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Where were you when the quake hit?

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Originally posted by medlinke:

Well consider this....

Portland sits at the base, or at least near the base, of an inactive volcano....well...there has been speculation that it is due to erupt and become active again at some point....

You people in the NW better watch out or one day that Volcano may blow and bury Portland!

For interest, Portland is 60 miles from Mt Hood, a dormant volcano. Mt St Helens which blew in 1983 is aboout 60 miles north. Mt Adams at 12000 ft is another volcano I'd estimate at about 70 miles NE of Portland and Mt Rainier 14000 ft volcano is about 100 miles north. Get the picture biggrin.gif

I was in Spokane, Wn when St Helens came and visited (the winds were Westerly so ash went east), left about half inch of ash (shades of Pompeii..sky turned pitch black, street lights came on and the ash continued to drif down like snow.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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I was in LA. We didn't feel a thing, but I think we have your drizzle, and I suspect you'll be wanting to return our seismic activity.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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This is kind of strange, but...

I work for the athletic dept. at Ohio State University, and we have contact at Nike in Portland, Oregon. One of my co-workers was on the phone with him when the quake hit, he kept saying 'dude... my chair is shaking...this is crazy'... that was kind of wild....

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You gotta love the PNW news... they had surveillance video from a store that had a lot of bottles on shelves. The newscaster is talking about how the bottles were "flying off the shelves!" (video showed them tipping over and rolling off the shelves).

This is probably the worst disaster since the morning commute! (the latest Seattle riot doesn't count as it happened earlier in the morning).

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Jeez, a quake hits Seattle and the world goes to hell. A quake (7.2) hits Kodiak, like one did last May, and nobody knows nothing. Somewhat scary, being in a high school full of asbestos and lead pipes with a leaky roof.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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When I heard about the quake I just reminded myself how much of a good idea it was to leave that hellhole called Seattle. wink.gif

I lived directly across I-5 from Boeing Field on top of the hill. Here is a pic from Boeing Field: top.faultline.quake.2.jpg



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Sitting in my office on the ninth floor of a building in Bellevue Washington. Heard this strange banging noise. "Well there's a lot of construction going on nearby..."Then I notice that I seem to be moving up and down a bit. "What the hell?..." Then I notice the blinds are starting to sway. "Man is it really that windy?"


"Oh man, it's an earthquake......"

Good thing I wasn't playing CM, as I might have thought, "what the hell was that, are those those 14" naval guns they were talking about...."

And 6.8 is damn big if it lasts for 45 seconds and your in a big tall office tower that, should it collapse, will leave you dead in a pile of rubble. It was very spooky

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Originally posted by Roberto:

Well there sure seems to be a few of us

Canuckle heads here : )...

Hey Roberto, you don't mind if I steal your comment to use as a handle, do ya? I'm a canuck and my last name (Knoechel) can be mispronounced that way. biggrin.gif

I shoulda thought of it myself... redface.gif

[This message has been edited by Ace (edited 03-01-2001).]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I've had to listen to news "reports" all day on this MAJOR disaster in which 12 people were slightly injured. (My office has a TV right outside, which people have no heartbreak in watching at full volume).

I lived in San Francisco in 89 for the Loma Prieta quake... even with a double decker freeway collapsing on itself, there weren't that many deaths, but I'll tell ya, anything over a 6 is a pretty good shake... anything over a 6.4 is pretty heavy and no where youwant to be.

To the people of the North West... get ready for about 5 years of discussions with everyone at least touching on "where were you?" and "what were you doing?"

...and please tell me that the output of the Redhook or Pyramid breweries weren't dampened... not sure if I could handle that.

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I was at work in Renton, WA - about 20 miles north of the epicenter. I dove under my desk and a bunch of stuff fell onto the floor and a few windows broke. As soon as it stopped, someone on the intercom said to evacuate. Everyone headed out straight away, but I stopped to pop the CM disk out of the computer and grabbed a bottle of water.

Good to know that I can keep my head even when there's a panic about.


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I was eating lunch in the cafeteria at work in Maryland. Dunno what yall are talking bout, I didn't feel nothing. smile.gif


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 03-01-2001).]

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Was checking my PBEM files when everything started to shake. I live in Hillsboro a burb of Portland. Was sorta freaky never been in a quake.


I dont know how you cali boys can stand it ;).

My 5 year old daughter thought I was jumping rope behind her. LOL the beauty of inocents.

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citizen, where do you work in Renton? I was over at Three Renton Place, the 7 story towers by 405.

At first it was like the big ac units on the roof were starting, next the plaster was flyin off the walls and everyone not from the West Coast started praying to their patron deities. This really has to be the non-news event of the year.

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I wasn't born yet. OH! I thought you meant during the 1968 New Madrid Fault quake. If you mean the Seattle Quake, then well, I was back here in Illinois where I always am. However, my sister *could* have been there when it happened for her job with CMT would have had her there at the time if it hadn't have been for a rescheduling of some event.


"Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator

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Guest Rex_Bellator

I remember I was on the train going home when I saw my first review of the overhyped 'Quake'. They did rate it as a 'Hit' but then came Unreal...


In blossom today

then scattered,

life is so like a delicate flower,

how can one expect the fragrance

to last forever

Vice Admiral Takijiro Ohnishi - Commander Kamikaze Special Attack Force

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Originally posted by jd:

Hi Mom (OT smile.gif )

Michael LOL, I remember with Mt St Helens that the reports back east had the entire Pacific NW blown to smitheerns....

I was here at work on the sixth floor in the "other " Vancouver (Washington, USA ya gits) and the buildings did shake and rock. We were glad to discover that our contractor in our office bldg followed the blueprints and apparently didn't short us on materials!

Damn. Looks like the quake spared atleast one lawyer. I hope he was just lucky.


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