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Large Feline sighted -->

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Unsubstantiated reports are coming in of the first of a line of large King Kitties being seen in the vicinity of CM Outpost.

A team has has been despatched and expects to return with a real King Kitty in the next few minutes.

Our rooftop scouts report that the team has been successful and are on their way in with an example now.

Go get it at.........

With thanks to the real Kitty. wink.gif


CM Outpost

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WOW! Really nice work Kitty! An exceptional job. Looks like a new King for the King Tiger mod library. A beautiful mod. I can see the hours poured into it and the painstaking hand drawn details.

Its hard to believe its Kitty's very first vehicle mod. There tremendous talent in them there hands!

Thanks Kitty!!!

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Paws, kump, paws

For how long, 15, 30, 45?

OK then ...43 ...44 ...45 The comparison is now ready. Remember to hit your refresh button when you go to the site if you've already been there this session.




CM Outpost

[This message has been edited by DraGoon (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Brilliant. Sheer work of art Kitty!

This is actually the first mod I see that has a certain deceptiveness, in the sense that you're not really sure what you're looking at; now that's what camouflage is all about!


Officer: Old man, vhere ist your Spinnink Vheel?!

Old man: My... my what?

Officer: Your Vheel! your Vheel! Vhere ist your Vheel?!

Old man: Oh, I am sorry, I do not eat meat, I am a vegetarian.

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Guest SS Peiper

its out, its out hey what the hell am I still doing here!!! I have to go D/L

Kitty I have to say that is the best King Tiger. I wish I had your talent. I hope to see more mods like this from you smile.gif Like I said before your the best wink.gif

SS Peiper

[This message has been edited by SS Peiper (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Though I've yet to get your mod installed on my machine, I wanted to publicly congratulate you on a first rate piece of work. Fantastic!

Now, all I need to do is manifest the money to get a new computer with the horsepower to run such exquisite work without choking the CPU.



John Kettler

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