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Summertime...And The Peng Challenge Is Easy...

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...a breath of fresh air wafts away from the fetid wasteland... lost forever...


I can't smell the flowers anymore..... :(

PS: Nice exit lines, brave, always faithfull Sir Lenakonrad. You could be a fine actor one day. Or even Director....

Peace, man.


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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

To other infamous residents of Peng

Farewell letter. ( not that fast)

as I'm growing tired of western civilisation (civilisation of death ,etc ),I decided to move out . Around three weeks from now I will be gone from WWW (official) ,and I will stay far away from compu ters.

To all who will be happy (majority) and to all

who will be sad (minority ,if at all)

from deep of my heart goodbye (althought I will lurk here to annoy you all ,specially dalem ,in this three weeks from time to time ,and there before i go I have to raise Boggs to the knight ,and more ,more )

I know You barely understand me ,but I don't care.

I try to give you another easy pray.

I'm aware ,I've made you happy so many times before ,when I did claim ,I will be gone ,so you are right to not believe me .But this happy day will come.



Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate,

Nor set down aught in malice: then must you speak

Of one that loved not wisely but too well;

Of one not easily jealous, but being wrought

Perplex'd in the extreme; of one whose hand,

Like the base Indian, threw a pearl away

Richer than all his tribe; of one whose subdued eyes,

Albeit unused to the melting mood,

Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees

Their medicinal gum.

I love You all (reality check -is that so... YES!!)


Forget it! Resignation not accepted!

Lad, I know you have been given a tremendously difficult assignment, to wit: Try to whip that Boggs guy into some kind of reasonable facsimile of a human being.

This on top of your already overburdened task of keeping the Justicar on his toes/hooves.

I realize that this must seem like an impossible task, but you must not give up.

You are the only one that seems to have a clue what Aussie Jeff is on about. That alone is worthy of serious admiration. The poor lad has become so despondent that he is currently trudging mournfully through the pastures ignoring the sheep to smell the flowers!

Yes...this is a critical time for us all. Now is the time to reinforce your determination to see this thing through to a successful conclusion. It won't be easy, but you've got what it takes, I believe, so chin up, pip,pip, tally ho, and all that.

You've a man size task ahead of you lad, and there's no better time than now to get started!

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No matter where you go-there you are.

You will be missed, and as unlikely as that sounds, what's even more unthinkable is that you may find yourself missing us!

Try to stop by from time to time.

Good Luck!


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Guest konrad

Thank You all for kind words , it means a lot to me [serious].

But sadly I have to (need to ) go .

And now ,for beloved Ladies

online flowers


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

You are the only one that seems to have a clue what Aussie Jeff is on about. That alone is worthy of serious admiration.

Boggs, you capering ninny! (I like that. I think I'll say it again) Boggs, you capering ninny! (That DOES just hit the spot, eh what?)

Konrad's understanding of Aussie Jeff is NOT an admirable attribute. Why, you ask? Stop interrupting me and I'll tell you, you uppity guttersnipe!

A: Aussie Jeff is Oddstralyun. They are the carbunkle on the hinder area of the MBT (Long may it wave). They are the damn Chorus in an annoying Greek play that constantly chime out unneccessarily, "Oi! Wot's goin' on then, eh?"

Tree: He is a cackling buffoon whose one goal in life is to constantly show up on your doorstep when you just need some quiet time, empties out your refrigerator, molests your pets and uses your guest towels for toilet paper. (I realize that this pretty much pertains to ALL of us here, but it's even more annoying with him because he's Oddstralyun.)

Grows: He designs these unbelievably horrid scenarios that are about as well balanced as a diet of chocolate cake and egg salad and then using some kind of Svengali-type mind powers, he coerces you into playing them against him.

In: He has been warned and warned about writing in any other dialect other than the clicks and grunts of his native Oddstralyun, but he goes ahead and does it anyway, and it's just so very, very painful and wrong. And not in the good way, either.

Brooklyn: Did I mention he's Oddstralyun? Really, that's like the big warning button right there. Seriously, you see any of those bozos coming, you should just go run up a tree.

