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It would appear that SlopDraggin' is uncertain of his status. He states, in fact, that Seanachai never said he would take SlopDraggin' as his squire. Let's examine the record shall we? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Slapdragon, you are Squire to myself. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm, good point he has, that's AWFULLY ambiguous.

Speedbump I see no schism developing here. From EXTENSIVE correspondence with other members of the CessPool, I have found a strong correlation between drinking and porn usage, with the degree of porn usage following a bell curve based upon the degree of alcohol usage. With little alcohol, the degree of porn usage was little influenced. As the alcohol consumption increased however, the porn usage also increased. It is theorized that the usage is more prevalent as the chances of female companionship are lessened (this has been dubbed as the "slobbering drunk" syndrome). As the alcohol consumption increases beyond that stage, the porn usage drops to near nothing as an unconcious state disallows holding the magazine or turning on the computer.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Sir Seanachi & Sir Joe Shaw,

I feel....

I fear...

...I am speaking of the drinkers vs. the pornsters.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Strike one...

Strike two...


What an idiot. Feeling and thinking are certainly not welcome here (unless things have changed THAT much in my absence) and as for the last laughable statement, ANYONE can hit alt.binaries.pictures.mace.sheep.porn while knocking back a Rock & Rye (did you have to look that one up, SnackFagin?).

I leave for a month and this place goes right to... well... crap, I guess I should just blame Seanachai for this like everyone else does for everything else.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

And Sean never said he would be my Knight, which is why I am a Ronin Squire. Just wait untril I become a Knight.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey idiot newbie scum (redundant, that) - read the seventh post on this page.

Just in case you didn't believe Herr Drain Commissioner's post.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It would appear that SlopDraggin' is uncertain of his status. He states, in fact, that Seanachai never said he would take SlopDraggin' as his squire. Let's examine the record shall we? Hmmm, good point he has, that's AWFULLY ambiguous.

Speedbump I see no schism developing here. From EXTENSIVE correspondence with other members of the CessPool, I have found a strong correlation between drinking and porn usage, with the degree of porn usage following a bell curve based upon the degree of alcohol usage. With little alcohol, the degree of porn usage was little influenced. As the alcohol consumption increased however, the porn usage also increased. It is theorized that the usage is more prevalent as the chances of female companionship are lessened (this has been dubbed as the "slobbering drunk" syndrome). As the alcohol consumption increases beyond that stage, the porn usage drops to near nothing as an unconcious state disallows holding the magazine or turning on the computer.


You must provide a link good (cough) sir, so that I can check that site. Of course Sean posts such a stream of drivel you can well imagine how I missed it.

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Christ on a crutch, one post about Key Lime Martini’s and you lot go ballistic. Now pay attention. It’s not that I like them, it’s that the women like them. Please reread the post where I said that I was going to have sake. You may now go back to your wedding videos, which, I am sure, are devoid of anything resembling porn.

And Agua, since you named yourself after something that frogs make love in, you can send the setup.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

What an idiot. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So, what's your point?

You sir, bend down and sniff before you flush, you degenerate, pustule tasting, seal groping, unwanted child of an exotic pet store escapee.

I demand satisfaction! Either send your terms, or your second...


{Yeah, I edited it, so what!}

[ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

You must provide a link good (cough) sir, so that I can check that site. Of course Sean posts such a stream of drivel you can well imagine how I missed it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, I just chalked that up to sheer stupidity. I mean, if JOE could catch it, certainly any other sentient, rational . . . ah, I see. Nevermind then, carry on. Playing in some traffic later this evening? Don't for get to wear your Oakland Raiders home jersey and matching black sweats.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

I demand satisfaction! Either send your terms, or you second...


My second what? If I broke my second wind, would that provide this 'satisfation' that you cannot seem to get?

I shall troll about the sewers of Rune to see if there is something that will send you scurring for the shelter that only DON Q can offer (how about that, Slappy, did you look that one up, too?).

Have at you, and all that, pink-boy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You must provide a link good (cough) sir, so that I can check that site. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A LINK! I must provide a LINK to "THAT SITE"? THAT SITE, you slimy bit of protoplasm, is THIS SITE! It is the CessPool, the Mutha Beautiful Thread, THE PENG CHALLENGE THREAD. One does not post a LINK to the MBT you moron. One EXPECTS a prospective squire (and PROSPECTIVE in now the operative word since I doubt that Seanachai would now HAVE you as squire) to KEEP UP with the MBT, to read the posts of one's betters (YES, that would be EVERYONE here) and to LEARN THE WAY OF THE CESSPOOL! I am ashamed FOR Seanachai, but not as ashamed as HE will be. Grogs ...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

My second what? If I broke my second wind, would that provide this 'satisfation' that you cannot seem to get?

