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Bugger Peng Let's Have A Real Challenge Then!


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I thinks thats phlegm buildup in the back of the throat, my podular friend......

I put OGSF in the babelfish translator, DrunkenHighlander>English translation mode, but it came out even more confusing than the original.....


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Wha sippin of dren ' of festerin senile of ' stankin ' of the pair or ' snot-brained slightly sticky spots underpant of inhalin of poot '! * spattooeee of gaahhh * More runnin gorby of oot ' of wi of feend ' of cudnae of the ampere hour of stuffers of the ferret garglin ' of the pair or legged bandy of ' a cream separator of the swimming pool of poxy to traverse tha stankin ' ' atsailf of tha of daipths putrid of or ' the swimming pool! " furrst verry of Tha ", eh? " original, wool of tha of ain of daid ", eh? Justicar, of ' arrse weepin of mah of the traditions ' of the one in charge or! Hiram ' mae was the unfortunate containers or of firrrst of tha ' a worm-blown challenge of the landowners of the joke, whuch was wi finished ' to AARs' tae Kaannnigget ' follud of a promotion of the ceremony tha bah or inaugral '. Measures the a the one of tha ye caused that tae made the OOP of the demonstration of wus that ye was kanniget of stankin '. The dear Mon-in-arms mah of Lak, Hiram, hae of the ampere hour ' sheltered burnin ' hatred or ' festerin tames ' hais at night * splat of paatoooeee of aarrrrgh * ' foggy wet wi ' abomination or of the recruits ' the scenery of spittle of a lark. The ampere hour is thankful in was the correspondence done wah of tha of Berli, shipper of the initial program in was wah of hámsteres cursed in recruits of wi '. The ampere hour was ain of aboot of haim of kickin ' that tha of lak of revenge PBEM reh-heided stepcheeld, when hae fled tha Artic from tae. Wudnae of fondler of hámster of swallowin of escupida of Tha them ' continues the game of tha after returrn of hais. Bastaarrrd. **time-out** the Sae, bit binarios of the aina SSN's Dangley of the boiling of Seepin of the bum-car of the ain of the mae of the scratch of Mistah Fanarcklin ' Justi-cannae ', cannae of the ye of the af'n guard that the tradition right, ain of the arrrse of the roller of the jelly of the ye of the whup of Ah'll choosin ' of a lawyer ' of PBEM or A ' Seanachai, tae of the incomodidad of the didnae of the ampere hour defy the laddie of the yoo, anyhoo irregular of the arrrse of the ye of the spankin of the hardship of the noo ' of it have of the tae ' of the saim of the ampere hour of the cus. Knoo de Ye in, ain aged of escupida of tha of the shipper of the initial program which a purse Joe Shaw of the gaita as tae of staill learns. Pero yére repugnant green ain of thang alcoholic phelgmatic hanky all tha equal. Bastarrrds! Lawyer, keend of sae of bae of yéd of af'n <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Ah'm sae feckin' scared o' acceptin' tha noble challenge extainded tae mae bah mah secret hero, Sir OGSF tha Ah cannae accept cos mah monicker isnae spelt correctly. *sniffle* An Ah cannae plah anythun selected bah Lawyer cos at wid bae agin mah secret hero Sir OGSF. An' Ah'm sure Ah didnae sae exactly these words, sae Ah cannae plah agin mah secret hero Sir OGSF cos Ah'm sae scared. Ah'm sae scared Ah'm wallowin' ain mah ain filth, an' Ah'm tryin' tae stem tha flow wi' mah haid, but at widnae fit. An Ah'm sae sorry fer everythun' Ah ever did or didnae do tae mah secret hero Sir OGSF an' Ah apologeeze. *sniffle* Wah! Noo ain tha face, laddie! Noo ain tha face!!


Noo ye've gwin an done at! Ye skivin' an' skulkin' sae ainfuriated mah, Ah kicked mah wee spaniel bah mistake. Af'n ye noo got tha gnads fer at laddie, ye kin just sae so. All ye namby pamby lah-dee-bloody-dah aixcuses are nae tha stuff o' a manly answer. Wha aboot some creative tauntin', ye spineless licker o' shag pile carpet?

