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A Thousand Points of Peng, A Kindler, More Gentler Cess

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Loving Mark IVs very good performance as Custer at the Alamo
Gawd I just love it when Grogs show up and give all this history ... and stuff.

As to the revolution ... {chortle} Senility is quite correct (I know, I know, I'm as shocked as anyone). There can be no revolution within the 'pool for much the same reason that the English don't speak French. EVEN IF Slappy could somehow manage to awaken this somnolent bunch of losers to a fever pitch of revolutionary zeal (which would pretty much amount to Blousehouse zipping up his trousers), he'd find that, in the end, he and his minions would end up more 'poolified than the oldest of 'poolers! It's called Assimilation. Oh he might win the occassional Battle of Hastings and for a time, perhaps, the Saxons would be on the outs, but sooner or sooner (and probably sooner) the CessPool would have it's way with the victors as well and all would be as it was. Besides, any organization that ASKS for Geeks to join ... well, I think that says it all.

SIR Joe Shaw, Knight of The One The True The CessPool.

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[Establishing shot: Space. It's the same one as last time, except printed backwards so the spaceship drifts the other way.]

[Cut to: Conference room. It's the bridge set with a few flats hastily arranged behind the captain's chair and a card table between the CAPTAIN GUY and ENSIGN NYE (THE SCIENCE GUY).]

CG: So, dogmatic schism threatens the Cesspool Sector, again, eh?

EN(TSG): Aye, Captain.

CG: Yes, I'd be upset, too, if an overblown halfwit like Croda or an inveterate ovine-o-phile like PeterNZer were elevated to knighthood.

EN(TSG): But Slapdragon, the usurper, doesn't even know the difference between atomic number and atomic weight!

CG: Enough of your grog talk! One in this sector is too many, already, plus he threatens to take a sizeable splinter faction into his "Krewe" and their "Kribbe" with its fussy secret-society rank system (and it is rank--phew!) with their titles and "masters at bum fondling" and "high poobahs of mediocrity" and whatnot. Hell, Hiram's even posting that he actually HATES people. Why, it's chaos, Ensign, of Biblical proportions! Do you know what this means?

EN(TSG): Uh, posting volume might go up a little?

CG: Well, yeah, I guess that's about it. Send the transmission to the Seanachaites.

[Cut to: same establishing shot as at the top of the act.]

CG: [Voiceover] Seanachai! I pay you the respect of being the second person in Cesspool Sector that I challenge. Chupacabra disappeared from the 'Pool for several hours after one of my challenges (even if it was just to sleep), and if you do the same, I will have done the 'Pool a service. Too long have you held sway with your mind-numbing wordiness, annoyingly perky sing-songs, and baffling advocacy of Canadians and other cold-addled midwesterners. Plus, your loathsome connivance with fey Lorak to establish an even-more-codified pleasant order to the Cesspool Sector is an abomination before Peng!

[Cut to: Bridge (the "conference room" card table is visible on the floor behind the captain's chair), the CAPTAIN GUY continues speaking as the camera slowly revolves around him.]

CG: You represent the detested ancien regime, the oppressor of the avant garde, the antithesis of prix fixe. As Jefferson said, "the tree of Liberty is fertilized by corpses and cess alike," and your cess-laden corpse shall provide meat food, indeed. I realize that you will be reluctant, even fearful, to accept my challenge--as one who Losttopeng, you may be wary of playing a newbie who could be as good as "average," instead of brimming with Pudlian incompetence. Roust yourself from your unwholesome caresses of the pile of briefs that you stole from Hiram's laundry bag and fight! Is their aroma so much more intoxicating to you than burnt flesh and cordite? The 'Pool is about bile, sure, but blood as well--and it's time to spill most of yours. Send a setup.

[Camera lurches and POV swings wildy]

[POV: lying sideways on the floor of the bridge set. In the background, we hear CAMERA OPERATOR.]

