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The Newbie Tournaments

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On your Newbie Tourney results page. Sir Uber General's score should be 51 vice 52. Thanks for all the hard work and the nail biting fun you have provided. I would like to play some of you guys for fun when this all wraps up. Please let me know if any of you are interested.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by rucrazee:


On your Newbie Tourney results page. Sir Uber General's score should be 51 vice 52. Thanks for all the hard work and the nail biting fun you have provided. I would like to play some of you guys for fun when this all wraps up. Please let me know if any of you are interested.<hr></blockquote>


Thanks for the heads up.

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Bog and I just slugged it out for a Polish tactical victory in Blind Mans Bluff. It came down to one ferocious battle (and a smaller side battle) which was over pretty quickly. After that we each decided that it was time to go home and high tailed it out of there.

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Thank you Leta I accept your apology -- I too like hearing about the battles but talk code to the knowing. And here's a tip worth gold as I figure ---I can promise that every person I play -- I'm gonna look up ALL their posts!

I recognise we are newbies (one and all) so I'm not planting any kind of "trip" here.

I'm calm and having fun---thank you Ted!

but just to point out the problem

everyone immediately knew it was Polish Airborn so those on the german side could go immediately to the cost base and determine how many -- this is simple no? and VERY telling!

Whereas as a Pole I'm thinking parity so I'm thinking - well something else that restricts my field of movement.

An unfair advantage no?

Do all us newbies see the point? If you don't --let's learn!

As I say I'm cool and having fun

My revenge will be to keep you waaaaitiiiing!!

By the by if you're really dying from boredom play each other and post them here--- I wanna know how you think!--

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I accept all your points Splash. But I didn't say in my post what kind of Polish are there. :confused:

BTW, I'm calm too and having a LOT of fun.

Eeeeeh ... Don't keep me waiting long time or Pfc. Dunsel probably starts to hate you.


And you'll NEVER know how I think. Why? Because I don't know it either ;)

Stay alert and have fun.

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The Alterna Bowl has officially begun!

There will be two sections: the Competition; and the Exhibition.

Part 1-The Competition

I have been doing a lot of thinking about the Newbie Tournaments. In particular, I have been mulling over the question of what the whole purpose of the tournament is. Among other things, I came to the conclusion that we are trying to match inexperienced players in order to have fun and gain experience.

I believe that is generally what is taking place. However, there is one group that is being left out. I am referring to the tournament Alternates. They, like the Players, signed up to play CM with other Newbies and, by God, that's exactly what they will do!

I have decided to make a secondary competition for the Alternates. This will keep all of you who "did not make the cut" involved with the process, so that you are ready to jump into the fray if it is needed.

The scenarios I am designing for the Alternates will be different from the ones being used in the actual tournament (but they will provide just as many challenges). For each round, each Alternate will play one scenario against another Alternate from the same bracket. The opponents will be rotated for the first three rounds and an aggregate score will be tallied for each Alternate. The Alternates with the highest aggregate score from each bracket and a Wildcard (the highest-scoring Alternate that did not lead a bracket) will advance to the semi-finals!

The time limits for completing the scenarios will be similar to that of the formal tournament. There will be six weeks alotted for each round. Since the first three rounds will involve each Alternate playing only one scenario, there should be no problem completing it in six weeks. The final round will be divided into two three-week legs. The first leg will be the semi-finals and the second leg will be the championship.

If an Alternate is needed to fill a spot in the tournament, the option to do so will be given in the order in which the Alternates are listed in the brackets. If this happens, that Alternate will be eliminated from the Alterna Bowl. If an alternate Alternate cannot be found, a back-up system will be implemented for determining the winner of that bracket.

Part 2-The Exhibition

Now, just in case you thought there was a limit to my dedication to this tournament, I'm here to tell you there is not! As Players and Alternates are eliminated from the tournament, they will be thrown onto the Loser Pile and given the chance to get involved in the Alternate Bowl. Of course, they will not be eligible to win the coveted Alterna Cup, but they will be allowed to play the scenarios. This will be on a "for fun" basis and no scores will be recorded. There will be no deadlines enforced for completing the scenarios, but I ask that you attempt to keep things going at a decent clip.

There will be five scenarios used in the Alterna Bowl (one each for Rounds 1-3 and two for Round 4). Players will be allowed to play only the scenario(s) currently or previously used by the Alternates.

How do I get an opponent, you ask? Well, that's simple. When you are eliminated from the tournament, just post a message in the official tournament thread (i.e. here) and let people know you are looking to play. Once you have found an opponent for a particular scenario, please edit your post to let others know.

