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Is Croda a Manhooverist or Atritionist?

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It is clear to me that Croda is exhibiting Manhooverist tactics in trying to evade the cess pool and exploit a gap in the defence here to create a fully fledged run away thread!

I expect BTS to shout "please stop manhoovering us!" shortly.

Of course, the failing in his doctrine is that while he has manhoovered, by not engaging in atrittion the BTS padlocks are still firmly prepared for an immenent counter attack.

Your thoughts gentlemen



- Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf -

Der Kessel scenario design group

Combat Vision movies

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This is nothing new. The originator of this tactic ofcourse, was Gay Edgor Mahoover himself, who used this infamous tactic to mahoover the Treasury Department's, Bureau of Piety, into the FBI. Oldest trick in the book!


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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But I want to discuss wether or not a Croda is gamey, and if so, under what conditions would a Croda not be gamey?

Just because I like to use SP251/1s to screen my Crodas since they are obviously more valuable, I just don't see how when I finally advance my Crodas that some would cry foul.

And if that is gamey then how do I safely advance my Crodas without them dying flaming deaths?



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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I use my 251/1's to hunt deer myself. I find that the 251 affords me the protection of being able to hunt while mounted, and avoid any casualties sustained from errant antlers. Some have insinuated that is a mahooverist tactic also, but I would disagree because in my case I leave an unarmed pacifist Bass Fisherman eating chicken to guard the VL (Venison Location).


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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Originally posted by jshandorf:

But I want to discuss wether or not a Croda is gamey, and if so, under what conditions would a Croda not be gamey?

The conditions under which croda would not be gamey is after an entire day in the crock pot with some dry red wine

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I feel croda is like the new CM Missaha.. well not in a Biblical sence.. but more in a Inner Croda speaks out, much like Opra Winfery.. or however you spell her name...

His post show wit and sharpness that no other player can show in thier short commings... call me nuffel call me a easter egg four months late of easter.. but this guy.. he scares me.. his wife too... and his son.. well I'll put him in the cubbyhole of "X-Files"

I would call him.. an Atritionist, hell keep bugging you and bugging you till your inner croda rips its way out of your chest like a new born Alien ready to jump out and give squishy hugs and loving goodness to everyone.

Me finks he is wanting out of the Cess because he found our Cessyness is imune to this.. "INNER CRODA" everyone of us has managed to mentaly eat this pheominomenmem... and further more he needs more followers (slaves?) which brings a new factor of not just being a Atritionist but a Parasite.

As for BTS, Steve and Chuck.. I think they have fallen to thier Inner Crodas.. thats why they leashed Mad Mott and that otherguy.. uh.. Kwazypup or somefink. Everyone thinks they are working on CM2 but in reality they are always sitting there hugging thier inner Crodas to the point it borderlines insest... damn I can hear them now making group hugs and singing "Croddaya my Lord"

Discusting if you ask me.. why is it when I eat my way out of my straight jacket and hop out the fourth floor of the CessInsanium they lock me up again...

but all serriously though.. Croda... use the iron mask..

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Originally posted by jshandorf:

But I want to discuss wether or not a Croda is gamey, and if so, under what conditions would a Croda not be gamey?

Just because I like to use SP251/1s to screen my Crodas since they are obviously more valuable, I just don't see how when I finally advance my Crodas that some would cry foul.

And if that is gamey then how do I safely advance my Crodas without them dying flaming deaths?


There is a big difference between combined arms tactics with armored infantry and leading with HTs to shield Croda. Imagine a commander telling a platoon of HTs to "Go out and die for Croda"

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What the hell is this?

Peter you son of a son of a sheepshagger! Look what you've gone and done. We've got perfect strangers in here discussing me. These people don't know the Outer Croda, let alone have a base understaning of the workings of the Inner Croda!

Bruno Weiss? Kingfish? Are these friends of your from your days with that troupe of gyspy ballet dancers? Get them out of here now! I will not have outsiders arguing the very fiber of my gamiosity!

(Those of you paying attention will notice this as a manhooverist attempt to avoid the discussion.)

