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    New Jersey
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  1. I am also interested - as PDF indicated, let's continue via email.
  2. Just to let you guys know - I will be on vacation for the next week camping - I will be sending my turns on Monday the 23rd. Sorry about the delay.
  3. Treeburst, what is the rule about refusing a map? I know you are allowed to refuse a map if you don't like it, but is there a limit to the amount of times that you can refuse maps?
  4. World at War - narrated by Sir Lawrence Olivier is a fantastic documentary. One tiny problem is that its about 26 hours long, so make sure you have a lot of time on your hands before you watch it.
  5. I've finished one game, I'm almost done with another, I'm in the middle of a third, and I just started 3 more.
  6. I'm currently in two battles - 1 w/ GClement - which isn't going well - damn him! And one w/ KelsieD - which is only about turn 10 but seems promising. I also just started my 3rd game w/ Sockmonkey yesterday - although he hasn't emailed me back w/ his setup - the git1
  7. I am playing in two games right now, one w/ GClement and one w/ KelsieD (although we aren't that far in either of them)
  8. Jason, ASL You are both right, but in different senses. ASL, you are correct. If you play a quick battle, and you decide to play as a section of the Panzer Lehr Division, any other armored force, you should be concerned with maintaining the ratios historically alloted by that force - and as you said, it doesn't matter what the Allied force consisted of. Jason, however, is looking at the broader scope. He is saying that the QB's fought by the players of CMBO should reflect the type of scenarios fought during the war - yes, there were instances of the Germans defending with Panthers, even Tigers, but not always. Lets look at the trend. Taking any 100 QB's, I am sure you will find a disproportionately large number of instances where the Germans are fighting with armor rather than infantry forces. Giving a precise ratio is impossible - I won't even try, however, let us assume 50% - again, only an assumption, it could be higher, but I don't think it is lower. Now, what I think Jason is trying to say is that if you consider those 50 QB's to be the engagments of a Panzer Division (which has 2 Companies of Stug III's, 1 Battalion of Pzk IV's, and 1 Battalion of Pzk V's), then the Panthers cannot be everywhere at once. Each player could easily say, "hey, I've got 1500 pts, lets but 3 Pzk VG (late), at 199 pts apiece (Regular), that still leaves me w/ 900 pts to spend on other stuff!" If you multiply that out over the 50 QB's, thats 150 Pzk V's (about 4 Battalions worth) Now, if 150 Panthers were purchased, then somewhere, someone, should have purchased 150 Pzk IV's, and 75 Stug III's. The problem is that no one is forced to. In fact, if one is trying to "win at all costs", the game almost dares you to. The Panther is such a superior tank, that even given the point differential, its hard to justify not buying one. Given 1,000 QB's, and the ratio's outlined above, 500 could be armored forces, yielding 1500 Panther's purchased. Now the problem with the argument is that how do you apply historical accuracy to a game that allows you to pick and choose your forces? As ASL Vet says, "If I want to play as the Panzer Lehr Division every time, I should be allowed to do so." And he's right. And technically, if every player who plays the Axis wants to play as the Panzer Lehr Division every time, they can do so. Jason's frustration comes from being someone who is interested in historical accuracy, who plays many QB's (I am assuming here, I do not know Jason, personally) and has that feeling of, oh, I've run into a platoon of Panthers again. The solution, I think, comes in several parts: 1) I agree with Jason that the Allies should be mostly Armored, Mechanized or Combined Forces, and attacking while the Germans should be infantry mostly (and occasionally mechanized or combined arms) and defending. 2) If you are interested in historical accuracy, you should play people who are also interested in historical accuracy rather than "how do I pick the best army list to win" - it just takes a little bit of communication to find this out. ASL Vet, I think you need to play more QB's as the Allies to understand Jason's point of view.
  9. Count me in - TCP/IP is hard to do, but I can definetly do 1-2 turns a day PBEM
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