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A fluffier cuddlier more P.C. B.T.S.

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While B.T.S. is admirable in many respects, I think it is time that it modified its outlook to fit in with modern political thinking. For a start, on the basis of reading these discussion forums, one cannot help come to the conclusion that there are far too many anglophiles within its ranks. It is now accepted in acedemic circles both sides of the Atlantic, that the English are responsible for most of the evils that have been inflicted on the planet. Hollywood churns out movies on a regular basis - quite correctly - with some truely terrifying villains - all with English accents. A Professor Mel Gibson, a recent immigrant to the U.S. of A. (from Botany Bay I believe) has carried out important academic research that proves conclusively that the perfidious English were in fact responsible for the massacre of innocent Frenchmen at Oradeur sur Glane. Further revalations will reveal that the English annexed the Sudetanland, invaded Poland, and when they make a re-make of the re-make, it will transpire that they were also behind the attack on Pearl Harbour - sorry - Harbor. I must not neglet to mention the role of the B.B.C. whose independent research has confirmed most if not all of the findings of Hollywood.

In the short term, B.T.S. should try and develop mods that accurately reflect the situation. A series of faces for English units (in emulation of the Kelly's Heroes mod) would be a small but important start in redressing the balance. My own suggestions would be Alan Rickman, Tim Roth (monkey suit optional) and for old fogeys like me, Lawrence Oliver as Richard II. I would gladly welcome alternative/additional suggestions from other members of this discussion forum.

In one thread (I forget which) I saw a reference to CM3!!! Is this going to be a simulation of modern warefare? Let's make the most of it. England of course will be everybody's enemy, but that apart, there are all sorts of ways that B.T.S. can come into line with modern liberal political ideology. Female infantrypersons for a start - only they have to be better than everybody else. Could B.T.S. model the use of narcotics for example - and hey guys, why are we shooting at each other at all? Why can't we sit down, hug trees and relate... and national identities are so passe aren't they? The amount of hot air created on these forums on this alone would fill several Montgolfier dirigibles. What should CM3 be called, and how should it be made politically acceptable? Send me your suggestions and let us all work towards a kinder, fluffier, touchy-feelier altogether more cuddly B.T.S. and...



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What about a cinematic re-telling of the Battle of Trafalgar?

Kevin Costner or Ben Affleck would play Nelson, with three love interests including Simon the cabin boy.

Tim Curry or Alan Rickman could then play Napoleon, pacing up and down dark corridors, slamming his fists, and muttering in an upper-middle class south-eastern English accent. He could also have a bumbling sidekick who is sent to assasinate Nelson, but fails and is killed by Napoleon with a dagger to the forehead.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

The problem with joking about the English being evil and archaic is that many Americans think they're reading a factual document.

(smiley with red coat and musket forthcoming)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

oh, i thought he was serious. dang, us americans can take everything so seriously . . . smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Richard Morgan:

Some stuff.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My friend for future referrence, let's drop the "."'s in BTS and the like.

Also CM3 is going to be the Mediterranean Theater, ie North Africa, Italy/Sicily, and perhaps the Balkans (Greece, Yugoslavia)

Furthermore CM4 will be the Early War such as Poland, Finland, France and the Low Countries.

But back on the "English" stuff...dropping those unnecessary u's in words ending in o..r would be a great start.

[ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

But back on the "English" stuff...dropping those unnecessary u's in words ending in o..r would be a great start.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey Maximus, I just emailed my American cousin, Stevenson Franklin (III), and this is what he had to say:

DUH I gess tjose BRits R still saw at looseing to a bunsch of farmerz in the Re-Volution back in 1776!!!!

They shood lerrn to spell maw leke us (WHOOPS A U THERE) cuz we spell words wivout U's (ANOTHER U SOR-REY) AND we saaved tham TWICE fromm Gerr-Manns HAHAHAH FRENCH CRAP AT FIGHTING!!!!!

Well there you have it Maximus, perhaps one day the rest of the world will learn to spell like invading 17th Century English Peasant F*ckwitts, but until then we will have to differ smile.gif

[ 08-25-2001: Message edited by: M. Bates ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates:


Hey Maximus, I just emailed my American cousin, Stevenson Franklin (III), and this is what he had to say:

DUH I gess tjose BRits R still saw at looseing to a bunsch of farmerz in the Re-Volution back in 1776!!!!

They shood lerrn to spell maw leke us (WHOOPS A U THERE) cuz we spell words wivout U's (ANOTHER U SOR-REY) AND we saaved tham TWICE fromm Gerr-Manns HAHAHAH FRENCH CRAP AT FIGHTING!!!!!


Bravo! I laughed, I cried.

...still laughing.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates:

Hey Maximus, I just emailed my American cousin, Stevenson Franklin (III), and this is what he had to say:

DUH I gess tjose BRits R still saw at looseing to a bunsch of farmerz in the Re-Volution back in 1776!!!!

They shood lerrn to spell maw leke us (WHOOPS A U THERE) cuz we spell words wivout U's (ANOTHER U SOR-REY) AND we saaved tham TWICE fromm Gerr-Manns HAHAHAH FRENCH CRAP AT FIGHTING!!!!!

Well there you have it Maximus, perhaps one day the rest of the world will learn to spell like invading 17th Century English Peasant F*ckwitts, but until then we will have to differ smile.gif

[ 08-25-2001: Message edited by: M. Bates ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ROFL...the funny (frightning?) thing is that it's true!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MaxiMouth:

dropping those unnecessary u's in words ending in o..r would be a great start.


Sheesh do us a favoUr...... next you'll be asking the Scots to add an E to their whisky....

And anyone with a modicum of sense knows that us Scots never add anything to their Amber Nectar

[ 08-25-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Sheesh do us a favoUr...... next you'll be asking the Scots to add an E to their whisky....

And anyone with a modicum of sense knows that us Scots never add anything to their Amber Nectar

[ 08-25-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, didn't the Irish (sensibly) remove the "e" from Whiskey to differentiate their product from the Scotch drink? A good system.

Better than hacking a "u" from Colour to make a pleb-friendly "Color". smile.gif

Interestingly, does anyone really believe that the rest of the world will start removing U's to Americanise words?

Seems to me that all the Europeans who have Romance language influences - from the French or Romans or both - will carry on using U's as they always have done, to spell words "properly".

Just because Bill Gates or Steve Jobs makes us use a Favorites (ugh) menu does not herald a wholesale change to existing literacy.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates:

Interestingly, does anyone really believe that the rest of the world will start removing U's to Americanise words?


Interestingly, during the last ten years or so (IIRC), translated books in Germany have begun to carry the notice 'Uebersetzt aus dem Amerikanischen' (translated from American) if the book is originating from the US. Created quite a stir in the feuilletons (cultural pages of German dailies). If the book orginates from the UK, I think it is still 'Uebersetzt aus dem Englischen' (Translated from English).

Maybe someone still resident in Germany can comment on how wide-spread this is now.

Oh, and there is no way I am going to drop the extra 'u' myself.

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I think the main difference is when saying "colour" the sound is conveyed via the mouth, whereas the sound of "color" is emitted through the nose. Of course, to be PC, and in the true spirit of being a good neighbour, I might add that some of my best friends talk like that. It don't get on my wick at all.

Regards ;)

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