I shall troll about the sewers of Rune to see if there is something that will send you scurring for the shelter that only DON Q can offer (how about that, Slappy, did you look that one up, too?).

Have at you, and all that, pink-boy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Another option would be to have our erstwhile Knights provide forces to us. I would request that Sir Shaw provide you with your forces, while ... what silly twit was your Knight?, provides mine! We can use a map from Der Kessel, unless someone wishes to volunteer an appropriate nightmare...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

that only DON Q can offer (how about that, Slappy, did you look that one up, too?).


Hell no, but then again I don't need to look up Maguilla Cordova, Canstenada, Pussers, Morto Maximo, or the verry worst one you can think of, Maestro Ricce.

As for Sean, I accept him as my Knight, and dedicate the flames I have dumped on you, and the groginess (good comment as we discuss rum) inflicted on the thread as done in his honor, laid upon his alter so to speak.

Slapdragon, Squire of Sean

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Before this iteration of the MBT gets locked, I will make an official request.

Sir Joe Shaw, would you be willing to act as my second and pick an appropriate force for my opponent, Iskander he-of-many-gutters? Say 2,000-2,500 points.

MrSpkr, Iskander informs me that his sponser, JDMorse is not to be seen often in these environs. Since you despise me greatly, would you act as his second? Say 5,000 points for me?

Any good mapmakers out there?

I despise you all in advance.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Before this iteration of the MBT gets locked, I will make an official request.

Sir Joe Shaw, would you be willing to act as my second and pick an appropriate force for my opponent, Iskander he-of-many-gutters? Say 2,000-2,500 points.

MrSpkr, Iskander informs me that his sponser, JDMorse is not to be seen often in these environs. Since you despise me greatly, would you act as his second? Say 5,000 points for me?

Any good mapmakers out there?

I despise you all in advance.


(wicked gleam in eye) It would be my, err, pleasure!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As the alcohol consumption increases beyond that stage, the porn usage drops to near nothing as an unconcious state disallows holding the magazine or turning on the computer.


Wait a minute. There's porn on computers now?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Wait a minute. There's porn on computers now?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Damn your eyes! You made me laugh, you Swede loving, snow snorting, Michigan Militia joining, Yankee poltroon.

I loathe you for that.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As for Sean, I accept him as my Knight, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> [sNEER] I am certain that he'll be THRILLED [/sNEER] ... However ... there is a slight matter yet to be concluded before the "deal is done" as they say. Seanachai ALSO said ... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>First off, you will show the Justicar (useless, annoying bastard that he is, but a useless, annoying bastard above your station) the proper respect. You will ask him to review your elevation to Squire under the guidance of Seanachai, and say either yea or nay. You will do it with a certain respect, although the odd bit of abuse is not inappropriate, as long as you remember that you are scum.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Before this iteration of the MBT gets locked, I will make an official request.

Sir Joe Shaw, would you be willing to act as my second and pick an appropriate force for my opponent, Iskander he-of-many-gutters? Say

2,000-2,500 points.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> For a former loyal and trustworthy squire I can not refuse. Let me see the map, advise me of what, in general, you want and it shall be done. Distasteful as it is, I can work with MrSpkr.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

For a former loyal and trustworthy squire I can not refuse. Let me see the map, advise me of what, in general, you want and it shall be done. Distasteful as it is, I can work with MrSpkr.


Now lets see, respectful to Shaw. So I don't mention his bald spot, his sexual deficiencies, his intellectual downfalls, nor do I point out that he is a git. Got it. I repsectfull request to be allowed to be Sean's squire instead of a Ronin Squire. How was that?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SlapJacko:

But heck, I have people lining up to flame me on the main board just for saying "prove it" a little to loudly for the sensitive ears of the gentle moron. No doubt this fear of my super human powers is what has caused this line up on the Peng Challenge Thread to denounce me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>What's really dissappointing about this is that from his perspective there's not an ounce of hyperbole in it.

