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I will post whatever the f**k i want, and however the f**k i want inside the limits of the rules...If i get banned, then it would be unfair because i have not violated any rules.
While a crappy attitude will not usually get you banned, what you posted above most assuredly will if you don't knock it off. We are all pleased that you got your game and that you enjoy it, now if you will just take a deep breath and lose the attitude we can all get along.


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I say ban HIM!

ban him now

and ban him out right!

Sadly he will get one or two chances.

I hope Matt is in a lousy mood and ban's his sorry little butt the minute he reads this thread.

I have a VERY low tolerance level for spoiled brat rich whiny kids!

be Gone, oh younger profane one!

And yes there are rules here and one of them is NO profanity.

-tom w

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 02-21-2001).]

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Originally posted by Maximus2k:

Puhleeeeze! You guys are MUCH ANAL!

Yeah im 15, yeah i live in a $1.5M house and yes my daddy is buying me a Land Rover Defender for my 16th Birthday....

Jealous? Why not quit talking **** and admit it? You all keep talking that smakola'... You probably work for my dad, or someone in my family.


Poor people are sooo funny!

Bottom line... I give less than a damn about what you want to read on this forum. I will post whatever the **** i want, and however the **** i want inside the limits of the rules...If i get banned, then it would be unfair because i have not violated any rules.

Dont like what someone has to say, DONT LISTEN!!!! Im only 15 and even i know that.

Do you cry like this to daddy whenever someone points out how immature you really are or do you only display this type of behavior behind anonymous boards?

Hiding behind your daddies accomplishments only high lights your insecurities. You should really talk about what YOU have done that requires we give you the respect you seem to think you deserve. At least your standing on your own feet and not behind daddy.


Are is not to reason why, ours is to do or die!!!

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Some trolls certainly know all the right buttons to push smile.gif How very rewarding that we have Eminem's long-lost cousin here to educate on social niceties.


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"90% of the crucial decisions in this business are made by idiots who don't even play games." Cliff Bleszinski

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I bet he doesn't even own the game. He just came here because he can use the "F" word indescriminately.

Get outta here Daddy's Boy~


And King Xerxes looked to King Leonidas and spoke. "Our Archers will rain arrows down upon you to blot out the sun."

And King Leonidas replied: "Then we will fight in the shade."

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Croda said "Easy, Joe, or his daddy will buy you out and sell you as bait to Polynesian fishermen."

Thanks man, best laugh I have had this week, I needed it. Hey guys this jerk is just trying to yank all your chains and it's working, just totally ignore the troll and belive me, he will go the way of the Dodo bird.

[This message has been edited by SirOscar (edited 02-21-2001).]

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Though it is a shame, it should never the less be expected that a game like CM will eventually attract the little snot nosed kids who lack any upbringing what-so-ever, that lack even basic mannerisms, or are totally hostile and anti-social types apparently being raised by a computer and a television set rather than a set of parents who would teach manners and correct vocabulary. To some degree it is the fault of the system, but it always boils down to the home and family setting, if any.

My real question though, is why is BTS allowing such a course of events to take place. Matter of factly, I've seen at least one very good, very solid, and very senior CM proponent banned from this site for what I would term as not so much less than the childish and immature diatribe of vocal diarrhea forced upon our community by this particular adolescent who apparently has no regard for the members of this community, much less his own little self image.

(Steve,-- Fionn!?!?!)

I do not believe that CM, BTS, or this community derives any benefit from vocal drive-bys of ill-mannered, obnoxious, illiterate, and vulgar little visitors who most likely will be off playing the latest "Dorks Day Off" game from Milton Hasbeen next week, but regardless is not any sort of asset to this community, and might prove a deterrent to the participation of the existing group.

BTS, you have BBS rules against vulgar and obscene language. Would you enforce them please!!!


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 02-21-2001).]

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BTS, you have BBS rules against vulgar and obscene language. Would you enforce them please!!!
Yes, but even the immature, spoiled little rich brats deserve a second chance. It is, ultimately, up to BTS, but in the past they have warned the offender of the consequences before they dropped the hammer. I suggest that we give M2K the benefit of the time to reflect and ... perhaps ... change his ways. If not, perhaps his daddy can buy him his OWN message board!

As to being used for Polynesian bait, the key word there is Polynesian ... I'm in Utah, how bad could it be?


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Maximus2k...because I am 45 yrs your senior and much wiser I am going to give you some advice. Take it or leave it. Persist in your immature (and yes it is immature) attitude and you will get a raft of crap from those here.

May I suggest that some humility is called for. Whether you have the fortitude and character to do so remains to be seen. If you want respect then behave.

I am glad you got the game. It is a wonderful and exciting thing to have. This community can go a long way to enhancing it and making your experience alot better. Act the way you are, and we shall know you for who you are and treat you accordingly. Now you can dismiss me as an old foggy if you like, but like your father (i am assuming here) I earned what I have not inherited or had a cushy situation as you boast (either truthfully or not). So I have gained a wee bit of wisdom in the interim. It's your choice boy. At 15 you haven't got a clue. This board is made up on average of guys and girls 2-3x your age. We have done what you haven't even begun to imagine.

So cool your jets. Believe me you are not god's gift to us. Be courteous and straight and after the waves of your entrance subside a bit you will be taken serious. Continue and well, it won't be pretty.

