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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>PeterNZer wrote:

posted 08-16-2000 08:48 AM


This thread is HUGE!

I'm not going to read it, someone summarise for us all



This is from page 20 of that timeless classic, Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public! It illustrates how even those who the current Peng Thread regulars regard as Elders are in fact newbies themselves. That makes the current host of newbies... well, something in the general catergory of sub-nonentities.

Who do we have... Seanachai and MrPeng of course... Speedy, Stuka, Mark IV, bauhaus, Germanboy, Berlichtingen, jdmorse, Lorak, my fine self... ah, I can stop there. Everyone else who posted up to page seven has since buggered off, and everyone who joined in thereafter is a newbie. Oh, we'll throw in Goanna and Moriarty for good measure, and PawBroon gets an honourary veteranship for having salvaged the entire thread before it was partially devoured by the server. Anyone who posted on page 1 or 2 can lodge an appeal with himself.

I suppose it makes sense. In the military everyone refers to superior officers as Sir or Ma'am. In the Peng Thread everyone refers to subordinates as newbies. Which makes Panzer Leader a new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-bie. You are cordially invited to bugger the hell off, and take your Johnny-come-lately chums with you!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stuka wrote:

Typical poms eh?

"Oh look, somebody is enjoying themselves, we must put a stop to this!"

You'd think they already had enough to worry about with their 3rd world, decaying country and all.

Not to mention their Silly Cow disease, and the crap weather, and their unwashed woman folk, and the price of fuel, and their penchant for Australian soap operas.

Have you ever seen an English TV 'comedy'? How many sniggering remarks about 'toilets' can an entertainment genre come up with?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That Penis Puppetry thing got good reviews when it was on in Edinburgh. I hardly think Ananova is a good place to go for news of any kind.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Hey Stukey-bird, do they teach that crap in public schools down there?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, it comes from personal experience.

I'd say 3 years there would be enough time to be able to speak with authority on the subject wouldn't you?

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pansywetter - Who in the HECK do you think you are declaring the demise of the Muthah Beautiful Thread? You spineless maggot, you remind me of a broken Chatty Cathy™ doll - you keep saying the same useless crap over and over never realizing that no one is paying attention to you.

Then, to underscore how inept you are, you post two new so-called Peng threads on the main board, inviting the criticism of the rabble about their precious bandwidth! Egads, man, we have enough problems around here without having the outerboard serfs wander in with their pitchforks and torches screaming about bandwidth and the One True Thread.

Then, after you convinced yourself that Cesspooligans might actually look at your pathetic attempt to start a new Muthah Beautiful Thread, what are the first words you post? Tee hee! Tee-friggin-hee!!! What kind of limp-wristed, lacy underwear wearing, effete dandy would even contemplate starting the Muthah Beautiful Thread with Tee hee?!?!?

You are a scum sucking newbie. You are a squire only because Pawbroon, in typical French fashion, made the mistake of inviting you to stay, much like small children beg their parents to let them keep the stray mutt the kid dragged home. Unfortunately, he didn’t make sure you had been wormed, deloused and housebroken first. Now, we are all paying for his mistake as we watch you soil everything you come in contact with.

You stinking excuse for a whale turd. You are a squire (although I think an asterisk by your title might be appropriate in light of the circumstances). YOU have NO RIGHT to start a new Thread. That PRIVILEGE is reserved for knights, who, along with garden slugs, ear mites and any other life form, ARE YOUR BETTERS!

Learn to appreciate your place in life, boyo, and be darned happy with it. Being a squire is a gift far greater than you deserve.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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I found Kitty, now where did Roobear get too?


btw, did someone challenge me? Did someone call me out? Well I have news for them, I only do setups for Friends, but since I dont have any, I guess the challenger will have to send me a setup....capiche?

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I was coming to the end of my diatribe about newbies, when I suddenly had the urge to direct it at Mr. PL personally. Then I found that he'd created not one but two monstrosities which he dared to claim were the new home of our beloved thread. Am I psychic or wot?

First mensch, now PL... I don't think we can handle much more of this. We may as well reinvent ourselves under the moniker of "Pansy Leader's Polite And Cheerful Chat Parlour". Has a certain ring to it, don't you think? Sort of like... the echo inside an empty skull...

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Mr Achin'

I have the distinct impression that the mealy-mouthed pratttering you directed my way sounded awfully like an affront to my honor and country.

Therefore, you twittering little BRIT, if you would please refocus your whining challenge (that went something like "You big jerk!") into the CURRENT INCARNATION of the One True Thread, I would be happy to oblige you and put you out of your misery once and for all.

Here, let me help you along, I know how your 'faculties' are deteriorating. Just click HERE!

