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Terif - Dragonheart GAME 3 + GAME 4 (1:1)


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hey!!! stick with that NWTPA thingy ... show me u have a spine, man ...

okay, okay...i will quit babbling about slow, clone and crap like this ... obviously i chose the wrong person to have fun with ... sorry for taking you for someone with a sense of humour that can stand a joke ;)

Good Luck

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yeah, it seems so ... I like to make fun of ppl (not using foul words and not having intentions to hurt their feelings). If i am the subject of a joke, I preffer to laugh (of course if it is not an insult) than to bear grudges ... but people are different and some of them get annoyed if you insist too much pulling their leg ;)

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Oh ho it is winter and an icy wind starts blowing in the forums.

You see Hellraiser only Rambo has earned honestly the right to act as an old fool ( with a love for the halflings leaf). ;)

I am ,lokking for ward to SC2 and hope for an option as a timer , pregame viewing of settings,teamplay etc.

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Originally posted by Dragonheart:

Honestly said....i had christmasparty yesterday with my collegues.....and i was together with another one the first one in the office ....but not coming from home ;)

So i slept no minute and its a long time ago i did this before....and now i feel so ooooooold. :D

So today it should read Dragonsleep. ;)

Hey man may i quote my own post again...with that lots of smilies and an offer to call me Dragonsleep today you should know that i m not pissed or whatever you wanna see. If you refer to this list then i can only say " :D " " tongue.gif "
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@SomeBra --- You known why you can't relate to the Legend? It's simple, you're a New Age Euro & One World Order Socialist; while I'm an Old School American, Independent, Competitive Fundamentalist & Landowning Cowboy. It's just the same way I play SC & headcrack you. While you're mored concerned what others think about you......well, I more on the line of being true to myself & my way of life. Next time we meet & you're playing a Euro in SC, tell them you have an appointment to meet your fate, against The Legend which has already been planned.

@DragonSlow --- I think there is some build up from the crowd, regarding us meeting on the battlefield. We split last time in a couple of 20+ hour matches. Go buy yourself enough smokes for this weekend, I'll be around if you want to schedule. Leave a message here is fine.

@Hellraiser --- You're shaking up the community, are you trying to become an Icon? If so, you'll to pull off some key victories & have a good smack run or some major contribution. Camp Rambo wishes you the best.

@Terif --- Ich Bin Legend. I am a Legend. I gave you a fun match, you cracked, R.A.C.K. in a very classic game. Even when I'm ahead, I refuse to play Cookie Cutter. I am, the maker of fun SC games smile.gif

@Codename Clone --- Quit trying to be me, quit trying to be Terif. I took you out big time a couple of weekends ago, how'd it feel? Game #3 was gift, because I had church function & I felt sorry for you after the #1/#2 games, were such a joke. Can you cry me another river over the results while we are playing. Too much Legend in your kitchen.

@Zapp --- Have you lost your marbles with your Air-Zapp crap? Put the R.A.F. in London & lets get the game on; and thus over with early.

"I'm Just me" --- The Cowboy Brother, Charlie Pride.

"I'll make you famous" --- Billy the Kid

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Hey Rambo

Would be fine to meet you on the battlefield. The prob with pre-Christmas time, and christmas time is that the family has priority. Today i will meet with Terif and for the rest of the weekend i cant promise anything...but let´s see. But anyway for our future games i would suggest to play according to PL rules ...let´s make a fixed bid and let´s play both sides, these games will be valid for ISCL and PL. I hope this will be ok for you.

Cheers Dragonheart (Königstiger)

[ December 17, 2004, 06:17 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]

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rambo wrote:

'@Hellraiser --- You're shaking up the community, are you trying to become an Icon? If so, you'll to pull off some key victories & have a good smack run or some major contribution. Camp Rambo wishes you the best.'

nah, frd ... i ain't trying to be no icon, i am just trying to spice up the boards and have some fun ... i'm not into icons, champs, whatever ... i joined these boards because i liked some posters cuz they were posting funny stuff and because it appeared to me the posters were not punks or stupid lil' kids and I felt like there was room for nice and funny discussions.

The game of SC is great, i admit, but I can't take it too seriously. RL is serious enough for me ... SC means a little fun, some talks, some smack talks ... all i want is to relax and have a bit of fun.

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

i joined these boards because i liked some posters cuz they were posting funny stuff and because it appeared to me the posters were not punks or stupid lil' kids and I felt like there was room for nice and funny discussions.

You just admitted to beeing a troll. If I were you I'd grab my balls and become a man. It is terrible that some posters only are here to spread there hate and have fun on my and others account. No doubt you got your nick to match your purpose around here.

Disgrace, try to be more gay(happy) instead. :mad:

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'It is terrible that some posters only are here to spread there hate ... '

kuni, i think you got it all wrong - where the f*ck do you see hatred in my posts? Jokes, maybe some of them not the best, yes, but if someone is not ok with them , i have the decency to stop, don't worry...I make fun on some1's account which can take it; there is no point to make fun of ppl who can't take it or feel offended, so i stop at a moment ... i am not trying to annoy people here.

