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My MG's Can't Run Fast Enough for the Peng Challenge

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As sad as it is to see one of our own behaving in such a fashion, we cannot ignore his actions. I would ask his Honor, Judge Lorak, to appoint an investigator to look into this grave matter. Perhaps Sir Seanachai

would be available for such duties.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't be STUPID MrSpkr ... hmmm, not bad that, STUPID MrSpkr, has kind of a ring to it in fact. ONLY the Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool can be trusted to handle a case of this nature. Now, who's the defendant eh? Bring out the guilty basta ... uh I mean the presumed innocent party.

What's that?


Well ... harrrummmphhh ... May it please Your Lordship Lorak, the CessPool hereby charges Sir Joe Shaw with conduct unbecoming a Knight of the CessPool in that on or about August 6th, in the year of our Peng 2001, he did ...

What did he do? Really? That seems unlikely but, oh well ...

... he did, with malice and aforethought, behave in a groggly manner upon the outerboard. Your Lordship, the CessPool intends to ask for the death penalty in the case.

Sir Joe Shaw, Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posed by Belly Achin' in the outer boards:

I have just been waxed in two combined-arms games where I bought armour and my opponent bought guns. One was Chad, the other was the disreputable Mr Stalin's Organ. I regard this as gamey because to buy guns, eschew transport, and conceal said guns in appropriate vantage points before the game starts is to take an unrealistic advantage in a Meeting Engagement. Pre-concealed guns should be the reserve of Defence scenarios, and the attacker's points advantage reflects the difficulty of locating enemy defenses without being destroyed in the process.


Is this the class of whinging and bleating that is expected from a Kay-nig-it of the pool?

If so then I'll happily leave - I had thought that there would be some good opponents here, full of enthusiasm for the game and cunning deviousness to test my skills against and to have a metaphorical beer with afterwards with some boyish banter as we happily abuse each other chatting about recent history.

For the record:

1/ I bought transport for 3 of the 4 guns I bought in this game

2/ 2 of those guns started limbered up and moved to positions from which they subsequently fired. One of them then libered up and moved again!

3/ The Whinger decided the game parameters and they were 2000 pts NO RESTRICTIONS. For this I bought a company of Brit Para's, a couple of Vickers MG's, 4 guns, 1 tank, some SP artillery (on table Sextons) and heavy artillery.


Oh yeah, and 3 x 3" mortars on table and a Daimler A/C too.

[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

May it please Your Lordship Lorak, the CessPool hereby charges Sir Joe Shaw with conduct unbecoming a Knight of the CessPool in that on or about August 6th, in the year of our Peng 2001, he did ...

What did he do? Really? That seems unlikely but, oh well ...

... he did, with malice and aforethought, behave in a groggly manner upon the outerboard. Your Lordship, the CessPool intends to ask for the death penalty in the case.

Sir Joe Shaw, Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nice to see the wheels of justice turning so smoothly.

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Please make note of my victory over that right up-standing chap (and former winner extraordinaire):

Leeo; Win, 81 points.

Elvis; Loss, 19 points.

I only point this out because Elvis suffered a loss of nearly Hiramesque proportions. Not that I care.

I would give all the gory details, but really, what's the point?

Edited due to proper malt-liquor imbibement.

[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Yah, it was proposed that since vital key resources lay roughly south of the proposed line, Half of Australia could be sacrificed.


All the breweries were in the south then, I take it?

While the breweries stand, Australia sta...er, well, staggers laughing from one side of the street to the other, actually, but certainly without any intent of surrender, or even a clue as to how to go about it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

All the breweries were in the south then, I take it? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not exactly but hey...I'm Australian and very rarely have 1 beer......I regulary have 5-6 but thats another story :D:D:D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Please, for once and for all, its <big>WHINER!</big> not whinger

Whining, not whinging

Whined, not whinged

To wit, it is to WHINE, not to WHINGE.

Thank you, now recommence your whinging.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

While I hesitate to agree with that Kiwi thug, you are quite wrong, Sancho my lad. You must broaden your horizons. You must encounter the use of English from a land that is different from your own

In fact, where the hell are you from again? It's somewhere hideous, isn't it?

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Originally posted by Geier:

Aren't you man enough to go away and beat yourself to death?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stixx:

I may be. I can't see any purpose in it myself though.

I'm sure your going to give me one though aren't you


No, lad, he isn't. You see, we take it in turns to expend a little effort on the useless, and Berli and Geier have already accorded you more time than I, for one, can credit, and far more than you've earned.

No one is more pleased than myself to see the new arrivals stagger in here and attempt to make their mark. However, they do so by observing the rules of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Have you chosen an opponent (and you will have to get down on hands an knees to look your peers in the eye), taunted him, and challenged to a game? I think not.

Have you sounded off like you have a pair, and more than half a brain? Well, you've sounded off a little bit, but mainly about how grand Australia is, and I don't think you're the one the rest would choose as their spoke's creature. As to half a brain? Well, you've reposted at great length a somewhat reworked and extremely dog-eared copy of the 'the various armed services deal with a snake' post. Ahaha. Quite droll. We shall put you down as a quarter wit with aspirations below your station.

