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When is it too far?

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I've read the agreement, but there's a lot of BS going on in this forum, some people get away with things and others don't? Are we allowed to just chat? or does it have to be about CM all the time? I guess I'll go rehash the "good targets for artillery" question for the 50th time. .

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dunnee:

I've read the agreement, but there's a lot of BS going on in this forum, some people get away with things and others don't? Are we allowed to just chat? or does it have to be about CM all the time? I guess I'll go rehash the "good targets for artillery" question for the 50th time. .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you grovel and toady to me, you get to say whatever you want.

Im the secret power behind the throne.

My modest demeanor and quiet confidence is the giveaway.


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For reference, here are the "major rules" from the agreement.


The major rules are as follows:

1. No Flaming and/or Baiting. If you have a strong opinion, that is fine. But express it in such a way that is non-abusive and not emotionally charged. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We like to think our gamers are mature, rational people. Please help us keep this opinion of you!

2. No foul language. Standard decency request here. If people ignore this we do have the technology to block any word we want from being posted. Try and keep us from flipping the "censor" switch, will ya? We don't really want to use it.

3. Be constructive. We do not want these boards to be a waste of people's time. Therefore we ask that content be in some way related to our games.

4. Negativism is a real turn off. Big Time Software believes in the freedom of speech in a big way, but that does not mean we have to provide a service so someone can irresponsibly attack us or our games. However, this does NOT mean we don't want to be criticized. Far from it! If you have an opinion that is not complementary to us, we encourage you to post so that we can hopefully address the problem, or at least challenge its assertions. What we don't want are unsupported rants.


In my experience (just about a year smile.gif) BTS is very fair about locking up topics and banning users. They ban people very very rarely. Breaking any of the above rules will likely result in a topic being closed. Violating rules 1 and 2 are most likely to get you banned, most especially when you are conducting a personal attack on someone on the forum.

BTS has been very fair about banning the past, its very infrequent and, when a sincere apology is given BTS often lets people back on the boards.

That's about all I have to say about the issue. I think everyone who has been here for a few months will agree that BTS is very fair and consistant in their application of the rules.

Having said that, I bet this topic will get closed ;)

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Fred pretty much said it best.

We would really "prefer" that topics in this Combat Mission - General Forum stay on track in regards to issues pertaining to Combat Mission.

Topics that are just basically "chatting" are better suited to the full General Forum and the other forums are rather self explanatory.

Now, we can't monitor this forum 24/7 (although we come damn close) and sometimes so threads get side tracked or are obviously inappropriate to the theme of the forum and when we see those we usually wade in and take care of them...

The use of our Forums is a privlidge we extend to all, it's not a right, all we ask is you try and keep at least a modicum of civility in your posts and try and keep them topical to the forums stated intent...


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Madmatt, I understand your point of view as well as the others here, but as for baiting and personal attacks, there's quite a lot of that going on under the auspices of "intelligent" insults. What I'm trying to say is, a lot of people in here abuse the above stated rules but keep it hidden behind the pretext of "cerebral" insult tossing. Maybe it's just me or where i come from, but if I say something particularly nasty, it's not necessarily meant to offend somebody, it's just the way I talk. I'm a smart, capable young man, but I'm also from Jersey, and let me tell you, we have riduculously foul mouths, and I also don't need to prove my intelligence by using big words. All I'm saying is, sometimes verdicts on this forum, as far as banishment and padlocking, seem to be unfair at times. . .PS. i personally think your doing a great job, I would just like to see some of the "cultured" people get in trouble too. .

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dunnee:

Maybe it's just me or where i come from, but if I say something particularly nasty, it's not necessarily meant to offend somebody, it's just the way I talk. I'm a smart, capable young man, but I'm also from Jersey, and let me tell you, we have riduculously foul mouths, and I also don't need to prove my intelligence by using big words. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dunnee Old Bean,

Prove your intelligence by realizing that not everyone is from Jersey and not everyone wants to hear you say "particularly nasty" things, even if your intentions are not to insult.

Someone very smart once told me that a true gentleman never offends people unintentionally.

I think that is good advice.

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sometimes terence old bean. . u NEED to say something particularly nasty, and I wasn't refering to anything i would direct at someone, I just swear a hell of a lot, and I've been pretty good with it on the forum, I was just making the point that we're all big boys and I should be able to swear if I want. But your point is well taken terence, and by the way, u quoted me, did u read the part where I don't need to prove intelligence to anybody?

