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Summertime...And The Peng Challenge Is Easy...

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

To lenakonrad:

You are a Knight of the Pool and rightly so. You have withstood the slings and arrows and emerged with head held high.

You have bestowed upon my humble personage the great honor of taking me to Squire. It was an honor that was indeed overwhelming and will always be something that I will never forget.

I have made an effort to live up to your kindness, but I am afraid that it is not to be.

I am too much a vagabond, a free spirit, and a wanderer. I can no more be a Squire than Seanachai can write a coherent post. Or Berlichtingen can post something funny. It is one of those things that is just not meant to be.

I piss upon you from a considerable height.

You're a Squire, you will be a Squire, and you will stop all this whinging about not being able to be what you are. Which is a Squire.

Bloody idjit.

Now, stop staring around in that dazed way, wondering where the magic yellow rain is coming from, you half-witted bastard, and sing.

Sing as though your very life depended on it. Or, rather, as though something truly important depended on it.

A good song is like a pretty girl.

Well, except that even a useless, dull, aging, somewhat amusing lackwit like yourself can come up with one.

So, for most of you lot, a good song is even better than a pretty girl. Because you've actually got a shot at singing a good song. However badly.

For most of you, doing a pretty girl, even badly, is so unlikely to happen that a jolly sing-song must loom like an epiphany of wonder.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

So where's Mace? Berli? JDMorse? Peng? Senachi? and all the other losers?


Well, my imminent death no longer looms in such an empty way. Kitty still speaks of me.

Not fondly, of course, but it is better to be mentioned, than to not be mentioned, as it were.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

You know...Im sitting here drinking a beer right now. Reading all your posts.

Anyway, I remember being in a relationship once.

Met this girl 3-4 years ago. Fell in love, everything was perfect. She needed a place to stay, so I let her move in with me...

Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly.


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Where the feck is everybody?

Dear Mace and Noba, I'll download the photos tomorrow at work and see what I've got. If there's anything interesting, I'll send it along.

I mentioned yesterday that I hadn't gotten to see the P-38 fly and that kind of bummed me out. Wait. I mean it REALLY bummed me out. So today, I'm up on a ladder, cleaning out my gutters and I heard an unfamiliar sound behind me. As I'd said, planes were flying over the house all weekend. It didn't sound like a Dauntless or the Kiowa copter, or the Steerman, or any of those. I looked over my shoulder and there was the Lightning and a Warthog flying in formation. The original tank buster and the present tank buster. I just smiled and yelled "Yeah, BABY!"

Of course I had no camera.

For this, I blame you all and want you to know that my hatred for each and every one of you (excepting the Ladies of course) runs deep and hot.

Bite me.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Where the feck is everybody?.....snip

So today, I'm up on a ladder, cleaning out my gutters... snip...

Getting some ingredients for an Ohio style fiesta, were we?

[ June 22, 2003, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Where the feck is everybody?.....snip

So today, I'm up on a ladder, cleaning out my gutters... snip...

Getting some ingredients for an Ohio style fiesta, were we? </font>
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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Nobo,

I don't know who you paid off or how you got a hold of the source code or what kind of deal you made with the devil. Your gamey purchase of many StuGs and Panthers in out small game has yeilded you a draw. A dead even 50-50 draw. I am still at a lose to figure how it worked out that way. I control 4 out of 5 VLs. Not just barely control but fully control. He controls acres of mud.



Dear Elvis.

I thought you were dead ? You certainly played like you are. Sat there, relying on the mud to save your sorry hide. Send out your tanks to be chewed up - AND spat out. Your poor crack troops getting hammered by my loving armour. Feh, that wasn't a game, It was a shame !!


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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Noba:

It was a shame !!


I thought (well ,I'm pretty sure about it) that you people are shameless...
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

And how did all you losers spend your Saturday?

Sailing on an 11-meter... Ahh, summertime and what it does to young college-age girls. The sun was out and we ran up the S.U.Y.T. banner. Happily, some of them actually complied.. :eek:
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Guest konrad

how did all you losers spend your Saturday?

