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Will CMBB make CMBO obsolete?


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Pardon me if this has been debated before but I'm a lazy sluggard and didn't bother to do a search.

Given that CMBB will rock and CMBO has been frozen in an unperfected state why play CMBO after the release of CMBB?

Speaking for myself, I'll probably uninstall CMBO once I get CMBB. Anyone else?

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I look back 6 months ago and while problems with CMBO had been indentified I have never heard it called flawed. Hmmm. Funny how times change. Now I doubt CMBB will make CMBO "obsolete". CMBB will have features that CMBO does not have but that is progression at work. CMBO was a great game (the best tactical WWII simulator) ever made to this point IMHO. CMBB only has the capability to change that standing to the following (the best tactical WWII ETO simulator). CMMB may simulate the Tiger better but it will be horrible at simulating the M26 Pershing or the 45 US Airborne troops, actually it cannot, just like CMBO cannot sim a T-34.

The changes in the game are transparent to me what matters is the time they represent and the theatre. I prefer the ETO over the Eastern Front so many hours will still be dedicated to CMBO but I will play CMBB for no other reason than I am attracted to large armor battles.

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Hope I don't annoy people comparing CM to Tombraider, but did Tombraider IV make Tombraider III obsolete? I suspect CMBB will take a bit of the luster off of CMBO but certainly NOT to the extent CMBO made that unamed Microsoft game obsolete. And a newbe will get just as much of a thrill from CMBO as we did.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeyD:

And a newbe will get just as much of a thrill from CMBO as we did.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't feel that CMBO is flawed, as has been said, and nor will I uninstall it because I kind of got used to the ol' girl, but speaking from a theoretical perspective, a total newbie to wargames and WW2 would probably get more of a thrill from CMBB, simply because it looks a lot better without any mods. The gameplay will not varry too much, of course, but CMBB will definately improve on CMBO (not that the newbie will know it).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gunny_ Bunny:

No CMBB will not make CMBO obsolete.

Go look at the pics at CM-HQ the only difference is the Russians are fighting. Everything seems to CMBO.

Don't expect much from CM2


Well, don't be too hasty here. The screenshots that have been published are of, esentially, a pre-beta and shouldn't be used to base your opinions of the final product on. Speaking for myself, even if the graphics are no better, I will still be more than interested in the Eastern Front to pick up a copy as soon as it's available.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gunny_ Bunny:

No CMBB will not make CMBO obsolete.

Go look at the pics at CM-HQ the only difference is the Russians are fighting. Everything seems to CMBO.

Don't expect much from CM2



A Troll is a Troll even if...

Hmm.. How does that Shakespeare quote go?


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You know Gunny, I am have been watching you over the last few weeks post TOTAL CRAP here on the forums. You don't know what the hell you are talking about, your questions in multiple posts are meant only to cause dissension and I don't want to exert the time to baby-sit everything you post.

So guess what? That's right, your gone! Bye bye, farewell, take care, be well and don't come back.

You are also in violation of our policy about having multiple accounts as both current Gunny_Bunny personas are in fact coming from the same IP range and ISP and physical location.

Your posting privileges are being revoked, and your IP banned. Any attempts to circumvent this ban and your ISP will be contacted as you will be in violation of several anti-spamming and harassment laws.


[ 09-27-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

So guess what? That's right, your gone! Bye bye, farewell, take care, be well and don't come back.


Guess he picked the wrong time to come back. ;)

Kudos, Matt. Many people here, myself included, thank you. :D

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Thanks, Matt.

Returning to the original topic, gameplay is what defines a game, not the quality of the graphics, the date the game was released, or the accuracy of the game. Look at a chessboard sometime. The graphics haven't been updated for a thousand or so years, the units aren't historically accurate, there's no random QB generator, the Autosave feature fails every time the cat or litte brother knocks over the board, and every battle starts exactly the same way. Yet is chess obsolete or outdated?

[ 09-27-2001: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Fach diatribe deleted...

One man's crap is another wabbit's truth.

The truth is that CM2 and CM1 are virtually the same except for the Eastern Front motiff.

No MaddMatt I am not gone, only forced to use another handle. IPs are a dime a dozen you know. So I and probably you are here to stay.

My posting priviledges have been reinstated by myself for all time. Yes please contact my ISP and perhaps the Americano anti-terrorist squad as well. I have not broken any rules and using a proxy is not against Internet law, pls look up the law before you make such outrageous accusations.

But getting back to CM2 and the graphics pictures you have on your website.

a) Those pictures appear to be identical in quality to CM1. You state they I am way off base. Well, I defy anyone to go and look at them at CMHQ and tell us they are of better quality.

2) I saw a picture of you on your website, if a picture says a thousand words, here are a select few:

- Fat A$$

- Skin Head

- Very Strange Person

- Diaper diver

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing CM1 from time to time, but there is certainly allot of room for improvement.

It is to bad that you do not allow constructive critcism at this censored club.

The webboard is owned by BTS, yet it is of course impartial. Yes, I have forgotten that.

With luv,

Gunny Bunny

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Listen **** face, Im not about to have Madmatt and the rest of BTS wasting their time on **** like yourself. How bout you piss off? No one likes you, listens to you, or shares your opinion. Clearly you have nothing whatsoever to do on this board, since CMBO is obvious crap and CMBB is more of the same. Leave, child, and bugger someone else's board.

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