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Best WWII Overall Documentary?

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I've been an Americal Civil War buff for about 10 years or so and im pretty well read on the subject as well as american history in general. But i'm fairly clueless about WWII in terms of the actual battles/progression of the war itself. I've read quite a bit about the EFFECTS of the war on world politics and such, but not much on the war itself. (Similar to the way i originally became interested in the Civil War)

For "newbies" to Civil War era history i usually suggest that they start out with a really good overall Documentary on the subject (Ken Burns - The Civil War) and then follow that up with a book that covers the whole war (Battle Cry of Freedom by Ambrose or T.C.W by Caxton)

Does anyone have any suggestions like this for me on WWII? Is there any WWII documentary series that is considered to be "the best" or some such? (Emotional Impact over facts and dates for newbies is best IMHO) And then followed by a page-turner WWII overall book?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Detroit Guy

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Guest Babra

"The World at War" narrated by Lawrence Olivier is probably the most popular. It's available as a boxed set. It has inevitable gaps, but it's not bad.

A hard one to find, but a good one is "The Unknown War" narrated by Burt Lancaster. It covers exclusively the eastern front in some pretty good detail. I'm not even sure it's available on video.

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I just took out 8 episodes of The World At War from the library this weekend and was amazed at how well it held up over the years. I found it very entertaining, educational, and shocking. This is a documentary that is fairly unflinching in it's depictions. There were quite a few visceral scenes. The pacific in particular had some pretty hardcore footage.

I didn't see all twenty six episodes though so I can't say how great it is all around. What I did see sure didn't bore me either! I'd say it is WELL worth a watch.

Two Thumbs Up from me.


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I called blockbuster (didnt have it) the LIBRARY !! now theres an idea. I remember when i was in high school and i was in shock when i found out that they have movies and such there. Great idea. Also probably a good idea for me long-term as well. My movie tastes usually tend to the "serious" side , which as i remember, was mostly all that the library had 1. Serious Dramas 2. Documentarys whooie.... i know where im going tommrow.

D Guy

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World at War turned me on to WWII history when I was 13 or 14. After many years not seeing it, have watched a few episodes I got off the net (VCD) and am amazed at how great this series is. Highly recommend it, though it is a broader look at the war, not detailed depictions of particular battles or equipment. Politacal and strategic level Documentary. I love the episodes on Russian Campaign. That "Unknown War"looks very good! I have heard of Battlefields. Does that deal with individual battles or campaigns of the war?

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Hey Detroit Guy,

One of my most fascinating hobbies has been over the years the collection of video tapes.

I have collected two basic types:



Referring to the former category, there are literally thousands of them. May I (hopefully not) bore you with a list of some of the good ones?

Before I begin (long), let me say the "Battlefield" WW2 collection is without a doubt the best for viewing an overall view of World War II. Here are some of the others that are very good.

BATTLELINE (old Series - done in the 60s, Ithink)There must be some 30+ of these, with a veteran from either side relating what went on in a particular battle. Nothing in depth, but interesting from a personal perspective. 30 minutes each episode

WEAPONS OF WAR - An ongoing series mainly on the history channel. These began with technical insights into weaponry from WW2 to modern day stuff.

It has since evolved into a whole new series of general info on themes such as the USMC, Paratroopers, German Elite, Rangers, History of the Tank, etc. etc.

I can't even imagine just how many there are out there. I have collected over 3 dozen and don't have one-half of them.


So far there are a series of 12, based on pivotal battles of WW2. Each episode actually recreates everything leading up to the battle, includings troops, weapons, leaders, etc. Fantastic information. These can be ordered, but I got most of mine taped off the PBS channels here in Atlanta. They are a treasure!

BATTLEFIELD-VIETNAM. 12 tapes published by Time-Life. Very similar to the above series. I bought month by month but they were also on PBS. A GREAT, GREAT series to give a keen understanding to what the War in Nam was like.

WORLD AT WAR - Yes, a great series for an overall worldwide view of the greatest war in history. A look from the military and civilian side of the war. I think there must be some 30+ episodes. I have them all but never counted them.

VICTORY AT SEA - What can I say about this magnificent collection! The music alone makes you put on a warface. Done in the 50s, it is a visual portrayl of the great S E Morrison's book collection, History of United States Naval Operations in WW2. Each episode is 30 minutes long. You can get this set at a very reduced rate now. I've seen it as low as $60 for all six video tapes.

THE GREAT CRUSADE - A televised version of Eisenhower's book on the same theme. Another great presentation of the War in Europe. Each episode is 1 hour long.