CO: Dammit, who left the card table behind the Captain's chair?

[Cut to commercial]

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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I really have nothing important to say.

I just finished doing my set up for a nice game with Moriarty.

Now taken that this map was created by Berli.... I just had to pop in and tell Berli how much I hate him.

This is the damn, darkest, dankest, jigzaw map I've seen in a long long time.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Geier:

Eek! I hate change, it's scary!

The Meek: You are so predictable it's not even remotely funny.

Meeks gets too much attention! I wanna talk about the Old Joke.

Eek Eek! I still hate change, it's still scary!

Now listen here you ignorant, crotchety old son of bitch. I refute your points one by one:

I never wanted to rule and the original schism was the result of the Pool exploding, which was anything but predictable. When I came back, I was drafted by that stupid, bald son of a bitch, I didn't want my thread to be the new Pool. I brought everyone back, I got them posting like men and now that we're back in Seanachai's digs they open the floodgates and start talking about how cute everyone looks. Can you blame me for wanting to change that? And I don't rule anything now, either, you imbecile, I'm just titled.

Oh and Berli, thanks for being so, well, Berli.


Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?!

No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?

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Guest Wildman

I leave for a weekend and the cess in the pool has taken a decidedly rank smell to it.

We now have TWO lawyers in the cess, both acusing the other of being a bad lawyer. Its sad and pathetic, its like watching two old, broken-down hookers on the corner of 7th and Van Buren arguing over who is the bigger slut. You lawyers for friggin' sake, your evil and have no morals by definition. However, as I'm sure I saw "Lawyer" on MSNBC during the whole West Palm Beach fiasco I HATE him more than the pond scum we call Clinton.

Slapdragon and Meeks. An odd combination, bring to mind Slappy in the bathroom and 16, pulling his "Dragon" and making a small noise that sounds like "Meek...Meek..Meek" They are obviously made for each other, or wait. Could Slappy be Meeks alterGrog ego? No, never mind that would require Meeksy to have more that three active brain cells.

As for quick updates.

Large Colon has lost his first Churchhill to my intrepid Panzer Elite. They crested the hill and to quote his Ccolonness

about 1 trillionth of a second that your tank

crested that hill, a shot was off...jeez..what are those guys..supertankers!

I hold the flags and while you have brought the Ami's normal amount of arty I will not be defeated.

Croda and I are trading half-tracks and scout cars, we're both in the village and rapid and complete carnage should happen very soon.

Stevie continues to bring the entire 4th Armored Division down, and when the bastard sends me a file, I'll continue to defend the HamsterLand with the floss provided by that heinous man Marlow, hoping that somewhere in here is scenario balance.

As for the git, Marlow, he sent a setup and then promptly started with "Mail Problem". As least I hope that is is "Mail" and not "Male" problems. When he finally sacks up and returns the file I will commence crushing him like the Meeks loving dog that his surely is.

Now the rest of you, and especially that Lawyer git, can go "sod" off, whatever that silly Brit term means.


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Loving Mark IVs very good performance as Custer at the Alamo


Gawd I just love it when Grogs show up and give all this history ... and stuff.

I stuck that trick question in just to catch the likes of Joe Shaw, who like a little buzzy fly get attracted to the black sticky strip of historical inacuracy and, doomed, cling to it in some vein, smug belief they are actually doing well and have reached the goldmine.

Well sonny Jim, or Joe, we don't like that kinda thing around here. I think it's about time we battle.

I call a Blood Hamster on Joe Shaw! A battle over control of each others sig file! Will you accept!?

I expect he wont, he'll crawl off minus a few limbs from my sticky flypaper of historical innacuracy and ask Croda to lick his wounds and bits. But that is the kind of people we seem to get around here these days..



"Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

"Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

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Peter In Zero So many distortions, so little time:

1) Trick? As IF! Why don't you just stand up like a man and admit that you really thought Custer was at the Alamo!

