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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Get this...

Charles just emailed us that a new build now has German "Potato masher" grenades in.

previously the German squads threw grenades which looked round and like pineapple grenades. now the Germans throw proper "Potato Masher" grenades wink.gif.

A small touch but kinda cool. I wonder if it "tumbles" in flight? Hmm, I don't know yet since I don't have the build.. I'll have to check.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Didn't the Germans use a pinapple type grenade also?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>No offense intended so dont get your Irish up. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lewis --- I don't know why you do this... Why bring up outdated and offensive stereotypes? There is no reason for Fionn to take all this **** about being Irish. I completely understand why he or anyone would react so strongly to these types of statements. Why do insist on bringing these stereotypes up? I feel sorry for you.......


[This message has been edited by Maus (edited 03-24-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maus:

Lewis --- I don't know why you do this... Why bring up outdated and offensive stereotypes? There is no reason for Fionn to take all this **** about being Irish. I completely understand why he or anyone would react so strongly to these types of statements. Why do insist on bringing these stereotypes up? I feel sorry for you.......


[This message has been edited by Maus (edited 03-24-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well I am half irish and that is not considered an insult amongst my irish friends. If HE takes offense then I offer an apology to him. If you care to share your noble heritage then I am all ears.

On a side note. Why are you speaking for him? As an Irishman I detest weeny rabble rousers like you speaking up for anyone but yourself. Be a man. Its the proper way to be lad.


PS I am getting those "following friday after St Paddys day spirits ofercumming me senses" ...Oh Saints be prazed.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey lighten up weenies. Its a game<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey, you... up for a death match with the Soldier of fortune demo? I'll be the server. I set it to max realism and auto reload and unlimited ammo. This way we can concentrate on ..the game.

It will run smooth, got a cable modem smile.gifI'll be up for another couple of hours.

you can get the SOF demo at:


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Fionn. Lets get real. I dont think little fluff like that is going to matter. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah, but I don't agree. Back in the days of the beta demo I wouldn't have agreed if Charles and Steve told me that CM was going to be "polished" for 4 or 5 months and was going to get all new graphics etc. I'd have said that the graphics were good enough and that it is a wargame after all.

However, after seeing the cumulative effect of all the "little fluff" additions I must say I admit they were totally right. CM now is a much more immersive and good-looking game. Computer games are ALL ABOUT IMMERSION and so anything which helps immersion is strongly supported by me.

Putting in potato-masher grenades is a nice touch and it aids immersion IMO.

Now, as to the rest.. Yeah, I do take offence when someone like you feels free to post something like that with impunity to impugne me (nice little word usage there wink.gif ).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Its just I am not gullible and dont like when I am being fed sugar-coated updates.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You may not be gullible but you sure have an attitude problem. Let me give you a timeline here.

Early on Friday morning Charles posted an update to the beta testers list of new things which have been added/fixed in the latest build. One of those things was the potato masher grenade... I got pretty excited about that because I thought it was a really "neat touch".

After coming here later that morning and reading a post which stated, in part, "truly dedicated wargamers or who love historical accuracy, detail, etc"

I posted AN EXAMPLE OF DETAILED WORK BEING ADDED TO CM. What I did in NO WAY resembled a "sugar-coated update". I merely posted about a feature which I was informed about a couple of hours previously and which I thought was "cool".

NO-ONE asked you to agree it was cool or not but sheer common decency should impel you not to go shooting your mouth off in such an incorrect manner IMO.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> At this point there should be a known amount of remaining work and any programmer or technical type can judge fairly accurately a time frame as it will progress towards completion. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh I'm sure a fairly accurate timeframe to release is known and I could give you a VERY accurate estimate of the release date but I wouldn't want to be accused of "feeding you a sugar-coated update" so I can guarantee you that you won't hear a single syllable about the release date from me.

See, you should be more careful what you wish for or one of the FEW sources of info about the state of CM's beta (me) just might decide to shut up so he doesn't have to read crap like your message. wink.gif.

Lastly, I think that most other members of the forum who posted DID think it was a "cool addition" just like I did. Hell, I quoted about one item from a list of over 20 and didn't even mention the NEW FEATURE I'm writing an article about which will hugely impact PBEM games etc. ( I don't want to say more about since that might be termed sugar-coating.... )


You're right. When Matt and I and others talk about "polish" this is the kind of stuff we mean. Of course, unit textures and bugfixes are going on continuously and some pretty major and cool changes have been made to the interface etc too but a lot of what has been done is stuff like this ( making grenades and AT rocket launchers look unique and different for every nation etc ... Check out the POTD showing the blast shield for the Panzerschreck for another example of a "cool little touch".)

137th Gebirgs,

Yes, you're right of course. The Germans had a pretty bewildering array of grenades. Obviously Steve and Charles wanted to give the Germans the grenade that is most often associated with them though in the minds of wargamers and so they chose the Potato masher.

As you say, probably less than 50% of total grenades produced were of the potato masher variety but they are the type instantly identified with the German armed forces.

Oh, Username got in again here wink.gif with another foot-in-mouth disease comment..

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Anal people never finish anything. I've worked with them and towards the end of a project they should start something else and let pragmatics take over.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, I'm sure Charles and Steve are absolutely falling over themselves to please you now you have (in a roundabout way) managed to call them "anal people".

As I said above, Steve, Charles and others all have a VERY good idea about the time period when CM will go Gold but I'm quite sure that absolutely no-one in the know feels like telling you any more. FWIW if you insult people for giving you info with the best of intentions then you shouldn't be surprised when they don't listen to your requests for info later.

