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A Peng Challenge Thread Coronation: Film of the Rioting at 11

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I do hereby turn in my badge and spurs (I'll take those yarbles back, too, thankyouverymuch) and divest myself of the title "Knight." I join the "Outlaw Joesy Justicar Gang" and make this pledge:

He will have no sleep till the one who calls himself Inquisitor General do forsake that title and all its trappings!

Oh, and we stop this 'king' ridiculosity too.

Ahh, much better.

No, no Panzer Leader this is what I did NOT want. No Civil War, no rebellion, let others go where their concisenc ... crap ... feelings take them. I have no choice, I have made my stand and to that stand I adhere. But it's not too late for you or the others.

Fight within the system, lad. Make them see the error of their ways. Oh I'll fight on, cold, sleepless, weary, hungry ... not a drop to drink nor a soft bosom to muffle my tears (Bauhaus ... say ... you know Bauhaus I think you should apply for a position in the Inquisitor General's office ... just the place for a likely lad like you).

I'll not have another Knight forsake that hard won title for me and my notions of honor. I've been backed into a corner you see, treed by the hounds of the Olde Ones and given no way out ... at least none that I can, with honor, take.

Let's not tear the CessPool apart lads. I'll likely fall and be placed in a nameless, forsaken hole in the ground shortly ... you all know, only too well, my tactical skills. But though it be nameless, unmarked and unknown except to those who buried me there, perhaps ... late at night ... in the barracks years from now ... someone will whisper ... "What the hell was he on about anyway?"



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Originally posted by Lars:

Sod that for a lark then. The die is cast, the Rubicon crossed.


Time to setup shop for meself, I think...

Glad to see that you paid such close attention to the Lecture Series "Honor and Loyalty ... Gifts That A Man Gives Himself."

Agua Perdido, that finest and most loyal of Squires, wouldn't have thrown me over so quickly ... he'd have waited at least a couple of hours.


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As one of the Senior Knights...if there still be knights left when Meeks is done, I say thus:

Meeks, Your Kingly idiot, what will you do with Knights that went into other threads stating how great the Eagles were? What punishment can we give the Eagles faithful, other then have them watch the Tampa Bay game over and over and over and over... [Hey Berli , there is an idea for you]

If there still be knights after this, I will take VADR as Squire. I can ignore him just as well as Joe can [not bolded since he is oulaw].


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Originally posted by rune:

Meeks, Your Kingly idiot, what will you do with Knights that went into other threads stating how great the Eagles were? What punishment can we give the Eagles faithful, other then have them watch the Tampa Bay game over and over and over and over...

As a fan of the Raiders, I assumed the proper punishment would be their defeat (Again) at the hands of the Silver and Black in the big bowl, but I suppose the best thing for them is to force the whole community to clean up the mess caused by the mass-seppeku in the 700 section. I mean, losing to Tampa in the cold at the Vet, it's not just pathetic, it's fitting. What a way to close that dump down (Except for the Porky's-esque locker room).

Hmmm, by official proclamation, all knights who were Eagles fans are herewith, Raiders fans. They will, in the most touching twist of fate to befall an organization riddled with failure and disappointment, be forced to root for the team that destroyed them twenty years back.

It reminds me of our Outlaw Justicar, whose abdication has fit perfectly into my plan. Now Malakovski is the official Justicar, and his primary duty of office is to stamp out these foul usurpers and scatter their bits to the four quarters of the Cess.

Of course, Shaw's strife caused the Old Ones, who like the Annunaki are still greater than even I, to create a position of Archbishop of the Pool. But now it stands empty, Shaw too happy to eat beans out of the can, living the life of the bucaneer. I wonder what valiant, loyal soul will soon fill this office. I wonder...

[ January 20, 2003, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: Elijah Meeks ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Let it be an HONORABLE Knight of the CessPool who will respect the traditions of the MBT.


Let it be a Cabbage! Though I am forced by the vagaries of my Grand-Liege, Moriarty, to throw my sword in with the Royalists, I will not renounce my title of Cabbage, and the Crown of the Apostate Pretender will rest upon my furrowed and curly brow. Cut-worms I fear not, nor the rust or mold of warm days, for the Cabbage that Wears the Crown will be he who makes the slaw, for mine is the glory and the Choucroute Garni for ever and ever. Amen.
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Originally posted by Lars:


Aaah, such insight. All of the confused supporters of the former Justicar should be so wise.

Lars, you'll ride with Malakovski, as deputy Justicar, find this Shaw, and finnish him.

(As an aside, while I own The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, I do not possess the Outlaw Josey Wales, which is a strike against me, I know, so I can't accurately quote anything out of the movie, though I would expect Malakovski and Lars to get stuck on a raft floating down the river)

(Edited a second time to change 'finish' to 'finnish', this being the Eastern Front and all)

[ January 20, 2003, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: Elijah Meeks ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

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I swear, we of House Persiflage don't know where he keeps finding more of the good stuff. In the meantime, the translators have been told to work overtime until they come up with some sort of halfway-believable theory for what our petite general is trying to say.
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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Meeks, Your Kingly idiot, what will you do with Knights that went into other threads stating how great the Eagles were? What punishment can we give the Eagles faithful, other then have them watch the Tampa Bay game over and over and over and over...

