McAfee, on the same date, damaged a padlocked door of a freezer at Suttles’ residence in Chesterfield, with damages not exceeding $300, and criminally trespassed on Suttles’ land.

Glen Suttles is the father of Cory Suttles, and their property is adjacent to each other. The elder Suttles said Wednesday that he and his wife, Nina, and the rest of the concerned horse owners in the area were elated that McAfee finally has been charged with sexual misconduct with an animal.

"I am glad not only for us but also for all the people’s sakes that have been putting up with things for 15 to 20 years that we could never fully explain," Glenn Suttles said.

Suttles said he had been hearing such rumors for years but that until the death of Steve Barnes’ mare last month in Greene County and McAfee’s arrest for criminal damage to property in the death of the mare, horse owners had never gotten together to compare experiences.

"I had heard rumors for years, but you always hear stories, so I never wanted to say anything without something that could be proven," Suttles said.

Suttles said his son telephoned him March 30 and told him he had found a bale of hay on his property on fire and smoldering. Glenn Suttles went to help his son, and while they were putting out the fire in the bale of hay, they found a cigarette butt and then found the freezer broken into.

"We called Chesterfield Police Chief Bob Berrey, and he came out and investigated thoroughly, took fingerprints," Suttles said. "We knew he and the Sheriff’s Department were seeking charges against (McAfee), but we were not to say anything until the investigation was complete. We were told that McAfee confessed to having sexual contact with the mare, and the charges were filed."

McAfee has remained in the Greene County Jail in Carrollton in lieu of $75,000 bail since his arrest July 9 in the death of the mare belonging to Barnes, of Rockbridge.

McAfee appeared Wednesday in Greene County Circuit Court for a preliminary hearing, which was continued until 10 a.m. Aug. 18 to allow his newly court-appointed attorney, Charles Theivagt, time to prepare. The first two court-appointed attorneys cited conflicts of interest in representing the defendant.

Besides the charge of criminal damage to property in the death of Barnes’ mare, Dolly, Greene County State’s Attorney Elliott Turpin’s motion to add the additional charge of aggravated cruelty to animals was accepted by Circuit Judge James Day. The charges allege that McAfee tied the mare to a fence with a strap in such a manner that it caused the horse to choke to death and that he intentionally caused the death of a companion animal.

Barnes and horse owners throughout the rural Rockbridge and Chesterfield communities recently began getting together to share their concerns and suspicions about McAfee.

Almost 30 of the concerned horse owners met with a Telegraph reporter at the home of Don Bollini shortly after McAfee’s arrest. While some were not willing to comment on the record for fear of retaliation by McAfee after he gets out of jail, others spoke their minds.

"People are tired of putting up with McAfee," Bollini said. "We have had unexplained things happening to our horses for years, and as one guy said, any of us who had mares have to figure this guy’s been on our property and at our mares."

Barnes said Wednesday he was glad so many fellow horse owners attended the preliminary hearing to show the court they are counting on it to prosecute McAfee to the fullest extent of the law.

"We want him stopped," Barnes said. "It’s gone on too long, and it’s not just for my horse to see some justice. It’s for all the people who have dealt with this for at least the last 20 years."

"We will give (the Greene County charges) a few more days," Bollini said. "We understand there are charges pending in Macoupin County court that are far more egregious, and after all, McAfee has the right to a proper defense. But the longer this drags out, the longer lots of people will remain on pins and needles. And I’ll be back in court on Aug. 18 to support Steve Barnes again."

"What scares me is that he has been doing things for so long and is suspected of doing even more than he has been charged with, that he may only get a few years and be out on the street," Barnes said.

Several of the horse owners admitted they were very slow to put two and two together about the incidents, because "your mind doesn’t really want to go there," they said.

After filing the charge of sexual conduct with an animal against McAfee, Moreth’s only comment about the case Wednesday was, "It’s sick."

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

MrSpkr, speaking strictly as someone who despises you and everything you stand for, and as a friend, could your late night, terminally despondent and weird web cruising sessions result in a few less stories about people doing the nasty with various animals?

It's just that we worry that quite so much repeated contact with animal rapine stories, combined with the stress of being a big time Texas lawyer will lead you into...well, places where angels fear to tread.

Why not go have a bit of a lie-down, put in a short hour working on the New, Revised, and Improved Cesspool website, and then go tell the wife how much you love her.

And give her a long, affectionate, and meaningful kiss. Spend a night with never a thought of Australia.

You two probably need some time together.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

How does he with no back bone help rule the masses here?

Sigh. By means of the velvet fist encased within the iron glove. Just as Satan has always ruled. Serve them up pain, but promise them everything.

You are a pillock. You know that, don't you Gaylord?

Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Save the women's lib propaganda for the idiots who subscribe to that club.