Now, be a good lad, borrow a clue from a more discerning friend, and either attempt to justify your posting here, or bugger off. If you can't manage that, I'm afraid we will have to get medieval on your blossomy little behind, and turn the real Australians loose on you.

[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stalin's Organ wrote:

3/ The Whinger decided the game parameters and they were 2000 pts NO RESTRICTIONS.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My dear Mr Organ, had you been psychic, or indeed had you invested any length of time in researching the ancient traditions of this fine institution, you would have been aware that an Unrestricted game is not a green light for buying the most gamey force you can possibly imagine, but rather simply a degree of freedom beyond Combined Arms, where one has more than tuppence ha'penny allocated to armour for every company of infantry. You are quite free to buy Frost's own British Paras supported by Patton's Blood-Drinking Tank Corps and 633 Squadron in its entirety in a Combined Arms battle unless I take the liberty of restricting you to, say, Fallschirmjäger or Polish, so Unrestricted does not afford you an exceptionally unusual degree of flexibility. It does, however, apparently present you with the metaphorical red rag to a bull, and encourage you to form Willy Wonka's 8th Gamey All-Arms Strike Force, even though bulls are colourblind, not suggesting that you are colourblind, although judging by what passes for your grasp of tactics I wouldn't be surprised if you were entirely blind. This post was in no way intended to be offensive to the blind, and any blind persons who have read the post and been offended should be informed that they are not in effect blind. The Peng Thread is an equal opportunities employer, we lambast and deride everyone from white trash sex-obsessed losers like Monica Lewinsky to white trash sex-obsessed winners like Bill Clinton.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Have you chosen an opponent (and you will have to get down on hands an knees to look your peers in the eye), taunted him, and challenged to a game? I think not.

Have you sounded off like you have a pair, and more than half a brain? Well, you've sounded off a little bit, but mainly about how grand Australia is, and I don't think you're the one the rest would choose as their spoke's creature. As to half a brain? Well, you've reposted at great length a somewhat reworked and extremely dog-eared copy of the 'the various armed services deal with a snake' post. Ahaha. Quite droll. We shall put you down as a quarter wit with aspirations below your station.


I thank you for your kind words of advise Sir Seanachai. You have been inspirational to me in the way no other anthropoglot could be. You have shown to posess more than nyblle of a brain and for that you should be commended.

Must i earn the right to post in this thread? I guess so. Must i get down on my hands and knees like a azzy? I think not.

Sorry mate but if you had to get down on your hands and knees to "Earn the right" like a pettifogger to post in this thread i truly feel sorry for you.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

you would have been aware that an Unrestricted game is not a green light for buying the most gamey force you can possibly imagine, but rather simply a degree of freedom beyond Combined Arms, where one has more than tuppence ha'penny allocated to armour for every company of infantry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And this would be why your own force consisted of nothing but armour and artillery of course??

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

If you discount the two Sicherung companies, then yes, you are correct.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh - you actually had some infantry?? Where were you hiding it all, 'cos I only ever saw a single "infantry?" marker! I've been waiting for the other 1000 pts of armour to appear!

ROFL - so much for your contention that you weer blown away by guns then - what a joke - you had a really powerful force and utterly misused it by recce-ing with SP-gun armour while holding infantry in reserve!!

What an idjit!

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puss leaking from a VD victim:

There you have it folks – Lars (bolded because I can) owns up to getting the LOWEST ALLIED SCORE EVER FOR JABO!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Stained Tinkler, I would soundly berate you for this but I’m still laughing my a$$ off over what happened to poopoowiper4/2 in turn 2 of Jabo!. A perfect drop by the flyboys.

The U.S Air Force must love flightless birds like you.

edited cuz I can do that too.

[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally extruded from Lard:

Stained Tinkler, I would soundly berate you for this but I’m still laughing my a$$ off over what happened to poopoowiper4/2 in turn 2 of Jabo!. A perfect drop by the flyboys.

The U.S Air Force must love flightless birds like you.


So I'm being killed by the gamiest units in the gamiest scenario, big deal. [serious] Yesterday I met a pretty famous pilot. It's a good thing BTS didn't include the bomb he dropped because then bombers would be even more gamey. If ya drunken dolts haven't assembled the clues to form a complete, if fuzzy and vague picture, the pilot was Paul Tibbets. [/serious]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42:

So I'm being killed by the gamiest units in the gamiest scenario, big deal. [serious] Yesterday I met a pretty famous pilot. It's a good thing BTS didn't include the bomb he dropped because then bombers would be even more gamey. If ya drunken dolts haven't assembled the clues to form a complete, if fuzzy and vague picture, the pilot was Paul Tibbets. [/serious]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

More famous than Bob Hoover?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42:

Did Bob Hoover drop an A-bomb?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You, sir, are a dolt. Come back when you learn the difference between a truck driver and a pilot.

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