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Terif - Dragonheart GAME 3 + GAME 4 (1:1)


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We started another game.. this time with 250 Bid as allies are way to weak with lower bids especially when i play them. ;)

DOW+Landing rule+AA rule apply


-Van Suck spent alot of time in poland finishing them finally off in round 5 ..but as already said i dont need this guy which is obviously gay in the west :D

-LC captured in round 2 with just 1 tank+1army+1AF as i needed the hole stuff for a breakthrough in poland in round 1, ..Denmark fell in round 3

-France was quite early falling end of June with only minor losses (1 corps, 1 Sub), 2 english Battleships were also destroyed as the german navy got involved into the battle arround LC

The further procedere was the usual thing Vichy,Norway,Sweden,Egypt, converted rather quick.

Then i was pressing a little bit gb with my LR 2 but Terif saved his AF in Irland and in england was nothing worth to attack. Also my cruisers got some training on the english coast.

One snake attack with carriers, some battleships and corps on an it. corps near algier ended with the death of 1 italian corps, 1 already damaged it.cruiser and two dead british battleships + 1 english corps. After this job Von Suck got a free training lession on the rock. :D

The most curious thing ever happened to me was Hungary which joined in Oct 1941 !!!!!!!! Due to this fact my Barbarossa was not perfect and the russians could save 2 armies,1 tank from the border staff.

Unfortunately i made a border mistake for one turn which caused a 10 % increase of russian readyness but i saved 1 turn of this loss by gambling with 87 % readyness not preparing Barbarossa. Due to the late Hungary i decided to attack spain to the same time with barbarossa...like Portugal and Irak so the yanks entered war with barbarossa.

To DOW Greece wasnt possible due to the late allied coup in yugo.

German tech

Jet 3

LR 2

HT 1

English tech beside LR 1 unknown.

[ December 11, 2004, 03:40 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]

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Originally posted by zappsweden:

What about Spain?

Just read it ...one of the last sentences says....

due to late Hungary i decided to attack spain together with barbarossa. Btw Romania joined in January.

We saved after my turn...so spain is still alive as i could not conquer it within 1 round. :D

[ December 02, 2004, 03:30 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]

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Originally posted by Dragonheart:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by zappsweden:

What about Spain?

Just read it ...one of the last sentences says....

due to late Hungary i decided to attack spain together with barbarossa. Btw Romania joined in January.

We saved after my turn...so spain is still alive as i could not conquer it within 1 round. :D </font>

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@ Sombra Du feige Ratte!! Schau mal dasst deine Trainingspartner besiegst bevor du dich woanders wichtig machst. :D:D

Wenn in deinem Achsenspiel die Ungarn im Oktober 41 dazukommen und du seit 12 Runden dir an der Grenze zu Spanien die Füsse plattstehst möcht ich mal sehen was du mit deinem PC machst ....vor allem wenn dir das z. b gegen mich passiert. ;)


Excuse me this is a matter between me and Sombra so you dont need to know what i told him tongue.gif

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So, so der zahnlose Bettvorleger wird mal wieder aufmüpfig. Warst wohl lange nicht mehr in Siberien? Ich sage nur blindes Huhn (den von dem TIGER kann ja wohl nicht gesprochen werden) findet auch mal ein Korn. Oder wie sollen wir ihren Sieg gegen Terif nach den neusten Leistungen bewerten?

Auf, auf bringen sie gefälligst ihre Truppen auf Trap und reden sie mal ein ernstes Wort mit ihren Forschern.

Ausserdem wenn ich mich in meiner unendlichen Weisheit entschließé meinen Gegnern ein Erfolgserlebniss zu gönnen, ist das meine Sache. Das nennt man aufbauen eines Gegenerpools mit Langfristperspektive.

So Herr Feldmarshall KT zurück an die Front, das große Reich zählt auf Sie!

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Originally posted by Sombra:

Ausserdem wenn ich mich in meiner unendlichen Weisheit entschließé meinen Gegnern ein Erfolgserlebniss zu gönnen, ist das meine Sache. Das nennt man aufbauen eines Gegenerpools mit Langfristperspektive.

Schleimer !!!! :D:D:D

[ December 02, 2004, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]

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So let´s return to the game


Due to lack of MPP as Spain was attacked during Barbarossa my attack in the east was quite slow.