Let this be a lesson, lad.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

A: Aussie Jeff is Oddstralyun. They are the carbunkle on the hinder area of the MBT (Long may it wave). They are the damn Chorus in an annoying Greek play that constantly chime out unneccessarily, "Oi! Wot's goin' on then, eh?"

Tree: He is a cackling buffoon whose one goal in life is to constantly show up on your doorstep when you just need some quiet time, empties out your refrigerator, molests your pets and uses your guest towels for toilet paper. (I realize that this pretty much pertains to ALL of us here, but it's even more annoying with him because he's Oddstralyun.)

Grows: He designs these unbelievably horrid scenarios that are about as well balanced as a diet of chocolate cake and egg salad and then using some kind of Svengali-type mind powers, he coerces you into playing them against him.

In: He has been warned and warned about writing in any other dialect other than the clicks and grunts of his native Oddstralyun, but he goes ahead and does it anyway, and it's just so very, very painful and wrong. And not in the good way, either.

Brooklyn: Did I mention he's Oddstralyun? Really, that's like the big warning button right there. Seriously, you see any of those bozos coming, you should just go run up a tree.

Let this be a lesson, lad.

Oh great eloquent one, your castigation of all things Australian poses an interesting dilemna.

I can't remember his name, but there's this one guy who has proudly posted in his sig line that, and I quote:

Ohioans! Aussies! There's not a toss of a difference between them, now, is there?

If I can remember his name I'll get back to you.

I think he's from Ohio.

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Boggs, you sycophantic sniffer of harmonica sheet music, I see you're trying to use "Irony". You shouldn't as you could possibly hurt yourself...

On second thought, go wild. Knock yourself out. Literally. And while you're at it, run around the house with a pair of scissors. Play "Jr. Electrician" by testing all the wall outlets with a fork. Or you could pee on an electric fence. Like the one that surrounds the county "Home" you're a guest of.

(You're in Florida, right? Gosh, that explains so much.)

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Gamey Update: part three Lurkur vs SaReena

In the center of the battlefield about 100 meters beyond the ravines edge ran a wooden fence, and just behind that a line of trees, both oriented parallel to the front line. One of the now defunct AT guns smoldered there, and small arms and machine gun fire began to open up from the trees and the building behind them; a large, multistory administrative office of the collective, and on the list of things to secure. Other enemy infantry that had been positioned further back were rushing up the the battle line, only to be driven to ground by the wide ranging machine gun fire. With luck, the fight would find them before they found it. The HMGs that had done such good service on the far edge of the ravine were ordered to come over. When all was ready the firepower would be devastating.

Von Lurkur worked his way to the top of the ravine. Even though he was now in the line of fire, it was a relief to be out of that deep, dark valley. To be in a confined space like that during an artillery barrage was too awful for words. He was amazed that so many men survived and were ready to fight so soon after it had abated. Crawling on his belly, he looked ahead and saw the severe, undulating steppes that he and his men would have to cross. The main objective was about 500 meters distant, and due to the lack of cover he was taking fire from several positions at ranges of 500-600 meters. The field was littered here and there with dead enemy. And they called this a feckin probe! He noticed the barking Russian, now quite silent and face-down in the steppe. The field phone strewn on the ground about a dozen yards away. The flicker of pity was instantly replaced with dark satisfaction, Gotcha! Von Lurkur crawled on, positioning machine guns and ordering some teams to reconnoiter the paths of advance. He looked across the ravine at the hill on the right, and for the first time saw the secondary objective. The last known AT gun was dug into the hillside, with a MG42 pinning the crew down. With luck, they might abandon the gun, if not, the flanking attack would catch them from behind...in theory.

