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Peng threads and searching

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When the admins get around to killing one of those moronic Peng threads, do they delete it completely?

Considering the searches are painfully slow as it is, you'd think the regulars around here would realize a high-traffic thread like the Peng BS only makes the problem worse...

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My dear sir,

If you think the Peng Threads make up as much as 5% of the traffic on this forum, you are mistaken.

If you're bothered about the number of posts in the archives, maybe you should complain to the many people who refuse to do searches, and insist on rehashing old topics endlessly. In other words, the fewer people who use the Search function, the less useful it becomes. By your logic, at least.

You might also consider that the traffic is much greater than it seems, as certain threads remain on the front page, while many many more quickly disappear, adding up to a heck of a lot of short threads in the archives which dwarf the Peng Threads in overall bulk.

Anyway, suggesting that the Search function could be improved by removing threads from the archives which are being searched is ever so slightly bizarre. The fact is, UBB software is free, so it's no surprise if it doesn't cut it for this kind of high-traffic forum. BTS have in the past appealed for pointers to more robust forum software. The latest forum upgrade was supposed to better handle large forums, but appears to have had the opposite effect, in terms of the Search function at least.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:

All those rediculous Peng or Hamster threats do not add anything to the game, and should better be redirected to the general forum.



The peng threads keep the 'poolers...eh, pooled. You wouldn't want them escaping into the General population.

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While I am not a Penger, I will say that the cesspool must stay. While the pool might not interest all, and I even admittedly avoid it, it, and its members, is a pillar of the CM playing community. They have been around since before the beta demo days, and have made numerous contributions to the game and the community as a whole. Not to mention that it is a great place to find non-gamey bastard opponents.


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Mr. Mac, I don't know what you are beefing about, the search function works fine. In fact, I used it to find this:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JMcGuire:

I just got my hands on a *perfect* condition 28-year-old Mercedes 280SE (and at about a third of book value). Since I'm rapidly becoming addicted to CM, my friend and I thought it would be kewl to get a personalized tag with some kind of wargame-geek tie-in. Hell, at 4000 pounds, the car FEELS like a tank when you drive it...

My current favorite is "PZKPFW" or "PZKPFW38". My friend's favorite is "HETZER" but I think people would just assume it was a surname.

In FL personalized tags can be (I think) 6 letters, plus one space, or 7 letters with no spaces.


Now you characterize the Cesspool as moronic and deserving of banishment. By comparison to your little "I got this really cool car, isn't everybody green with envy" thread, the Peng Challenge Threads are high art.

If you don't like the Cesspool, don't read it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wwb_99:

Not to mention that it is a great place to find non-gamey bastard opponents.


ALL Cesspoolers are gamey bastards. Complete and total gamey bastards, in fact...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

Mr. Mac, I don't know what you are beefing about, the search function works fine. In fact, I used it to find this:



BUSTED! Heh heh. I'd forgotten about that bit of idiocy. They should have a little beer bottle icon for locking up certain threads...

Still, I maintain Peng and similar threads are crap. It has nothing to do with the "artful" qualities of the discussion or what I read each day, the point was searching, and I believe the point stands.

Granted it doesn't contribute much to the search delay -- especially if the shut-down ones are deleted, which so far is still an open question -- but every second I spend waiting for UBB to grind through the flat file is another second I could be playing CM, or god forbid, doing something useful.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JMcGuire:

Prattle from a prat.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So let me get this straight, you're saying delete the old Peng Threads and move the current ones because it'll speed up the search by 5 seconds? For what? Who actually uses the search, hell I thought that 'Do a search' was just a saying, like 'Hi mom!'.

If you get rid of the Peng Challenge thread than the people inside it will do one of three things:

1) Leave.

2) Frequent the board less frequently.

3) Kill you, a lot.

I'd say that it would break down 30%/65%/5% among the three. So what you want is to cut out of the CM community the only group of people who have no idea what 'The System' is, who actually (There's evidence, buddy) think that it's not important whether you win or lose but how you play the game, who think the quality of a man is not based on his knowledge of 88mm penetration but rather his joie de vivre.

Yes, this would definitely improve the CM community, if your vision of the CM community is a bunch of pocket-protector wearing nerds arguing constantly about armor penetration, unit deployment and the best mix of forces to defeat KiwiJoe.

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CM is a game. The Peng Thread represents people who play the game. The rest of the forum seems to represent people with nothing better to do than drone on about 1,001 new features they want to see in the game, when BTS already has more ideas than they can ever hope to address until something like CM III, ie. the second engine rewrite, or whatever comes after CM II (not to be confused with CM 2).

That's one thread for players and the rest for grogs and hardware junkies. What is your problem?

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Hey David, maybe you didn't see my Make Campfire and butcher sing-song Command in the Suggestions for CM2 thread. Its a pet project of mine. Keep in mind that the squads in question MUST have instruments still available AND also be in command for this to work. Who says I can't brainstorm with the best.

And Marlow.....great work you sadistic bastard. Had me rolling. Oh...the irony!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JMcGuire:

Still, I maintain Peng and similar threads are crap.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm. I can do both. I can happily yap on and on about armor plate quality and muzzle velocity and production numbers and the 'really neat thing I saw in the game'.

I can also insult and publicly slap around fellow gamers who share the same style as myself for play and humor.

Without The Cesspool, I'd have no one to run to for a sound thrashing after reading 1500 posts on why (INSERT WEAPON) doesn't work in such a fashion as to please (INSERT SMALL GROUP OF PEOPLE).

Both kinds of threads have their merits. Trust me, you don't want me posting too much on the serious ones. smile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Anyway, suggesting that the Search function could be improved by removing threads from the archives which are being searched is ever so slightly bizarre. The fact is, UBB software is free, so it's no surprise if it doesn't cut it for this kind of high-traffic forum. BTS have in the past appealed for pointers to more robust forum software. The latest forum upgrade was supposed to better handle large forums, but appears to have had the opposite effect, in terms of the Search function at least.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

To say that removing threads would not speed up searches is incorrect as far as I can see. Any search mechanism must go through each and every word to see if it "matches" with the given keyword. Taking threads out would lessen the number of words that would have to be parsed and decrease times. By how much? I have no idea. What I do know is that at the old Combatsim, the admin would on a regular basis have to move EAW forum posts to "backup" forums because performance was being screwed by all the posts.

AFAIK UBB has never been free. I looked through their webpage several years ago and it was on the order of hundreds of dollars. Furthermore, this "new forum" is not new, it's merely another version of UBB. I think that the problem lies in the fact that there are nearly a quarter-million posts and this is degrading performance.

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