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Peng has been challenged since birth, how about you?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Settle down all!

Do I need to come in and whip some pengster keister or can you guys play nice??? Also, start thinking up new thread titles as this one is getting close to capacity.


What's Matt refering to? Have people been going bi-polar again?

Also, how's the transition being handled these days, do we email the Mad Bald One and put in our suggestions, and then wait for the tap of the magic wand, or is it still being handled in a chaotic way that sometimes works, and sometimes goes hopelessly astray?

Because, you see, I'm about to re-challenge Peng in a post-harvest paganistic renewal of the Eternal Challenge. We've agreed to a cease-fire in Chrisl's eminently horrible "Event Horizon". Not so much because anything was actually decided, but rather so we could simply stop playing it. I began to dread the arrival of my own reinforcements as much as the next boatload of Peng's.

We had, of course, hoped to amuse this rather jaded crowd with insulting and vilifying each other during this last scenario, but it was so horrid that it sapped even our will to taunt and insult each other. All we could do was curse Chrisl.

In any case, I'd like to see something rather better than some of the latest 'sifted kitty litter' Thread titles we've had lately.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Actually I am a dyed in the wool, registered, cheese eating, crap. I can be a bit weird to save time but it has been a lot of fun.


Could this get any easier? Personally, I am grateful that there are those willing to protect and preserve us, but...

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People, people, people ... and CMPlayer, how hard is this to understand? I do despair when even Seanachai can't grasp the simple principal (might be better if he lowers his sights just a tad and tries to grab a simple first grade teacher) of (skip) Email MadMatt with the suggested title (skip) Await the blessing of the bald angry one (skiptoma'lou) Begin the new thread in the approved manner. This is the reason why the economy is in the toilet ... I'm not sure why but there you have it.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>My bouncing GrandSquire Hanns has asked: Grandsire Joe Shaw, since CMPanderer is making much noise and beating about the bushes for, well a good beating, can it be me?<hr></blockquote> Now lad I'd never pre-empt the Knightly rights of Sir Lars. It is the duty of the Liege to approve such matches. However I think I would not be far wrong in assuming that Lars harbors as large a disgust for CMPlayer as anyone and would likly thrill to the prospect of his topplement.


{edited and damned proud of it}

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Really hate to burst your bubble Joe (well actually, that isn't true... I do enjoy bursting your bubble), but Germanboy/Andreas has had both user names since the dim and distant past. Certainly longer than the existance of the Mutha Beautiful Thread<hr></blockquote>No doubt at some time in the dim and distant past you managed to muster two neurons to rub together and generate some spark of sentience. But alas, no longer. Even most cursory trawl through recent threads will reveal the handiwork of the nick chameleon ©. Find any posts quoting a mythical "Germanboy" whose nick is now Andreas. You are wrong and the consequence of that is something I cannot bring myself to say.

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I know, how about something Campbell-esque, like "The Peng Challenge With a Thousand Faces", or "The Myth of the Eternal Peng Challenge"?

Conan Doyle? "The Hound of the Peng Challenge"?

Oh, I know, all this 'literary' by-play is tedious for most of you 'chipped rock hand tools, say, now there's a clever fella' simians, but it's in my nature.

I suppose we could try pop culture again. Something on the order of: "It Don't Mean the Peng Challenge to a Tree, Son", or "Salute My Boots: the Peng Challenge is Victorious".

Or maybe something more classical, like "I Knew Him, Peng, a Rascal of Infinite Challenge"

Or, like that stuffy but brilliant sod Milton, we could title it "The Peng Challenge Regained".

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

No doubt at some time in the dim and distant past you managed to muster two neurons to rub together and generate some spark of sentience. But alas, no longer. Even most cursory trawl through recent threads will reveal the handiwork of the nick chameleon ©. Find any posts quoting a mythical "Germanboy" whose nick is now Andreas. You are wrong and the consequence of that is something I cannot bring myself to say. <hr></blockquote>Simon Fox, I bold and spell your name in accordance with my rigid (sit DOWN Bauhaus, just because I let you wiggle out of my challenge doesn't mean I'm not keeping my eye on you) policy, but you sir are a simpleton. Were it NOT for my policy I'd call you Simple Simon but (nyanyanyanay) it's been done before (heyheyhey) it would be a tautology and (goodbye) it would be a promotion for you. Berli stated that Andreas posted as Andreas AND as Germanboy long ago. He did NOT say that Andreas was posting as both Andreas AND Germanboy CURRENTLY.

Whoa ... damn that's just WAY too much of Andreas and Germanboy ... I think I need to go soak my keyboard in some lysol.


