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What side do you prefer and why

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Like the topic says I'm interested in what side everybody prefers and the why of it. I have an idea I know what most prefer but could be wrong. Please don't just say Allied's either but state the nationality. As far as why it could be something as simple as " I'm a German so I like playing them" or maybe " I like the weapons the Brit's have". If you want to go into detail that would be great too. Anyway, what do you prefer?

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Hey Big Ron I don't think everybody thinks the Brit's are useless - oh you mean in the game. :D;) I'm not so sure everybody thinks that way. I believe according to JasonC who I admire as one being pretty darn knowledgeable and learned on the game believes them to be actually pretty good out of the all the different Allied's.

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I tend to prefer the Allies because the Nazi associations with the Germans give me the creeps. I rarely play the Germans in AI battles for that reason. On the other hand, I think the German weapons tend to have an advantage in the CMBO environment. If I were purely concerned about winning a QB, I would tend to take the Germans. And in PBEMs, I seem to be comfortable playing either side.

Well designed scenarios tend to be well-balanced, so the "who has the cherry picking advantage" is less of a factor. In a well designed scenario, I am happy to play either the Americans or the Brits, either vs. AI or PBEM. I used to prefer the Americans because I understood their equipment better, but as I have played more with the Brits, I have come to appreciate such weapons as the 17-pounder gun (on the Firefly, Archer, and on stand-alone ATGs), the 6 pounder with tungsten, the Churchill VIII, the Cromwell VI & VIII, etc. If I had to try to win a QB as the Allies and had unrestricted force choice, being allowed to cherry pick my most cost-and-combat- effective force, I would choses US or Brit paras, US VT arty, and British armor (which is far more effective point for point than US armor.)

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Originally posted by Tweety:

If only the 25pdr looked and acted like a 25pdr. :(

For a PBEM, you can kinda simulate that by having two FO's of the 3" or 4.5" caliber, or 3x 4.2" all firing on roughly the same area... the caliber is wrong, but the ROF and effect could be rationalized as 25 pdr-esque.

For a custom PBEM (submit unit-purchase requests to a 3rd party who sets it up in the scenario editor), you can request instead of 1 25pdr FO x 120 rounds, maybe 3x Fo's x 40 rounds (and vet/crack quality) to simulate the ROF and ETA. At any rate, I'm a fan of having two FO's of the same caliber (or 3 or more) firing on the same target... it feels more realistic as supposedly it was more common for whole artillery battalions (rather than single batteries) to be firing.

[ May 01, 2003, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]

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I can hardly remember when last I played any other nationality than German, pbem. Strangely, as I always allow my opponent to choose sides if I can. But when I do have a choice I still choose Germans.

It is not a rational and logical decision really, so I'm afraid I can't surrender any useful tip for QBs. Playing the Germans, I tend to feel all other nationalities have all the advantages. Merely a subjective feeling, but not therefore any less real to me. But I don't mind the feeling. I'm not a very competetive person. I play against myself and against my historical counterpart, rather than my pbem opponent.

The rationae will be the fact that I know the German army. Through and through. All I know of tactical thinking WWII I learned from them. Their manuals, studying their performance, reading their testimonies. Naturally then, their organisation and equipment fit my playing style like hand in glove.

Conversely I feel awkward and clumsy playing with other nationalities. Like a guest in a house rarely visited. But I do feel a powerkick, having control of those usually much feared nameless and faceless enemies.



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I normally have liked and actually just about mainly always played the American's cause I is one :D but I am fast becoming a fan of the Brits. Their armor is extremely deadly or at least in a current Pbem that I am playing where I am actually the German's for only the second time ever am getting my head handed to me by them. Course a lot of it could just be that I am a pretty crappy player right now but still I am in awe of their armor power. I may just have to switch over to playing them. Dandelion are you German? I know you don't live there right now but aren't you? Just curious. It sure seems that you know a great deal about them at least military wise so I assume that's why you would know so much about them being one yourself. I could be wrong you might just be fascinated because they were pretty fascinating.

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I also play Germans. Mostly because I am German (Im American but half my family is from Germany), and I like to play with the best equipment. I do enjoy WWII history, and iv found that I just like the style, look, and performance of the German military at that time.

[ May 11, 2003, 05:00 AM: Message edited by: tacitrain ]

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Whether it is Combat Mission, Steel Panthers WAW, IL-2 Stormowik, Medieval Total War or Steel Beasts (the games I try to limit myself to), I always play as the Germans. Why? Because I admire their military achievements and history and I feel inspired by their fighting spirit and skill. Besides, their weaponry and tactics are by far the most interesting.

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I'm still waiting with barely contained anticipation to get my copy delivered by Amazon. However I am looking forward to getting my hands on a 'Firefly', 'Cromwell' and 'Churchill'.


How has my Home address (I live in Buckinghamshire) determined which unit I am painting in 20mm (It is a famous one) ;) .

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How has my Home address (I live in Buckinghamshire) determined which unit I am painting in 20mm (It is a famous one) .

Well Last Hussar I don't think I understand the question. Are you painting a 20 mm field piece? So you've got the game coming. Excellent. You will get more fun out of it then you can imagine. If people only knew how great this game is BFC could charge $250.00 for it and people would buy. I wonder in the over 3 years I've been playing it how much I would have spent on games if I hadn't had this one. A bunch I can tell you.

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When in the army, we had the Ox and Bucks as friend unit. Living in Buckinghamshire, you might reasonably feel affectionate about this unit? In spite of it being poor bloody infantry? Thus painting a 20mm figure from it?

If you like painting models, you'll want to get a paint program for your computer and get to work on the 3D models in the game. It's really user-friendly, they use bmp files as "skins" in a readily accessable file catalogue. Don't worry about there being a lot of mods around, you see it's impossible to get it perfect and so modding will go on forever smile.gif



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Lee- 20mm is the minature scale I am currently painting - approx 1:72. Dandelion is on the right track.

D company 2nd Battalion Oxon Bucks light infantry are the allied forces that can claim they got into combat first on D-Day at 'Pegasus Bridge'. Maj Howard and I both have worked for Oxfordshire police force (though it is now known as Thames Valley). According to the guy in the Terratorial Army (reservists to non Brits) his old Regiment- the Royal Green Jackets- who have barracks in Buckinghamshire identifies them as one of the units from which the RGJ were formed With such a historic unit 'on my doorstep' how could I not choose them? I can highly recommend Stephen Ambrose's book 'Pegasus Bridge'.

'Ham and Jam' every one

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Ho Ho Ho.

That Teutonic sense of humour. ;)

'Ham' was the codeword to say the canal ('Pegasus') bridge on the Orne had been captured intact, 'Jam' the same for the river bridge. 'Jack' (canal) and 'Lard' (river) meant captured but blown by defenders. Maj Howard always signed off replys to his 'fan' mail 'Ham and Jam'.

The film 'the longest day' doesnt show 7th Para arriving to reinforce, just Lovatts relief. Richard Todd- who plays Howard, was one of those in 7 Para.

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Originally posted by Last Hussar:

With such a historic unit 'on my doorstep' how could I not choose them? I can highly recommend Stephen Ambrose's book 'Pegasus Bridge'.

Such a shame that the veterans Ambrose had interviewed couldn't offer such high recommendation....

I did like the book but had to wonder what Ambrose had gotten wrong, or why there is controversy about his version of events (?)

Any idea?

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