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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Big Whoopy Do!


Damn Newbies.....Cheeky young whelps is all you are, wheres Blowsmice to give you the thrashing you so richly deserve?

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This is without doubt the weakest Peng thread I have ever seen. I don't want to blame mensch, but clearly this is mensches fault. Here it sits, lame title, almost no hatred, and the wit content is effectively zero.

"But dalem," you will whine, "it's Memorial Day weekend here in the States, and we're all too busy spilling barbecue sauce on our hairy beer guts while pretending not to ogle our daughters' nubile friends using the pool - we don't have time to devote to a Peng Thread!"

As excuses go, that's lame, because the increase in empty oar benches in this ship of fools is exactly the kind of thing that should elevate it in loathing, content, and classy bile.

So I have to blame mensch.

[ 05-28-2001: Message edited by: dalem ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:


[ 05-28-2001: Message edited by: dalem

and then edited cuz i am a bowl of skank-muck



You earless pile of dog vomit. I am in the mood to rip some nipples off and jam them into the previous owner's ears. You are just the nippled bastard I am looking for. Meet me at 10 pm EASTERN time tonight so that I can have my way with you. How many sets of nipples do you have?

OH DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT Blast and damn! YOU HAVE NO EARS! Where, exactly the hell am i supposed to put 4 or more sets of removed nipples?

Damn you dalem for the earless dog-boy you are. I have never in my pod-life run into such a worthless, weak, stultifyingly idiotic bowl of pus as you. Your prose is more painful than a full course of rabies shots, your gameplay is as rotten as a sack of dead kittens left in a damp barn for three days, and your ears, well, dammit, you have none. At least you can read, sort of, or at least your sister/wife reads to you and tappity taps out your responses on this thread.

dalem, my 4 year old daughter makes more of a contribution to life on earth with her daily bowel movement than you have in your entire ghastly life.

So what's it gonna be pus bag? You gonna meet me tonight under the bridge for some fisticuffs or are you going down in history as an mediumsized earless wank too afraid to tcp with Peng?

The choice is yours, dog-boy.


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Look at this!


Aha hahahah hahha hhah ahahah!!! Eeh ehheh hhee ehehhehee!! I caught you out there! You looked at a grog diagram! Nanny nanny naa naa!! It'll take you all week to recover from that! You may even win a game or two, and you can't do a thing about it!!

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You asked for it.

Hull Down

One of the most fundamental battlefield principles is that of allowing yourself an unobstructed view of the enemy, whilst exposing as little of yourself as possible. A rifleman is agile and flexible, and can easily take cover behind trees or walls, exposing only his hands and face whilst firing. Vehicles, however, cannot reduce their profile, or quickly dodge behind cover, so they need to be much more careful about how they move around the battlefield.

Vehicles generally have their main gun in a fixed position in the centre of the hull. They cannot benefit from horizontal cover - a house, for example - because if they are able to fire past the house, much of their hull will be exposed to the enemy. The 'hull down' principle, therefore, is the pursuit of vertical cover, protecting the hull of the vehicle whilst allowing it to fire over the top. This kind of cover is much more difficult to find in urbanised areas than in natural terrain, one of the many reasons why towns are very dangerous battlefields for vehicles. It is most abundant in rolling terrain, where the object is simply to have a hill between yourself and the enemy. This is the best example of the principle.


The diagram shows two tanks - tank 'A' on the left and tank 'B' on the right - and the degree to which they are exposed to each other. Tank A is hull down - it is situated just behind the crest of a hill, allowing itself a good view over the top, but protecting itself from enemy gunfire. It can see the whole of tank B, whereas tank B can only see tank A's turret and the very front of its hull.

Another important factor illustrated by the diagram is the obliquity of the armour plating exposed to the enemy. Tank A is angled away from the enemy, so that any shells striking its armour are more likely to ricochet away. Tank B is angled towards the enemy, which actually cancels out the slope of its glacis (the hull front) and turret front. Its weak hull top is also exposed to tank A, whereas tank A's hull top is not exposed at all.

In Combat Mission, only turreted vehicles can achieve a 'hull down' status. Line of sight (LOS) is calculated from the centre of the hull and the centre of the turret, so it is possible for the enemy to have LOS to your tank's turret but not the hull, making it hull down. With other vehicles, and with infantry, either the enemy has LOS or it does not. Of course, non-turreted vehicles will still benefit from greater armour obliquity in a hull down position.