2) I would be happy to teach you the joys of losing at CM, though from what I've seen it appears you have LOTS of practice already in that fine art. May I suggest a small to medium QB, with a Jpeg of the setup screens since, like all reasonable denizens of the 'pool, I don't trust you further than the length of Blousehouse's chain. I shall, of course, retain the right of refusal if your choices are as bizarre as I suspect they will be.

3) I don't use a sig file (in case that little fact escaped your notice) because I don't see the need to BORE everyone with the same inane statement every time I post ... I trust in my posts to be inane enough as they stand! However, I agree to your stakes.

4) You're a swine and poltroon and will soon receive your just reward ... defeat!

SIR Joe Shaw, Knight of The One The True The CessPool

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Good fly.. Nice fly.. Now send me a setup. I am happy to accept your terms, and yes, I will even trust you enough not to send a jpg or two, since I know, it matter not, your topplement is immenent.



"Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

"Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

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Guest Wildman

Agua Perido, which translated means:

"Don't drink the water in Mexico"

Your posts, well, in a word "Suck"

The fact that you obviously are a Star Trek fan, and cannot come up with a original concept is patently obvious. So stop that inane posting, and go do something useful...like polishing Mace's Purple Mace.


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With the recent barrages lancing the skies o'r our heads, I am absolutely amazed at the depth, amount, breadth and size, of the insightful aucumen and knowledge of the massed pool. Course I also am amazed at the totally useless and unused and wasted knowledge, as if any of us actually had a life at any point as well. Never have so few, known so much of totally irrelevant information. It's almost sociological.....or is that pathological or both? In honor of our current apostasy, and to piss off the French (they do hate our fractured HS attempts), whose for a little sing song then?

Sur la pont d'Avigion

l'on y danse, l'on y danse

Sur la pont d"Avigion

Tout du monde

It's always amusing to see someone try to create order out of chaos. The pool is already anrcho-syndicalist in nature.....with 2 lawyers, could there be any other result than more chaos?


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-30-2001).]

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Has anyone heard from those morons ButtCheek6 and JarJarHead? I want to know how their attempts to crack Crodaburg are going. So if you wastes of good ATP are reading this, report in!

On a side note, does anyone have any good methods for castrating a gamey bastard who finds it kewl to field legions of Jumbos and Jacksons in his attack? That sonuvasheepshagger will pay.

On a good note, mensch and the dalem are almost dead.

That stevethehomelessrat thing sent some sob story about having too much work to do so he can't press his attack just yet.

And SeeNSay will now attempt to crack the finest collection of German armor ever to take arms against a bunch of tea-slurping Tommies.

As for the rest of you...especially jd and shandorffffffff, bah!!!





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Originally posted by Croda:

As for the rest of you...especially jd and shandorffffffff, bah!!!

He he. Ahh my little croda, did losing your Hellcat and Shermie make your day? How many men and tanks have you lost? Bunches buttcheeks. I was truly appalled reviewing our battlefield at the waste of life you so callously have thrown away. WWI lives, mon general.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Originally posted by Wildman:

You suck

Ouch! Curb your Shavian ripostes, sir, lest I bleed! If your tactical acumen matches your wit, then send a setup--I could use the easy win.

Agua Perdido

(For the rest of you: more Inane Space Crap when they fix the camera.)


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I never wanted to wule and I can't keep my concentration on any one subject for more than two seconds. Nobody likes me.

Can't argue with that.

Everything is wrong and no one takes me seriously. Can you blame me for wanting to change that?

Believe me, I can blame you for anything.

Have fun with your title given by someone who thinks the Avignon papacy was a great success. And don't forget to play in traffic.



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Originally posted by Wildman:

I leave for a weekend and the cess in the pool has taken a decidedly rank smell to it.

We now have TWO lawyers in the cess, both acusing the other of being a bad lawyer. Its sad and pathetic, its like watching two old, broken-down hookers on the corner of 7th and Van Buren arguing over who is the bigger slut.


