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New editor a must, SC-community will decline soon otherwise - Please read Hubert


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Lets face it guys. SC has reached somewhat of a peak, maybe sales of new version in Germany and France will bring one or two new players in but this forum is slowly declining. I think we all can feel that.

Ryder cup was an attempt to put some interest into the game in wait for SC 2. As well as all the jokes me, Jersey and Rambo pulls to keep interest up. And we all do it because of the love of the game.

But unfortunately there are no news whatsoever on SC 2. Nothing to keep this sparks burning.

SC has reached the cookie-cutter level when much of game-play is routine and quite boring. Jets are king and the one who gets it first dominate the game.

As I see this the only thing to do is that Battlefront give us a more extensive editor. An editor in which we can change MMP-values of locations, nations forces setup and cost and combat values for units for example. Here SC got a lot to learn from Hearts of Iron and Panzer general 2 - games that got an enormous response from fans thanks to the possibilities to change almost everything within the games.

Im afraid there soon will be less then 10 guys here, we need people to experiment with the game and personalize the stteings in it.

SO Hubert listen to us players on this one. I want you to comment on this topic too, how do we keep interest up?

To all you others - post in this thread and demand an editor.

[ August 22, 2003, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Completely agreed. Even if the game isn't patched to make the last, very badly needed adjustments to make this the game what it should be, an expanded editor with the features we've all discussed extensively elsewhere and months ago, would do wonders on it's own.

As for participant interest, you're right, a list of people who posted like mad a few months back and completely missing now would by far outnumber the people who have posted since then!

People want to become interested in it, they want to make and exchange scenarios, but nobody cares much for whistling in the wind.

There are other things I'd like to add, but I'll hold off till some others have a chance to add their views.

[ August 22, 2003, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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What do you guys thinks of matrixgames.com "Cross of Iron"? What's next?

I want something like the original Squad Leader:

1) turn based


3) turn based, hex map

4) solid combat system obviously

5) set-up you own pieces

6) many scenarios ranging in length, time frame, countries, etc. (Just like original Squad Leader, Cross of Iron, Crescendo of Doom, G.I. Anvil of Victory)

Uncommon Valor (part #1 of Grisby's War In Pacific) is NOT TCP/IP & looks like it will take 100 hours to play one game. I want a game like Squad Leader were a scenario can be played in 3-hours.

Talk to me,


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Interesting problem of balancing time and game quality.

I've got Grimsby's original DOS War in the Pacific game and find it interesting but have never gotten into playing it.

Something with ease of play, speed, quality, combined with a good AI and some other essentials.

A tall order.

To be honest, when I bought my first Sinclair computer in 1981 I thought by now we'd be looking like something our of the Jetsons.

At the very least it seemed we'd have perfect computer war games by, oh, 1990!

[ August 22, 2003, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Just wanted to pop in on this discussion... thanks for the posts and feedback (as always). The only thing to remember is that SC really was my first game and one that in many ways I learned a heck of a lot from (I'm still learning).

Points well taken on items such as broader editing capabilities etc., and in the end consider SC a stepping stone for hopefully bigger and better things to come... especially now that I have a better idea of what I am doing ;)


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One point of comment. Kuniworth implied that SC is losing its appeal to new users. From my experience with the PBEM League, the number of new SC players is on the rise. The game limitations and set-up may be frustrating for the really experienced players but it is still extremely popular and downright addictive for new players.

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Thanks for the response, I hope a further patch is coming with some of the tweaks discussed in the v1.07 discussion.

Of course Bigger and Better things will come, this is a great first project. The frustration is that it seems as though just a little more fine tuning would make it not just a great first project, but a great game as well!

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The proof is in the pudding with SC. This is the first and ONLY game that I've played for over a year, and NOT got bored with!

For those playing SC virtually full time, sure, the game may get stale and cookie cutter. I suggest mods in that case. But anyway you cut it, SC is more satisfying after a year of play than Red Alert, Command & Conguer, was for me four months into it.

If your overplaying the game, step back, take a break. That's one reason I've gone predominately pbem, it helps maintain the novelty of the game. I think one tcp session a week, mixed in with with a handful of pbem games, will keep SC fresh for me to the forseable future...until SC 2 hits the shelves.

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Jollyguy --- Nice to see you posting. I agree with your take. SC has the longest staying power of gaming viagra. I'm been playing this game for nearly a year & still talking smack. My almost retirement was a combination becoming a 2-time World Champ, looking for a new game, & just needed a break. SC is a lifetime keeper. Last time I get really hooked on a game was Sid Meier's Gettysburg & a long time ago Panzer General II.

What do I expect? I've played this game to death. How many SC "crack addicts" are out there? Waltero's Mom had to pull the plug on his computer. I played that dude 2-straight days without sleep smile.gif I think people's personality flaws/strengths are different. So guys must go cold turkey to shake the addiction. I quit playing for 2-weeks & went thru withdraw. I needed some tech advances & head-crack some people. By the way, Rambo 2, is now ranked #7. My goal & motivation of quiting was to do it all over again smile.gif

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I would love if the editor would allow

1) Off-map production (MPP balancing the game)

2) Modifying unit values and costs (Wow, we could do anything. WW1 scenario or a "no air-domination" scenario)

3) Being able to deactivate countries in the editor (Would allow changing russia and neutrals starting units/positions)

These 3 simple changes to the editor would allow us players to customize and develop the game on our own. It would expand the replayability by 6-12 months surely.

Many players are more probable to buy a sequel if the first game is great. They then think "SC was great, i must buy the sequel!".

This is NOT a new patch I am just talking abouta better editor so u do not break your words if u do it, Hubert ;)

[ August 23, 2003, 10:00 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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I would agree with all of those who are asking for better access to the game editor functions.

Given that SC has been out for about a year now, it MAY be worthwhile for Hubert and Battlefront to consider this one last patch.

It could only INCREASE interest in the eventually tremendous SC2. :cool:

However, I would not go so far as allowing modification of individual unit capabilities. or any other game functions.

All we actually need is access to ALL of the countries on the board.

No doubt about it... the more dedicated modders will come up with a truly "balanced" game (... if not perfectly "historical")... lickety split! smile.gif

And so, the various Leagues and Tournaments and the like could settle on a most excellent version for their competitive contests,

While the ones who mostly enjoy AI (due to time restrictions or oddly interfering things like wife/girlfriend/mistress or job or other great or shameful activities) could make a game that PERFECTLY suits their needs.

I can appreciate the original rationale for NOT providing full access to all of the countries.

Best, for awhile, to have everyone on the SAME PAGE... for tweaking purposes and so that the players could "speak in the same war-game language."

But, now that we are one year into this superior and somewhat "addictive" game, IMHO, there are BETTER reasons for... NOW... allowing better editor access.

Mostly to do with "Wow-ing the Madding Crowd" and stimulating! ever increasing interest in this... "word-of-mouth" game.


I would very very humbly request that this one last patch be released, allowing us to modify individual Countries... but NOT any other aspects, such as unit stats.

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