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My MG's Can't Run Fast Enough for the Peng Challenge

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Besides - the Orzies already did a spot of genocide all on their own without having to lose Bundy..........when was the last Abo hunt???<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Whoops, someone overstepped the fine line between good and bad taste by a good several thousand miles!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Just piss off you racist dickhead!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Looks like I already have pissed of the dickhead, but I'm curious to know why you're racist.

Please, do go on.......like you need any encouragement!

[ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Looks like I already have pissed of the dickhead, but I'm curious to know why you're racist.

Please, do go on.......like you need any encouragement!

[ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Play nice or you shall be sentenced to a MTBtimeout. Now both of you, go to a corner and count to 10.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Looks like I already have pissed of the dickhead, but I'm curious to know why you're racist.

Please, do go on.......like you need any encouragement!

[ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am not sure what you are up to here. However, it is certainly not at all in line with the spirit or the tenor or the tone of this thread or this BBS. I would strongly urge you to apologize to our Australian friends - be they Aboriginal or of other descent - and think long and hard about what you decide to post in the future before you post it.

I am not the kind of person to lecture, typically, because I mostly do not like people unless they somehow prove that they have some worth, which means that I dislike almost everyone on the face of the earth. But as I have stated before, I dislike them INDIVIDUALLY, not based on group, (other than the group called human), or any other criterion. You obviously prefer to dislike people by groups, which is not such a good thing, despite the protestations of some on the BBS. Disliking people by groups is the leading cause of ethnic cleansing, jihad, holy war and genocide. You are young and probably have not killed anyone in a holy war or other despicable action. But regardless of where you hail from, your country has done something terrible to the people of another country or to the people who were in "your" county first.

Stalin's Organ, (no bbolding, no name mutilation, nothing that might connote recognition of any worth), you have obviously upset our good Friend Stuka with an ill-advised (at best) or malicious (probably) comment. The right thing to do at this point is to try to make ammends. The completely wrong thing to do at this point is to continue on this-sub topic of this thread.

fix or do somefink. You have 24 hours to correct this most egregious error or you will be shunned by the Peng thread. All current games will be forfeit, no additional games will be commenced, and no repsonses will be made to your posts. This is decreed by Me, Peng. If this decree is violated by any member of the Peng thread The thread will cease to exist. I have threatened, begged and cajoled for it to end in the past, just for fun. However, this is not for fun. If anything can kill the Peng thread it is this sort of behavior. You can tell your punk friends that you did it, THAT YOU KILLED THE PENG THREAD, and they might think that you are cool, but everyone else will know the terrible truth about you.

Your 24 hours is up.


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Settle down there Stuka no need to get all righteous, it just doesn't go with the mullet and the furry dice. For godssake man go and do a few broggies or somefink, crack a tinnie. I don't think he was advocating genocide as your response seems to suggest. Mmmm, boganicide, now there's an idea, wouldn't really be a crime would it? More of a public service really.

Drooling halfwits are best ignored especially those with the traditional massive kiwi shoulder chips.

Ooops sorry, what I thought was furry dice was actually Mace's head.

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Peng - I'm sorry, but what on earth makes you think that I have any idea why Stuka has gone ballistic??

It is clearly something in my post about the genocide of Aboriginal Australians by other inhabitants of the continent over the last couple of hundred years, but I really, honestly, sincerely do not see what!

Is he saying that it didn't happen? Is he saying that use of the term "Abo" is derogatory? Something else?

If he would care to explain what his problem is then perhaps I can fix it.

But if all he's going to do is throw a tantrum, and all yuo'er going to do is pat him on the back and be his mother then perhaps this place isn't quiet as robust as you all seem to think!

If he doesn't tell me what his problem is then there's really nothing can do about it so in that case feel free to do what you want. I know I will.

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Guys, just what the hell is going on in here?

I go and try to make CM2 the game of the new millineum and you guys forget the very charter that the Peng Thread MUST abide by in order to continue.

You guys have GOT to step back and remember that this whole thing is meant to be FUN.

I dont wanna see posts calling each other dickheads or racists or anything else like that for that matter. I also dont want to see posts which ARE rascist or dickheadish.


You don't wanna play by the rules then go somewhere else.

Stuka and Stalins Organ you guys are hereby warned. Make up offline or dont chat with each other but I dont want to see anymore of this crap here.

