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The Master, Margarita and the Peng Challenge thread

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The next time I see someone on this forum accusing another of comparing apples to oranges, there is going to be fruit juice spilt on the carpet. BTS could probably encapsulate the spirit of the discussions surrounding the game by calling their next release CM3: Apples and Oranges (settle which is best once and for all!)...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Von Shrad, you are hereby charged with displaying overly Sheepgroggly tendencies in a public place.

What say you in this matter? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well if the rules of law are the same as any home I have lived in during my life, I am guilty until proven innocent.

Geez...a guy has a few Sheep magizines laying around and they come to some kind of sick conclusion. I get them for the articles.

Next issue features 'To shear or not to shear'. I do prefer the cut-down look.

von shrad, Goanna's shear-boy

[ 09-10-2001: Message edited by: von shrad ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stuka. (Assistant reserve backup secretary to the Assistant Whatsacar

Inquisitor General)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> HAH! As if I'd appoint [sNEER] an Australian [/sNEER] to the critical post of sidekic ... uh I mean assistant to the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread (we're still working on the title, Junior Justicar just doesn't have the right ... the right ... milieu? ... milieu? ... no you idiot.)

Further I must REMIND the members of the CessPool that I have not yet been OFFICIALLY appointed to the post. How would it look if the man who is responsible for upholding the traditions of the CessPool should then flaunt those traditions by proclaiming himself before the event?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Are there any Lawyers present?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes. The sheep in question has retained me to seek redress against the shagging party. Mace owes my client an apology, and $10 million US for mental suffering and physical abuse. We must get right to the BOTTOM of the matter.

Ms. Bo-Peep says the worst part was the FRENCH KISS administered to her sheep by Mace with great gusto and much oral interaction. The exhibits are too sick for the Court to handle.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I was given the game with no units for either side except for about 20 big-gun spotters per side. That, my friends, is just stupid. I guess it was a big joke, ha ha, but I play this game for fun, not to see what imbecilic combinations I can come up wih.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That was mine, I take full responsibility!

The scenario, for those who weren't aware of it, is simply a faceoff between German and American 240mm FOs (about 15 on each side) on a smallish map in heavy fog.

The goal of the scenario is for either player to capture the sole VF in the centre of the map, while surviving the maelstrom of large-calibre artillery fire.

It was developed with a few things in mind:

XX) for a cheap laugh (yes it was a big joke), and

Pi) to test the mettle of that SSN, Gustav, who wouldn't take no for an answer in his continuing attempt to challenge me in combat (imagine, a Kniggit expected to play a SSN, what's the MBT coming to).

Gustav has not been seen since I foisted my little piece of evilness off to him. Better yet, it's an offense to Panzer Leader's intelligence (ie, not that offensive).

Hence, I believe I should be awarded some recognition for this fine achievement.


PS Stop talking about SHEEP...It's stirring up strange feelings in me!

[ 09-10-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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There must be some kind of loophole that allows the admiration of sheep so we can clean this whole mess up quickly and rather painlessly.

However, there must be some kind of statute that forbids topic's that will arouse Joe Shaw and Lawyer into making replies in full. Think of the horror of these two kicking around their Banker/Attorney *mumbo-jumbo for 5 pages. It would look worse than Tokyo ravaged by none less than Godzilla vs. Mothra on LSD. I forbid (can I do that to a Knight?) any more of this imploding behavior. Could you imagine the fee's involved? All lost during a bad investment!

*Mumbo-Jumbo {slng.} 1. To discuss too often, 2.[n] To discuss in full legal terms, {[vl.]} to speaketh till thoust headeth hurteth.

von shrad

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

There must be some kind of loophole that allows the admiration of sheep so we can clean this whole mess up quickly and rather painlessly.


Hey, what I do in the privacy of my bedroom, barnyard, field, public road, central business district, house of parliament, crowded elevator or anywhere else I can find a sheep is my business!


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SO it was YOU you wretch! Now the pieces fall into place...

Incidentally I took up the the gits little challenge due solely to the fact that he is an Alaskan fisherman. I think we all (and Mace especially) will be happy to know that this game will assuredly run him off.

Look, all I'm saying is that the games should be fun to play, that's all. They can be crazy, stupid, ahistorical, whatever. But games that are just GO-GO-GO-GO are not worth playing.

Crodaburg now THERE'S a game for SSNs. 60 turns of pathetic, hair-rending, futility. What makes it all the more great/horrible, is the amount of WORK you have to go to to lose. Incidntally, I will give a mini-DAR for my game of Crodaburg

I'm playing Martyr (anyone remember HIM??) and we are half way through this atrocity and I just finished numbering turn 103. Maybe a bit of overkill, but, well, at least its something...

Bad Mace! Bad!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Finally, (yeah I know but THIS is the final part ... I think) I'm not at all certain that it's possible to be UNFAIRLY persecuted by Berli.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh yeah, that's me, the soul of fairness. This village has too many idiots

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Looooraaakkk! Log ain yer elfin' poltroon. Wid ye noo recorrd tha followin' travesty ain yer tome...