As a fan of the Raiders, I assumed the proper punishment would be their defeat (Again) at the hands of the Silver and Black in the big bowl, but I suppose the best thing for them is to force the whole community to clean up the mess caused by the mass-seppeku in the 700 section. I mean, losing to Tampa in the cold at the Vet, it's not just pathetic, it's fitting. What a way to close that dump down (Except for the Porky's-esque locker room).

Hmmm, by official proclamation, all knights who were Eagles fans are herewith, Raiders fans. They will, in the most touching twist of fate to befall an organization riddled with failure and disappointment, be forced to root for the team that destroyed them twenty years back.

It reminds me of our Outlaw Justicar, whose abdication has fit perfectly into my plan. Now Malakovski is the official Justicar, and his primary duty of office is to stamp out these foul usurpers and scatter their bits to the four quarters of the Cess.

Of course, Shaw's strife caused the Old Ones, who like the Annunaki are still greater than even I, to create a position of Archbishop of the Pool. But now it stands empty, Shaw too happy to eat beans out of the can, living the life of the bucaneer. I wonder what valiant, loyal soul will soon fill this office. I wonder...</font>

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Now Malakovski is the official Justicar...


I thought he was Seanachai's squire du jour. You're telling me he's raised (or lowered...take your pick) to the orofice of Justicar of the MBT (Bolded because I respect the office, but not the man)???

Oh, this will NOT do!

All bare witness to the madness of <small> king</small> Meeks.

Compared to you, Sir, George III was a stable as bedrock

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Now Malakovski is the official Justicar...


I thought he was Seanachai's squire du jour. You're telling me he's raised (or lowered...take your pick) to the orofice of Justicar of the MBT (Bolded because I respect the office, but not the man)???

Oh, this will NOT do!

All bare witness to the madness of <small> king</small> Meeks.

Compared to you, Sir, George III was a stable as bedrock</font>

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From some other thread:


Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

You brought it up. SK is the official abbreviation for Saskatchewan. Don't be lazy...perhaps you meant ROK?



Me, in response:

It's the official Canadian abbreviation. According to international law, it is not only acceptable but required for other nationalities to ignore anything officially Canadian. But for you, as you'll notice in my last post, from now on I'll refer to them as South Korea and North Korea.

Rackin, frackin Canadians, always dotting their 't's and crossing their 'i's...


Just establishing my disdain and disgust in regard to Canadia.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

From some other thread:


Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

You brought it up. SK is the official abbreviation for Saskatchewan. Don't be lazy...perhaps you meant ROK?



Me, in response:

It's the official Canadian abbreviation. According to international law, it is not only acceptable but required for other nationalities to ignore anything officially Canadian. But for you, as you'll notice in my last post, from now on I'll refer to them as South Korea and North Korea.

Rackin, frackin Canadians, always dotting their 't's and crossing their 'i's...


Just establishing my disdain and disgust in regard to Canadia.

You spelled "Canadia" wrong ... Just establishing my disdain and disgust in regard to Meeks (nb).

Not a moments peace, not an instant of rest, not a day without fear.

The Outlaw Justicar STRIKES AGAIN!

Justicar, Justicar, striking from the gloom,

Justicar, Justicar, the hoofbeats sound of doom.

Kings fall in fear, and ... uh ... drop all their beer.

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.



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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I do hereby turn in my badge and spurs (I'll take those yarbles back, too, thankyouverymuch) and divest myself of the title "Knight." I join the "Outlaw Joesy Justicar Gang" and make this pledge:

He will have no sleep till the one who calls himself Inquisitor General do forsake that title and all its trappings!

Oh, and we stop this 'king' ridiculosity too.

Ahh, much better.

So, Yableless John (nope, you still don't get them back) joins Robin Shaw in the Greenwood? Er, Joe... a bit of advise (freely given)... seperate sleeping bags
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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:


In a completely unrelated part of this civil/not so civil war. I come to do my DUTY. Yes, duty, you know ours is not to reason why... and all that.

Therefore snarker, I bring the challenge of the anointed armored car to you. Like so many before you, you have but two choices. You can either accept this challenge and face my Romanian/Hungarian/Italian BUT NOT FINNISH armoured cars, tankettes, trucks or carriers on the field of battle. OR you can surrender like the half witted baboon wannabe you truly are.

Should you chose to fight, I can promise you drive by shootings that would make certain gangs in various metropolitan areas in the US green of envy, yes, I can promise you lots of gnashing of teeth. BUT if you should chose to surrender without a fight, I can promise you that you will be contacted by the French president as they'll probably want you as their new commander in chief.

THEREFORE I smack you in the face like thus *smack* and I throw the glove down before your feet like that *throw*

You can expect a setup in the mail.

Woof, that smarted!

Sir, *Grinds gauntlet into the muck* I notice there are Ladies present. That being so, I would have expected Gentlemen to be present also.

Since I expect no more or less than this offish behavior from you you selfish sod {oooh, I'm on a Quest, I am, look at me!!! Bugger the ceremony, such as it is, watch my antics!} I accept your slot - car challenge. I will face your Romanian/Hungarian/Italian BUT NOT FINNISH armoured cars, tankettes, trucks or carriers on the field of battle, with my Russian or Russian BUT NOT FINNISH armoured cars, tankettes, trucks or carriers.

Oh, your glove. Best retrieve it before it becomes part of the Royal wardrobe.

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