From women we are born. Women are the first law-givers in our lives. When we reach adolescence, they enrapture our senses and provide us with endless opportunities to prove we can bring more pleasure than pain to a world that otherwise provides them with nothing but burdens and abuse. When we reach the maturity that acknowledges our own deaths, they bring forth life that will live after us, and give us a glimpse of immortality. When we grow old, and too often forget all that we have known, both good and bad, they are there to remind us of all that we have been.

Grow up into a man, born of woman, who will rediscover the beauty that gives birth to the world.

Or shut the **** up. I, for one, am no longer interested in your adolescent ****e about 'women'.

You're on the edge with me, lad. Catch a quick grip on something approaching adulthood, and limit yourself to calling all the hopeless arseholes who post here 'losers', and abusing them, and give a miss to the teenage misogyny that you're using as a ladder to try and elevate yourself.

You've neither lived long enough, nor done enough, nor accomplished any f'ing thing at all, to merit mocking anyone else's world experience, and certainly not those who fed you, bathed you, and wiped your ass for the years necessary to get you to this point.

Before you post one f'ing word more in this thread, I want to know how many sisters you have, and what their names are, and I want to know your mother's name.

You tell us that, and you can carry on with your pretensions of having sprung forth from the forehead of a god without benefit of woman.

Because we'll be invoking your mother's and sister's names with every post you make.

Or, of course, you could just Sod Off. Always a realistic alternative for pissants who talk about 'women's lib' like they themselves had managed to end poverty and feed the hungry, rather than simply being just another woman's disappointing by-blow.

[ August 09, 2003, 04:00 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Sigh. By means of the velvet fist encased within the iron glove. Just as Satan has always ruled. Serve them up pain, but promise them everything.

Speaking of women, you realise Satan is just a whiney spoiled brat little girl personality wise right?

You are a pillock. You know that, don't you Gaylord?
I don't like to be stereotyped into that category, i feel my talents far outshine any box the the public wishes to put me in, you paint with a very broad stroke you broad.

From women we are born.

Amazing, great deduction Watson, now let's teach you to tie your own shoes big guy.

Women are the first law-givers in our lives.
Not all children grow up with a mother, again with the broad stroke Papa Smurf.....regardless idealy there are two parents.

When we reach adolescence, they enrapture our senses and provide us with endless opportunities to prove we can bring more pleasure than pain to a world
Realy, all of them? So whats your take on Jews while we're at it?

that otherwise provides them with nothing but burdens and abuse.
You always this somber in the morning.....how about sober?

When we reach the maturity that acknowledges our own deaths, they bring forth life that will live after us, and give us a glimpse of immortality.
So that happens all the time to everyone? Interesting.

When we grow old, and too often forget all that we have known, both good and bad, they are there to remind us of all that we have been.
Are you soem kind of sociopath? At your age if you need a reminder of the difference between right or wrong, chances are it will be visited upon you by a judge.

Grow up into a man,
Or in your case a trained lap dog.....

Born of woman,

Takes two to tango Papa Smurf. The truth of the mater is God created all life and everyting on the planet simply perpetuates the process, this hardly deserves special recognition, it's called nature. Plenty of people breed who realy should not breed, some lady strug out on crack who has no plans on quitting crack who gets knocked up by some other idiots and starts pumping out kids for extra welfare money hardly is worthy of a medal, but thats just my opinion. Mother Theresa never had children, does this subtract away from her character you bufoon?

who will rediscover the beauty that gives birth to the world
I'm not buying junk bonds today sorry.....

Or shut the **** up.
Or in the future you can not tripple pack tampons so far up your rear end momma's boy.

I, for one, am no longer interested in your adolescent ****e about 'women'.
When exactly were you interested, i'd like to know and pinpoint it exactly, or are you simply spewing more waste into this thread....wait i think i have it! Seanachai is the Rotor Rooter of this thread.

You're on the edge with me, lad.
Replace lad with Towly and you sound like that evil towle in a hillarious South Park Episode, realy a must see.

Catch a quick grip on something approaching adulthood,
Ah the classic exit of the witless old guy.

it yourself to calling all the hopeless arseholes who post here 'losers', and abusing them, and give a miss to the teenage misogyny that you're using as a ladder to try and elevate yourself.

How ironic, the creator of the Peng thread still does'nt get it....i have patience and hope for you yet though Seanachime

You've neither lived long enough, nor done enough, nor accomplished any f'ing thing at all, to merit mocking anyone else's world experience, and certainly not those who fed you, bathed you, and wiped your ass for the years necessary to get you to this point.

Oh dear you are so right, pardonme while i go rethink my life that you know so well and have put all in perspective. Many thanks Seanawhine!

Before you post one f'ing word more in this thread, I want to know how many sisters you have, and what their names are, and I want to know your mother's name.

Are you a sexist? I don't have any sisters, but who gives a ****, we're all part of the human race.

You tell us that, and you can carry on with your pretensions of having sprung forth from the forehead of a god without benefit of woman.