OGSF Draw 43

Berli Draw 37

Ah wus robbed! Mah poor wee green and weary Canucks were set upon bah tha Wermacht Wolves, an' haild their groond, an' all fer a stankin' draw!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

In a recent game given to ME by either Berli or Mensch (who can tell the difference?) I was given the game with no units for either side except for about 20 big-gun spotters per side. That, my friends, is just stupid. I guess it was a big joke, ha ha, but I play this game for fun, not to see what imbecilic combinations I can come up wih.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are scum of the lowest order. I will have you know that I have never created an intentionally unbalanced scenario, nor have I ever created one that would fall into the sort of science fiction you describe. Think (I know that's a stretch for you) well before taking the name of an Old One in vain. Our capacity for retribution is beyond your limited mind's capabilities to understand. Now, be so kind, and SOD OFF!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

No, Mensch or Berli this is neither a fun scenario nor a good "sock-it-to-em" scenario, since there is no way to win other than by chance or by memorizing all delay times from all the various spotters used in the game. And that is if I had BOTHERED to do the set-up myself!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You have gone well past my patience

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:


Oi! Where did the senior bit come from buddy?

I didn't see you in Berli's senior kniggett list, pal.

Bloody imposter.

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Berlichtingen, if I was a kinder man I would apologize profusely for my error, and if I was a humble man I would point out my shock at receiving this scenario from a senior knight such as yourself after seeing the excellent scenarios at the Cauldron. If I was a remorseful man, I would bow my head in shame at falsely accusing you of creating a crap-fest scenario (thanks again Mace!) and finally, if I was a contrite man I would ask, as a favor, that I be blessed with one of your superb scenarios in order that I might cast my eyes on perfection and offer my Alaskan friend a real scenario.

However, being a bastid and a GIT, I only offer you a quiet SOD OFF!.

Oh, and same to you, Mensch!

Ahem, uh Joe Shaw, I may have a case for you. False accusations galore!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:


Af'n Dubbya kin get aintae tha Wheet hoose, Ah kin bae a Senior Kanniget. Ye didnae even knoo ye were supposed tae bae wun, ye pillock. Ah'm sae feckin' Senior, Ah mak yoo look lak tha squeaky valve ain Berli's ainflatable hemmorrhoidal seat cushion. Ah'm sae feckin' Senior laddie, Ah mak ye look lak tha warrrrm patch oon Seanachai's bed pan. Ah'm sae feckin' Senior, ye kin kiss mah spotty arrrse, mon!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Further I must REMIND the members of the CessPool that I have not yet been OFFICIALLY appointed to the post.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Could there be a more fitting result than to Jesse Helms the positon of pool Justicar?

Point of order Mr. Chairman, I move to attach a rider to the appointment of Shaw for tabcco bribes, ah err, persuasion, ah err public service announcements on the health benefits of smoking and the lack of older pensioners, and thus return the bill to committee to be marked up.

If not succesful I shall address the pool and begin at the beginning.........ahem Chapter, the First" In the beginning (insert deity or first principle here) created (or didn't) the heavens and the earth, ...(or at least a small trailer park outside of Witchita...)

[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Oh yeah, that's me, the soul of fairness. This village has too many idiots<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I believe, Berli, that Shaw is actually making a valid point, in that the claim of being 'unfairly persecuted' by the Prince of Darkness, is like claiming that 'Peng validated their existence', or some such.

I mean, how can a Being dedicated to the temptation, corruption, destruction and ultimate punishment of mortals be found to be 'unfairly persecuting' them? The lad (not Ole Foul Joe, the other lad, Panzer Leader) simply didn't think things through. Mind, he's shown a singular lack of ability in that direction. I may treasure him as a former Squire, but I'm still seeing a doctor about the tendon damage I endured from the repeated beatings I was forced to administer.

Now the pillock says he's going off to become a Born Again Virgin. Makes me shudder, and I've read dozens and dozens of posts from Rommel22, Colonel Dead_Marsh, and Fieldmarshall, so I know what the true face of idiocy looks like.

Panzer Leader, lad, don't stop at merely not playing CMBO any more. To truly prepare yourself for the pleasures to come, fast, spend hours on your knees on stone floors, and scourge yourself. When you stop doing these things, the pleasure you will feel playing CMBB will probably immediately rip you free of this existence, and send you into the afterlife.

Mind, when you get there, try explaining to Berli's henchmen that you're being 'unfairly persecuted' when they jab a boar spear up your arse and march you to the hottest part of the pit. Even the damned need a good laugh now and then.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[sNEER] an Australian [/sNEER]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow! Signs of intelligence! Wonders never cease to amaze me

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Further I must REMIND the members of the CessPool that I have not yet been OFFICIALLY appointed to the post.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok, correct me if I'm wrong, Seanachai recommended you, I said aye, and Peng said aye... what the Hell else do you want? A freakin' brass band?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I believe, Berli, that Shaw is actually making a valid point, in that the claim of being 'unfairly persecuted' by the Prince of Darkness, is like claiming that 'Peng validated their existence', or some such.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I wasn't disagreeing with him. I just thought he was making a point that really didn't need making.

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Seanachai you lump:

Upon review of the last turn, I first tender my compliments to your Soviet-trained FO. Such callous disregard for human life should not go unrecognized; calling the arty directly on your own positions is simply brilliant.

However, you have fallen directly into my little trap, because for every 10 men of mine you kill, you kill at least one of your own!!!

HAHAHAHAhohohohohee, hee... errggh.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

I recently sold my super-expensive digital camera, because I'm not sure I care to concern myself with anything which is not part of the immediate world around me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Does that mean we are no more under the threat of having to cope with Threads dealing with paved roads and lack of 6 liners in downtown Glasgow?

And lest I forget that one, the flowers et the windows plus the examplary number of pubs.

Are you saying we are safe?!

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