The 'hull down' status is strictly relative, so the game will not regard a tank as 'hull down', it can only be hull down relative to a specific enemy unit. Keep in mind that while your tank may be hull down to one enemy unit, it may not be to another in a different location. Click on your tank and press 'L' on your keyboard to call up the tank's LOS. Point the cursor at an enemy unit. You will only be informed of your hull down status if the enemy unit is within LOS, and its primary weapon is for antitank purposes, or (in the case of infantry) has not been fully identified and may therefore be an antitank team. If the enemy unit is a tank, it may also be hull down relative to your tank, in which case it will be labelled as such.

In order to place your tank in a hull down position, you should first decide where you want it to go, and then anticipate the direction of any enemy units it is likely to encounter. Look for dips in the ground in the area of your desired destination which slope away from enemy positions. You should order your tank to the bottom of an appropriate dip, and then issue a 'hunt' order far enough towards the top so that it will be able to see over the top towards suspected enemy positions. The 'hunt' order ensures that if it spots an enemy tank, gun or antitank team before it reaches the crest of the hill, it will stop, and hopefully be in a hulldown position; but you should not order it over the top on the assumption that it will spot an enemy unit before it is fully exposed. Try to plot its movement so that its flanks will never be exposed to likely enemy positions en route.

As you may have gathered, there is no magic 'hull down' trick in Combat Mission or in reality; you should simply understand the benefits of keeping your vehicles hull down as much as possible, and plan their movement accordingly.

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David Achin wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Blah ablah, blah blah-blah blah-blah... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Uh, wrong thread dude. Why don't you head on over to the "Tournament House Doesn't Take Into Account My Learning Disability!" thread. That ought suit you.

[ 05-28-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Actually, I lied. Tank B is zapping tank A with a Death Ray, while tank A is hitting back with a... with a... what do you call those things that don't exist that freeze people in their tracks? Tracks! Oh god, I crack myself up.

Notice how I can type several pages of grogsp33k in one minute flat?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

The ranting challenge of someone in full four-point restraints and a hockey mask.


Now that I've peeked in on the pool again I see that your email wasn't a feeble attempt to 'cyber' me, but was in fact the equivalent of the morning rollover "do I pee it out or nudge the wife" seduction.

Well, I've rushed into the ring, ready to take part in the slapping fish dance, but all I see are little sweaty ballerina prints.

Maybe another time, little Pengalina?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Now that I've peeked in on the pool again I see that your email wasn't a feeble attempt to 'cyber' me, but was in fact the equivalent of the morning rollover "do I pee it out or nudge the wife" seduction.

Well, I've rushed into the ring, ready to take part in the slapping fish dance, but all I see are little sweaty ballerina prints.

Maybe another time, little Pengalina?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


dalem is not whatever it was I called him. he is worse.

LORAK you worthless wank, dalem has suffered the defeat of a lunchtme. Yes he has an LtP: a Loss to Peng! poor bastard. all this time he has been losing to everyone hoping to one day have a win. he plays me? and a loss to peng.

goofy score too:

Peng 51

dalem 25

what sort of a damn game has 76 points?

dunno duncare

I am worse than you all think

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I was chatting with the Father Confessor this evening. We were discussing lofty subjects such as Porn Starz. What I would like to bring to everyone's attention is the Z at the end of Starz. Now, this particular spelling of Starz comes from the self proclaimed crusader for the preservation of the English language himself... Peng (further info on his crusade may be found HERE). Now this is but the first crack to appear. Soon, I fear, we will be seeing posts like this from Peng

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

w00t smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thus ends my public service anouncement

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Where, exactly the hell am i supposed to put 4 or more sets of removed nipples? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just checked with my legal staff, and it ooks like you're outta luck. Should have asked for a stipulation about that in your contract

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Franko:

okay, i've never joined-in on the Peng thread, because I haven't figured out a perfect gratuitous insult or pre-game taunt.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now, the important bit...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You guys are nutjobs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, Franko (may I call you moron?),


You don't scare me... work on it

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Oh god, I crack myself up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

hey.. I was wondering why my SUPER MUTANT STRONG MEDICINE was a little less.. davie boy got into them.. *THWACK!*

and don't do that again you cheeze nobbing Carrot freek!

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

BTS should fix this!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Or do somefink!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

What I would like to bring to everyone's attention is the Z at the end of Starz.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Starz happens to be a fine USA Hard Rock band that released their first LP in the late 70s and went belly up during the early 80s...If you like hard rock buy their Albums!

This has been a real public service announcement!


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