Again, it takes two to tango , you're views are so rigid yet so ill thought out all at once, if you want to worship women for fufilling thier role in nature, or men for fufilling their role in nature, go nuts, it's a very shallow and hollow viewpoint, but one in wich you are eintitled to all the same.

Because we'll be invoking your mother's and

sister's names with every post you make.

If your realy that bored, then by all means do so! Try invoking some thoughtas well someday if you are capable of such a feat.

Or, of course, you could just Sod Off.

But then with every passing post you would miss me too much! No Seanachives, i just cannot be that cruel to you.

Always a realistic alternative for pissants who talk about 'women's lib' like they themselves had managed to end poverty and feed the hungry, rather than simply being just another woman's disappointing by-blow.

You talk about "women" like they are your favorite sports team, wich is actualy degrading unbeknownst to you or them, wich is all the more amusing....look douchebag, i see all things individualy, i don't group people into teams of Jews, bastard Men, or Anoying Bitch Women, no title or word can make someone better or worse, all that comes from within, beneath all tghe bull**** fronts some people project, if you want to worship women, go right ahead as you have every right to, but keep in mind i have every right to disagreewith your fragile views as i do any other short sited extremeist.

So in short my point is, that i dont care if your wife has your dick locked up in her purse, you don't need one for me to play video games with, but you do need to grow thicker skin until the mighty architect of the Peng Thread can truely understand some posts from myself.

In any case i will not Sodd Off, so you can go burn your bra in anger to that one asswipe.

*edited to fix the quoting all spelling errors will remian*

[ August 09, 2003, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Right, that's it.

Gaylord you have told us that you would leave us, you have made it quite specific that you would not come here again and yet we find you here ... again.

While it's abundantly obvious that you have NO WHERE ELSE to go ... I mean, who would have you, you have now been sent to Coventry ... It's now official if it wasn't before, by executive action of the Olde Ones and the Justicar.

Gaylord Focker is hereby and shall henceforth be declared Sent To Coventry. No Serf, Squire, Knight or Lady of the CessPool shall respond to any of his posts within the MBT ... and frankly I can't think why you'd respond elsewhere either. As to SSNs ... if you'd like to advance within the CessPool we'd recommend that YOU don't respond to the little twerp either.

Get lost little boy, you annoy me.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right, that's it.

Gaylord you have told us that you would leave us, you have made it quite specific that you would not come here again and yet we find you here ... again.

While it's abundantly obvious that you have NO WHERE ELSE to go ... I mean, who would have you, you have now been sent to Coventry ... It's now official if it wasn't before, by executive action of the Olde Ones and the Justicar.

Gaylord Focker is hereby and shall henceforth be declared Sent To Coventry. No Serf, Squire, Knight or Lady of the CessPool shall respond to any of his posts within the MBT ... and frankly I can't think why you'd respond elsewhere either. As to SSNs ... if you'd like to advance within the CessPool we'd recommend that YOU don't respond to the little twerp either.

Get lost little boy, you annoy me.


A little Authoratarian in your blood Joe Utahd?

Well if your realy annoyed with some posts of mine i make in here i will take pity on you and post elsewhere if it is such a bother to a light hearted chap such as yourself.

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Its sooooooooooooooooo HOT.

I will never complain about the cold weather again, at least when you're cold you can wrap up well and snuggle up in front of the fire...

But what to do when one gets hot?

Wear as little clothing as possible.. ( still too hot)

Drink lots of ice cold beverages.. ( still too hot)

Have a cold shower (Works until you have to get out and dry off)

Fill the pool with water and just lie there doing nothing (no air cond or cooler of any kind so the water is bloody Boiling after all of ten mins)

Best thing I found so far is to go around the local supermarket even if I don't need anything..

*Bliss* Its sooooooo cool, but after wandering around for an hour with only a few items in my basket I was worried they would think I was shoplifting so.........

I am now back indoors all windows open, and with my little fan doing its best to blow some cold air my way...

I love the summer, but anything above 80 degrees is just not something we are used to in the UK..

And you know what.... It's getter hotter each day, and I blame Berli.. . why do I blame Berli ?

Because who else could possibly have sent such a heat wave our way!..

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Let's keep in mind that Dame YK2 is in Scotland ..


No she isn't.. I left Scotland while still in my teens, although as my family are all still there I do tend to visit at times..

*Shakes head at Joe *

And I thought the Justicar had notes on every one of us...I mean, I've only said "I now live in Wales" aboot a dozen times over the past 3years...

Oh well.. I enjoyed the wine (screwed as it was)

So I'll let you off with just a frown this time... </font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

the defendant lives in Michigan! I believe that would be dalem's home state.

Actually I was born in Mobile, Alabama. </font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

Its sooooooooooooooooo HOT.

And you know what.... It's getter hotter each day, and I blame Berli.. . why do I blame Berli ?

Because who else could possibly have sent such a heat wave our way!..

Ah yes! Those Europeans are now experiencing the joys of a Chicago summer, while I am enjoying the benefits of a European summer. Doncha just love it when a plan comes together?
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