Hey, pal, when you're in the whore business, you NEED to be the best. Plus, this is MY corner. jd indulges his own brand of love over by the urinals, where he spends most of his time watching the "members" of the patrons and looking for new inductees to his "let me entertain you" club.


You lawyers for friggin' sake, your evil and have no morals by definition.


Ahhh, shucks, you didn't need to be so kind...


However, as I'm sure I saw "Lawyer" on MSNBC during the whole West Palm Beach fiasco I HATE him more than the pond scum we call Clinton.


Well, I was down there the month before dating Katherine Harris, who looked rather Plain Jane at the time. I was the one who suggested that she get some new make-up, a nice BIG hair-do, and invest in some stunning fashions. By stroke of luck when the Big Day arrived, Katherine was ready for prime time television, and the rest is history.


Now the rest of you, and especially that Lawyer git, can go "sod" off, whatever that silly Brit term means.


You're in the Air Farce. Go kiss some general's butt and be a hero.



Only the Lawyer knows what Evil lurks in the minds of men....

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Originally posted by Geier:

Dear sveet me, I seem to haf forgotton that to misqvuote somvun and then pretend like zey actually said zat is just stoopid.

You see, misquoting someone is only funny if you do it and then respond to what they actually said. Anyone can make up a quote and then make fun of somebody for it but where's the humor? Where's the creativity? For example:


Originally posted by Geier:

I smell poorly and have no sense of humor.

Oh ha ha ha! Look at what ol' Geier said! Oh, gee, Geier, you sure put your foot in it that time!!!


See, not funny. Unless you're Andreas, in which case:

Originally posted by Germanboy:

I smell poorly and have no sense of humor.

Is not only funny but apropros.


Car Wars sucked hard. In fact all Steve Jackson games sucked hard. What the hell was wrong with you, back then? Didn't you ever hear about the d20?!?!

No d20 back then fool. Cars Wars was only 4 dollars, what do you expect?

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Originally posted by mensch:

Hey rat boy where you originaly from? I am an Edmonton boy! born and lived there 14 fecking years! thank god my family moved to toronto cuz well.. nice place to visit but I would not want to live there again! what I miss is ..*sigh* bush parties wow.. those were fun!


Methinks you have been in weinerland much too long, and have forgotten that Alberta is Canada's promised land. Alberta is to Canada as Texas is to the You Ass, except Alberta is much bigger. Although, with your family moving to the armpit of Ontario, I don't blame you for taking off to the fatherland. Christ, they have to call out the army every time it snows.

For your info, I have been in Alberta since '72, and in Edmonton area on and off for the last 15 years. Before that I lived all over Canada, what with daddy being a fighter jock, including Bagotville, Quebec, Gimli, Manitoba (before they turned it into a race track), and twice in Ottawa. Believe me, Alberta was the best place to settle.

Liked your post on the culture shock thing. My brother has been in England for a year, and his list is similar. His biggest complaint is the lack of decent shopping centres, he ends up splending all day going from little overpriced shop to little overpriced shop just to buy what he could get in Zellers or Wal-Wart in a matter of minutes. He has resorted to driving 2 hours each way to the nearest big mall, and still figures he is saving time and aggravation over shopping locally.

Oh, and Mr. Dorosh, as you are in COWtown, you will understand if I loathe and ignore you, I trust? It's the proper thing to do, don't you know.

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Originally posted by Wildman:

As for quick updates.

Large Colon has lost his first Churchhill to my intrepid Panzer Elite. They crested the hill and to quote his Ccolonness

I hold the flags and while you have brought the Ami's normal amount of arty I will not be defeated.

Consider yourself lucky Wildpuke. Merely a scratch on the tip of the iceberg my felonious friend.

