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Post the most stupid thing you ever seen in CM !!

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Feb, 1945, clear, dry

terrain: open, and nothing at all

it was just a test

A tiger (late)vs a churchill VIII(CC8),

they were in front of each other,

the CC8 tank fired a smoke round,

my tiger can't see it and I ordered

the tiger went ahead for it. Then the

scence became to : the tiger was at the 2:00

of the CC8, and CC8 was at the 10:00 of the

tiger. And, the most stupid thing happened !!

The tiger got some hits, it was ok with one

dead commander. I recorded the tiger firing

history, 34m, 39m, 55m, all missed, at these

moment , the tiger almost had the view of

the whole side of the CC8, finally got it

at 79 m.

I know, sh**s happened during the war, but

this one was really *&%#$#@$%%*&^%

Well, however, this doesn't happen in my

PBEM games, thanks God !!

Post your, folks !!



Sgt. Huang

I LOVE my country, but my

government sucks.

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Seriously? Playing scenario X today against the computer, the AI decides to advance all its infantry through woods at the edge of the map. 3 minutes and a rocket barrage later, a full company plus support is dead or run off the map. Then, without infantry to help out, it lost 9 assorted afvs (including a jumbo 76) to an ambush consisting of 2 'shrecks, a platoon of infantry, and a 50mm AT gun. Ubertanks mopped the floor with the remainder. :)


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two zooks in a mediocre ambush site on the second floor of a building. Both zooks had the same ambush site at roughly 75m, or close to one another. The terrain made the armor pass the ambush sites.

The oncoming german armor, a stug IIRC, closes in on the ambush markers and BAM! one of the zooks fires. Then one by one, alternating firing, the zooks fire at the tank. After expending all 16 rounds the tank still stood their ready to pounce

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Louie the Toad:

Playing Red Devils at Arnhem. Today the British commander, Major Frost, got stuck IN the bridge. Can't see him or acquire him to give an order but by scrolling using the

+ - keys can locate him. Location reads " In Bridge".

Aye Captain, "Its a transporter malfunction"

-- Scotty<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Draw a box around him to high-light him and then hit the space bar to bring up the orders box. This should allow you to move him, if I read your problem correctly.

But as for stupid things, surely one has to mention the infamous ass attack where tanks sometimes like to advance ass-first. This has been a bug in the game since the Beta Days, but apparently it can't be remedied 'cause I saw it happen in one of the latest beta patches.

[This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-04-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

Draw a box around him to high-light him and then hit the space bar to bring up the orders box. This should allow you to move him, if I read your problem correctly.

But as for stupid things, surely one has to mention the infamous ass attack where tanks sometimes like to advance ass-first. This has been a bug in the game since the Beta Days, but apparently it can't be remedied 'cause I saw it happen in one of the latest beta patches.

[This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-04-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Forgot about that one.

Major Frost is ok now. Thanks.

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I have seen this ass attack too, I was playing with my friend and he was attacking one of his jagdtiger with back first to the scattered woods. It was coming to the point blank range at my three squads, infantry was throwing granades(or dem.charges) like a mad and finally got that tank.

Where this happened in your case, maybe this is somekind of simulated crush attack of tank when it is too close to the enemy and hasn't got time to rotate, or is it really bug (I don't beleave so).

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This break I copied over the demo's second scenario, the Valley one.

(pity it's not provided in the real game, it's quite difficult at times.)

I wanted to replay it, but I didn't want to have to keep the demo at the same time.

Anyway, near the end, the only thing I had left to do was crack the central town, where all the infantry on the entire map had retreated. At least, the ones who weren't DEAD... > smile.gif

I had surrounded the town and then shelled the place for three turns with all my remaining artillery.

