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Fine by me. I am not about to start political discussions in the pool. I'll also go on record as saying terrorist deserve whatever they get. But it is the goverments duty to make sure who is who before you start shooting.

Now.... for confessor of the pool...

My vote would have to go for Hiram/Phan or mensch.

Hiram because he can be nice and yet lash out at the same time. You never know exactly what you are going to get when you approch him. That is a good thing in a confessor. Will I get a nice talking too? Or will I be jumped upon like a teenage....won't go there. But you get my drift.

Mensch would be ok in that he is a lunitic. I know... you'll never know if your sins or forgiven or encourged. but think of the nice wrap up you'll get at the end of the session?

Pooler:"father.. I made a grog post on the board."

mensch:" well, did you buy the whopper to crank your car full of goat cheese? I mean when planes fly over your head like a hamster missing a punchline... you know your sins are lime jello. Amen"


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My vote would have to go for Hiram/Phan or mensch.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hiram! Are you out of your everloving mind? Sorry, dumb question, asked and answered and all that, but I am categorically opposed to Hiram as Confessor. I don't care which name he uses, neither Hiram Sedai nor Phillies Phan is likely to provoke much more than giggles from the flock ... (FLOCK Bauhaus, flock ... oh damn, sit down Mace ... talk about a bad choice of words).

Now Mensch has one thing going for him, his name is already Gregory!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Mormans always have hated me. Especially the gay ones.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey don't sell yourself short ... I'm sure there's LOTS more people that hate you. We in the Pool don't hate you ... we despise you but that's because you're one of us.

BTW, how many gay Mormons do you know? From the sounds of it you've had EXTENSIVE experience.


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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Fine by me. I am not about to start political discussions in the pool. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fenian. ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Talking of politics, I heard Tony Blair has kicked off his election campaign with a speech in a girls' school. He's obviously got his priorities right, eh Stuka?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Isn't it a bug in the way Blair is modelled or is that just one of those occasion where things are abstracted?

I know for a fact that we frogs have an abstracted President and that's pretty cool.

Nobody patches that guy he is too funny like that...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

. (FLOCK Bauhaus, flock ... oh damn, sit down Mace ... talk about a bad choice of words).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now I would say that is a candidate for Gyrene's Custer Award for bad tactical decisions...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>PawBroon wrote:

Isn't it a bug in the way Blair is modelled or is that just one of those occasion where things are abstracted?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In my experience the Blair VII medium tank puts on a good show, but on closer inspection, actually achieves very little. It is most often crewed by fanatics who are otherwise poorly trained. Its targetting priorities are biased, not towards making a difference, but rather appearing to be doing a lot, and looking good in the process. Historically it has tended to prey on high-profile units such as the PzKpfw 543/3 Pop Star and the SdKfz 121/2 Actor. It picks opponents such as the SPW 412 Student and SPW 779 Pensioner which reflect well on it and increase support for its employment. It has also been known to go berserk in the presence of the PzKpfw 666 Tory, and detractors such as Generalleutnant Wilhelm Hague have made a career out of lambasting it for its flaws, despite his own fanaticism provoking criticism.

The Blair VII, in its most recent engagement at Frauleinschulerburg, predictably expended prodigious amounts of ordinance, achieving few hits and of those, multiple ricochets. I shan't go into the subject of penetrations, as there is already a thread devoted to that...

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rolls over... lifts head slightly, enough to glimpse screen with "brightness" turn so far down as to be off... sees words

... confessor...

... gay mormons...

...pointy pointy things...

realises have caused enough trouble for 24 hours... rolls back over

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

It is most often crewed by fanatics who are otherwise poorly trained... Its targetting priorities are biased, not towards making a difference, but rather appearing to be doing a lot, and looking good in the process. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Will Red Ken appear as a partisan in CM2?

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Ok you Pool Pundits, that rogue thread where #176 unmasked his aversion for us is now closed due to the Bald One Locksmanship

Because they were GEMS in it I'll do the magic sleight of hands so that you'd be spared the trouble to go there.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peng:

What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior.

I've met a lot of people and I'm convinced that the vast majority of wrong-thinking people are right.

Fred, if that is indeed your real name, are quite the jolly fellow there, aren't you? It is truly a pleasure to meet you at long last. I have been cyber-stalking you lo these many years and posts, and have finally decided to declare my undying love for you.

I was there when you sided with BTS on the penetraion value for the .50 cal mg. I said "woot!" out loud when your side won the day on that argument, I tell you. And remember the time you contributed to one of the thousands of threads about the shape of HE blast patterns? That was great. I really liked that.

Golly I'm just all flushed with hormones over here thinking that I have finally gotten to meet you. I have such a HIGH member number, and yours is nearly as low as Berli's (who by the way is rumoured among some who post to the Peng threads to be the actual DEVIL himself), I am certainly not worthy of your notice, but well ya see, I just can't hold it in any more. I want to have your babies, Fred. Please? Pretty please with tungsten on top?