On the right flank the Landsers had been advancing carefully over open ground. Their commander had been told to be aggressive. The flank had to be taken to open the road and hopefully unhinge the center. Meeting no initial resistance, they quickened the pace through some scattered trees towards the secondary objective. An enemy ATR team was caught on a bald hillock, and a torrent of HMG fire caused the young men to flee away in a blind panic, and be cut down moments later. Apparently Surrealovich had not been expecting this strong of a thrust, for reinforcements were rushing to the cluster of houses that defined the objective. Maybe too little too late, but the battlefield is full of nasty surprises. Taking a chance, the Germans ran through the woods to get covering fire on the oncoming enemy. The rain on the leaves was quite loud. In a happier time one might have closed ones eyes to enjoy the peculiar, waterfall-like chorus, but to a soldier in wartime it only ratcheted up the tension, as he had less chance of hearing trouble as he sprinted directly into its path. The lead elements threw themselves behind the last fold of earth in the trees. Gasping for breath, they hunkered down and readied their weapons as the clamor of unhappy Russian soldiers broke in over the melody of rain in the trees. The attack was ten minutes old.

to be continued

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Boggs, you sycophantic sniffer of harmonica sheet music, I see you're trying to use "Irony". You shouldn't as you could possibly hurt yourself...

This is true, last time I tried irony I burnt a hole in one of my shirts!

On second thought, go wild. Knock yourself out. Literally. And while you're at it, run around the house with a pair of scissors. Play "Jr. Electrician" by testing all the wall outlets with a fork.

My Mom said I should use my tongue. So which is it?

Or you could pee on an electric fence. Like the one that surrounds the county "Home" you're a guest of.

Actually, they use barbed wire. Plus three times a week we get to go out and cut weeds along the interstate.

(You're in Florida, right? Gosh, that explains so much.)

So true, as the old saying goes:

You either live in Florida or you wish you could live in Florida

It's so true!

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>Or you could pee on an electric fence.</font>

Ahhh, I remember the joys of youth. A group of us schoolkids were a-ramblin' in the fields, when we spotted a very electric-looking fence around a field. "Look!", we said to the dumbest of our number (somewhat Boggs-like in his stupor), "it's not REALLY electrified". And we all touched it with our hands and tried not to flinch and smiled grimly for 5 seconds before letting go because IT BURNS IT BURNS OH GOD IT BURNS.

"See! We DARE you to piss on it, Boggsie" we cried. And lo, he did. And the result was well worth the pain we had suffered. In fact, it really brought home the whole "this is going to hurt you more than it hurts me" thing that our parents used to say.

He rolled around in the grass moaning for quite a long time after that.

PS Don't you owe me a turn?

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Originally posted by PondScum:

PS Don't you owe me a turn?

You smug little dandy you. You with your, "Ooooooh, I works at Microsoft! Computers is my friend, watch as we laugh and play under the dim fluorescent lights!"

I happen to be at my office. A real office with real people and deadlines and a box of mini-muffins someone brought in today. You'll get your turn later tonight after I figure out what's wrong with the garage door opener. AND NOT ONE SECOND SOONER!

(p.s. I just want the rest of you mutated fish droppings to know I aint starting another thread. Let some other Kanigget or perhaps one of the palsied Olde Ones do it for a change. Bunch of lazy, no-good, laurel-resting, vaporous, fan-dancers who have questionable bathing habits and probably smell too much like absinthe! DEAL WITH IT!)

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Last night's tremendous storms washed some of my just-laid mulch away. Hopefully enough of it remains on the walkway that when it dries a little I can cover up the bare spots. The plants themselves seemed to withstand it well.

More storms expected tonight.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

You'll get your turn later tonight after I figure out what's wrong with the garage door opener. AND NOT ONE SECOND SOONER!

Hey Boo what you do is lay down in the driveway with your head on the threshold of the garage, raise the door up and down on your head, eventually all will become clear, and you can send me a turn!
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

(p.s. I just want the rest of you mutated fish droppings to know I aint starting another thread. Let some other Kanigget or perhaps one of the palsied Olde Ones do it for a change. Bunch of lazy, no-good, laurel-resting, vaporous, fan-dancers who have questionable bathing habits and probably smell too much like absinthe! DEAL WITH IT!)

Oh, well then, wouldn't want poor Boo to feel put out.

{actually, if somebody could put him out with the cat tonight, I think he needs to go...}

Right this way --->

{feckin ubb...}

[ June 25, 2003, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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