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The Imperial Peng Challenge Thread OR Seanachai's Finest Hour

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Oh, and they flew a IL-16 Rata for you WWII flight sim freaks {and you know who you are...}
ARRRGGGHHHH! I didn't know any still existed, let alone were flyable! And technically it could be referred to as we Spanish Civil War freaks ... at least that's how I think of that aircraft.

No photos for your liege?


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Yes, well thank you Lars but I was thinking more in terms of phots YOU had taken! You see, while I AM interested in photos of the IL-16 in flight, I'm fairly certain, knowing you, that YOUR photos might well contain ... additional subjects of interest, if you get my drift.

Mind you I'd have loved to see that aircraft in person.


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Originally posted by Lars:

Shary gets mad if I call her a "rat" or "little donkey". She's kinda funny that way.

Plus, she had the camera, so I probably got nothing but pictures of cute pilots...

Rookies, sheesh ... look Lars, just tell her that you calling her "little donkey" is your way of saying she has a cute little, uh ... "DONKEY" ... Didn't we cover this in Squire training?


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Originally posted by Lars:

And the "rat" remark refers to the cute way she wrinkles her nose?

Roooight...with lines like that I'm surprised Mrs Shaw hasn't added the Decon to your soup yet.

No, no, no, the "RAT" line was just stupid and you deserve everything you get. Do TRY to pay attention, I'm trying to help you here.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Roooight...with lines like that I'm surprised Mrs Shaw hasn't added the Decon to your soup yet.

Perhaps she has. It would explain so much. </font>
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AAR of battle (actually massacre is more technically accurate) versus Sirreal, or as I like to call him, the Sweaty Swede. So Sirreal flush from the tactical victory he eked out against me in our last meeting, sends me this Axis assault scenario, with me attacking.

I purchased a platoon of Stug 42H's, the ones with the 105mm guns, for direct fire support. I purchase a company of infantry, to clear out any woods, because I know the Sweaty Swede likes to skulk in the roots like other small herbivores, and some mortars for indirect fire. What else was there? Oh yeah, one measly platoon of Tiger tanks, just to use up the last few points I had after my main purchases.

So, I get the map from Sirreal, and it is the expected dreary, depressing, Nordic Bergman-esque, Scandanavian modern furniture like horror show. My first thought when seeing the scraggly trees, the grey oozy mud, and the scruffy mix of brush and rocks that extended across the map was, holy cow, so this is what Mordor looks like.

Well, of course, the ground conditions are crappy, damp or wet, I forget, and both types of AFV's I have are huge ground pressure monsters. Utilizing that headstrong Wisconsinite stubborness, I proceed with my setup. I deploy the AFV's to provide overwatch, along with the Mortars and the mortar spotter, while my infantry is set up to the left, so they can advance under cover of some intermittent wooded areas.

The mud made for slow going, but my infantry reached the first flag, and I began to slowly move my tanks and AG's forward. A sniper kills two of my Tiger TC's, and is killed in turn. Several T-34's dart out from behind a hill, spooked by my infantry I guess, and one of my Tiger's kills one with a lucky long range shot. The T-34's, true to Swedish form, spend the rest of the battle cowering behind some woods.

I proceed to roll up the flank of his "defenses" [and I use the term loosely, since they consisted of some minefields, a few snipers, 2-3 machine guns, and 2 50mm mortars.] from left to right. I take very few casualties, mostly from some artillery he calls in at my Operational Rally Point, where I gathered my infantry for the final assault on the last flag.

I prep the wooded area where the final VL was with indirect mortars, and direct fire from my Tigers and Stu's. I lay a smoke screen, and assault through, finding nothing there but a dead MG crew. Seeing his tanks now, still hiding behind the woods, I try close assaulting them, through the woods, that was a bad idea.

The cowardly Red tankers mowed down a platoon of infantry, helped by the fact that I forgot all about Cannister rounds.

One of my Tigers, short their TC, finally made its way up to the hiding spot of the Soviet armor, and took out 2-3 of them, I forget how many, before his troops surrendered.

So, the Swede was destroyed, 86-14 as I recall.

My games against Nidan and M. Sedai continue, Nidan is also getting his left flank rolled up, and M. Sedai is scurrying around some woods at the limit of my perception, like a cheerful, yet cowardly little chipmunk. I eagerly await turns from my honorable opponent, oh, and Nidan as well.

Now, Joe Shaw , after abusing me with that monstrosity called Il be seeing you promised me another game, but his sloping forehead, dim, beady eyes, and knuckle dragging, suggest that perhaps, memory and cognitive abilities aren't his strong points, so I shall have to remind him, like a puppy, smacked over the head with a newspaper when he piddles, that he owes me a game.

I realize that his obssessive nose picking and the occasional taste test of the "treasure" he finds leaves him with little spare time, but I think he can "squeeze it in", much like when he tries on bicycle shorts while dancing along to his bootleg stash of Milli Vanilli videos.

Don't worry great and wonderful... whatever your title is, I forget sometimes Joey , hope you don't mind. It won't interfere with your foreclosing on the odd orphanage.

[ August 05, 2003, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

American Customs station, Baudette, Minnesota

[snipped for brevity, as The Bard doesn't seem to ever learn the concept.]