I have for months been complaining to BTS to fix or do somefink about the Peng threads, but my prayers go unanswered. Maybe you, with your exceedingly low member number, wisdom, power, grace and fluent grog-speak can convince them to kill the Peng threads once and for all.

I would really appreciate it, and if you have a chance, send a sample in a refrigerated box, I'll take care of the fertilizing and implantation.

Love ya lots, Freddybaby<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

To which I replied minutes before the Serial Locker

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YoursTruly:

I want to have your babies, Fred. Please? Pretty please with tungsten on top?

Now that's truly grand!

You are therefore automatically absolved of all nasties I could have said concerning the alledged slowness with which you were cooking our setup.

Peng if you weren't already #176's bitch I'd marry you...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ain't you proud of being loved by such a wonderful Grog community?

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Ain't you proud of being loved by such a wonderful Grog community?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sycophant. ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Ok you Pool Pundits, that rogue thread where #176 unmasked his aversion for us is now closed due to the Bald One Locksmanship<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bah! Here I went to all the trouble of going over there and very nicely challenging Fred to a PBEM in which he could ease into the joys of bantering with an opponent, and the brute squad shows up and the whole thread is locked down.

Well, I'll get even with Peng for that one. I concur with Berli that Peng should become the Father Confessor of the Peng Challenge Thread, in perpetuity, and that those who need to unburden themselves of sins, real or contemplated (there are no 'imagined' sins on this Thread, only those that have been committed, and those that will be after a proper period of reflection on them), should go to Peng.

Take that, you whiskey gargling lunatic.

[ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I concur with Berli that Peng should become the Father Confessor of the Peng Challenge Thread<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But he's never bloody HERE! In the off chance that one of our more disturbed members should need his ministrations (pretty scary thought that ... the cure vs. the disease, etc.) they might have to wait for days, weeks to be absolved. They might have to bear the burden of their guilt for ... hmmmm ... good point Seanachai I'm for it.


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Forgive me, Peng, for I have sinned.

I have thrice, no, multiple times, no, regularly lurked through the thread with vague feelings of belonging, though yea, verily, I have been forced to deign posting due to Real Life™ issues. Though I struggle through the valley of morons (or was that mormons?), I fear no Cess, for thou art the instigator, the very foundation from which pours taunting, and I prostrate myself before thee (Damnit, bauhaus, this is a religious experience), hereby professing my undying devotion to the Mutha' Beautiful Thread, for thou art the horror, the thorn in the side, the time-waster, and the rib-tickler, forever and ever, Amen!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

Forgive me, Peng, for I have sinned.

I have thrice, no, multiple times, no, regularly lurked through the thread with vague feelings of belonging, though yea, verily, I have been forced to deign posting due to Real Life™ issues. Though I struggle through the valley of morons (or was that mormons?), I fear no Cess, for thou art the instigator, the very foundation from which pours taunting, and I prostrate myself before thee (Damnit, bauhaus, this is a religious experience), hereby professing my undying devotion to the Mutha' Beautiful Thread, for thou art the horror, the thorn in the side, the time-waster, and the rib-tickler, forever and ever, Amen!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's the H. Spirit, Leeo!... now here comes St. Bauhaus with your peni -- er -- penance, that is... don't fret, it only hurts for the first eight inches or so... or was it four twice...?


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Okay, let's all give Iskander some suggestions as to how he could have written that last without getting QUITE so graphic. Here's my suggestion:

That's the H. Spirit, Leeo!... now let me consult with my assistant about your penance ... Oh Bauhaus!

There, you see, the same BASIC thought but without the ... uh ... details that the Bald Angry One might find objectionable. Any other suggestions?


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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Any other suggestions?



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Very excellent post Leeo. You are forgiven and absolved of all sins relating to slow turnaround times on our Cirque de Cess battle.

Iskander please seek counseling immediately. Or, take it to /www.perverted_ideas.com.

Stuka and I are locked in a death grip around the western flag with huge calibre shells raining down all around like a tropical thuderstorm.

My poor Froggish troops have nerves of fois gras, and they all whimper "Sacre bleu!" as they scurry for any kind of cover they can find...especially if it's a wine cellar.

[ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: harpooner ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by harpooner:

especially if it's a wine cellar.


If there are any teenage girls in those cellars, then I'm gonna declare a ceasefire and join you.

I presume Marked4 extinction will be along shortly?

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You've got the right idea, Stuka, old man.

I told my dad, "Dad I wonder if I'm too old to be chasing after 19 year old girls now that I'm over 30. What do you think?"

Dad, "I'll start worrying about you when you stop chasing after 19 year old girls."

I love my dad. He's classic.

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Guest Babra

I'm going to live to be a hundred and three, and when I die my girlfriend will be so upset she'll have to drop out of college.

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