But of course every1 is entitled to have his opinion...for example some people might consider your overuse of the 'gay' word as offending or annoying or plain stupid after you interfere in almost each and every thread with off topic posts only so you can use your favourite word. But , again, this is a matter of opinion. I , myself, find your posts funny ;)

And, please, don't be such a ghey ... you want a piece of me, you 'brown eye' lover? My shredder is ready for you :D:D:D

peace, man

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

'It is terrible that some posters only are here to spread there hate ... '

kuni, i think you got it all wrong - where the f*ck do you see hatred in my posts?

Well I guess you answer the question by yourself.

Hellraiser and other hellraisers oughta be hold in a tight leash or this forum will go to hell. Believe me, gay(=happy) posters are preferable.

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

I like black boots, strap-ons and the like ...



You pervert. There are innocent children visiting this forum, what will they think?? Disgrace mr H. Raiser!!! It's time you return like that dude in Cold MOuntain to play Counterstrike and stuff instead. We don't like talk about masturbation and other sexually but off topic subjects.

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

twisting my words won't make others think you're funny ... but probably in that place you come from (that'll be Gayville) it is nothing unusual ...

Why do you suggest I come from a gay(=happy) place? What do you know about that? Those false insinuations are only embarrasing. I thought you were a gay(=happy) person but instead you continue to spread hate. I'm also pretty sure that if the moderators will look on a map they won't be able to find Gayville - cause there ain't no place called that in the whole wide world!!!! You just made it up to make me look like some crook who was surprised to see that Herbie was a living car who won the race against him.
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At the moment we are playing at Bid 275 in 1:5:30.

The first game I won with Axis, the second one is scheduled next week smile.gif .

You can see the AA level of the enemy by selecting one of your AFs and move the cursor over an enemy port or city. Then you see the expected results and from them you can pretty exactly see the current AA level of the enemy (e.g. a str 8 port at AA 0 displays losses for the attacker of 1, at level 1 AA it shows 2).

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should be +1 AA for Germany, they had the 88 gun, they also had some intricate AA Defense grids in comparison with the Allies they were formidable IMO

Not only that but now that AA is outlawed, the UK/USA still always has the bonus 1 it gets from it's cities.

I miss having AA defense for my ports and resources too. They help when defending, I personally feel that it would be nice to have no stationing Fighters in city/resources/etc.. to be a kewl move as well..Not for offensive operations anyways. That way a UK Carrier can't come in and kill a LW Fighter on a AA4 City or Resource as easy.. and that fighter can use it as a defenive weapon<I liked the defensive feature personally and didn't know about the bug till ages after it first discovered> make for a funner game at least

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@ Liam:

Yep, the defensive feature of the AA is a good feature and until recently (as long as players mainly used it in this manner) AA was no problem.

But now after there exists a working AA strategy that with some luck will give Axis an advantage Allies can´t compensate, and more and more players started using it, there is no other choice than to forbid AA (or to use a similar rule). The cat is now out of the bag and can´t be put in again, so when it is allowed to use AA, players would use it.

There are other alternative rules thinkable (like forbidding to place fighters in cities/ressources), but they usually lead to other problems and are complicated to use in the game without breaking them unintentionally.

Forbidding AA research is simple and easy to use and control in the game. That Allies have a slight advantage due to their starting level is IMHO a good effect since they are inferior anyway (therefore the bid to compensate the axis advantage). And Allies really have only a small advantage since they have not much cities to use it (usually only London and later Brest). So it has only a small effect.

To play without AA for UK is not advisable cause then Sealion or to force allied intercepts to deplete their mpps would be too easy for Axis.

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Terif, agreed 100% the London Protection is vital to the survival of England. However how many Allies use the feature in that particular fashion? I don't know very many. If you played very poorly and England falls it's because you overdedicated in France. Then use of London is a pure Bug. 99% of the time it's used to get the +1 and place 2 UK Fighters in London and Hex South of it early and prevent a Fall of France or to hopefully along with a 2 star Carrier by late France to knock out a Luftlotte or two<or at least to damage them and delay till Oct. And force a Axis loss early>. Sounds to me as if it's a gamey plus1. I'd personally rather see that Germans recieved a Plus1 as well to prevent this sort of Air Exchange which is both ahistorical and would help Germans from giving Allies SuperCarriers too early on when they're powerless to counter them. Making the game more pure strategy and less Gameyness<early French Campaign Gambit>

In the Rome Gambit we outlawed Majors Landings, this mainly applied to Riga and sense most of us didn't land a corps near Leningrad it really is sort of an appeasement. I See the same thing with the AA Bug over London.

You could argue that Germany has access to many more Cities but truly the Germans rarely get Longe Range so they wouldn't really benefit. The UK stands to benefit with US as well in as many ways, plus the game now would become a Pure Russian War and less a French one

Paris and LC<outlawing use of the French mine as a fighter base which wouldn't be impossible> is about the Max you'll get as Axis

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