Sae, Mistah Feckin' Quiver Lips Joe Shaw Skankin' Backslidin' Collector o' other mon's potty slop, are ye gwintae belly oop tae tha manly bar o' acceptin' another kannigets challenge or noo? Oh, an' af'n ye cannae cope wi' a scenario salaicted bah Lawyer ye kin state ye pillock prized parameters fer a stankin' QB.

Ye've transgraised mah honour Jimmah, an' ye'll pay fer at wun wah or 'nuther.

An' Peng, didnae git tae cosy laddie - Ah've whupped Seanachai, Ah currently have Berlichtingenthingen waill under contrrrol and ye toy toon army o' spandex thong wearerin' AoP are noo match fer mah wee hamstertruppen.

Anybody ailse??? Ah feck! Ah kicked mah wee spaniel agin!


Aidited cos spandau an' spandex are noo tha same thang.

[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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I think you should translate your sig file into that silly lingo too. If you dare. I think you are a wee bit too short on the intellectual scale to pull it off though. I Think you are about the shortest one here. Hell, you are about as clever as toothpaste, and not the really clever whitening, brightening, anti-tartar, breathfreshening, anti-plaque gets the gunk out no matter what and leaves your breath kissably fresh toothpaste. Nope, you are more like that kind of toothpaste that the Brits use, the one that is as effective as brushing with a finger dipped in sucrose. Yup your cleverness falls on the low end of the toothpaste effectiveness scale.

Some of you may be thinking that I have mixed my metaphores or even that I am comparing fruit to inert gasses, but you would be wrong. It is a perfectly legitimate taunt (not to be confused with a legitimate post MrSlappity)....uh where was I?

{No matter no one reads my posts anyway, thank god, or they would find out about my little secret that I have been harboring lo these many months...(hey, did I just write that? I thought I was merely thinking aloud...) anyway, these people are all so thick they will never guess my true identity [huhhuhuh 'tity']}

So Moriarity, my little scheme of training the Lawyer has come to a close and you are now on the list of shame. It is a shame that one can earn only one asterisk, but I will overlook that and give you a shellacking like the ones pappy used to give you out behind the woodshed. Send me a setup you insufferable paper-man and I will trim my hickory switch. Prepare to drop trau and feel the sting of a branch on the back of your fish-belly white, flabby, office-worker thighs.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sae, Mistah Feckin' Quiver Lips Joe Shaw Skankin' Backslidin' Collector o' other mon's potty slop, are ye gwintae belly oop tae tha manly bar o' acceptin' another kannigets challenge or noo?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that's slightly better but it's still all mixed up with junk and not really up to standard now is it lad. Here, allow me to illustrate the proper method of challenging me: "Sir Joe Shaw, Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and CessPool Drain Commissioner I, Sir OGSF, Knight in Ordinary, challenge you to a game of CM, parameters to be determined by our seconds" . Now see how much better that is? Of course you can add your typical faux-Celtic insults either before or after the main body of the challenge (not that anyone actually reads them you understand ... or understands them either) but never within the body of the challenge. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh, an' af'n ye cannae cope wi' a scenario salaicted bah Lawyer ye kin state ye pillock prized parameters fer a stankin' QB.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>If you'd followed the proper format illustrated above you'd have noticed that our seconds will determine the parameters ... do they have no honor in Scotland that they are unaware of the Code Duello ... opps, sorry, asked and answered I suppose.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ye've transgraised mah honour Jimmah, an' ye'll pay fer at wun wah or 'nuther. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Hmmm curious ... what "honor" would that be? OH ... I GET IT ... you Scots use "honour" ... no doubt something to do with flinging haggis through the air and slicing it with claymores ... it CLEARLY can't be what WE know as HONOR.

Aren't these barbarians cute guys? All blue painted and wearing skirts and pretending to be civilized. I understand that they wear nothing beneath the kilts, no doubt that helps with the ladies ... give them a split second and they'd change their minds about the whole affair.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... do they have no honor in Scotland that they are unaware of the Code Duello ...


Are ye a kanniget o' tha 'Pool or bloody C3PO ain drag???

Are ye gwintae fit mah mon, or nancy aboot lak some creme-de-menthe swillin' French fop??

