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I Miss The Combat Mission HQ Site

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I just gotta get this off my chest.

Up until the past two or three months,

my daily routine ALWAYS included

hitting both the CMHQ site and

the BTS CM forum. Maybe I don't

"have a life", but each day I'd fire

up my browser enthusiastically to

catch up on the latest news and


Sadly, hitting the Combat Mission

HQ site has become...well...sad.

Now before anyone jumps on me

for saying this, I can honestly say

that the CMHQ site was the ONLY

URL I ever hit on a daily basis in

my ten years of ridin' the waves of

'the net'. As well, I know Mad Matt

is now a member of the CM team and

has other responsibilities.

But I look at it as the "sister

site" to the BTS site.

In the "old days" one could shoot

over to CMHQ, get the latest "news"

on the game or on graphics mods,

sound mods, etc, and then hop

anxiously over to the BTS site to

see the fan base's input on anything

new that was posted in there.

These days...well...you know...

My humble opinion is that CMHQ is

and can remain an IMPORTANT asset to

BTS insofar as it maintains a "freshness"

to itself.

It's a treasure that shouldn't be

allowed to stagnate.

Okay, I'm off the soap box and back

into my usual "lurk" mode. smile.gif


Oddball <CAF>

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I second that! CMHQ even if it isn't updated monthly ;) is still my favorite CM site. Thankyou Mad Matt for providing us with this valuable resource, but please pretty please update it soon so we can check out the new mods you hinted at!


"Hold still you sod, these bullets cost money!"red devil-Arnhem

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CMHQ is truly an excellent site. The first, and only official source for CM stuff.

CMHQ will always be the flag ship of CM.

Bu IMO, Manx has surpassed it with his great work over at Combatt-missions.net/

The main reason is the continuous updates.

Always something new and interesting.

I hit it almost every day.

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Hmmm....Untested Area postings....I never felt real comfertable using that area (although it is MUCH easier for me to post there) as I felt it devalues the work that the mod guys put into their stuff....

Hmmm...I don't think I can ignore my public though....So I tell you what...Prepare yourselves for the:


!!! or whatever number it is supposed to be... I can't say WHEN exactly I will get this done but I should have something by Sunday night at the latest....Oh and there are *things* in the works to keep CMHQ fresh on a daily basis...Many many things....

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Madd Matt;

Do you personnaly have to test all the MODS??

Maybe you could just put up a big ass disclaimer stating that ALL MODS ARE UNTESTED!!! and just do away with the untested mod area.....

It could save you some time and leave the responsibility up to the user for backing up his BMP folder.

Plus, we could get a preview of ALL the mods on CMHQ, not just the tested ones.

Just some suggestions, it's still a great site.

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Perhaps, those of you who have some spare time can help Madmatt in testing mods, getting the site updated, etc. Since he is busy working on CM2, he may need some "reinforcements". I'd imagine there have been a offers of help before

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It sounds like Madmatt already has something like that in the works. Unless by keeping CMHQ "fresh on a daily basis" he means that there will be a little thingy that says: "This site last updated on such and such a date." I have a feeling there will be more to it than that.

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>>Hmmm...I don't think I can ignore my >>public though....So I tell you >>what...Prepare yourselves for the:>>


Sounds awesome, Matt!

CMHQ _REMAINS_ at the top of my

list for keeping abreast of

"Combat Mission" and IMHO, the

great success that the game has

achieved is in no small part, a

direct result of your tireless

efforts and enthusiasm.

My sincere compliments on a

job WELL DONE and my thanks for

all the time and work you've

put into it.

May your collaboration with

the BTS team be a long and

prosperous one, sir! <S>

Best regards,

Oddball <CAF>

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I'd like to think his lack of updates is a result of his hard work on CM2. But it's probably really the beer and chicks. Women dig grogs you know. It's probably because of all the talk we do about bigger cannons and performance all the time. :D

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Odd, Stop Suckin Up


You sir, are a cur, and I refuse to

dignify this slight with a response.

Oh...nevermind, I just did. <G>

What? Oh..no...I didn't call Sturm

yet, but I will this evening...if only

to yank his chain about what a truly

awesome, ground-breaking, fascinating,

phenomenal, superior masterpiece

Combat Misson is. (smooch, smooch) <G>

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Didn't MadMatt get his wisdom teeth removed or something? Before he went on his tour of Europe? Before (or soon after) he was hired by BTS?

Something has certainly changed, I don't know if losing his teeth did it, or if it was that trip, or being hired for BTS...

He was sick for a while too, that can't have been good either.

He used to update CMHQ every day, sometimes he posted messages 3-4 times a day! For a while I was even wondering if he was moderator for the BTS forums. Now he's plucking away at a keyboard somewhere, playing the trial beta of CM2, and he keeps forgetting about CMHQ and the forums.

I think he's spending all his time in that CM2 forum, the one we don't have access to.

Maybe he's the lone person in the warehouse packing all the boxes before shipping them to players?

It's a sad, sad world...


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I agree that the CM.net site is getting a leg up, so to speak. For me, though, it's not just the more frequent updates. I can't really put a finger on what makes me like it a little better. Maybe it's that I just "rediscovered" it recently....

Don't get me wrong, though. CMHQ is still my first check, and still "home" for CM.

Here's an idea for Matt (and probably a really bad idea from his perspective), but I'm throwin it out anyway:

How bout an occasional "update" (maybe just a few a week) on CM2. I know, Matt, I know, BAD idea. It could be called the "What's Going on in the CM2 Foundry" update. You know, something like "The past few days, we've been working code for the blah blah blah, dressing up the blah blah", or whatever. Something like that would certainly keep CMHQ fresh, provide LOTS of discussion material for the forums, and generate tons of irritating questions, complaints, arguments, etc. (which Matt, of course, could simply ignore). Am I out of line here? Opinions? I'm taking cover under my desk now....

[ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Jack Arilliac ]

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>>How bout an occasional "update" (maybe just a few a week) on CM2.

Great idea, Jack. I'm up for -anything-

at all that's new over there. I used to look at it as one would a newspaper. ie: grab it everyday and sweep over it.

I know for a fact it was a MAJOR contributor to Combat Mission itself, since

as we're all aware the Big Time site's

info is well...to be honest...tired.

The forum is great, though it's become

quite unweildy due to the tremendous

success of CM, but beyond that, there's

really nothing here that's new and


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