š } ” ¥ Ÿ ¹ ¯


Woot! - Maximus2k

The New CessPool

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Originally posted by Kingfish:

There is a big difference between combined arms tactics with armored infantry and leading with HTs to shield Croda. Imagine a commander telling a platoon of HTs to "Go out and die for Croda"

I polled a cross section of pixelated warriors* and the result was:

I would die for Croda: 0.00%

I would give up my rations to save Croda's life: 0.00%

I would go to prison so that Croda would be free: 0.00%

Croda is better than a waterbug: 0.00%

*Poll was of 250,000 Heer, American RA, British RA, Polish RA, French UA, Zimbabwean UR, everyone that has ever posted to the Mutha Beautiful Thread** and three grogs who's responses not only included the standard yes/no but also strange algorythms showing that Croda could be used to pierce the side hull of a Daimler armored car.

**Including Croda

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

but also strange algorythms showing that Croda could be used to pierce the side hull of a Daimler armored car.


But did you take into account the tungsten inner Croda?

Remember, the outer Croda is only a sabot casing that is discarded during flight to reveal the inner tungsten Croda.

And since a Tungsten sabot Croda round does not have a ballistic cap the armor multiplier for penetrating any sloped armor, be it rolled or cast steel is considerable.

Oh... and lets not forget that the accuracy of APDCS (Armor Piercing Discarded Croda Sabot) is considerably less because of barrel jump. Though it has been found putting a wieght on the end of the barrel does help limit the effect of unbalanced Crodas.


[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 03-14-2001).]

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Originally posted by jshandorf:

Remember, the outer Croda is only a sabot casing that is discarded during flight to reveal the inner tungsten Croda.

I believe oyu aer in error, sir. IIRC the Inner Croda is actually made up of some organic matter. I believe it is a composition known as Kunstduenger (not sure of the English translation)

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I believe oyu aer in error, sir. IIRC the Inner Croda is actually made up of some organic matter. I believe it is a composition known as Kunstduenger (not sure of the English translation)

Is that Crap?

Are you saying Croda is full of Crap?

If that is true then the tensile strength of Crap must be really good.



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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That isn't the "inner croda" your feeling, its gas.

And what are these Pengster rappers doing wandering around aimlessly impersonating real gamers.

I say, it is high time we put a stop to this incessant intrusion of our borders. It is time for the true gaming citizens of the CM Nation to demand a stop to illegal arien intruders sneaking across our borders. I call for a National CM identification card to be issued to all legal CM citizens before our forums way of life, nah, our very CM heritage is irreparably harmed.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 03-14-2001).]

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

I say, it is high time we put a stop to this incessant intrusion of our borders. It is time for the true gaming citizens of the CM Nation to demand a stop to illegal arien intruders sneaking across our borders. I call for a National CM identification card to be issued to all legal CM citizens before our forums way of life, nah, our very CM heritage is irreparably harmed.

Be careful what you wish for. our beloved Reichsmarschal Madmatt is a Knight of the Pool. Many of us are veterans of the Refresh Putsch and have been loyal party members from long before then. You may find yourself locked in a camp of concentrated cess... forced to listen to our Propaganda Minister Seanachai

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Wow, someone who can spell "aisle". Now you just need to co-ordinate it with your Caps Lock key, lest you end up looking like an l33t wAReZ dOoD. =)


All true Americans love to kill deer, wade into them, spill their guts, shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a gob of goo, that moments before was your best head of garden lettuce, well, you'll know what to do. – Bruno Weiss

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LMFAO Aitken! biggrin.gif

Matt is a Cess party member? I never would have suspected. I didn't see him at any of the rally's, ofcourse I stayed in with the lights turned out. Put in a good word for me Berlichtingen, I once contributed to a Cess thread. And I fought in the first Big War, Close Combat, even won the Iron Cess, 1914.

Whew, glad you said something, I don't speak no Rusky, and I wouldn't know a babushka from a katyushka. biggrin.gif


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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i have never seen an inner croda pierce the side of an armored car, or any car. I doubt he can pierce the sides of the baggies he uses daily without his Pimp's assistance.

But that's neither here nor there really.



- Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf -

Der Kessel scenario design group

Combat Vision movies

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Originally posted by Mikhael:

What happens if the Croda round makes it to the armor, penetrates halfway, and then stops? Does it just sit there peeking inside chatting up its target's crewmembers while its rear waggles enticingly?

He better pray Bauhaus isn't nearby....

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