At saims tae mah ye yabberin' mooth as tryin' tae compainsate fer ye gnewt sized gnads!

Ah didnae ha' a "second", ye velveteen pillock. Ah useed tae ha' wun, boot Ah hacked haim tae pieces an' fed haim tae mah wee spaniel.

Ha' we ever ha' a 'Pool challainge batween kannigets tha has noo bin acccaipted? At saims tae mae tha Rules shud allow fer a strippin' o' title an' demotion tae serf fer tha lily-livered poltrrroon tha widnae fit when called oot!

Ye kin yammer on aboot ye poncy twaddle all ye lak Jimmy. But af'n ye widnae fit, ye noo a kanniget as far as Ah'm concerned.

Ye ainly makin' at harrrder fer yersailf, wi ye cowardly stallin'!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Slapdragon poorly written drivel and crap, challenge...

CMplayer out<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK Pudley, you asked for it. I accept. I am just back from the street where a fight and a felony arrest made my day, so here I am to face a little piss bucket like you. And I am Ronin Squire unless and until someone makes me a knights, pansies and poltroons all.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ha' we ever ha' a 'Pool challainge batween kannigets tha has noo bin acccaipted? At saims tae mae tha Rules shud allow fer a strippin' o' title an' demotion tae serf fer tha lily-livered poltrrroon tha widnae fit when called oot!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Odd you should mention that, as it happens the rules are quite clear that NO Knight or Squire of the CessPool is EVER obligated to accept a challenge from anyone and they may refuse for any reason or no reason at all. But you mistake me sir, I have not refused to play a match of CM, I merely require that the challenge be issued in the proper form.

Are we then to learn of a challenge by a hoarse bellow of rage accompanied by the sound of sword clearing sheath? I think that as True Knights of the CessPool we have a code, a code of honor and form. If we descend to the level you suggest we would be no better than untutored savages who prance about in the rain and eat the innards of sheep. We, The One The True CessPool, are better than that. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ye kin yammer on aboot ye poncy twaddle all ye lak Jimmy. But af'n ye widnae fit, ye noo a kanniget as far as Ah'm concerned.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh dear, I've lost your respect then ... pity. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ye ainly makin' at harrrder fer yersailf, wi ye cowardly stallin'!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> {Gasp!} an insult as I live and breath. Ah but you see, I'm neither a coward nor stalling, send your challenge in the proper form, name your second and the bout will be on ... if not, I'll just have to assume that you're too ... Scottish ... to understand. And the ball sir, is in YOUR court.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

sirmacobergruntinstinkinfartinpoopinfuryjimmy...Hell, you are about as clever as toothpaste, and not the really clever whitening, brightening, anti-tartar, breathfreshening, anti-plaque gets the gunk out no matter what and leaves your breath kissably fresh toothpaste. Nope, you are more like that kind of toothpaste that the Brits use, the one that is as effective as brushing with a finger dipped in sucrose. Yup your cleverness falls on the low end of the toothpaste effectiveness scale. .


Toothpaste as at??? At's ye misfortune tae bae messin' wi' mae at a teem whan a certain yellow backed gob o' weasel snot bah tha neem Joe Strap mae tae an ant hill an' smear mah buttocks wi' jam Shaw as crossed mae an' noo widnae step oop tae has duty.

Ye wanna piece o' mae? Ye wan' some o' thus? Diye? Ah'll slap tha collaiction o' personal hygiene product sponsorrred yak nipples ye use fer troops aboot lak they were squired tae tha doiley stitchin' real man wannabe Joe the artistic one Shaw.

A 1000 points, attack or defend didnae confront mae, P-P-P-P-Peng


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And I am Ronin Squire unless and until someone makes me a knights, pansies and poltroons all.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Seanachai this is YOUR doing. You made your position quite clear and now you have to clean up the mess. This SSN has actually PROCLAIMED HIMSELF to be Squire! Are we to allow this travesty to continue? Is the sacred tradition of Serf to Squire to Knight to be discarded for ... this CREATURE? Think of the hard time and hard work done by Agua Perdido, MrSpkr, Speedbump and countless others who went through the crucible of the CessPool. Are we to devalue their hard won gains for ... SlopDraggin' ... because HE wants it that way? Drastic measures may be called for. I'm thinking in terms of ... COVENTRY! Fix or do somefink Seanachai.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But you mistake me sir, I have not refused to play a match of CM, I merely require that the challenge be issued in the proper form.


