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Top Ten Reasons Why CM's AI is So Great

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With reference to a recent post condemning the AI, here are my "Top Ten Reasons Why CM's AI is So Great":

10. It always leads with armor, never with infantry.

9. Ahead of the armor, it sends in the arty spotters.

8. It likes to scout suspected zook ambushes with Stugs.

7. On defense, it waits to call in arty till my attack has succeeded, then lays down smoke.

6. On the attack, it knows the virtues of sending unsupported Tigers down city streets, right past my zooks.

5. It never blows up buildings just on general principles, as long as my forces politely refrain from shooting.

4. On defense, it sends out solo squads to counterattack in uncoordinated charges against my unsuppressed platoons.

3. It's always ready for a game and never gets tired, even at 2 AM.

2. It usually lets me win.

1. It never hits Alt-A.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombinedArms:

With reference to a recent post condemning the AI, here are my "Top Ten Reasons Why CM's AI is So Great":

10. It always leads with armor, never with infantry.

9. Ahead of the armor, it sends in the arty spotters.

8. It likes to scout suspected zook ambushes with Stugs.

7. On defense, it waits to call in arty till my attack has succeeded, then lays down smoke.

6. On the attack, it knows the virtues of sending unsupported Tigers down city streets, right past my zooks.

5. It never blows up buildings just on general principles, as long as my forces politely refrain from shooting.

4. On defense, it sends out solo squads to counterattack in uncoordinated charges against my unsuppressed platoons.

3. It's always ready for a game and never gets tired, even at 2 AM.

2. It usually lets me win.

1. It never hits Alt-A.<hr></blockquote>

AND, it Never calls you a gamey bastard for running a AT team in a jeep on a quick and dirty end-run-outflanking-manouver into its backfield to get that juicy flank/rear shot on its heavy armour. smile.gif

AND, The AI will always fight on even after it has lost all its armour smile.gif

-tom w

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11. On defence it places his Bunker 75 at the far edge of the map behind a hill, so that it, for god's sake, don't shoot up any of my armour incidentaly.

12. When there is a road leading from AI's side of the map to your side, you can be 99% sure the armour will come down that road.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombinedArms:

5. It never blows up buildings just on general principles, as long as my forces politely refrain from shooting.


That one kills me too...example:

on "Reisberg" I had a single SMG squad kill about 10 enemy squads (who were of course running in one by one, out of C-and-C)...my SMG squad was in the rear-corner of a diagonally-oriented small house...the AI still had a Sherman, but didn't get LOS to my squad, and of course would never blow up the HOUSE holding the troops...only the troops.

[ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]</p>

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Actually I won't even play the AI. It's to perdictable and it doesn't exploit possible weaknesses. Human opponents, I feel are the only

way to go, maybe one year when there is a major

breakthrough in "AI" it may give us the dynamics

of playing our like species. But then agian when

it gets that good, it may be "Terminator" time ;)


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Never forget that you (presumably) have a living brain and the AI just has a few well written functions with which to plot against your human intelligence. Given that imbalance if you play without giving the AI huge bonuses, you really aren't playing at all.

When and if "artificial intelligence" becomes real you may have to ask for a handicap in return!

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Yeah, it was a great shock to me several years ago when I found out there was no such thing as artificial intelligence in computer games, only artificial stupidity. That's why I never bother playing against the AS.

Having said that, you have to admit some of the Tac AI decisions are quite good. Every once in awhile I find myself rather pleased with some "decision" it made.

Treeburst155 out.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sergei:

I never play against AI. Hell, I don't play even against human opponents, because they are too stupid!

I only play PBEM games against myself. And still I always win. It's tough to be an Expert.

tongue.gif <hr></blockquote>

LOL! Of course, if you were as smart as you claim,

you'd save a few steps and play hotseat.


Actually, I sort of meant all that stuff about liking the AI. I do really enjoy winning sometimes--and it's much harder to do that against human opponents.

What makes the AI not so good in CM is the multiplicity of factors and contingencies on the CM battlefield, whereas in chess, eg, choices

are more narrowly defined and more objectively testable. But if the AI ever gets as good at playing CM as it already is at playing chess, we may all find ourselves complaining that the AI is too good. I don't mind losing against humans but would really hate to lose consistently against a computer. So I'd like to see an AI that's somewhat better, but not several orders of magnitude better, than it is now.

Actually, the TacAI is already pretty good. I usually trust it, for example, to make the right choice in choosing zook and sharpshooter targets. I also really like fuzzy logic. Only in night combats and in dealing with bocage does the TacAI get screwy. So BTS has already taken things a long way.

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Playing solitaire is underrated! The advantages are:

1. An opponent of equal ability.

2. Agreement on gamey tactics.

3. Intel on what the opponent is planning.

4. No need to communicate on not being able to finish a turn or game by a certain time since you're both on the same schedule.

5. You both either love or hate trash talking.

6. No bickering over force composition.

7. Great post-battle discussions...in person!

8. Only destroying one life and not contributing to the delinquency others (a great relief for those of guilty conscience.

9. ?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Urban Shocker:

Playing solitaire is underrated


Seriously, now, I've never actually tried solitare play--which I assume means playing both sides via hotseat. Is it actually worthwhile? Are there any scenarios that it might work particularly well with?

Three problems I foresee are:

1. Eliminating fog of war might eliminate one of the best aspects of the game.

2. I might consciously or unconsciously favor one side and sort of hamstring the other, leading to something like an AI battle after all.

3. It would be sort of like an AI battle, but take twice as long to finish.

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