(105mm + wood building = Ever smelt burnt human flesh? Been there, smelled it, and I bet my troops did too. Side note: (civilian, Gulf War, and later after that Al-Khobar barracks bombing frown.gif. Won't forget those sights/smells)

I rushed the town with my tanks and proceeded to beat the crud out of these poor defenders. The only unit that was able to get a shot off at the tanks was a green panzershcreck team.




Green Panzerschreck team + inside of building + already demoralized = 'Schreck shot set the whole building on fire.

I thought it was rather strange at the time. I mean, was it too much to ask for them to at least TRY and find a window or something?!

P.S. Their platoon headquarters, also in the building, was probably not as pleased as they could have been... wink.giftongue.gif


Honor, Duty, Courage.

Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...

"If you should find yourself riding in a green meadow, surrounded by sun and warmth, do not be afraid... for you are in Alyssium, AND YOU'RE ALREADY DEAD!"

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In a TCP meeting engagement I had a Hetzer rotate to expose his rear to a zook. Needless to say the result was pretty obvious. "1 less hetzer in the world tonight", wasn't that a Holly's song.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Green Panzerschreck team + inside of building + already demoralized = 'Schreck shot set the whole building on fire.

I thought it was rather strange at the time. I mean, was it too much to ask for them to at least TRY and find a window or something?!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The building was set on fire because of backblast schrecks etc. produce not by shell itself, i believe.

Seen it many times with infSquads firing Panzerfausts.

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There is the Saving Private Ryan scenario from CombatHQ. Things were going nicely for Captain Miller when a quad 20mm Flak Halftrack appeared on the side of the bridge. Normally no problem wth a Crack zook team at 90 meters, but somehow the team managed to shoot its entire ammo supply and mis every shot ! The Flak in the meantime opens up and reduces three buildings to rubble within 10 turns. Tigers were being killed all over the place by Miller's men, but this single Flak gun levelled the town and sealed defeat........

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The dumbest thing I have ever seen was something I did myself....

I was playing the scenario where the British forces are having their first armor engagement... Cambre?? Anyway, STUPID me set the path for my forces to march, and then focused on the approach of my armor.

My armor did fairly well, lost 2 fireflys, but knocked out all of the enemy armor.

THis all happened very quick (5-7 turns) and my infantry had a long way to walk, so I fihgured I'd check back after my armor was safely in position....

Well, when I checked back, my men were WAY behind were I figured they woiuld be... I had set them to sneak! Sneakin' the whole friggin' kilometer to town.

So, now the German infantry had a very good head start on me in getting into town. I set 5 rifle squads to run to the town and try and slow the approach. They got their pretty quick and we piled in the church on the edge of town, and the two buildings on either side.

They had a turn to rest before the Germans arrived... and man did they come in large numbers!! But I'll give it to my men, they held their ground!

The real tragedy is what happened next....

My other forces arrived in turn 3, and started to fan out arround the town, taking up defensive positions in every building along the tree line.

A turn later, the Germans made their all-out assault... it was a sight to behold. Whole German squads were being torn down in a matter of seconds as my men poured fire into the streets... but I couldn't hold out forever... eventually my men started to break, and Germans started to split my line. So I finally DECIDED to move in my armor.

I finally beat back the attack, and we are literally staring across the street at each other licking our wounds.

No less than 30 full squads bewteen us lay dead in the streets.

Seems like every battle I fight has some skirmish that (had it actually happened) would be all through the history books. Sometimes because I am too ruthless when I get the Germans on the run, sometimes because I am the classic pansy General and fail to commit my assets when I should.

Damn this is a great game!



"I had no shoes and I cried, then I met a man who had no socks." - Fred Mertz

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Louie the Toad:

Can't see him or acquire him to give an order but by scrolling using the

+ - keys can locate him. Location reads " In Bridge".


Had one of my tank crews taken prisoner - he disappeared (not even a generic marker!) near the end of the turn. Next turn he reappears marching toward the opposing map edge, identified as "infantry?". Now that's odd.....

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I saw Hiram think he could beat me. HA!