Didnae call mae "sir", ye bastarrrd!

Ah didnae knoo wha tha feckin' heck ye want, but Ah'll whup ye af'n Ah haftae di at bah playin' a hotseat gam agin' ye, wi' mah aixcellent sailf standin' ain as ye proxy.

Hoo aboot ye post tha challenge ain tha cods-wollupin' format ye want, an' Ah'll just sign tha bleedin' thang? An' wha diye need seconds fer? After ye git mah firsts, ye'll be cowerin' lak a kicked spaniel an' noo bae lookin' fer seconds, Jimmy.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Are ye a kanniget o' tha 'Pool or bloody C3PO ain drag???

Are ye gwintae fit mah mon, or nancy aboot lak some creme-de-menthe swillin' French fop??


Sir OGSF, you have run up against Tailgasser Joe's "send it in triplicate" defense against playing a real match. There is not bureaucrat alive in any country at any time in history that could but stand in awe of Blow Joe's endless avoidance of fighting through insistence upon petty rules. And to think that Joe Bob accuses ME of being a bureaucrat.

To be honest, I don't believe he even owns a copy of CM. He just shows up here to practice his Dilbert moves.

BTW, Scotty, I've got you (yeah, YOU Jimmy) on my list to Die at the Hands of the Law. I'll be clearing out a few bodies shortly, so save a bit of spaniel butt for me to kick if you don't have any of your own left after getting your pockets picked by Peng.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hoo aboot ye post tha challenge ain tha cods-wollupin' format ye want, an' Ah'll just sign tha bleedin' thang? An' wha diye need seconds fer? After ye git mah firsts, ye'll be cowerin' lak a kicked spaniel an' noo bae lookin' fer seconds, Jimmy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> {Sigh} I'll make a couple of assumptions here, one is that you are capable of finding a previous post and the second is that you can understand what it says ... both are beginning to appear highly questionable.

I DID post a suggested challenge that you could use, you chose to ignore it in favor of your more colorful ... phrases. Don't blame me if you can't read the thing, blame the UK educational system.

As to seconds, they are to ensure that a fair fight ensues ... otherwise you might well end up in some Gawd-awful THING created by someone like Peng or be required to follow MY Rule of 76 ... (i.e. You get 76 points ... I get to buy whatever I want). The difficult part, for you at any rate, will be finding a warm body who'll act as your second ... best of luck.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...Hell, you are about as clever as toothpaste, and not the really clever whitening, brightening, anti-tartar, breathfreshening, anti-plaque gets the gunk out no matter what and leaves your breath kissably fresh toothpaste. Nope, you are more like that kind of toothpaste that the Brits use, the one that is as effective as brushing with a finger dipped in sucrose. Yup your cleverness falls on the low end of the toothpaste effectiveness scale. .


This is classic Peng, gentlemen. I refer any of you to read Of Cabbages and Kings , where the pod first cut his teeth on SS Panzerleader, comparing him not to toothpaste, but to a cabbage, leafy and malodorous and whatnot... Notice the analogy to a household item that we can all relate to, and how Peng lists in detail how his target does not even meet the minimum useful requirements of the aforementioned mundane object being used in analogy. This is what its all about folks.. brings tears to my eyes..

Now Joe Shaw, while I hate you with everything in me, I will concede that you know your pool very well. Getting back to my case at hand. What is the position of the Council in my kniggethood? When you have a year long Squire Challenge that took a full year to finish, only to end in a draw, what do we do? I ask not on my behalf, but on the behalf of poor Roborat, who was a good enough sport to endure my intentional delays and psyops... Is there any precedence? I think the record breaking length of our duel should certainly be taken into account.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

Now Joe Shaw, while I hate you with everything in me, I will concede that you know your pool very well. Getting back to my case at hand. What is the position of the Council in my kniggethood? When you have a year long Squire Challenge that took a full year to finish, only to end in a draw, what do we do? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Will the Old Ones let this sordid petition to the Petty Tyranny of Joe Shaw go unanswered? Have they so much given up the Cesspool to the usurper that they now are relegated to afterthoughts who merely bless what Rasputin has ordered? Have they no shame?


