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When is it too far?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panther131:

I think Dunnee has a point. The Cess pool way has overflowed so much that it makes it disgusting to even wade through these boards sometimes. Its seems that insults under the guiese of "the cess" are tolerated while others are not.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually Panther, if you find a Cesspooler out of the pool. (Out of his natural enviroment let's say) He is generally very helpful and well-spoken. Many may not remember, but the Poolers, with our not-so-insignificant total playing hours started a Help Me thread for everyone. It was a place for newbies to come and get answers. Even on grog threads the answers are not Pool like.

Many of the things you see are not jests that are sport in the 'Pool, but down right flames and hardly ever started or joined by Cesspoolers.

What many fail to see, or don't want to see, is the contributions made by many of the Poolers. Scenarios by the dozen, some mods, several CM websites, etc.

I will not defend the Pool style, its not for everyone, albiet, it is just like that mudpuppy Gyrene said. There is no free ride and newcomers are hazed unmercifilly. We post that warning at the start of every thread. Some however think it funny to post. Hey, its their bandwidth.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panther131:

I think Dunnee has a point. The Cess pool way has overflowed so much that it makes it disgusting to even wade through these boards sometimes. Its seems that insults under the guiese of "the cess" are tolerated while others are not.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In general, most of the cess is kept in the pool. If you choose to stray in there, get used to it, partake if you will, or leave and ignore it if it's not to your liking.

Sometimes, indeed, it does spill outside to other threads. In the vast majority of cases, the taunts outside the pool are directed against other active poolers or those who have been to the pool and just like to stir things up. Rare is the instance, not including provocation, when a pooler takes out after the general public. The pool, in general, does a decent job of policing its own.

Some members of the pool are very knowledgeable about the this's and that's and minutiae of TO&Es, OOBs, XYZs and BVDs. They sometimes like to take part in other discussions and do so without bringing the cess with them. All are pure gamers who are in the pool because, above all, it is a place to get good games against stand-up players who won't jerk you around. It's also a place for those who don't take themselves too seriously ... hence the insults (most times nasty, often childish), taunts and occasional poke in the eye. But, it's the game that's the thing. When you step in, it's what you get.

Steve, Charles, Madmatt & BTS et al, graciously allow us to exist and won't spare the rod if we get out of hand.

If the cess strays outside of the pool and if it's not directed at you, please ignore it. If it's not directed at you and you can't ignore it, sorry about that. It's not personal.

And please don't confuse flamers with poolers. Cesspoolers have no use for the flame game and are glad to have a refuge where we don't have to put up with that stuff. Wannabe flamers have come by the pool to raise a ruckus, but soon leave because they are bored by the lack of response to them.

Steve, Charles, Madmatt & BTS et al, graciously allow us to exist and won't spare the rod if we get out of hand.

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that's what I'm talking about; people that spread their kind of "humor"...

I really do not care for the rediculous "Peng" threads or the infamous Hamster talks.

Take a look at my member number; not all old-timers degenerate into Peng things.

As longs as those people keep it to their "one" thread, it is ok, but now, all those comedian wannabees try to infiltrate even serious threads, and this is something true-blue gamers can not tolerate, so thanks to Madmatt and his policy to keep those nonsense-threads under control.


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Wow, somthing I've been feeling has been brought up. I personally do not find the so

called Peng theard inviting. I do not want to

get into insulting people, and that's what it

is to me, under the guise of somthing else.

I have felt not good about using this form

because I'm what is referred to as a "Main Board Wanker and on and on" Once I steped into

the Peng thread to see what the heck it was,

and immedeitly was torn to peices. I understand now, there should be a place for

everone to play, but the insults from the Peng thread ooze into the so called main ( put your long winded insult here,)_ board.

Anyways Gents, just needed to voice that.

Take as you well. Cheerz!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Micheal Wittman:

Wow, somthing I've been feeling has been brought up. I personally do not find the so

called Peng theard inviting. I do not want to

get into insulting people, and that's what it

is to me, under the guise of somthing else.

I have felt not good about using this form

because I'm what is referred to as a "Main Board Wanker and on and on" Once I steped into

the Peng thread to see what the heck it was,

and immedeitly was torn to peices. I understand now, there should be a place for

everone to play, but the insults from the Peng thread ooze into the so called main ( put your long winded insult here,)_ board.

Anyways Gents, just needed to voice that.

Take as you well. Cheerz!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I felt the same way you did Michael and Fred for a year. However in the interest of finding a game a few weeks back I stumbled in to the "Pool".

You are both right in a way, there is a ton of what may seem as useless and insulting behavior. However it is also a great place to grab a few laughs everyday and some great games. You just need to put on a thick skin if and when you post. None of it is personal.

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you are right; most of it is senseless and does not add anything to the fine game Charles Moylan and Steve Grammont designed.

Insults of people does not make any sense to me.

I keep it this way...simply not my kind of "humor" and def not a contribution to this fine game.


[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Fred ]

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You are entirely correct. Our taunts should not bleed into the forum as a whole, and you should recognize that 97% of the time they don't. As a matter of fact when we spot one of our own outside the Pool we rein him in and send him back to his hole.

I sincerely hope that you being called a "Main board Wanker" did not happen outside our little play area.

One question however. Having read and participated in many a main board thread, in what way are they all that different? I remember the dreading interations of Manuever Vs. Attrition, and let us not forget the fifth time for MG effectivness. Now those threads devolved into a bitterness and vile that is not exhibited in our little domain, yet those instances are not brought up or discussed when board timbor is mentioned.

Just the point would be that we all have different tastes, and while you do not have one for the give-and-take of the Pool, neither do I always have the stomach to wade through the ire of a devolved Grog thread.

Too each his own.

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Ok, everyone has had their say now and we have heard from all sides. So time to close this little wayward choo choo down now.

But first, a few words.

The Peng Threads are permitted to exist for several reasons chief of which "WE THINK THEY ARE FUNNY!" and last time I checked , which was about 13 seconds ago, this was and still is our board to run as we see fit. And we do amd will continue to do so.

If you are going to wade into the cesspool then a thick layer of skin (or biohazard suit) is going to be a must BUT I have gone in there myself from time to time to make sure they keep it at to at least some level of decency.

I don't care where someone hails from, the rules of common civility still apply here and when someone goes off on a rant and it's F'in This and F'in That, well then its time to put the brakes on and bust some heads, which is what I do best.

So, everyone just chill, accept the fact that while we run this board as best we can it may not always seem fair to you, go outside, take a deep breathe and put everything into perspective once and a while. This is just a web based message board on the internet. its not some holy writ, it's not the unfinished symphony and it's occasionally choked full of detritus and spew, but it is also a repository for some of the best and brightest and eductaed minds I have ever met and many of the relationships that have formed here are strong indeed.

So, don't worry about how far is too far, just participate in the discussions that interest you and leave the others alone, try and keep the language to nothing worse than you might hear on network TV and get up and walk away from your computer before you launch into some sort of personal attack on someone.

We don't ask much of people here...Just be cool with each other, have some fun and who knows, you might come away a little smarter for the time invested...


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