In the south i captured Odessa and Kiev and then i just blocked the frontline with corps.

In the north i had all my strong units + 5 fighters and after taking Riga i was pushing towards Leningrad to rescue Finland which joined immedeately with Barbarossa.

I wished the Hungary would have been joined that quick :D .

Finally i reached Leningrad captured it and the russians withdrew from Finland. Minsk was captured also in the meantime but i stopped my advance in front of Smolenks as its currently to dangerous to push deeper into russia with that few units.

Middle East

3 Rounds after Barbarossa russia dowed Turkey but the main target was as usual Irak where i could hold a while but finally had to withdraw to establish a straight defence line. As the russian units are much stronger...supported by 3 HQ´s i can only defend there but still holding the other city there. Later also 1 german Hq was sent there to help the italians.


The west was full of action. After heavy airbattles the allies land in Brest and pushed towards Paris and Bordeaux. Axis Luftwaffe withdrew its fighters towards spain after the loss of two units where they came in time to help italy in a minor seabattle arround Gibraltar. 1 italian Battleship were sunk but also 2 allied ships. Finally also Portugal, which was Dowed together with Spain and Gibraltar could be captured.

The Luftwaffe under command of Manstein refitted its fighters and built new ones to engage the RAF which was attacking Paris,Bruessels, and Bordeaux which was finally captured by the USA. I sent a 2nd Hq from the east to command my remaining landunits returning from spain. Guess who? Van Suck my favorite guy!! :D

With airsupport from Manstein´s 4 AF´s+1 Tank,Balbo with 1 Army+4corps Van Suck run a counter with the best units i had. 2 3-Stararmies + 2 1 Startanks and several corps pushed the Yanks out of Bordeaux cut several units off and finally destroyed 4 US Armies, 1 French Army and some corps will die soon, 1 US HQ was badly damaged but will escape. 3 fighters of each side were lost during D-Day.

Meanwhile the allies got another bridgehead in bruessel but without support the will have no other choice but to leave.

MPP is roughly 870 - 770 in favour of axis so with IT advantage of allies this is quite even.

Russia still has a very strong army maybe even more power units than germany but most of them are engaged in Middle East and if they wanna keep Irak most of them will have to stay there.

The Yanks lost almost their hole ground forces. Gbp still have ~10 corps, together with the US there should be only 5 ships left...which is equal to italys 3 + germanys 2 ships.

In the airrace germany has 9 fighters whilst endland has 2 left, US 1, Russia 1 and finally all 3 carriers are still alive.

If looking on units and MPP we are quite even now..but my advantage is that i can concentrate on one task now and dont have to fight in the east and west for a while.

Despite playing without AA it seems that even a bid of 250 is still to low for allies as axis still have the edge...dont forget that hungary joined in October...so no spain...no landconnection to africa, late remaining minors Spain,Greece,Portugal....and most important despite border mistake raising russian readyness by 10 %. I hope that in SC2 the game will be more balanced otherwise we will have to go on with Bids between 275 - 325 ..but like usually this depends very much on luck in tech advances.

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Bahhhh, DH you plowed Terif in comparison with my last games with him. What am I doing wrong lately. I need someone to brush me up... I am never taking Paris out by June and I'm never hammering the UK fleet into submission like you just did. Bahhhh

My tanks and Armies are defending like wussies on the West Wide.. ;)

Is it my 4 or 5 Turn Poland? Is it the fact I can't decide how to run a coordinated frontline attack? I usually add 3 HQs, 4 or 5 LW Fighters. Stack through and hope to get Ardenne.. Then the enemy stacks in 10-12 Corps with 4-5 Armies against them and holds me at bey till Late July or Sept... Even under best circumstances... You see even if I'm killing 1-2 corps per turn or alternatively 1 Army and 1 Corps per turn the French and Brits are almost producing that amount. All the holes are filled and generally my Air isn't punching the breakthroughs.

I usually put Manny in Charge of the Fighters..

In case this trend continues I'm going to never play Axis again unless the bid is 150 or 125, that would be a fair range then for me almost. Perhaps 175 in a pinch...

