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I stood in line all night for CM2, and all I got was this lousy Peng Challenge TShirt

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Now that's kinky!

If we plague them with Peng they'll never even start the post setup PBEMoovering.

For a more practical Tactishun view, the Plaguing of the Peng will most certainly get us the bottles anyway just to get rid of the Pod...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The French:

Since when Poolers are known Tactishuns?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I dunno. Maybe there is one who has never lost a battle? I'm sure there is at least one and I'm sure he would like six cases of wine as long as it wasn´t French.

This piece of gloating brought to you by the guy who has to share city with that Bush fellow next week. The only good thing about that is they´ve turned the whole town into a war zone and pumped-up Swedish nerds gets to play Secret Service and wear suits.

I'll be out fishing if anything happens.

So I will not have anything to do with it if anything happens, not that it will, probably not, and if it does it isn't me.


Btw, me and Mark IV want something to play boom-boom on. I would prefer it to be around 1-2 Coy size. Berli, you actually owe me a favor (albeit small) after your latest memory lapse, do you have anything cooking? And I mean that only metaphorically and with regard to scenarios. Thank you.

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Barfandchuck - don't just stand there with your mouth hanging open boy....some nasty old sea captain might put something in it...do you like chicken boy....when are you going to send me something??[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"Nasty old sea captain"? Who, you? Wow, talk about your delusions of grandeur. I'm afraid to notfiy you, m'lad, that the floating object on which you stand ain't no sailing vessel (and why the hell would you expect to find one in the pool o'cess is beyond me), and you ain't no captain. Alas, I am at work at the moment, and will send you a 2000 point randomized all to hell setup once I get home.

*ahem* Y'ARRR! *ahem*

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A. Where the hell are you?

7. Note carefully:

Battle of the Suits update!

Mark IV: 82 righteous points of moral cleansing, Marketing Victorious.

jdmorse: 19 ill-gotten points dropped into the tin cup of fate, Dead.

It would have been even worse, except that:

xi. An evil sky-hugging Jabo strafed my beloved AC to death, though he expended enough ammunition to sink the friggin' Bismark first. I was afraid he was going to land on-board and rush me with his pistol if the last didn't work. That AC was one-half my total vehicles.

22.05.14: One of my platoons thought they were creeping through a wheatfield, but it turned out to be an amerikanische freeway instead, as the last of several thousand legalwagen rushing headlong to destruction ran right over them.

Free clue: rush the flags, not the TRPs.

E. Infantry, a brace of guns, and some mortars sent 21 vehicles to the recycling center, though we admired their dash, elan, and contemptuous disregard for the principles of war. The pile-up in one little wood looked like one of those 99-car crashes on a foggy autobahn.

8-2. Killing lawyers has gotten to be a regular habit with me, but this one was better-groomed and easier to clean than the last. Also, he was one of the better turner-arounders of game turns amongst you sorry burger-flipping adolescents.

c. If I wanted to play in ladders with boardies, I would. I don't. The recent walk down memory lane (more of a dark alley, actually) has inspired me to revive The Lawyer's Cup challenge, however. Stay tuned for details.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

P.S.- Mace stop playing Europa Universalis and send me my files!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No that's alright then, EU and Championship Manager are after all the only allowed surrogates for Combat Mission.

If you think it's too easy, try to win the Grand Campaign as The Knights of St. John.

Speedy, you are right, this isn't the place.

But cheers for the Rat anyway.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Now that's kinky!

If we plague them with Peng they'll never even start the post setup PBEMoovering.

For a more practical Tactishun view, the Plaguing of the Peng will most certainly get us the bottles anyway just to get rid of the Pod...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Uh, This is the part where I say, "huh? what? nossir not me."

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I second the nominations of either MrsPeng or Shimshimminy.

((Of course I FIRST the nomination for myself -- but I have a feeling that's not going anywhere.))

My reason for each follows. Firstly, about Peng: If this is the Mutha Beautiful then Peng is its antithesis. As every good must have an evil, as all beauty must have a blemish, as all sublime holiness must have its depth of despair, so Peng is ours.