The rest of you, let this stand as a little warning that your in OUR house and you WILL abide by the rules.

Some have said that the Peng threads outlived their usefullness months ago, dont give me reason to believe them.

Now I will give you guys one more chance to self moderate this whole mess and get back on an even keel, otherwise I will take measures and my paybacks are an eternal bitch.


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Yes Mum!

Stuka - I'm sorry for winding you up - it was not my intention - at least no more than usual. I am genuinely puzzled by your reaction to the initial post, although my subsequent ones were definitely tongue in cheek and I had thought thoroughly pengesque given what they were in response to.

Perhaps you can expalin the problem to me off board?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Padlock Enabled by Eight Ball:

Now I will give you guys one more chance to self moderate this whole mess and get back on an even keel<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Self Moderating.

How many time should Newbies be told?

We have had our share of those events and Behind the Scene whatnots always settled the score.

Now before both BTS and most of the Elders take heed and tone down their interrest in that whole Peng Thread contraption, EDIT your friggin posts and subsquent reply and quoting of said originals.

If you need to be told that you are not worth the time some people invest in you anyway.

We are turbulent toddlers in the house of a complacent neighbour.

Don't wreck it and don't fuel the Boardees with arguments to shove us out.

Thus Spokth Marcel, Frog, Would-be Former Pooler if need arise.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Uh, could someone please challenge me? I need a good game or two, but don't really have the energy for some goodinvective.


I was thinking of challenging you but on

second thought, never mind. I've got enough

good games going, and don't really have

time to help out a tactically challenged

foreigner with an attitude like yerself.

Nice newbies, otoh, are always welcome,

since they often provide an interesting


warmest regards, and remembering you in

my prayers,


[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Nice newbies, otoh, are always welcome,

since they often provide an interesting


Well i fit the Newbie criteria well and truly. The nice part may be a little bit harder to get together but i'm sure i can work something out.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

The rest of you, let this stand as a little warning that your in OUR house and you WILL abide by the rules.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Those who are not clear on this issue have no place in this thread. They never have. That said, there are some who do not have a place in this thread that continue to post here.

If serious warnings from MadMatt, Peng and The French does not make you realise that you should just edit the post and then stay away from here then congratulations! you've killed this thread.

There are, I'm sure, plenty of places to discuss the issues of racism and genocide. This place, however, will never be one of them.

SO, since you seem unable to grasp that you did anything wrong, why not just accept that you are out of your depth and stay away from here for a while. No harm can come of it and I think you realise that while it may not be very rewarding for you, it would be a Good Thing for the Thread and its other denizens.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:


Well, I'm more opaque, and the gentlemen bit threw me, but.....

I think we all understand that our existance is based on the rules of (psuedo) good taste...so can we agree to leave expletives and other topics that could construed as being in poor taste to our alternative cess, or for private email.


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Geier, you blockhead:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----



I intend this fine quote to serve as your epitaph, and shall inscribe it in the snow over your grave in blazing yellow. Until you fix it, however, I must defer this pleasure.

You are fairly dancing with glee over a lucky shot from a stupid sneaking cowardly cardboard tank on a bad day in a stacked scenario. Well, la-di-da, who hasn't lost a Brit tank or two in an attack! There are plenty more, and even if you kill them all, we are still coming to melt the snow on your grave. I would be considerably more embarassed about losing one of the Fuehrer's to a PIAT that you had to have known was there all along. Now, FIX OR DO SOMEFINK!

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Mark IV ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

I would be considerably more embarassed about losing one of the Fuehrer's to a PIAT that you had to have known was there all along.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

For every Hotchkiss I get rid of, the fuhrer gives me a Panther. Get the picture?

Why not send to njn@home.se instead? This goes for all of you weaklings who cannot force their way into an email account.


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Temper, temper boys. It appears that the Southern Hemisphere is currently undergoing a severe Prozac shortage. The Mad Cue Ball and various 'Pool elders have decreed that we all should make kissy-face and play nice. In that spirit, I am resurrecting an ancient thread started by the Bard in one of his weaker moments. I propose that this thread serve as the next MBT as a penance for the sins of this one (with the added benefit (read primary purpose) of causing Seanachai the pain of seeing this past humiliation brought back to life).