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This coming from our consigliori... what a joke. While your honorary "of counsel" position here may earn you a bold text now and again, you are without place or position to speak on such matters.

Your still bitter over that buttock thrashing I gave you in Singling Shootout.. I know it's true....Were you a knight here, I would be obliged to approach you with fear and loathing, but you are just a mongrel in a suit... The Pool's hired gun. Your statements mean nothing regarding my case. Be off with you...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

So Moriarity, my little scheme of training the Lawyer has come to a close and you are now on the list of shame. It is a shame that one can earn only one asterisk, but I will overlook that and give you a shellacking like the ones pappy used to give you out behind the woodshed. Send me a setup you insufferable paper-man and I will trim my hickory switch. Prepare to drop trau and feel the sting of a branch on the back of your fish-belly white, flabby, office-worker thighs.


Well, well, the Pod has awakened. Have you any last requests, requirements, suggestions, alibis, excuses, wants, needs, orders, supplications or any other kind of statement pertaining to said setup?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

This is classic Peng, gentlemen. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ye kin sod off an all. Pillock. Didnye knoo tha there were a mass kannigetting back ain December or thereaboots, when every man an' hais dog - 'cept ye an' Gogorat- were kannigetted. Hoo di ye thank Nijis an' his ilk got tae bae kannigets?

Joe Ah'd fit ye boot Ah've got mah haid oop mah arrse Shaw as noo tae do wi whether ye git kannigeted or no'. At's Lorak, mah ex-sponsorin' Leige wha gi's tha nod.

Festerin' twit.

An' afore ye ask, Ah cannae fit ye cos ye a stankin squire. Ask Joe Tha's noo how ye spell CM Shaw af'n ye wantae fit. Ye'll win bah default cos tha triplicated bag o' piss an' wind widnae actually get aroond tae tha fightin' part.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now Joe Shaw, while I hate you with everything in me, I will concede that you know your pool very well. Getting back to my case at hand. What is the position of the Council in my kniggethood? When you have a year long Squire Challenge that took a full year to finish, only to end in a draw, what do we do? I ask not on my behalf, but on the behalf of poor Roborat, who was a good enough sport to endure my intentional delays and psyops... Is there any precedence? I think the record breaking length of our duel should certainly be taken into account.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have scoured the records of the CessPool and I regret to inform you that there are no precedents to govern the decision. In terms of a strict accounting, neither should be granted Knighthood since the terms clearly stated that the WINNER would be made Knight ... without a winner ...

Your reference to the length of the battle is, in the opinion of the Justicariate, nolo contender ... as in "I cudda been a contenda". It is clearly the fault of the participants that the match lasted so long and, may I add, provided virtually ZERO entertainment for the CessPool during that time.

The Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread finds itself ... challenged by this case and refers it to the highly questionable wisdom of the Olde Ones. The only proviso is the one mentioned earlier in that Squire Challenge Matches FOR KNIGHTHOOD are NO LONGER valid in view of CessPool Tradition. Therefore, much like the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling about the Presidential Election ... any ruling on this one don't count in the future.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Lawyer, naturally, decided to stick HIS oar in ... I'd be happy to tell him WHERE he can stick it in future: Will the Old Ones let this sordid petition to the Petty Tyranny of Joe Shaw go unanswered? Have they so much given up the Cesspool to the usurper that they now are relegated to afterthoughts who merely bless what Rasputin has ordered? Have they no shame? Hmmmmm...... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your game is revealed Lawyer, you can't fool the Justicariate you know. It is your HOPE that you can discredit the Justicariate and ... BE APPOINTED JUSTICAR IN OUR PLACE! Hah! As if the Olde Ones would appoint a NON-KNIGHT to this position ... it is to laugh ... hahahhahahaha! You'll note, of course, that in the routine cases where CessPool Tradition is obvious the duty of the Justicariate is clear cut and rulings may be made with impunity. In the more difficult cases, however, in which the tradition is NOT clear and the wisdom of the Olde Ones is REQUIRED for an equitable ruling, the Justicariate rightly passes the torch.

