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I stood in line all night for CM2, and all I got was this lousy Peng Challenge TShirt

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you sound like an old woman at a gossip covention.

Jeez, Sphnctrkssr you call that sounding off like you got a pair? A pair of what, sagging mammery glands?? (look at Dame Vacant blush!) I have heard better retorts when picking up my daughter at school.

Get some juevos or sod off.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Awww Cripes, how did I happen to attract the attention of a stupid newbie GIT?? Dis Donc! (French appreciation day, y'all) Okay GIT (for rhat is what I dub you, for now and all eternity) expect your quick demise to be in that porn-filled trash-heap you call an "Inbox" tonight.


My goodness Pander bleeter, you'll just spread for anyone,won't you? Didn't even make him try a couple of times until he gave us a decent taunt, did ya? Oh well, Guess we can't expect much from Squire to some McDo's smashing, Mad Cow eating Frog can we?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>MrSpnkr wrote:

Care to voice any preferences<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, I would prefer if you would sod off and go back to watching your favourite thirty seconds of Under Siege over and over again. I have five current PBEMs (six if Geier either wakes up or gets his eyes tested), and one of these is a grim assault against Fort PantyLiner which is worth five normal PBEMs, in terms of hatred if not in terms of value. So if you really want your teeth kicked in, I can put you on my waiting list.

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Hello, my name is PencilLeader, and I would like to buy a clue.

Mybuttis Achin'-

SIX whole games? Wow. Don't want you to strain yourself or anything.

Place me on your waiting list, then. Lord knows I wouldn't want you to strain anything.

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Who are you, what do you want, and what the hell is that supposed to mean?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahem, Pansy Litter, you may wish to go to the Cess Pool site and check out the list of Knights.

Man, when will you actually remove that Ped from your mouth??!?!


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I detest and despise you all. After three days in the van with the small people the woman next to me said were my children, I have decided that Real Life is a pathetic waste of time.

That said, I'm still here in cloudy Idaho, home of the fasict and White Power freaks for another day or so. And then in the spirit of the original Peng Challange the Air Force has decided that three weeks in Canada would be FUN! The sodding bastards.

I sure that the Canadians located around Cold Lake have not heard of the telephone let alone the Internet. I may be away for three weeks, which considering the verbal diahrea I waded through from Pantyninny is a blessing.

For those I own turns to. I will send one more out before I leave, and if by some miracle I can get online I will continue kicking your asses.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Kinda like your sister?

I don't think so matey, and just because you happen to be PawBroons squire (trys not to laugh) doesn't give you any rights as far as I am concerned...

Still I do have a pic I took tonight in which the expression on my face shows exactly what I think of you wanting to see me naked, now all I have to do is find out how to post the damn thing on here...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Here comes love...

For you Sexites, HERE COMES is NOT related to the delivery of bodily fluids.

I know doing glands talk is cool because it's like Mom & Dad really, but you should refrain.

There is a thin margin between being obnoxious and being pathetic...


And do not expect nude pics from Emma, she doesn't know how to post those.

As the Scottish Cartoonist said, that Thread is looking more and more like what Boardees said it was.

By then we were certain they were wrong...

Some of you are taking the expression TO HAVE A PAIR a bit too literally.

Discard further talk of, display of and more generally Panzer Leader of.

We are into brain and wit.

If the Cesspool was about having a pair only, we'd have been locked and banned a long time ago.

Now stop typing your posts with your friggin thingies!!!

Where are Hakko, Shaw, Seanachai, Germanboy, Meeks, PawBroon (Shameless plug {I KNOW PL that you are willing to tell me where to plug it but keep it for your snuff movies}) and all of those who made it happen?

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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Pardonnez moi, la noblesse oblige!

Now, sod off anyway, sorry for any hurt feeling oh wonderful kanigget. You must be one of the knights who say "Nee!"

Oh God what with the French uprising(sic), I hope I can still get my bleu cheese dressing!

I love it when the French strike and have their crazy demonstrations. They just seem so... serious. It is so hilarious, and you know the rest of the world is thinking "Oh, those crazy French, when will they learn?" I hope never!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:


Someone wanna send me a copy of Crodaburg?...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fellow Knights! By his own word has he condemned himself! Yes, let us send Crodaburg for his amusement and that of whatever sorry sod that he chooses to engage.