See the first page of this thread for the match-ups and the Loser Pile.

Good luck!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed:

More results from the SuperNewbies:

Toran29 (German) defeated Witko (Polish),56-43, in Blind Man's Bluff. (Yes, that's the first score without a total of 100 points.)

Congratulations to Toran29!<hr></blockquote>

Hmmm...Is this a mathematical possibility? Or do I just have one sorry-butted German troop that ran for the hills? I don't understand...


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I really don't know how that point got lost. Without flags, the score should be determined by the units eliminated, captured, and exited. The only variable I could see that may fit is if a unit was accidently exited off the side of the map instead of the end, but that's just a guess.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed:


I really don't know how that point got lost. Without flags, the score should be determined by the units eliminated, captured, and exited. The only variable I could see that may fit is if a unit was accidently exited off the side of the map instead of the end, but that's just a guess.<hr></blockquote>

Maybe sometihng caused by rounding the figures up and down? 52.5 versus 47.5 get rounded to 53 v 48. Just a guess.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed:


The only variable I could see that may fit is if a unit was accidently exited off the side of the map instead of the end, but that's just a guess.<hr></blockquote>

You know, I DID overhear one of my troops murmering something about a little villa to the southwest...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by newlife:

Maybe sometihng caused by rounding the figures up and down? 52.5 versus 47.5 get rounded to 53 v 48. Just a guess.<hr></blockquote>

OK. Rounding a possibility...but what if that point went the other way, would that have cost my opponant the draw, with the scores being so close? (I'm sure the manual says specifically what the cutoff is between Minor and Draw, but I'm at work, without the manual... :rolleyes: )

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I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure it is impossible to get rounding errors. Also, I have never run across a percentage-points-to-victory-level conversion in the manual. I believe somebody posted their findings here on the forum a long time ago, but I have no idea when that was.

So, not only do I have no new information, but I also shot down both ideas. Damn, I'm good... tongue.gif

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I've suddenly realized that I can't always be a Pole! :(

So I've had to fire Warsaw Rose - her english wasn't very good anyways.

And as I feel a DISINformation Service is a military priority for me on this board. -- I've hired --you guessed it!


Pfc Dunsel! I feel so sad for your men! One whole platoon gone! Vanished! Who will speak for them? Who will remember them? Irony of ironies (so sad, I know how it must hurt) - only Poles will remember.

And now? Worse fate! It could happen again! An entire platoon!

Of course, those eggheads at the top may get out -- who knows they may already be gone! Cowards! But not the men! Tbey are dead!

But do not worry our Poles maybe bloodied, nay merely tattered remanents-- but the heart of each platoon - that is the men! will remember. We know too of the horrible circumstances of your men and how bravely they fought. We suffered their dying fury. Truly brave!

Which brings up a question -- Are their any regulars in your platoons? Those beautiful crack troops - more then we thought!- gone! but so stalwart! So...

SPLASH breaking in --Sgt. Polak (I kid you not) get up IMMEDIATELY - now, PRONTO! or Dunsel and I will use you as our pin cushion! That's the only way I can save what might be left of you! GET UP!

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Just to report: Sgt. Polak responded admirably and is safely behind our front line with only home to look forward to. - a real Veteran! Sgt. your safe in Rosine's arms.

To my German foe -- those 2 tattered squads hung on amazingly! Whatever they got I want some of it!

And 2 STILL fight! Wow! LMG included and no HQ (I'm judging) - our Poles will drink vodka with them anytime-- after the war of course.

DISIN ROSINE needs a chime:

Pfc Dunsel -- Rosine apologises for any slight on your superior officers -- they die with their men! I understand that PHQ was already dead (so sad) and now CHQ is behind enemy lines? (so sorry)

you want to save your CHQ? We don't think that is possible. The Poles admit that they fear your anger but are prepared --

I am thinking now only of those 2 lonely men from this newly lost platoon -- remember the 1st Plt.? So sad - no memories! Rosine begs you, Do not ask them to fight anymore! Let them go home! As for the other ones-- the nearly whole ones?

They must be spoiling to fight - do not let them!

We fear them but are prepared! The fight for you is now uphill.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Toran:

OK. Rounding a possibility...but what if that point went the other way, would that have cost my opponant the draw, with the scores being so close? (I'm sure the manual says specifically what the cutoff is between Minor and Draw, but I'm at work, without the manual... :rolleyes: )<hr></blockquote>

I've had a 54-46 draw before, so it sounds like you were at least a point shy of its coming down to half-points deciding it. Fortunately, win/loss doesn't matter in the tourneys, just points (except for bragging rights ;>

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