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WineCape's Wine Tourney

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Apparently there has been some bitching and/or moaning to Treeburst from one or more participants in one or more of the tournaments he's overseeing?

Yikes, I hope you know that the rest of us really appreciate the effort you put into organizing and running these tournaments, and I hope you'll come back to the boards in a few days after some time off. But rather than jsut abandon the tournaments, please consider just throwing out whoever is making such a tremendous pain of themselves. Nobody paid to be in these tournaments and, anyway, you're the referee, so if somebody is giving you a hard time, 86 'em.

If the conduct of anybody has burned you out, well, I can understand that and hope that the experience doesn't permanently sour you on the CM community. And thanks again for all your efforts! smile.gif

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Well bugger me with a 44 gallon drum!

WTF's going on here then?

By putting 2 and 2 together to make 22 I ended up looking at page 6 of "Tourney of the Starts II" thread, and it seems they've ben having a few problems over there.

Tree was proposing to split the tourney into 2 bits - 1 for competitin players who (paraphrasing here) will buy whatever is the most effective and use it any way allowed, adn historical players who are happy to use Heer 44 infantry and attack in a "historical" manner and who don't need to negotiate strings of conditions for the game because they don't do any gamey **** anyway.

And it all seems to have gotten too much for him! :(

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Dear Mike and "Stars" Participants as well as WineCape Tourney I&II Participants,

Finally got some access to this forum, here is my e-mail in full send via Wild Bill:

I came back today (Sunday), just officiated a gruelling professional soccer match near Johannesburg (1,200km from home), feeling drained emotionally as well as physically, to find that everything has collapsed in the mean time!! :-/

I heard the news via 2 emails from some caring folk earlier today. Though of late I'm also receiving emails intermittently, no doubt being in Africa is of no top priority for any company organising internet networks/cables to this continent. Therefor, I might have missed crucial emails from Mike and others as to this current state of affairs.

*This* is as NEWS to me as to you and the rest of the WineCape/Invitational participants, no doubt! And I have not the slightest clue as what might have happened, obviously via some email exchanges between Treeburst and participant(s). Though I could most probably guess as to why he wants/did pull out, I am out of the guessing/assuming game with *this* Forum for sure!

I have not as of yet received any word from Treeburst, and await his version of what transpired. (I've emailed him today)

I might persuade him to re-consider, which I'll certainly try to do. I would hate to loose Treeburst in a personal as well CM capacity. Mike Meinecke (Treeburst155) is a boon to this CM forum, FULLSTOP!

Rest assured, I'm still fully committed to all the current Tourney's and their prizes as well as your Rumblings of War tourney to-be Bill. You/current participants have my word. As to the future of the Invitational/WineCape Tourneys, please all, just be at "standby" for the time being until I've spoken to Treeburst. Finish your games that are already underway.

Now lets see if I can play the referee again in a non-outdoor activity ...

Regards from Africa and stay well all,

Charl Theron (WineCape)

Stellenbosch, RSA.


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Just finished up with Tom 91-9. He actually didnt play as bad as the score suggests, although his Sherman 105mm had lady luck riding shotgun for quite some time smile.gif



Sock Monkey.......103...2...51.50


Stalin's Organ....229...5...45.80




I suggest we self update till we know what the hell is going on here.

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I have had time to cool off and rethink things. This tournament has caused me no undo amount of problems. Also, I'm a firm believer in finishing what I start if at all possible. I will continue to run this tournament unless you guys would rather pick one from among you who isn't so temperamental as I. Until I hear different I am back on the bench. Sorry for all the trouble. You guys have been great.

KiwiJoe's 91-9 victory will be recorded.

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We hit the bottom of page four! I'm hoping to start posting standings of the WineCape Tourneys to a webpage soon. When will depend on how much time I have. I'm getting some basic HTML under my belt now. In the mean time, check this out if you have a few minutes and tell me what you think of the idea, http://home.cablelynx.com/~Mikeman/Index.html

[ 08-19-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Any1 else still playing games here.

Im just wrapping up my game with The Capt. Im expecting a good result from this 1. He allowed me to take the 2 VL's in the villagfe without protest. In fact I barely saw movement on his side for the 1st 10 rounds. Howeva he finally made a move and promptly lost all his armour smile.gif Next a company of infantry tried to push into the viallge from the left flank. 2x 4.2 inch mortar spotters and a platoon of Brit airbourne ripped them a new ass. Getting desperate he's pushed a couple of platoons down my right flank only to be met by 2 cromell VI's and another 4.2inch spotter. 1 platoon down another under fire... Lastly a motorised platoon has run towards the minor village VL from the right. What troops make it to the flag will not be around for long... (2 more cromwell VI's and 2 airborne platoons).

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I hope The_Capt drops 8" arty on ya. :D

It does appear awfully quiet around here. It could be that once people figure they don't have much chance of winning they lose interest. For that reason, CM tourneys should probably always be sudden death things like Iron Duke's Asskicker tourneys.

No matter what happens here somebody is gonna get the South African wine and $50 US.

Remember, turn 1 orders for all games must be sent by September 15th. If you're having trouble making contact with people to get things rolling be sure and KEEP YOUR EMAIL to them so I can determine who is holding up the show.

[ 08-26-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Well Labappel is out and Gclement will miss the deadline. Im on the last turn with The Cap and will win at least 70-30. My only other game left is with Sockmonkey. Not going too badly but still some time for things to happen yet. Thus I dont think I can be beaten by any1 from here on in. Send away Treeburst smile.gif

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Hey Treeburst

As soon as I get my CD back I will post the loss to Kiwi. I think I can beat him...but not today. He is a tricky monkey but I did manage to dodge a few tricks of his. Good game all in all, taught me alot about dislocation of forces, deception (that was only a single coy on the left Kiwi but when you split the whole thing up it looks like two ;) ) and the general uselessness of the Marder at close ranges.

I've played better opponents...but not many.

I am playing both Stalins Organ and Sock Monkey and will easily meet the Nov dealine.

What is the story with GClement, I've e-mailed him twice but no response...is he out?

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I wouldn't count G. Clement out just yet. He has until September 15 to get all his remaining games started. Is anybody actually in the middle of a game with him right now? If not, he'll have six weeks to complete all five of his remaining games (if he gets them started in time).


I think your email is down.

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