A kinder gentler MBT

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My word, I am gone for a couple of days due to AT&T's incompetence and THIS is what happens?

Good Lord, gentlemen -- don't kill something so interesting and enjoyable (in a mean, vile, and nasty sort of way).

I do agree, however, that if you don't understand how someone has taken offense, then erase your old post and go away until you do understand and can act a little more civilized.

I like to think of this place as one of those old English hunting clubs where everyone hates and envies everyone else in the room, but displays it through wit, cutting remarks and above all, panache. Vulgarities, racial epithets of any nature, and crude comments regarding bodily functions are lowbrow and beneath the assemblage.

Or, for you younger folks, try to be cool in your cut downs like Ford Prefect and Zaphod Beeblebrox. Don't cuss, refer to any person (directly or otherwise) by the color of their skin, or talk about urination or defecation, or you will just prove you are a moron.

Now, on to business. For those of you I am currently killing, the slaughter shall recommence later this evening as AT&T has figured out how to put the little two-pronged cord-doohickey into the wall socket at last. Therefore, I recommend you all sacrifice a goat, get last rites, wear white/black/leisure suits, and do whatever it is your culture requires of those who are about to die or those who are attending the mass funeral of former friends and colleagues.

This is especially true for you, Jake.

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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While I cannot support my liege's ill-fated attempt to make a "Courteous and Polite PBEM Challenge Thread", I do agree with Marlowe that this current incarnation has been stained irrevocably and should be discarded early.

Similar to those orange trees in Florida, we must uproot and burn this thread before its time to save the forest. Kaniggets! I beseech thee, start a new thread quickly before the rot becomes fixed and cannot be so easily shaken loose!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:


Uh, could someone please challenge me? I need a good game or two, but don't really have the energy for some goodinvective.


I challenged you once before, sirrah, and was ignored. You can pick up the glove and slap yourself with it if you'd like, and send me a setup.

chrisl yours will be turned around tonight - I had a self-imposed computer blackout last night.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Now DekeFentle - what sort of name is that? You been smokin' bad weed son?


Not for a number of years but I suppose it could have been a flash-back.


I'll see waht I can do for you tonight. Setting up a fool for a fall always takes precedence over anything else! Random everything, Allied Assault, HUGE, lotsa trees & some hills! At least 2000 pts, FREE CHOICE, including no trucks for your guns if you want!!

You can choose the rest - which side would you rather be?


I suppose I’ll try to defend as the Axis. I know I’m setting myself up for defeat but I need the practice. I’ll put it together tonight when I get home, probably 3000 point.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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Dalem that is a bald-faced lie! Why, I would never turn down a good challenge, you GIT! The nerve of you telling me that I turned down your (most likely) wheedling, simpering request for a game. Oh, wait a minute, your not CMPlayer..

You sir, have provoked me, and I consider it a challenge to the Nth degree. I accept, cur, and will shoot one out to ya this even-tide.

Tell me, down to the nitty gritty, would you like a QB or a SCEN? I would kinda like to try some o' Berli's bite-size kibbles. Care for one?

Hey Berli! Could you spare a battlette for the Dalemeister and I?

In other news (let me see if I can speak CMPlayer's "tongue"):

Kind sir, I respect and admire your fortitude in entering this misbegotten place in hopes of spreading you CMPlaying to those in need.

Truly an honor, guv'nor, and I humbly accept the chance to test my mettle against your undeniably GREAT skills as a commander of men, be they pixellated or not.

For you, gentle reader, I would like to partake in a piece of pecan pie: in other words, I will defend myself against your impending assault by means of a slim but select group of gamey Germans. Please expect my set-up in your surely burgeoning mailbox this even-tide as well.

And finally, to even the keel, I speak to Gaeiour. Mr. Swede, I have heckled, cajoled, needled, prodded and probed (ow!) you to get a rise, and hopefully a game, but it all seems to be for naught. Please, sir, I would like to put our rocky past behind us and engage in a bit of battle, but I ned your cooperation. Could you please send me a set-up. perhaps of your favorite scenario? Thanx!

Toodle-oo, gents!

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Lets kill this thread early and start a new one. I will be available for new title review for about another hour.

Please email me with suitable title suggestions and do no start a new thread until I give you the go ahead.

I should aslo be available on my chat system.


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