I apologize for this. It's all my fault. You see, when Seanachai first returned from buggering moose north of the border(not that there's anything wrong...), I casually ((in a laid-back and totally Steve McQueen sort of way) (and innocently, I'm really completely innocent, donchaknow?)) quipped "so, they let you back in, eh?". Big mistake.

Little did I know that this would trigger some latent too-long-and-oh-so-very-strange-fantasy story gene, burried in his twisted DNA. Let this be a warning to all of you who would exchange emails with the gnome.

On the other hand (yes, that one. Go wash it, first.), it does seem to be keeping sure disgust us busy. Probably had to stop reading to let his lips rest.

Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Roger, either count me in now or bring a jug when you are next down in this neck of the woods.

Trust a damn lawyer to either A)ignore what's posted right in front of his rather large, protruding-like-a-third-person-into-the-conversation nose or dolt) not be able to count (most likely).

I specifically posted:

"Just two bottles, and that's all folks." Did you not notice that you were a distant THIRD?

Okay, so as not to appear as tightfisted as some around here (did someone say Joe Shaw?), I'll see what I can do. To the rest of you, bugger off, it's all I've got. Maybe next batch.

Possibly the title of "Official brewer to the Cesspool" could be bestowed by some grating er, grateful Olde One?

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Okay, so as not to appear as tightfisted as some around here (did someone say Joe Shaw?), I'll see what I can do. To the rest of you, bugger off, it's all I've got. Maybe next batch.

Possibly the title of "Official brewer to the Cesspool" could be bestowed by some grating er, grateful Olde One? [/QB]

Not that I am one of the Olde Ones, thank the gods, but since you were nice enough to ship one of those bottles this way, if it is allowed by the convoluted rules and mores of the Cesspool I give a vote to assigning you the title of "Official Purveyor of rare and probably illegal intoxicants". Just a rough working title, perhaps others you have bestowed your beneficence upon will add something?

Nidan, turn me, chop chop.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Possibly the title of "Official brewer to the Cesspool" could be bestowed by some grating er, grateful Olde One?


That would largely depend upon whether this is the Budweiser of Meads, or the Guiness of Meads. We shall see. Indeed we shall, for while the dumbass lawyer was looking for loop holes, I was responding

[ August 05, 2003, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by R_Leete:

Okay, so as not to appear as tightfisted as some around here (did someone say Joe Shaw?), I'll see what I can do. To the rest of you, bugger off, it's all I've got. Maybe next batch.

Possibly the title of "Official brewer to the Cesspool" could be bestowed by some grating er, grateful Olde One?

Not that I am one of the Olde Ones, thank the gods, but since you were nice enough to ship one of those bottles this way, if it is allowed by the convoluted rules and mores of the Cesspool I give a vote to assigning you the title of "Official Purveyor of rare and probably illegal intoxicants". Just a rough working title, perhaps others you have bestowed your beneficence upon will add something?

Nidan, turn me, chop chop. [/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

So, I am checking my E-mail, Seems that Spire of Goose Toes did send me his little challenge, and for some reason my E-mail filter sent it straight to the Junk folder? Maybe the Email AI is smarter than we think?

Well, we give breaks to those wisconsomers...wisconsimers...well you northern people. Isn't that near the Eskimos or somefink? Or maybe that's where all your troops r-u-n-n o-f-t to in our battle?
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

That would largely depend upon whether this is the Budweiser of Meads, or the Guiness of Meads.

If it were a "Guiness", do you think I would be sending it off with narry a second thought?

And yes, you shall see. All three of you. I am sending off the last of it, to make room for the new batch.

P.S. Joe, you twit, I was annointed and made kniggit at the Ascension of King Meeks, long may he be gone. Do A Search, you ninny.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

That would largely depend upon whether this is the Budweiser of Meads, or the Guiness of Meads.

If it were a "Guiness", do you think I would be sending it off with narry a second thought?

And yes, you shall see. All three of you. I am sending off the last of it, to make room for the new batch.

P.S. Joe, you twit, I was annointed and made kniggit at the Ascension of King Meeks, long may he be gone. Do A Search, you ninny. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I can't be bothered to keep track of every neer-do-well, jumped up before his time, Squire that really should be a bloody Serf if truth be told Knight

Old age makin' it difficult to remember who your squires were?*

* with the notable exception of Aqua Pecadillo, who was almost worthy of our attention

[ August 05, 2003, 08:11 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by R_Leete:

<font size=-1>Little did I know that this would trigger some latent too-long-and-oh-so-very-strange-fantasy story gene, burried in his twisted DNA.</font>

Latent? There's nothing LATENT about Seanachai's too-long-story gene. It's been out of the closet for YEARS.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Official CessPool Drunk? Quite an accomplishment if you think of it.

He can't have that one, Iskander already has it.

As I found out to my liver's detriment.

Ah, Iskander Rules, those were the days. The whelps we get now would be piddling on their toes by Turn 3...

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I can't be bothered to keep track of every neer-do-well, jumped up before his time, Squire that really should be a bloody Serf if truth be told Knight

Old age makin' it difficult to remember who your squires were?*

* with the notable exception of Aqua Pecadillo, who was almost worthy of our attention </font>

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