He is the blackhole in a thread of light. In the Mutha Beautiful he is the naked, scabrous whore in her bed of fluid stained satiny sheets. He is Der Kessel of all our vices, and through our purgery to him, we are cleansed.

He is like that chick in Star Trek who heals the wounds from the crew. But she falls in love with Bones (the only one ever, IIRC) and after a particularly brutal flogging, Kirk demands she heals McCoy. Only too late do they realize that she actually TRANSFERRED the wounds to herself, and she dies, leaving Bones' only chance at a woman gone for good.

Well Peng is like that woman, only he takes our wounds and vices and creates with them a monster, a beast of villainy. He is like the monster in the old movies who takes everything we can throw at it and actually GROWS from it. I therefore think he is invincible, and should represent us.

Now then, if that is impossible, the next best case would be Shazam-Shazbot because he is pure and virginal. His posts are always polite and politic. He has a sweetness about him that reminds me of Roger Merris. He is the ultimate good guy, and we all despise him for it. In short, he is a Paladin among cavaliers.

You know I wouldn't be surprised if Simiansmile had a great big white cowboy hat in his closet. His pistols have pearl handles, to match his sparkling teeth, his clothes are always crisp and clean, and his only flaw, as far as I can tell, is his whiny, puling voice.

Gosh, everytime I think of Slimshady I just want to pinch his cheek, and tell him "It's okay, you're right, they just wouldn't LISTEN, that's all." Now, don't cry, just get a cookie and watch some cartoons.

So, those are my choices, out of all the ones I named, I hope you pick me (hic)!

[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

I can't believe those gits on the Outer Board™. You could give them a scale model of the world in the 1940's and allow them to zoom in and see what's happening in any place at any time, and issue orders to try and change the course of history in absolute realism, and they'd still be complaining that they don't have a proper way to group-select their units or their men aren't executing orders according to doctrine. God help BTS.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually we help BTS by keeping things relatively sane around here.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

((Of course I FIRST the nomination for myself -- but I have a feeling that's not going anywhere.))


If we nominated Pansy Licker would he go away and not come back?!?!?


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Ahhh yes, when we were young(er) and naive, did we not believe in justice and truth and a score of other better things? Alas, along came adulthood (for some of us) and we realized the truth of this dog-eat-dog (should I presume to tell Bauhaus?, perhaps not) world, and lo were we not baptised into the wider existence of Cynicism.

Alas, Speedbump old boy, that such a simple, well meaning and socially acceptable task may be beyond poor Pansy to accomplish. As much as Cess Inc. may wish it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

[referring to the long-winded Midwestern pseudo-Celtic guy] ...His pistols have pearl handles...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As the vile Minnesotan isn't around to defend his own grips, and the MBT is close to the bottom of page one:

Pearl is for New Orleans pimps! That's ivory.

Agua Perdido

[Edited to note that a nice pair of Hogue rubber grips or good checkered walnut is preferable to something as slick as pearl or ivory. You don't want a spray of gore (or cess) to cause your grip to shift.]

[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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Oh no! Our Gaelic Tea Vendor is missing in action?? Wherever will I get my Darjeeling??

And I heaped such effusive praise onto his scrawny frame, it is a shame he will miss it.

Thank you Agua for you knowledge of creole pimping, but I have a feeling those are pearl inlays. Take from that what you will.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>PawBroon wrote:

Would that mean you'd then be able to see the error of your way and tell Maximus how wrong you were in your non MODing heresy?

Be a good sport, go sooth Midgetus!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The monitor alone wouldn't have made any difference, because I already play at the maximum resolution where the game runs smoothly on my machine. However, today, to assuage my seething bitterness towards sundry factors making me wish that guns were not banned in this country, I condescended to blow some more money and get an ATI Radeon to replace my Nexus (which I bought for... err... the CM Beta Demo).

