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And the vehicle that most needs MOD-love is?

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I really shouldn't see this anyway- considering how rare the unit was....

A correct T26E4 Super Pershing as the only two briefly served in late April, 1945. Of course it should have the welded on Panther front plate and the additional hydraulic recoils mounted on the turret roof to support the extended length barrel and thicken mantle.

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Second vote for CHAFFEE!! The only mod in existance is'nt quite up to speed, and its one of my fav tanks. Bring it up to the level of the Marco\Gordon series, and you'l be a god in my book.

Edited cause im shtoopid

[ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Dogface21 ]</p>

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The Daimler - Pawbroon began to Mod it after doing his excellent carriers, but I think he's given up. Shame because I'd vote for this as well.

The Archer: It gets a lot of stick, but the crews actually liked the Archer over the other types available because of it's very low profile which made it perfect in an AT ambush role, and it achieved more kills than the Wolverines etc. did. I think it was phased out mainly because Fireflies and other big-gun tanks became more common and German armoured counter-attacks became rarer.

One drawback with the Archer was that it was so small that the driver would have to jump out of the vehicle prior to the 17pdr firing, or the recoil would decapitate him!

My Other Mod Request - I keep harping on but can someone do a better TRP and Ambush symbol than the ultra-low-res ones we currently have that sit on the field all day. I would have thought that it would be a relatively simple thing, albeit too complex for the likes of me!

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Dogface, Warmaker & DaveT:

There is(was) a graphic update for the M-24 Chaffee at Manx' www.combat-missions.net

It should be available (again) when Manx has completed the transfer of his site to CMHQ.


In this picture you can see an update for the M-26 Pershing, too.

Sarge Saunders,

This is a hires version of the M-18 Hellcat.

Based on stock BTS graphics with a mch sharper star on the bow. Available at CMHQ soon (when Manx' tranfer is completed).



[ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: mike8g ]</p>

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We need to define the rules of this game.

Are we talking about the most-needed mod of REMAINING untouched vehicles, or are we talking about the most ugly-ass armor in the default art and thank God there are mod makers out there to replace them?

My vote for ugly-ass default vehicle is the Nashorn/Hummel. And there's just one mod set out there of this beast. With all that flat armor plate crying for camou schemes what haven't we seen more mods?

My vote for untouched mod is the Daimer Scout Car.

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I have four mods of the Marder II on my HDD:

- dark green with brown patches (lo-res)

- worn out grey and sand color (lo-res)

- bright sand with green and brown dots (high-res)

- same as above but subdued (non official, done for myself)


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Quite frankly and as fate has it, I started both the Archer and the Daimler.

As stated when I first MODed the Humber and UC, I wasn't anywhere near any of the other talented MODers.

That's why I chose to take on those uglies because they wouldn't be the first to receive the attention of my own personal Pantheon.

To date, all of what I contributed to this community had been dedicated to those real talented guys (you know who you are Ye Bastards!).

Since then, there had been more and more people like Feldgrau who contributed far more than I could ever cope with.

So to make a long story short, I stopped MODing those and did some things for friends in Counter Strike and such.

I'm as disapointed as you are that those lazy MODers hadn't done them.



I still have both the Work In Progress and the material on my HD and if none of my MODing friends had started on those 2, I'd give it a shot again.

Don't hold your breath for too long though.

I for one would rather have a Daimler done by someone else rather than what I'm using now.

No for some of you who think that novelty beats improvements, take a look at those Shermans from the Shrine.



Now that's dedication.

Marco, that's a Sherman Obsession!

People are screaming murder for Chaffees and TDs.

There's even a French I know of who would rather play with your Daimler than his own.

That's it.

It's to be released BTW.

But that's only Shermans and CMMOS 3.0 so all of you Chaffee huggers could not be bother...


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