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Hanns, since you are playing AussieJeff in “Jabo” already, send Cmplayer “ArtyFest ‘45”. I really want to see how that one was going to turn out. Besides, he’s beating me like a rug and soon I will have to wear his Mask of Shame. He deserves a little death from above. Or below. Or even sideways, I’m not picky.

And as I sit here and glance owlishly at the half empty bourbon bottle, I see that it’s only nine years old. Hell, I have dirty socks older than that.

On the bright side, it tastes better.

And it IS still half full.

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Really Shaw you may be comfortable in the guise of a drooling halfwit but the least you could do is occasionally attempt a pretence of capability. Clearly your original and correct supposition that the nick chameleon had changed his nick and retained the same member number was arrived at purely by chance rather than by the logical deduction you are patently incapable of. The harping on of the dim and distant one about some ancient username of Andreas is merely the use of a "strawman" since it is irrelevant.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I suppose we could try pop culture again. <hr></blockquote>

"Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old Peng Challenge"

Now that oughta take a few of the old timers back a spell. Back to those heady days of the early seventies, when mirrored balls were all the rage on the disco floor and Maces side-burns stretched all the way to his chin.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I know, how about something Campbell-esque, like "The Peng Challenge With a Thousand Faces", or "The Myth of the Eternal Peng Challenge"?

..lots of stuff..

Or, like that stuffy but brilliant sod Milton, we could title it "The Peng Challenge Regained".<hr></blockquote>

I approached Madmatt with the title:'NKVD, Peng Challenges, and other social diseases' but he promptly wacked me across the head with a 4x2. Normally, I take the beatings as a sign of his respect and friendship for me (he is a bouncer after all), but for once I suspect he meant 'NO'!


PS Seanachai, I've noticed your last several posts somewhat less verbose. You no longer receiving a government grant for each alphanumeric posted?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Really Shaw you may be comfortable in the guise of a drooling halfwit but the least you could do is occasionally attempt a pretence of capability. Clearly your original and correct supposition that the nick chameleon had changed his nick and retained the same member number was arrived at purely by chance rather than by the logical deduction you are patently incapable of. The harping on of the dim and distant one about some ancient username of Andreas is merely the use of a "strawman" since it is irrelevant.[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

I wouldn't take that if I were you Joe.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Now that oughta take a few of the old timers back a spell. Back to those heady days of the early seventies, when mirrored balls were all the rage on the disco floor and Maces side-burns stretched all the way to his chin.<hr></blockquote>

I've still got my puce leisure suit! Not that I fit in it anymore. That whole "shake, shake, shake" thing has acquired a whole new meaning...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

And as I sit here and glance owlishly at the half empty bourbon bottle, I see that it's only nine years old. Hell, I have dirty socks older than that.

On the bright side, it tastes better.

And it IS still half full.<hr></blockquote>

Ah, Lars. Your impish sense of optimism always warms my heart! I feel your Squire is coming along nicely. He's a credit to you and Shaw, and one can't help the feeling that you two can use all the credit you can amass.

What possessed you to pass through Windom? That's the only place I know where the god of Snow stuck the nozzle of winter's enema.

Oh, and by the by, there's been some speculation among the Old Ones. Did you ever call that rather accomodating young blonde you were chatting up when we found you crouched at the bar, puzzling over your recent photo op with the goat in the back room? Your rugged, Gary Shandling looks, camo hunter's garb, and celebrity goat pictures quite set the young lass's heart aflutter. Nothing else could explain her willingness to actually come sit at a table with Peng, Berli, and myself.

I remember our conversation at the time quite clearly:

Peng: She wants him.

Berli: Who?

Peng: Lars.

Berli: The Goat Boy? Which guy does he want?

Seanachai: No, Berli, she wants Lars.

Berli: For what?

Seanachai: Er, well, you know, Adam and Eve, all that messing about in the bushes before God pitched them out thing.

Berli: Fruit? They're going to pick fruit together? What the hell, some sort of 'Migrant Labourer Pact'?

Seanachai: Bloody hell... (leans forward and whispers into Berli's ear)

Berli: Ohh, you mean they're going to become conscious of the concept of 'self', be presented with the ability to choose good and evil, and sneak off into the bushes to get a leg over?

Peng: Who?

Berli: Lars.

Peng: Rather not, actually. I'd much rather have a go at the blonde he was chatting up at the bar.

Berli: Who?

It went on like this for quite some time. Most if it while she was sitting at the table with us.

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Actually I am a dyed in the wool, registered, weapon toting, bagel and cream cheese eating, bond carrying, trained law enforcement officer 1 None of this renta cop crap. I work 12 hours a week part-time plus extra work on special assignments. It can be a bit weird leaving DOJ, teaching my research class, then going out on the street (where I have to wear my uniform and weapon to class to save time) but so far it has been a lot of fun.