This should clear things up around here considerably... nice to see that Lenin'sKazoo finally pack up and left, too. Lad never did quite get it....

If no-one else sends it to you, PonziSchemer, I'll forward the scenario to you this evening. Be sure to let the door hit you on the way out....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>MrSpnkr wrote:

SIX whole games? Wow. Don't want you to strain yourself or anything.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, I prefer to spend some time executing a battle plan and employing sound tactics. I apologise for using such complex terminology in conversation with someone such as yourself, who doubtlessly enjoys pressing buttons randomly, drawing lots of colourful lines across the map, and then sitting back and watching all the pretty explosions. And on the inevitable occasions when my opponent gamily overcomes my stoic and valiant forces using extremely rare equipment and ahistorical tactics, whether I succeed or succeed (but less so), I do it in style. You miserable adrenaline-freak keyboard-bashing click-junkies don't appreciate the fine art of making war – or making love, or even making a cup of tea. I will crush you when you begin to irritate me sufficiently that I can no longer bear your presence (hence my swift acceptance of Panty Liner's gauntlet). I shall now return you to your discussion about plastic young women with more implants than brain cells.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Panty Liner wrote:

It is so hilarious, and you know the rest of the world is thinking "Oh, those crazy French, when will they learn?"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The "rest of the world" being the Untied State of America, I assume? That fine, democratic country which swiftly punishes power-abusing corporations, and wouldn't dream of allowing them to do whatever they please in the name of The Holy Quest For Financial Profit, and destroy anyone who might stand in their way? Yes indeed, the French are crazy for standing up for their rights – everyone knows the general public doesn't have any rights.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PondScum:


PanzyBoy wrote:"Is that a no then?"

WAKEY WAKEY..... Seems ignoring you just doesn't work at all, so in light of that, and in the words of the one and only Elvis.


Except I am saying it in the Scottish context....

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*A stranger steps out of the shadows and looks around*

Oh well, I guess I've driven by the place often enough, better get this thing started.

*He takes a deeeeeep breath and says......*

Phillies Phan Thy pathetic mewling offends the ears as dost the tragic sight of thy sordid baseball cap offends the eyes. THOU, sir (am I not charitable?) have less personal charisma than a 500 pound prostitute in a bikini. If I had ANYTHING better to do, I sure as hell wouldn't be in this god-forsaken place talking to the likes of thyself, however, 'tis a slow time of the year for me, therefore....I CHALLENGE THEE!!

*SMACK!* (forehand)

*SMACK!* (backhand)

*SMACK!* (forehand again!)

Shall I send thee a setup, or dost thou possess the rather limited mental capacities necessary to undertake such a thing? Ahhh, I thought not.......thou but hast to say the word and I wouldst be most happy to create such an engagement as will be necessary! I Sir (again, am I not charitable?) await your response at my home address.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

PanzyBoy wrote:"Is that a no then?"

WAKEY WAKEY..... Seems ignoring you just doesn't work at all, so in light of that, and in the words of the one and only Elvis.


Except I am saying it in the Scottish context....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Oh boy. I thought I was the worst this could sink to. I stand corrected.

Philly, may I? Thank you.

Alackaday, thou bushwacker! Sod off. Leave this place now. I do not offer ultimatums, chances, options: simply leave now.

I now return you to the drivel we are used to.

((That was a study in dangling participles for all you language nuts.))

**Edited to add question to YK2**

Uh, why did you make a post thet was nothing but a quote of a post you made 3 minutes ago?

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Guest PondScum

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aqua Rapido:

Right here, you gibbering twit!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahhh, the knee is jerking nicely there. Even a single-celled lifeform such as myself could detect that things were Not Right in the pool. Jollity, congratulations, and smilies all round. I would have called spirits from the misty deep to sort things out, but around here the best we can do is insulting dark sprawling things from the foul-smelling depths... at least, we think they're depths, but we're not going down there to check, my precious, oh no.