Obviously everyone did something interesting ..

I'm proud I was starry-eyed all day at the wall.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

To lenakonrad:

You are a Knight of the Pool and rightly so. You have withstood the slings and arrows and emerged with head held high.

You have bestowed upon my humble personage the great honor of taking me to Squire. It was an honor that was indeed overwhelming and will always be something that I will never forget.

I have made an effort to live up to your kindness, but I am afraid that it is not to be.

I am too much a vagabond, a free spirit, and a wanderer. I can no more be a Squire than Seanachai can write a coherent post. Or Berlichtingen can post something funny. It is one of those things that is just not meant to be.

I piss upon you from a considerable height.

You're a Squire, you will be a Squire, and you will stop all this whinging about not being able to be what you are. Which is a Squire.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I mentioned yesterday that I hadn't gotten to see the P-38 fly and that kind of bummed me out. Wait. I mean it REALLY bummed me out. So today, I'm up on a ladder, cleaning out my gutters and I heard an unfamiliar sound behind me. As I'd said, planes were flying over the house all weekend. It didn't sound like a Dauntless or the Kiowa copter, or the Steerman, or any of those. I looked over my shoulder and there was the Lightning and a Warthog flying in formation. The original tank buster and the present tank buster. I just smiled and yelled "Yeah, BABY!"

Of course I had no camera.

Why don't you just save your $20 and go to Oshkosh where everything flies? I'm sure Glacier Girl will be there this year. After all, I saw it when they brought the some of the remains while they were still digging it out of the ice. Amazing what a couple million dollars will do for twisted aluminum, eh?.

I spent the weekend on the lake drinking and getting sunburned. Did see a couple of Chipmunks fly over at 200 ft. though. And for free.

Hmm, Chipmunks, flying rodents, I have to start putting pickles in my Bloody Mary's...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Focus on winning and to Hell with how you play the game.

Now sod off.

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Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride (cont.)

A warm, muggy rain continues to fall, as the Landsers nervously fidget in their defensive positions. Although the rain and mud will slow down the enemy, the Landsers also know that the thunder and the pelting of the rain will mask the sounds of the approaching Russians.

Suddenly a hollow cracking noise is heard on the right flank, the unmistakable sound of an enemy AT rifle. The small round ricochets harmlessly off the armor of one of the vehicles, but startles the crew with its suddenness. The vehicle reverses out of range, but the situation is clear. The Ivans have advanced silently and are now in visual range of the German positions.

The Landsers strain their eyes and ears towards the wooded areas in their front, hoping to catch a glimpse of the enemy.....to be continued.

[ June 23, 2003, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

Why don't you just save your $20 and go to Oshkosh where everything flies?

Because, Lars you ungainly Norwegian elk-hound, going to Oshkosh (B'gosh!) would require that I drive through Chicago and I don't wish to test Berli's "Shoot first, ask questions never" edict.


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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

...to be continued.

What is this, some sort of craptacular Matrix Reloaded or sumfink? </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I piss upon you from a considerable height.

Then I would suggest you get down off that telephone book before you get a nose-bleed.

Now, stop staring around in that dazed way and sing.

Very well, on extremely short notice:

The Ballad of Boo

Whenever it happens, and the Pool runs dry

Who rides to the rescue, with head held high

So much to post, and no matter how badly

The Pool gets bumped, by one Boo_Radley

300's the number, that we all dread

To go beyond, makes the Forum quite dead

So watch as the count goes, higher and higher

To start a new thread, we must have a sire

Flowers and Plants, both grow from a seed

To plant them aplenty, is a mighty good deed

The Pool like a mushroom, and all we abhor

Can only renew, through the release of a Spore

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

The Pool like a mushroom, and all we abhor

Can only renew, through the release of a Spore

Very good Squire ,very good ...

Even if Boo is a extremly easy target.

Now I can die in peace.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

Now I can die...

Promise? </font>
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