So, assuming my theories on the relationship between computer speed and graphics speed pertaining to Combat Mission are correct, on Monday I may be playing at a resolution of at least 1600x1200 on my shiny new 19" monitor. Otherwise I'll just have to sell my soul to Berli and get whatever new toys Apple introduces at next month's Macworld Expo NY.

Of course, this doesn't mean I'll be wanting to use new bitmaps, but it will hopefully mean I can see the whites of the enemies' eyes without having to relocate the camera. And I expect my men's accuracy to be improved as a result. BTS has modelled that, haven't they? That'll mean I get quadruple points – double for my increased accuracy, and double for knocking out Lawyer's fancy high-res tanks with my v1.0 low-res jobs.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Otherwise I'll just have to sell my soul to Berli and get whatever new toys Apple introduces at next month's Macworld Expo NY.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry, any new toys from Apple I keep... they are not available for soul exchange. Anything from the PeeCee would is available

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

No that's alright then, EU and Championship Manager are after all the only allowed surrogates for Combat Mission.


Oh, and Rogue Spear/Urban Ops, Steel Beasts, Fallout Tactics and European Air War.

And Speedy, I'm not playing EU (yet), I'm transferring files between PCs (still - Arrrrrrrgh!)


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

c. If I wanted to play in ladders with boardies, I would. I don't. The recent walk down memory lane (more of a dark alley, actually) has inspired me to revive The Lawyer's Cup challenge, however. Stay tuned for details.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lawyer's Cup Zwei? Count me in (as long as I can play PBEM). Someone's gotta lose in the first round.

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Presenting the COLOSSAL BURGER home of the Juggernaut! Who among you unwashed masses could resist a towering 12 foot burger rolled out on wheels...Oh yes, the staff worship it in evangelical voices as it makes it stately procession throughout the restaraunt, crushing the puny little kids who bought mere "Clash of the Titans Happy Meals" (sound of those really loud banging african-esque drums, kinda like the SP music ..you know dan dan daaan daan daaan dan) It is accompanied by legions of fries, each one dressed in the style of a roman warrior....all the while the trumpets are blaring and fireworks are going off dnagerously near to the customers, and if they forgot to to tip, annihilating entire ranks of SUVs....Meanwhile an fresh altar is erected from the overturned booths and chairs, and a gigantic circle of flames is made to surround it through the expedient use of kerosene, and we sacrifice a live goat over he burger, drenching it with fresh blood and the "special sauce". In a finaly primalistic dance to the cow gods, we present the burger in all its splendor to the buying customer. As well as a keg of ale. Then they march down the red carpet receiveing praise from the paid praising types (who upon failinn their jobs are offered as human sacrifices at the great burger altar) where they can generally behave like kings

That, my friends, is a business plan.

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At seems Lorak has laift us, an' Ah didnae knoo why. Ah'm a wee bit concerned cos he ne'er replied tae mah e-mail inquirin' after hais well-bein'. As anywun ain a PBEM wid tha laddie an' have an' insight? Ah'd bae content tae knoo he's alright, jest sick o' tha stinkin', fetid lot o' ye snot gobblin', spotty arsed duck sniffers. Tha' havin' bain said,...

Lorak ye spillage - wid ye noo rrrrecorrd ain tha tome o' infamy, tha followin' spectacular result...



Ah was defendin' ain tha snow an' blew tha smiley crap oot o' has Wermacht laddies wi' mah excellent VT artillery. Ah'm sae good at thas!!

An put mae doon fer tha Lawyers Cup tae.


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As long as there's booze in the Cup o' Lawyers and no spoor of SSN's or any other related STD's, then I am quite sure that I can hold down the middle of the bell curve (oops, is that non-diverse? feck it) so that I may see the Holy Confesoooor on my right and someone that pays way too much attention on my left....

I see that my stewardship is soon over... truely, this has sucked less than the most recent Threads... let us all remember:





And, of course, take a drink at each stage... hate to wake up in the morning knowing that's as good as you're going to feel all day....

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