[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Dunnee ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dunnee:

sometimes terence old bean. . u NEED to say something particularly nasty, and I wasn't refering to anything i would direct at someone, I just swear a hell of a lot, and I've been pretty good with it on the forum, I was just making the point that we're all big boys and I should be able to swear if I want. But your point is well taken terence, and by the way, u quoted me, did u read the part where I don't need to prove intelligence to anybody?

[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Dunnee ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You bring up two points:

1. We are all adults so we should be able to swear.

First of all, this is the internet and I'm sure we are not all adults. There are undoubtably some kids here and BTS can get in trouble if they let people say whatever they want. Second, many adults are offended by swearing, some because of religeon, some up bringing, some just because. Why do something that might offend when you don't have to. Third swearing doesn't do any good. Its not going to make anyone agree with you on whatever you are discussing. There's just no need for it. Fourth and finally, you agreed not to do it when you joined the forum. So don't.

2. You don't need to prove your intellegence.

True. No one does. But there are some good reasons too. First of all, people are much more likely to read what you post if it is spelled correctally, broken up in to paragraphs etc. I will be the first to admit that my spelling is pretty bad so trust me, this is a handicap. Second people are much more likely to agree with you if you sound intellegent when you post. If you have facts to back up your conclusions, if you have some evidence to site you will likely be agreed with.

I assume that people are posting on the forum for two reasons.

1. To have fun. Fine. But you still have to follow the rules outlined by BTS.

2. To convince someone of something. There is a lot of argueing going on in the forum, always has been, always will be. I assume people argue to win. Others are much more likely to listen to you if you don't swear and behave intellgently. Even more importantly, BTS is *much* more likely to listen to you (and put your changes into the game) if you don't swear and behave intellegently.

So sure Dunnee, you don't *have* to prove anything to anyone. But you do have to follow the rules that you agreed to and, if you want to be heard, you have to speak so people will listen.

I'm not trying to accuse anyone of behaving inappropriately, just explain why I think its best to follow the rules.

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You seem to have a hard-on for the intellectuals (and I use the term very loosely) in the Pool.

You already decreeded that the Pool is the reason the searches take too long, although MadMatt has said that is to be blamed on the "upgrade in BBS software".

Now you obviously think that myself and others who happen to enjoy high-spirited hijinks (that are required to stay in the Pool, we escaped once and MadMatt kicked our collective butts).

We understand that such discussions may not be your cup of tea, (or Pabst Blue Ribbon since your from Jersey), however, we do enjoy it. We don't insist that the completely touchy and sensative UberGrog threads be removed do we. Many of us just choose not to go there. (Although 90% of us are quite capable of discussing the difference between CAS and Interdiction if you really want.)

So my final question is this. How many silly threads are you going to start, (which slow the search engine down by your reasoning) in an effort to stop what you call Unreasonable and off-topic posting? If you've got a problem with the Pool, why not just say so.

**Disclaimer to fellow poolers**

I just couldn't help it, and look no invectives. I'm so proud. smile.gif

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see that's what i'm talking about. . Pabst blue ribbon? don't insult me dick. And as for the swearing, maybe i should have put it more succinctly, I have a tendency to allow swear words to slip into my posts, just because out here it slips into a lot of things you say, if you notice this post, I have three posts on this board and I didn't count the curse words, but they are very few and far between, like I said, i'm making a conscious effort to stop. Now, my spelling I would consider excellent, and your explanation was indirectly offensive to me, see terence's remark on "a very smart man. . " And as for the Pabst, this ain't west virginia icehole, this is the tri state, so munch on these

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Ah Dundee,

Your biggest problem is the fact that you cannot seem to recognize the term "tongue-in-cheek."

While yes, I really do understand that Pabst may not be your "actual" choice of beer, and yes it typically is/was the drink of coal miners, auto worker, and other in the 50's. You may or may not be a "blue collar" worker, you maybe a stock brocker, I really don't know and really don't care. However, you don't get to have it both ways.

You can't be a really smart guy, and still have swear words slip out, "just because that is where I'm at." Good Lord, man! I'm in the military with Air Force Crew Chiefs, I was also in the Navy. I'm surrounded my NON-PC, drinking, smoking, skirt-chasers; but that is not allowed to color my posts.

Bottom line is this. You can browse and enjoy the forum as much as you like. There will be parts you enjoy, and threads you dislike. May I suggest that if you find a thread that irritates you and makes you mad, you stay the hell out. It really is just that simple. If you go in and contribute to a thread then you take the good with the bad.

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No need to besmirch the fine name of Pabst Blue Ribbon (selected America's best in 1893). In fact I have a 12 pack chilling in the fridge just waiting for me to get home. Then I can crack me open a PBR and fire up some CMBO.