If there is any explanation for SlapJacko's behaviour in here it can be found in his outerboard pronouncement equating the cesspool with a schoolyard. His smirking self amusment at his smutty little quips show that he is remarkably comfortable with the persona. One hardly needs to have a "three figure IQ" to follow that observation to it's logical conclusion.

There is a disturbing similarity between Shaw's behaviour in here and the antics of SlapJacko in the outerboard. I suggest you watch your back Shaw lest you be usurped. I note the title adopting behaviour has already commenced. Isn't there already a ronin squire in here?

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Oh my, and we didn't even have a chance to clean the place up, I've got my second best waders on and Bauhaus is ... at it ... again and Simon Fox shows up TWICE in one thread. We are SO honored.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now lets see, respectful to Shaw. So I don't mention his bald spot, his sexual deficiencies, his intellectual downfalls, nor do I point out that he is a git. Got it. I repsectfull request to be allowed to be Sean's squire instead of a Ronin Squire. How was that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now see, was that so difficult?

As the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread I make the following determination as to the tradition of the CessPool:

These are hard times my friends, Lorak the Lost is not to be heard and the MBT is inundated with SSNs ... not to mention Grogs ... who let THEM in anyw ... never mind. WERE Lorak here I adjudge that he would have made the the aforequoted prospective squire a Serf long ago. Therefore, he IS NOW a Serf* and entitled to all the privileges and perogatives thereunto ... of which there ain't none.

NOW ... being a Serf of the CessPool he is eligible to be taken to Squire by any Knight foolish and/or drunk enough to wish him ... any takers ... right, Sir Seanachai it is then. I also adjudge that HAD Lorak the Lost been here he would have apportioned said prospective Squire to said Knight ... yada, yada, yada. Take him, he's yours, you're welcome to him UNLESS* ... there's always an unless* ...

Congratulations Sir Seanachai it's a bouncing Squire* Slapdragon.

Oh ... Simon Fox as to your touching concern for my position ... as IF!


* Should any of the other Olde Ones object in writing before or during or prior to the incarnation of the next MBT ... all bets are off.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Damn your eyes! You made me laugh, you Swede loving, snow snorting, Michigan Militia joining, Yankee poltroon.

I loathe you for that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Instead of loathing me from afar, Man With No Vowels, why don't you send a setup? It's been weeks since you filleted me with your Canucks with Death Rays. Here's a dollar, go buy yourself something gamey and send me a setup.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SlyPeeper:

Your wife hasn't told you yet?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"Wife"?? You're a funny one. Why O why would I ever want to load myself down with a permanent well of illogic?

Besides, they write you and write you while you're in the joint, but once you get out they lose all interest....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Apparently I live near Central and 37th in an area called "Northeast". Although I cannot claim to have partaken in any of the halfway facilities, there are rumors that that is how my friends first discovered this area.

I have eaten at places around town called The Modern Cafe, Pizza Luce, Little Tijuana, and that big mall place. Pizza Luce and Little Tijuana both had waitresses that I was proud to ogle, the other places, not so much.

And since you snaked my squire, I will give you a Haiku:


a place with five syllables

and big arthropods

Thank you, thank you!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You pillock, it's called Nord 'east (no one knows what the freaking apostrophe's about, but it's required). A fine neighbourhood, Dalem, with a long history, and filled with more Eastern Orthodox churches than even God is able to keep track of . I've eaten at the Modern Cafe. Good place for breakfast, if a little froo-froo. Still, they understand that for it to be truly breakfast, pigs must die.

So, are you near the intersection where you can see St. Stanislaus of the Peculiar Mole, or the more northern intersection where Our Lady Marya of the Fabled Stitch in Time holds services?

Dalem, I anticipate a moment of horror, a moment of high drama...in a word, a moment when we must finally meet face to face, beer to beer. Mind, my time is almost completely absorbed lately with anticipating the First Ever Convocation and Meeting of the Old Ones,but, lad, you could play a part in that. You could drive the getaway car! I imagine we'll get blocks before you run us into a police car, and we're all down at the HCMC (Hennepin County Medical Center) getting patched up and doing blood alcohol level tests.

Oh, and you've apparently been almost nowhere at all, in terms of either dining, or drinking. But stay with us. Although currently you're denying the Workhouse stay, you'll never get a baloney sandwich on Tastee bread like you'll get in the Workouse.

At least, that's what I hear from friends. Not to mention that some damn fine writing can be done in the Hennepin County Workhouse. You'd be amazed at how quiet and restful they attempt to keep that place.

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