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A proposed system for MOD-building...

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Fellow CMers:

I had a great time reading PawBroon's treatise on "Applicationism" and MOD creation. I'm having a lot of fun messing with Photoshop and trying to create something a bit more complicated than "dark winter hoods".

But I had an idea that I'd like to run past everyone... it seems pretty simple, and yet I don't think I've come across this on the board yet.

What if the famed uber-modders (Bergman, Tiger, Fernando, et al) were to create a set of tanks and vehicles that have just emerged freshly painted from the factory? Fernando, has, in effect, done this with his latest mono-colored Panther. If I recall correctly, the German tanks left the factory with a base coat of light tan.

This would be just like painting a plastic model for the rest of us would-be camoflaugers. If we had a raw, perfectly detailed yet unpainted tank, we could concentrate our efforts on adding all the fine details: camo, snow, combat damage, soot and shmutz, etc. Just like finishing up a plastic model!

I tried this approach with Fernando's Panther, and here's my first crude attempt:



Not bad for about an hour's worth of work, huh?

The artists could submit raw Photoshop files, and even have different equipment on different layers. For example, a layer could hold the inevitable shovel, backpack, or jerrycan, or perhaps spare tank tread on the side of the turret...

I'm no great graphics expert, but I could write up a brief Photoshop tutorial if that would help...

Is this a decent idea? Has this been done before? All I know is, with Fernando's factory-fresh Panther, I can use my time to research cool camo schemes, rather than worry about every little line and bolt and weld seam.


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Well this is my first attempt at modding,and trying to post a photo. View?u=1713380&a=13166437&p=49841155 I used Fernando's Panther mod.Does anyone know where I might find a decent winter Panther G ?The only one I found was at CMHQ and it just wasn't what I was looking for.Any comments good or bad are more than welcome.

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First time I noticed that someone actually read that article.

Just so I know if I should do the rest of the serie, do you guys actually went there and read it on CMHQ or is it a strict Joshik-PawBroon relationship?

BTW, nice one for a crude first attempt.

Should need some weathering or be toned down to look a bit battle weary.

Keep up the good work...

[ 06-05-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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Where is that mod atricle these guys and you are talkin' about? I want to read it. I work wih Photoshop but have yet to try my hands at a mod.

Where is this moding for newbies article?

(Never mind, I found it!! Thanx)


[ 06-05-2001: Message edited by: Rommel22 ]

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Ilike the idea of plain-jane mods that we can cammo and ding up by ourselves! It would finally tempt me to abandon my perpetual tinkering with grasses and bases, and get me into the neat stuff that brought me into CM in the first place...tanks and guns!

It would also be neat if BTS would come out with basic skins that would show us exactly what and where the 3D models beneath are like, where the overlap and seams are, etc. The few screen shots they showed us of CM2 3D models sort of whet my appetite and gave me that idea.

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Well, speaking of Fernando's Panthers, Fernando sent me some preview shots of his TRI-COLOR and AMBUSH camo schemes of Panthers.

Here they are:

Panther G - Late


Panther G


Fernando said he's doing options now and will probably release these this week. He said he's gonna do the Panther A next.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Yank:

Well this is my first attempt at modding,and trying to post a photo. View?u=1713380&a=13166437&p=49841155 I used Fernando's Panther mod.Does anyone know where I might find a decent winter Panther G ?The only one I found was at CMHQ and it just wasn't what I was looking for.Any comments good or bad are more than welcome.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gordon is doing some winter versions of Fernando's PzIV and Panthers. He's using the snow effect as like the American stuff.

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Warning - overload! Too much, don't know how to reponsd.

Yes Joshik, I like the idea.

Looks good Yank, let's have it!

There you go again Maximus, cutting into our gaming time by making us download another of Fernando's h.o.f., gone gold before released, mods.

Gordon: It's difficult to find winter mods better than your's. You probably live in some sub-tropical paradise and are drinking a cold one to inspire your mods.


[ 06-05-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Yank:

Well this is my first attempt at modding,and trying to post a photo.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your mod looks very good to me, Yank. =) As for the original idea presented in this thread . . . basically that's what modding the vehicles in CM is already. I mean, we're not modifying the actual 3D models or anything. You may not be given untouched base coat color schemes to work with, but if that's what you want how hard is it to dump that base color over the existing textures and painting over them from there? That's pretty much how I did my King Tiger mod. I can understand your initial suggestion (who wouldn't want that first part of the job already done for them) but it's really almost as easy to do it yourself. =)


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Howdy all,First I should appologize to Joshik for jumping in on his thread.Second thank you for the kind remarks,And third do I need Fernandos permission to make this mod available seeing that I used his mod to make mine? If I get his permission and anyone wants this mod where do I send it? Sorry about the stupid questions but I'm new to all of this.

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