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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My Tiger tank outflanking two shermans in a bocage scenario, coming around behind them, gazing at their thinly armored posteriors having clear LOS and then rotating its turret 90 degrees to shoot at some infantry 124 meters away.

At this point, a bazooka popped up on the other side and smoked the tank. Oh well. It was exciting, at least.

My wife happened to stick her head in while I was setting up my orders the previous turn and muttering and ask what I was doing. I explained it to her and we sat and watched as the Tiger rolled up behind the shermans, turned its turret the other way, and then exploded when the bazooka hit it.

My Wife: What was that?

Me: A guy with a bazooka.

My wife: Was that your last tank?

Me: Yeah.

My Wife: So, you are ****ed now, right?

Me: Pretty much, yeah.

Wife: Did you know the guy with the bazooka was hiding there?

Me: Well, I knew there was some infantry in the area, but I didn't know for sure about that guy.

Wife: Well, its your own damn fault then, sending the tank out there without anyone to look after it. Lets go to the grocery store.

Me: [Gaping in astonishment]

[This message has been edited by Terence (edited 01-05-2001).]

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In the middle of the night two king Tigers cooked each other by mistake

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

I saw Hiram think he could beat me. HA!


Alright, Punky Brewster, one of these days when you get up the gumption to do some TCPIP we will see. Ask for permission first because I don't want you getting in trouble.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Polar:

Well, when I checked back, my men were WAY behind were I figured they woiuld be... I had set them to sneak! Sneakin' the whole friggin' kilometer to town.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Maybe they were huntin' 'wabbits! You know you have to be berry, berry quiet when huntin' 'wabbits. smile.gifbiggrin.gif

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In a recent PBEM game a Panther crested a small rise with a veteran Hellcat on the opposite slope. At 18m the Hellcat bounced FIVE AP rounds off the big cat; one turret hit and four upper hull hits. With 76mm rounds ricocheting off its armor skin the Panther slooowly turned its turret and adjusted the elevation, aiming its powerful 75/L70 at the Hellcat. The US crew immediately jumped ship, the Panther never fired a shot.

Abandoning a Hellcat at that point was not the stupid part. It was the fact that a lower hull hit by any of the five previous shots would probably have penetrated. Oh, by the way, the Hellcat had 6 Tungsten rounds and didn't use a single one. And yes, I'm on 1.1b24.


It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop

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Facing a MG Bunker at night that is covered by barbed wire 180 degrees along its front. I sneaked a British para squad and a PIAT around to the rear to take out the bunker.

Just as they were about to fire on the rear of the bunker (red target lights just appeared) both the squad and the PIAT took fire (but no casualties) from an unseen MG that was in some woods about 75m behind the bunker.

So what did they do: They broke and ran from the MG. Unfortunately, they ran through the bunker (I guess they opened the back door, ran through and dived out the gun port on the front.) This of course brought them face-to-face with the barbed wire that was guarding the front of the bunker. Naturally, they got stuck on the wire, not more than 10m from the front of a fully stocked MG bunker. As soon as the crew stopped laughing, it took the MG bunker 7 seconds to eliminate both units.

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Guest Rex_Bellator

V. interesting Snake Eyes, I've recently had a brilliant instance of AI using Tungsten in 1.1b24. A hiding 6pdr waited until it could see the flank of a Panther G and then put two AP rounds at it both of which missed. Then the Panther spots it and rotates it's hull so that the front is facing it while spewing out HE & MG fire.

The response from the 6pdr commander was to straight away load up 1 of his 2 available tungsten rounds and then put it straight through the front turret of the Panther. The AI involved throughout that little action was incredible IMHO. I didn't order a thing throughout, I just watched the most intelligent AI in action I've ever seen in a computer game.

It's a shame it didn't work for you though!


"We're not here to take it - We're here to give it"

General Morshead's response to the popular newspaper headline "Tobruk Can Take It"

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