However, since I know you could really care less, feck you.<hr></blockquote>

Lock up this thread, the wimmin, the chillun, the sheep an' let's have a Cesspool bash in Columbia, S.C. An' Slappy, as a well-respected member of the law enforcement community, will put out the word that this one's off-limits to police interference, er, intervention.

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>

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I could see Peng in Virgil’s role (a good guide through Hell, he’s experiencedl).

And Seanachai could only be Dante (who else could go on and on for thirty-four Cantos).

Of course, Berli should do the honors, it’s over his door after all.

And Seanachai, Gentlemen never tell.

Fortunately, I’m no Gentleman.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

What's Matt refering to? Have people been going bi-polar again?

Also, how's the transition being handled these days, do we email the Mad Bald One and put in our suggestions, and then wait for the tap of the magic wand, or is it still being handled in a chaotic way that sometimes works, and sometimes goes hopelessly astray?


Chaos rules you spineless cockerspaniel! I can hear you now: "Oh dear me, whatever shall I do?"

My title might not have been the best, but I certainly wasn't all mamby-pamby about it.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>More odious text from Seanachai:

In any case, I'd like to see something rather better than some of the latest 'sifted kitty litter' Thread titles we've had lately.<hr></blockquote>

If you have such an all fired bleedin' wonderful MBT title, then waltz it out here for us all to sneer at.

Start the thread, then let the mad, bald one know what you've done.

Post like you've got a pair, or are you too busy trying to find that uniform mod for the Frenchies that you love to play so much, the one where they are in black and white with frilly lace.

I'm sorry that the standard uniforms offend your effeminate sensibilities, what with all the soldiers looking so tough and butch, but CM is a freakin' war game, and this thread is a war game.

If this is all too much for you, take your Barbies and go home.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

If you have such an all fired bleedin' wonderful MBT title, then waltz it out here for us all to sneer at.

Start the thread, then let the mad, bald one know what you've done.

Post like you've got a pair, or are you too busy trying to find that uniform mod for the Frenchies that you love to play so much, the one where they are in black and white with frilly lace.

I'm sorry that the standard uniforms offend your effeminate sensibilities, what with all the soldiers looking so tough and butch, but CM is a freakin' war game, and this thread is a war game.

If this is all too much for you, take your Barbies and go home.<hr></blockquote>

You, sir, are a hooligan. I have, in fact, emailed the Mad Bald One no less than three times tonight with new Thread titles. The last, I fancy, would be the best seen here in some time.

But, as one of the Old Ones of the Thread, and the one most concerned with the finished product (Berli is always standing there waving those bloody scissors, but he doesn't much care what the final product looks like), I can tell you that we shall observe the amenities with our hosts. Oh, occassional outbursts are all well and good, but ultimately they discredit us.

Now, as I'm sure that you spend much of your free time going down to post bail and write glowing references for 'taggers', I know that you'll find this reasoned approach anathema.

But we shall do everything ship shape and Bristol fashion, and await the judgement of the Mad One.

Unless he takes too bloody much longer about it, because I'm getting bored, and I think my final submission was cracking!

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

You, sir, are a hooligan.


Thank you.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I have, in fact, emailed the Mad Bald One no less than three times tonight with new Thread titles. The last, I fancy, would be the best seen here in some time.


Oooooo, fancy that! Three tries, and no results yet.


But, as one of the Old Ones of the Thread, and the one most concerned with the finished product, I can tell you that we shall observe the amenities with our hosts. Oh, occassional outbursts are all well and good, but ultimately they discredit us.

But we shall do everything ship shape and Bristol fashion, and await the judgement of the Mad One.


Will someone please box up this thing pretending to be a man, and ship it to England?

Perhaps there he can find a thread where life is ruled according to some archaic, stuffy, pompous rituals.

I have been to Bristol, Virginia, and Bristol Tennessee, and in neither place would they give a hoot for the likes of you.

Be bold! Be innovative! Take risks! For once, throw away "form", and sieze the moment! Do it because you want to!

But to do so out of boredom? You, sir, are a disgrace...

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Sir Lars be well comforted in the fact that "ArtyFest '45" shall be winging it's way onto the TRP designated as CMPlayer whence I retire from the bar later this evening. I'm quite sure that the double vision induced by many shots of Jägermeister shall act as a stereoscopic rangefinding aid for my FOs. I'm also quite sure that my neighbors appreciate the realistically sampled sound of 'splosions rendered at high volumes on my Carver system at 0300 hours.


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