VIETNAM - THE SOLDIER'S STORY - ABC News. 3 Videos done recently with stunning maps, information and other highlights of the key battles of Vietnam. A must have set!

Ambush: The Battle of the Ia Drang

Under Seige!: Khe Sanh

Tet: The Battle for Hearts and Minds

Rolling Thunder: War in the Skies

Secret Wars; Secret Men

Last Chopper Out: The fall of Saigon

CRUSADE IN THE PACIFIC - A detailed look at the War against Japan in some 16 episodes. Some great info here for historical scenarios. Each episode is one hour long.

CENTURY OF WARFARE - SOme 25 episodes that take you from the beginning of the 20th Century, through WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War and a look into the future. This one is really great.

D-DAY! THE TOTAL STORY - A 3 Tape set from the history channel. You'll understand D-Day as never before. Each episode is one hour long.




MASTERS OF WAR - This one approaches great battles or campaigns from the point of view of the opposing leaders. A very unique approach to many familiar and some unfamiliar battles of the 20th Century, WWI, WW2, Vietnam.

GI DIARY - I have not seen this one around in a while. I think there are some 20+ episodes, personalized by the narrative of one who was there. 30 Minutes each episode.

WINSTON CHURCHILL - THE VALIANT YEARS I think there are about 12 chapters (programs) in this one. A visual resume of Churchill's writings on the war.

BATTLE FOR THE PACIFIC - A series of 8 programs that cover the entire Pacific War in a very unique and informative approach. This one is now very hard to find.


Single episodes abound! Airmobility. History of the ACav, Tarawa, Peleliu, Iwo Jima, Battle of the Bulge, Market Garden...all present the battles or campaigns in great detail. I have dozens of these.

Here are a few that I think are really collectors items for those so inclined.











And on and on, but I've written a book here already. I hope it helps you.

Wild Bill

[ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: Wild Bill Wilder ]

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You could also watch the History Channel every day. There's tons of WWII documentaries, as I'm sure you know. It gives you the war in bits and pieces, but some of the shows are damn good. And just a note since you are a forum newbie: We all love topics like this, but BTS prefers that these kinds of topics be kept in the General Forum. If Matt were around he would probably move this thread. But I am not the forum police, so feel free to ignore me. smile.gif

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Holy Big List O' Stuff batman!

Thanks for all the info!

Im going to hit the Library tommrow and see what they have.

I've watched various series on the History Channel and TLC. What i want is a overall telling of the war. This way i have the "big picture" and something to "hang" more specific information on.

Ill look for the World at War and Battlefield.

I'm really interested in the progression of events of the war more than perticular battles or events at this point (really have no solid understanding of the whole war at all.

My orginal plan was to study each major war of the US in order... but i took 10 years or so to study the Civil War. My current Level "interest" in terms of american wars is 1. Civil War 2. WWII 3. American Revolution (basicly a coup de tat action against Britian - nowadys they call it terrorism lol) 4. Viet Nam 5. Gulf War (if you can call it that)

so at my current rate... i start WWII this year.. and move onto the American Revolution in the year 2011. Nam in 2021... er.. LOL

D Guy

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World at War hands-down. Besides what others have mentioned, it is good because it was done while many of the major commanders were still alive, so there are extensive interviews with people such as "Bomber" Harris (who directed the RAF area bombing of Germany) and Hasso Von Manteuffel (who commanded the Fifth Panzer Army during the Battle fo the Bulge, as well as major formations in Russia).

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"tommrow" is now today. Once the stock market closes (and the options stop trading) ill be heading out for food and to the library. (less than a half hour)

Have the guys that suggest The World at War (over this "Battlefield" series) watched both? Also, myself i have been guilty of suggesting some documentarys over others because the have sort of a "memory lane" aspect to them (Several American History Documentarys that i saw when i was 15-19) but not nessisarly any "better" quality-wise than more modern peices.

This is just me keeping the conversation going smile.gif as i have yet to see either of them i cant comment one way or the other. If all goes well i be watching my first episodes of at least one of the two series tonight!

D Guy

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Guess im gonna try to get my ass to the library agian today. I thought i'd get "one last game" then head out.. but then it was 6pm and i still had errands to run AND had to get ready for the meat market .. er.. i mean bar... Got me some phone numbers and a nice hangover LOL. Guess ill try again to make it to the library to day.

D Guy

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Hey Detroit, an excellent "Book" covering the entire scope of WWII is Delivered From Evil, by Leckie. There is a great deal of material but it is well written and is a very good overview of the whole conflict. The only area not covered well IIRC is the Eastern Front, surprise surprise. I have been tracking and rating all the WWII books I read and gave this book a 4.5 out of 5.0

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