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There is also no need to besmirch the Fine Garden State. We are not all pottymouths in Toxic Wasteland, USA. I only use expletives when I'm angry or just respirating. (joke)

I'm also not speaking for all of Jersey, just my little part of South Jersey where it smells like unwiped butt in the morning.

"Move closer to your world my friend

take a little bit of time

move closer to your world my friend

and you'll see"

Channel 6 - Action News Theme song

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see that's what i'm talking about. . Pabst blue ribbon? don't insult me dick-Dunnee


The little feller just dosen't quite get it. Hmm, I will try.

Dunneee sir, in the interest of fairness and good will on the BBS the Penger's have been locked into the Cesspool (i.e. Peng challenge thread) Many woe the day they were blind enough to set foot (post) in that despicable place. It is the sewer of threads Dear sir.

Another item of interest I noticed is the first time you started this thread it was locked down with nary a post. The Big Bald One is proving most gracious today. He not only left this thread of yours alive he responded politely to you.

After all the goodwill that has been shown you, now start hurling insults to others who took the time to politely and humorously try to help you. Bad form sir.

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Dunnee, it took me a while to figure this out (I'm kinda slow, see?) but the Peng thread is just this one section of the forum were these guys who have been playing this game for a while like to challenge each other for CM games, have their own internal rating system and enjoy coming up with verbally creative ways of ribbing on each other.

It's kind of like a club, closer to a college farternity. Childish at times, but it serves a specific purpose. The whole point of the "Peng thread" is that they have gotten explicit permission from BTS to have their thread in the CM General Forum (As opposed to the BTS General Forum) as long as their lunacy is contained to the current Peng thread.

They seem to keep this bargain and do not invade other threads that I have noticed.

Now, newbies like myself will go and post on the Peng thread and be taken aback when 5 or 6 people jump all over you with insults. Here's the part that is hard to grasp...This is just like in the military, new guys will be hazed unmercifully, but in reality the old timers don't hate you...They are testing you

Also like in the military, there will come a point when your position changes and you start joining in on the ribbing and the invisible line is crossed.

I have several good friends from New Jersey (Neptune, Asbury Park and Newark) and from Pennsylvania that I served with and I fully understand the constant crap that people from New Jersey get (Like, "Hey you from Joyzeee?" crap") and most people don't realize that outside the encroachment of NYC on Newark, New Jersey is a beatiful state and incidently has the highest average of Millionaires per capita in the US, so they can't all be dumb. ;)

But now, if you are going to take everything that is thrown your way personally then you just make yourself an easier target. I'm from Southern California, and I have to hear idiotic "Surfer Dood" comments from people on the web all the time.

Just take it easy and don't take everything so personally, and let your game do the talking.


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I think Dunnee has a point. The Cess pool way has overflowed so much that it makes it disgusting to even wade through these boards sometimes. Its seems that insults under the guiese of "the cess" are tolerated while others are not.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panther131:

Its seems that insults under the guiese of "the cess" are tolerated while others are not.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It is one thing to insult in jest, it is another to flame!

There is a distinction.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

It is one thing to insult in jest, it is another to flame!

There is a distinction.


For example,

Mace, you ignorant whelp, you are obviously the offspring of a pig and a dog's butt! send me a setup!

is in jest(although a setup would be nice, you goat licker); while

Jeez you nUz33landurz suk d00d; U sh0ld b3 3l33t 1ik m3. U suk and ur mom suks and yur county suks i hope u die in nuclear flames because hitler should have gassed you instead of the jews*

is a flame.


*taken from another post - don't flame me, I am just repeating it as an example.

[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey surfer doooood, get back to the cesspool where you belong ya wanker! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

See what I mean?

Abbott, you must be looking for a rematch! I will get you again next weekend on the WWCMF Smack Down! (Pro-wrestler posturing)



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panther131:

I think Dunnee has a point. The Cess pool way has overflowed so much that it makes it disgusting to even wade through these boards sometimes. Its seems that insults under the guiese of "the cess" are tolerated while others are not.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Its all my fault and I am truly sorry. I should have been aborted immediately after inception. I have nothing to contribute to this world and I take up too much space.

My verbiosity is annoying and just responding to you has caused my rash to reappear. Time for more ointment.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Its all my fault and I am truly sorry. I should have been aborted immediately after inception. I have nothing to contribute to this world and I take up too much space.

My verbiosity is annoying and just responding to you has caused my rash to reappear. Time for more ointment. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Does'nt this fall under flaming and baiting? :D

Will have to contact the BTS people about this.

[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Panther131 ]

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