My game with Lorak will be a chore. He has obviously and clearly modifed the map to his liking. There are 4 VL's. All of them about 8 feet from his line of departure, whereas I have the Continental Divide to cross to get to them. I think there is a 1 bush, a dead cow and 4 grassy knolls in the giant 9000m expanse between my lines and the VL's to use for cover. A blind man in a snowstorm could see me coming on this map.

Last update, the evil and wicked Berli. We are still slugging it out in the thick Pengfogjuice. He's dug in deeper than Senachi's and Mark IV's inner crawdadthingy. I've informed him that I'll be showing him the numerous exits out of this town, but that was just bigtalk. I think he's gonna whup me again. Plain and simple, Berli is a nipplehead.

And now, to address this duplicate lawyer thingy. I'm reminded of that scene in the movie Deliverance of the dueling banjo's. This just happens to be dueling attorney's. Both with white hair, no teeth and a backwoods metality. Go ahead fellas, duke it out for our enjoyment. It really doesn't matter who wins, as by both of you just being here, we all lose.

Finally, who the heck was responsible for lettin' in Slappydagrog?

For the lot of ya, may the rest of your day be filled with the thought that you will have to read this thread for the rest of your CM lives.

GI Tom


Think before you POST, TEST before you cry BUG and take a "Time-Out" break before you counter-flame the guy that just called you a Plutonian ButtMonkey---Madmatt

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Originally posted by David Aitken:

Before I realise it's pointless and a waste of time, I would just like to say: I am gay as gay can be I must say. There is none gayer. On a gay scale of gayness you can give me a 10 1/2. They should call me Gary Gay Guy

Dude, keep it to yourself.



Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Guest Wildman


HA, and HA again. That is half your tanks, and one of your armored cars. There certainly isn't that big an iceburg with 1250pts. YOUR MINE...ALL MINE **insert evil chuckle here**

Aqua Gargle,

My response was entirely appropriate for the mental level and ingenuity found in your previous posts. I had ignored your earlier attempts, however, I am sick and tired of having to scroll past your drivel to find something humours and off-color. So keeping in theme with a minimalist repsonse.



I guess all I can say is go with your strength and inner delusions. The fact that you would even hint at hitting Katherine Harris with your Purple Mace is rather disgusting. Be happy I'm in the Air Force, how else could I find the time to release my prose on your undeserving ears.


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Dude, keep it to yourself.


You bastard, it is always nice to hear someone proclaim their happiness, or emptiness and lack of intelligent thought as the post may be. I assume they have quit his meds and he is proclaiming his deepest thoughts.

Or, is there something more sinister? Perhaps it is not Atkin's dreams we are hearing misquoted here, but my old freind Sendai. Perhaps he dreams of his youth, travelling the country side with a troop of homosexual circus clowns while performing as the acts buttboy and fluffer? Perhaps, despite his current public status, he longs for the days of grease paint and oil spirits, and is projecting once again his fantasies to the Cesspool?

Perhaps, perhaps not.

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Originally posted by Wildman:

The fact that you would even hint at hitting Katherine Harris with your Purple Mace is rather disgusting.---


Don't be dragging me into this conversation, and besides, I never slap dames/broads!

And, Sheesh, guys!

Away from a PC for an 1 hour and all hell breaks loose!!! What are we trying to achieve here, The Guiness world record for the most number of inane (insane in Mensch's case) posts in the least possible time?


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Phew, well, I've exhausted all the possible combinations of myself, a cat, my right hand and my tongue. Now I have a sore back, a furry mouth and animal cruelty activists on my doorstep. Time for the next stage, I think – yes, I'm going to find another human being! (That way I've got someone to hold the camera while I concentrate on business.)

There's a few bastard cats around here that deserve to be sent to you.

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Guest Germanboy

Mace - that picture of yours? From your cameo appearance in 'Boogie Nights'?

Lawyer - are you by chance one of those people in Washington who would make the nation better off by having himself run over repeatedly by an Ozzie monster-truck.

The other pictures... Oh dear...



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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