Come on give the Kid some better German Breakthrough advice smile.gif

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I remember playing you in an email game a good time ago, where Hungary also didnt join until very very late and where you misplayed the invasion of Russia so the Russias joined before you invaded. The bid was low back in those days, around 2,000 for the Russians. You still beat me very badly so that I resigned even before you got to Moscow. Perhaps its a lucky sign for you when Hungary joins late. :D:D :cool:

Seriously you are a much better player than me and that is why you killed me so badly and I just wanted to congratulate you on your win against Terif. Terif is in a class by himself and your beating him shows just how good of a player you are. Congratualations.

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Heh, Curry, I recall playing DH and getting plowed every time. Neither Rambo nor Zapp beat me as consecutively. Iron is one of the few others with a similar ability. Avatar is Unorthodox but not the same effect. DH is very steady fellow

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I believe I beat Iron, yes I did. The only one out of all those you mention and yes all you mention are - yes Very good players. But only one great. That would be Yoda. The King of Bavaria. Terif. Dragon is the same style as Terif, slow and very steady, every move a long term move and a good move. Dragon is good yes. Hats of to the young Austrian.

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@Liam in comparison of former days i dont care if i take poland on turn 4 or even 5. This is a job just to be done and you have only a minor advantage to get it earlier.

As i told in my rankings tread Terif isn´t that hard opponent in France as he is playing a longterm strategy saving lots of units. Therefore the average kill of france will occur arround end of July. This time i only got an earlier France as Terif had bad rolls when trying to kill a spearhead tank. This tank survived at 1 and the following round several of his units died as retailiation. The problem of his style of defence is that he can hardly kill a unit as corps defence is a mass defence and not a quality defence due to lack of Hq´s.

Nevertheless my allied game sucks ag him whilst ag others i perferm very well.

@ Curry

Iron was a great player i played him only once and played my best game to my abilities to this time (1 year ago), it was a great game but i lost.

But i learned alot from him. Last week he was online and he told me that he is interested again in SC looking for some fun games. Unfortunately i did not see him since that date.

Unfortunately i hate playing Pbem otherwise we could play again Curry, when giving Terif a great fight with 250 Bid i should provide you at least 300. ;)

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The game continued yesterday.


As my intention was to kill the allies by taking out England this time i stoped my advance in front of smolensk making a fronline from Leningrad down to Dnjpr leading through the mine.

Both sides had heavy losses in the battle for the mine but finally i got it.

Midlle East

The russians under Zukov were hammering the poor italians all the time...so i sent 2 tanks and two AF´s to help them. Unfortunately Terif realized this as he saw my landing as Egypt was italian and switched colour when landing :( Therefore he reinforced his troops and was prepared for my counter. When i started my careless counter i killed some of his units but the overalloutcome was destrastrous as i lost these reinforcements and with it my last base in the middle east. I had to withdraw and called Terif "Master of the Middle East" :D


I liberated France,Belgium from the evil teatrinker and then pressed GBP with continously airraids under command of manstein. In a final seabattle germany and italy lost all their remaining ships but also the allies were down to one US-Wreck only. The carriers were all wrecks too.

Togehter with the italians german elitetroops liberated London and made their way to Manchester.

When the first tankspearhead arrived in the outskirts of Manchester allies offered unconditionally surrender. :D

German Tech

HT 3

Jet 3

LR 3

IT 2


Well another victory ag Terif despite higher bid 250, despite 10% readynessincrease due to border mistake, despite Hungary joining in OCT 41!!!!

On the other hand Terif had again bad luck with his research Gbp got it late and russia got no tech!!! But it was a great game with lot of action and i prooved again that with axis i m almost unstoppable. ;)

Short Summary of our regame (GAME IV) according to PL rules.

Not much to say i lost again but the way i lost is very frusttrating. In this game everything was pro axis.

-poland turn 2

-denmark turn 3

-early breakthrough in france which fell June 40

(axis losses 2 tanks)

-both allies joined in Nov!!!!!

-early minors and incredible MPP Pool for axis

-overwhelming barbarossa

....and then he rolled over russia :(

Again i had the better tech ag him and killed lots of AF´s but when i killed one it was replaced by 2...simple incredible...

For our next session we arranged 1:5:30 Bid as Russia is way to weak in our games...or let´s say at least when i play them.

Meanwhile we will reach a lvl where it will be difficult to make another victory ag him....but as axis i have 2 wins ag him anyway my next great aim is the beat him with allied ;)

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