Anyway, you surfaced. Well done. Now get back down there and leave the floating to those of us better evolved to do so. Union rules.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Cripes, I should've stayed in Venice.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahhh, Venice -- the city of a thousand stinking canals. Missing the pool, were you? I'll see your holiday bet and raise you a week in Copenhagen, very nice at this time of year. The Danish "Resistance" Museum there is especially Pool-worthy. The glorious Danish army took a whole 18 casualties when the Germans invaded in WWII, and then surrendered. And they're PROUD of it.

I have no idea what IckPto is drooling about, but I wish she'd do so elsewhere and without taking my name in vain.

In the meantime, Berli is instructing me in the correct usage of Elite low-ammo troops (I think there is also eye of bat and wing of newt involved somewhere), and I am still hating Meeks.

Don't think I don't hate the rest of you, though

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Apologies PONDSCUM my post had nothing at all to do with you, it was infact aimed at PanzerLeader... I got sort of sidetracked while editing said post, It would take too long to explain lets just say I had yet another blonde moment.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PondScum:

In the meantime, Berli is instructing me in the correct usage of Elite low-ammo troops (I think there is also eye of bat and wing of newt involved somewhere), and I am still hating Meeks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Since you seem to have time to post about your lessons, perhaps you have time to SEND THE NEXT FLAMIN' FILE!!!!

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YK2 your aim was true then, because your post cut me to the quick, hurt me to the core.

Here all this time I thought that due to our patronage we had a certain bond, maybe not as close as brother and sister, but you know, a little joshing around here and there.

Now I see that I have offended you, and even in my arrogant ignorance have brought down the admonishment of our benefactor Pawbroon himself:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I know doing glands talk is cool because it's like Mom & Dad really, but you should refrain.

There is a thin margin between being obnoxious and being pathetic... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now, I'm not sure exactly what he meant, but I am reasonably sure he was aiming his remark at me, and I am guessing he meant something along the lines of "Shut up if you're going to make crass comments, and in the politically correct world it is best not to do ANYTHING that might be construed as sexual harrassment."

Therefore, I apologize for any and all references I have made in the past pertaining ot the act of coitus or any of the bodily parts that might get INVOLVED in such an act. I am turning over a new leaf, so to speak, and will strive to be more like Dame Vacant (oops) Gravid Plankton, that is, more like a little old (person) who doesn't like to mention toilets, hair, coitus, the occaisional bodily noise, a good time, joy, fun for fun's sake, a rich life, etc.

In short, I will attempt to be more British. Ow's that for ya, guv'nor?


I'm sorry YK2 that I asked what I asked, it was really meant in jest, and I found the humorous juxtaposition of the brother-sister thing to be what I meant, not the whole dirty picture issue. My apologies.


But as for you other people. wretches, cretins, and the like, I would still appreciate it very much if you would do me the pleasure of "sodding off"? There now, that's a good chap.

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Guest PondScum

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

I had yet another blonde moment.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That'll teach you to let your tresses down (obBauhaus) near the 'pool then - you know the bleaching effect the fumes have...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BurlyTinkling:


What part of "holiday" was too much for you to understand? The innate lack of evil, maybe? But since you asked so nicely, 0.7 Mbytes of mayhem should be sloshing around in your pestilential inbox round about now. Bet your Kubelwagen doesn't make it out alive.

I almost forgot my hatred

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

There is a thin margin between being obnoxious and being pathetic...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh I don't know..I think I've managed to achieve both!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

The "rest of the world" being the Untied State of America, I assume? That fine, democratic country which swiftly punishes power-abusing corporations, and wouldn't dream of allowing them to do whatever they please in the name of The Holy Quest For Financial Profit, and destroy anyone who might stand in their way? Yes indeed, the French are crazy for standing up for their rights – everyone knows the general public doesn't have any rights.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"The Holy Quest For Financial Profit" you say? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Oh stop it, you're getting me all mushy.

Socialists are so cute. Here's a clue for those of you playing the home game:

Money = Good.

Lack of Money = Not Good.

So make sure you get some money. If your country won't allow that, come to America, please, and get some of ours. It's yummier.

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