Take care boy, you have alot to learn. The greatest wisdom is in acknowledging that you do not know everything.

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All of you hypocrites should shut up or jump off a cliff or something smile.gif

Seriously, you all whinge at his language and tone yet here half the forum members are, stoking the thread up still further! As soon as someone steps out of line and says stuff which he will no doubt already regret, an avalanche of vicious snipers line up to "kick the sh*t " out of him and seek to get him banned!

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Originally posted by M. Bates:

Seriously, you all whinge at his language and tone yet here half the forum members are, stoking the thread up still further! As soon as someone steps out of line and says stuff which he will no doubt already regret, an avalanche of vicious snipers line up to "kick the sh*t " out of him and seek to get him banned!

Yup, pretty much.

And CM doesn't model snipers, they model sharpshooters...big difference.


Woot! - Maximus2k

The New CessPool

[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 02-21-2001).]

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Hate to rob all the Polynesians on this board, but I'm going to need some bait over the summer. Cutting anyone up with a dull kelp knife and feeding them to the Fish that Evolution Forgot (halibut) should teach him some respect for the more mature members of this board.

On the other hand, I'd hate to disturb his nap time, it was by far the best part of kindergarden. Mickymouse2k, when you wake up, don't forget to share the toy tractor with your classmates, or you won't get a cookie during story time.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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M. Bates wrote:

As soon as someone steps out of line and says stuff which he will no doubt already regret, an avalanche of vicious snipers line up to "kick the sh*t " out of him and seek to get him banned!

First, it was not "as soon" as someone stepped out of line as you assert, it was after continual violations of the BBS rules.

Secondly, vicious snipers is precisely what that sort of violation of the BBS rules deserves.

Third, if major contributors with long standing senior BBS participation are to be banned for violations of the BBS rules, then an equal enforcement of those rules is only fair and equitable, whereas an unequal application of their enforcement would raise a good many questions I should think.

Fourth, I see no indication what so ever that the postings are "stuff which he will no doubt already regret", as you put it. Quite the contrary the stream of vulgarities continues on.

In any event, it is not so much the lil fellers attitude that bothers me. Attitude (tone), is in the eye of the beholder and is the type of thing that at one point or another lots of folks on here could be accused of having bestowed upon us, including myself. It is a bit of an odd community, and we've all bantered back and forth, sometimes in good natured fun, sometimes not so good natured, sometimes in outright catfights.

However I believe it is necessary that a fair and equitable enforcement of the BBS rules on obscene language be applied. Just for the record, the first thread, now locked, "did" contain a warning from BTS. If more are necessary then fine. Provide them then is what I'm saying. Failing adherence however, a line must at some point be drawn.

A foul word here or there to provide emphasis or humor is not offensive in my opinion, but a continual unending stream of obscenities used as a desperate substitute for a more thorough understanding of the thesaurus is both offensive in nature, a violations of the rules, and could do more to damage the character and reputation of the BBS community than all the past catfights put together.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

M. Bates wrote:

First, it was not "as soon" as someone stepped out of line as you assert, it was after continual violations of the BBS rules.

Secondly, vicious snipers is precisely what that sort of violation of the BBS rules deserves.

Third, if major contributors with long standing senior BBS participation are to be banned for violations of the BBS rules, then an equal enforcement of those rules is only fair and equitable, whereas an unequal application of their enforcement would raise a good many questions I should think.

Fourth, I see no indication what so ever that the postings are "stuff which he will no doubt already regret", as you put it. Quite the contrary the stream of vulgarities continues on.

In any event, it is not so much the lil fellers attitude that bothers me. Attitude (tone), is in the eye of the beholder and is the type of thing that at one point or another lots of folks on here could be accused of having bestowed upon us, including myself. It is a bit of an odd community, and we've all bantered back and forth, sometimes in good natured fun, sometimes not so good natured, sometimes in outright catfights.

However I believe it is necessary that a fair and equitable enforcement of the BBS rules on obscene language be applied. Just for the record, the first thread, now locked, "did" contain a warning from BTS. If more are necessary then fine. Provide them then is what I'm saying. Failing adherence however, a line must at some point be drawn.

A foul word here or there to provide emphasis or humor is not offensive in my opinion, but a continual unending stream of obscenities used as a desperate substitute for a more thorough understanding of the thesaurus is both offensive in nature, a violations of the rules, and could do more to damage the character and reputation of the BBS community than all the past catfights put together.

VERY WELL Written!

I agree completely smile.gif

Thank you for taking the time and effort to express your opinion (and perhaps the opinions of many others here, myslef included) so eloquently and directly.

Nice Job!

-tom w

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 02-21-2001).]

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Guest Mirage2k

It's people like this that almost make me ashamed to be a teenager. Almost. I pray to God that my roommate in college next year will not be like Maximus2k.

At least my "2k" has a basis.



"No, it's not that kind of relationship. We're just friends. We are together all the time, but I never touch her porcelain skin, her soft, red lips, like rose petals from the emperor's bathwater! Bathwater, I tell you, bathwateeeeeeer!"

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Ironic that the thread showing the death of a game character is locked up and this one continues on...

"I find watching someone suffer and die to not be all that enjoyable personally and would DEMAND that you refrain from posting such material to this forum again."


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