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Panzer Leader wrote:

I have the distinct impression that the mealy-mouthed pratttering you directed my way sounded awfully like an affront to my honor and country.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now there's a clever labour-saving technique... saves you having to process any words when someone speaks to you, and you'll be right 90% of the time!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stuka wrote:

Time for beddy byes little one, its a big work day tomorrow and we don't want to be all grouchy now do we?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In the spirit of Private Baldrick, I have a cunning plan which will allow me to turn my mental derangement to financial advantage. But in the spirit of... myself, I'm not saying anything else. Which kind of negates my bringing up of the subject in the first place. Ah, I love it when a plan comes together!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stuka wrote in Panty Liner's Polite and Cheerful Cha (sic) Parlour ::woooom:: (echo of empty skull):


Now that was funny. Yes I know, past my bedtime.

Edit: Definitely past my bedtime, I missed out some UBB coding.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: David Aitken ]

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Ouch. I am truly wounded.

Why is it that in real life I am an intelligent, wise athlete-- head of my class, volunteer fireman, Army Officer, handsome, deliberate, lady-killing all-around great guy, but here in the cesspool, I am treated like the guy picked last on the junior high-school gym basketball team?

Madmatt woulda unnerstood.

You guys are all big jerks!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Panty Liner wrote:

Why is it that in real life I am an intelligent, wise athlete-- head of my class, volunteer fireman, Army Officer, handsome, deliberate, lady-killing all-around great guy, but here in the cesspool, I am treated like the guy picked last on the junior high-school gym basketball team?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pardon me, but did you just admit to murdering women?

No matter, whatever you are in Real Life™, in the Peng Thread you will always be a newbie git. Gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, no?


Okay, well maybe it slightly raises the temperature of your bones, I'm not sure what other tissue is there to be affected.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Panty Liner wrote:

I am treated like the guy picked last on the junior high-school gym basketball team?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wait up, didn't someone tell you that the full name for the Peng Thread is Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public (Incorporating Guys Picked Last On The Junior Highschool Basketball Team United)?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Why is it that in real life I am an intelligent, wise athlete-- head of my class, volunteer fireman, Army Officer, handsome, deliberate, lady-killing all-around great guy, but here in the cesspool, I am treated like the guy picked last on the junior high-school gym basketball team?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It is because, poor deluded fool that you are, real life is NOT REAL ... it hasn't even been confirmed that it's life but that's another story. Furthermore, here in the CessPool you ARE the guy picked last ... just look at who picked you for squire! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Madmatt woulda unnerstood. You guys are all big jerks!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, Madmatt is certainly MY candidate for a touchy-feely, new age kind of guy who you can go to for understanding, he's just a really big, bald, angry Alan Alda. As to being Jerks ... thanks for noticing ... it's all we've ever asked.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

The Noble and Gracious Iskander is shelling me with the entire artillery complement of the First Army. Too bad he's not hitting much. Plus I got the flank shot on his Sherman all lined up. I wish could see the look on his face when it goes BOOM.


Point the First: Perhaps you are too busy sniffing your legal briefs to notice that there are no Shermans nor Pugsleys in this match. I forgive your oversight: much like the once-noble jd, you only see what your secretary places in your lap.

Point not as First as the First: for meddling newbies like PantyLiner, Mr. Billy Gibson's "blackice" cannot be invented soon enough. MANNERS! You disgusting turd! Try, try to understand what is going on here, because it has grown quite apparent that you do not. Berli, please set your newest oven on "thermite," for I think we have a soul for you.

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An athletic fireman who doesn't like girls eh?

Who also likes to dress up in uniform?

Sounds like several members of the 'Village People' all rolled up into one.

Not that theres anything wrong with that of course. It happens to leave more rampant totty for the rest of us real men.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>No matter, whatever you are in Real Life?, in the Peng Thread you will always be a newbie git.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Unsuprisingly you are wrong Aitken. This heer cabbage bloke is clearly full of himself both in real life and in the "****" thread. Kindly keep the inane antics of this puffed up blowfish contained in one thread otherwise I will be forced to deflate him myself. Personally I think your comments are a gross insult to all newbies or gits since some of them may in time progress higher up the "food chain". Something that is clearly not going to occur in this case.

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Nocturnal PBEM Report

Germanboy and Meeks are permanently MIA. Armornut is due back soon.

My losses thus far to Moriarty comprise one Cromwell which sank in a wet grain field, was gun damaged by a 20mm cannon and was subsequently abandoned by its crew, who are walking to the rear in the rain to find an engineer.

Leeo's Sturmkompanie + 2 Jagdpanzer IV's + 2 Hetzers have come to grief at the hands of a British rifle company + 3 Challengers + 2 Fireflies, despite my thoughtful gesture of obliterating the scenery instead of his troops with my 25lb'ers.

dalem's men are running away, and I've barely started fighting yet. Either they fear the enemy commander, or have little faith in their own commander, but probably both.

Elvis, having destroyed most of his forces and most of mine in an effort to get anywhere near Rune's bridge, is now executing a textbook Last Turn Gamey Flag Rush. My men are retreating across said bridge accompanied by a Firefly.

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