Maybe they'll decide to cut somebody in half, that'd be cool.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapnuts:

I have delusions of grandeur and have read Shogun too many times. I am RoninMan<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Like hell you are. I, and every other Squire here had to grovel in the Cess to catch the fickle eye of some undeserving Knight, and had to do their bidding for many a long day, even as we planned carefully to place a shiv between their ribs. There is no place for those bucking tradition. You'll grovel and be kicked and spat upon and LIKE IT!

Normally I don't even notice SSNs, so count yourself lucky. And just to show that their are no hard feelings, here is a nice gob of spit and a solid kick in the (unused) nads.

[Kick] ...


Damn, I wish I could give the boot as well as Jo

And Mr. Red Just-a-car Jo Xia, a suggestion. Since the tradition of honorary titles has been well established for certian individuals (Lawyer and Simon Fox, may I suggest that Fionn be given the title of Champion of the Pool.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jo Xia:

I have scoured the records of the CessPool and I regret to inform you that there are no precedents to govern the decision. In terms of a strict accounting, neither should be granted Knighthood since the terms clearly stated that the WINNER would be made Knight ... without a winner


Not so fast, Mr. Just-a-car. Fine upholder of the traditions you have turned out to be. If you actually knew the history of the MBT, you would well know that Sir Lorak did elevate both Hiram and Sir Alphabet to Knighthood upon finishing the challenge. Winning may have been an original prerequisite, but the Keeper of the Tome himself has established the presidence that governs this case. BOTH should be listed amongst the Knights.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Since the tradition of honorary titles has been well established for certian individuals (Lawyer and Simon Fox, may I suggest that Fionn be given the title of

Champion of the Pool.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Although the two examples you chose were HIGHLY flawed (you could, for example, have used The Lady of the Pool or even, ahem, mine own case), the suggestion is a good one. In this case, however, I must also bow to the judgement of the Olde Ones. My original suggestion was to give Fionn Kelly a record of 256/0/0 but I also stated that the Olde Ones would have final say in the matter of additional honors.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If you actually knew the history of the MBT, you would well know that Sir Lorak did elevate both Hiram and Sir Alphabet to

Knighthood upon finishing the challenge. Winning may have been an original prerequisite, but the Keeper of the Tome himself has established the presidence that governs this case. BOTH should be listed

amongst the Knights.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bah! I can't be bothered with every drug and/or alchohol induced abberation that Lorak the Lost decided BEFORE the traditions of the CessPool were established. In those dark and near legendary days the 'pool was awash with experiments that later proved of no value ... look at the two cases you mentioned for proof positive of THAT. In other words ... it was the exception that proved the rule.

But as I mentioned, I leave it to the judgement of the Olde Ones.


{edited to respond to yet ANOTHER of Marlow's uninformed quibbles}

[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

Like hell you are. I, and every other Squire here had to grovel in the Cess to catch the fickle eye of some undeserving Knight, and had to do their bidding for many a long day, even as we planned carefully to place a shiv between their ribs. There is no place for those bucking tradition. You'll grovel and be kicked and spat upon and LIKE IT!

Normally I don't even notice SSNs, so count yourself lucky. And just to show that their are no hard feelings, here is a nice gob of spit and a solid kick in the (unused) nads.

[Kick] ...


Damn, I wish I could give the boot as well as Jo


Ahhh, in this case gentlemen, real life seems to just ooze with examples of imitation of the unreality of the Peng Challenge Thread, and to hear Marlow and Shaw mewl like stuck pigs is just a music so sweet it makes me want to crack one of my infrequent Grog smiles.

Shaw, you flailing wind bang. Accept devine intercession and acension of a new squire with the same dignity as the guy we arrested who stood and urinated on the the sidewalk without bother with his fly, just like you in a mental sense. You are nabbed, and your logic means not because the whole Peng ChallengeThread tradition has been broken so many times it is a collander leaking swill and vomit into the univers of intellect. It would be easier to get Sean to write a short post, or Lawyer to take pro-bono work (down Marlow, it does not mean THAT..... well, in Lawyer's case, it probably does).

As for Marlow -- I looked under his name in the dictionary and was surprised to find a full page picture of a horse's ass, which explains the mule like sounds that are eminating from this functionary.

Ronin Squire Slapdragon

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