Mark IV,

I'll record the act of self-sacrifice in video ... to help bolster his chances of getting the nomination you understand... NOT that I'd make copies and pass it round to all to watch for fun wink.gif


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> But here I am waiting for an undetermined amount of time collecting unemployment checks and wondering "When is it going to come out already?".

Makes you think doesnt it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It only makes me think that you must be a COMPLETE loser if you're staying on social security/welfare simply because you want to play a computer game. I mean, God, that's truly pathetic. I have totaly sympathy for people who are unemployed and trying to get a job but who can't find one but to admit that you're remaining unemployed to play a game is really quite sad and pathetic.

As for what you said about Goanna.

1. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being gay.

2. I don't know if he is or isn't (my guess is no) but either way he's ten times the person than you are and seems a very nice and competent guy from the emails I've exchanged with him.

3. To bring such a mindless and pointless comment into a conversation really places your position in Darwinian evolution (for your info it is somewhere between slug and slime creature.


Good post wink.gif.. BTW you don't have anything to worry about if u respond to one of my posts (extends olive branch wink.gif ). Losername on the other hand just may need to fear wink.gif.


ANYONE who knows what "nipolit" is is a grognard. Jees, that's pretty obscure to tell you the truth.

Lastly, Lewis, when the Gold comes out I'd take great pleasure in crushing you publicly. Here's the deal...

When the Gold comes out will you commit to playing a PBEM game with turns and AARs to be posted publicly as we play?

That way you get a chance to prove your prowess and humiliate me publicly wink.gif.

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You know what is sad, Lewis?

You come trolling in here asking questions to get us riled up and I politely answer your question.

You reply with a snide comment that I would expect form a fourth grader.

While I don't know where Mr. Thiel got his username or even what it means, saying that I should stay being a guachi instead of a goanna is just laughable. If you only had some idea how incredibly inane that sounds.


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If, wholeheartedly, you meant the "irish" comment to be taken as a friendly albeit verbal shoulder slap by one Irishman to another Irishman, I may have taken it too seriously and as a result I apologize. But judging from many of your posts, you seem to be a rather a snide individual. And I for one was tired of it. I have been reading this board for close to a year now and have seen a few individuals that were just plain nasty at times. I didn't say much at those times but I now I just cannot let some things go. They ruin my overall enjoyment (and I assume others' as well) of participation in this community.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>On a side note. Why are you speaking for him? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am not answering for anyone but myself.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As an Irishman I detest weeny rabble rousers like you speaking up for anyone but yourself. Be a man. Its the proper way to be lad.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If I have overreacted to the comment I, again, apologize. But if innocent of my hasty judgement, your childish naming calling disappoints me. If you were not acting "in good faith" however, then your name calling means nothing to me. Your "Username" will merely become a flag for which to start my "skip over next post" function.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If you care to share your noble heritage then I am all ears.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, since you deemed us worthy to know part of your parentage and the fact that since one of your parents was Irish gives you the right to imply ANYTHING you want about said ethnic group, then I am going to have a blast. Being that my father is Irish/German and my mother is a Dutch citizen, I can have all kinds of fun. "An Irish, a German and a Dutchman are all sitting in a bar. The German says........" Give me a brake......

Fire away half-Irishman!


[This message has been edited by Maus (edited 03-25-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Maus (edited 03-25-2000).]

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Guest MajorH

>At this point there should be a known amount

>of remaining work and any programmer or

>technical type can judge fairly accurately a

>time frame as it will progress towards


I once spent six weeks of around the clock effort trying to find and fix one bug. In desperation I even tried completely rewriting all the routines that could possibly of had anything to do with the problem. Nothing helped. Once I finally found the bug it turned out to be a single character typo in a single line - I used '*' where I should of had '**'. I had probaably looked at that line dozens of time and even retyped it several times but the typo just didn't register.

Point of the story ... coding software ain't like frying chicken smile.gif.


Best regards, Major H


[This message has been edited by MajorH (edited 03-25-2000).]

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Guest R Cunningham

dumbo wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>15,000 unit trap that dooms many wargames.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

15,000? There's a lot of games that never get this, not just wargames. I was reading in PC Gamer and the sales figures they have for the games they rated highly (editor's choice) in 99 are shocking. 1,298 copies of TOAW II. 45,438 for CC III. Force 21 9,168. Flanker 2.0 7,285. Outcast 12,571. Oddworld: Abe's exodus 9,499.

Think about those numbers and how much money the developers get per copy out of the sale price. No wonder talonsoft gave up on wargames. Think if CM sells only as many as TOAW II. 1298 x $45 = $58,410 for two plus years of development before printing/production costs are taken out. And from that they've got to feed their families and develop CM 2?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:


Lastly, Lewis, when the Gold comes out I'd take great pleasure in crushing you publicly. Here's the deal...

When the Gold comes out will you commit to playing a PBEM game with turns and AARs to be posted publicly as we play?

That way you get a chance to prove your prowess and humiliate me publicly wink.gif.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I accept your challenge. In true Howard Stern fashion I have squeezed the shoes of too many self obsorbed peoples for one day.

I am a New Yorker at heart and an Irishmen to boot. You all slay me with your pathos and verbiage. I expected better from you Fionn but maybe theres some personal toes I have stepped on. An Irishman that isnt man enough to accept an apology needs a good beat down. Get the "Gold" in my hands and I will teach you what cunning, wherewithall, heart, and sheer will and mind can do.

In closing I will quote a famous woman "**** you if you can't take a joke" -Divine Miss M


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From Fionn to Losername:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When the Gold comes out will you commit to playing a PBEM game with turns and AARs to be posted publicly as we play?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK, you know I will enjoy reading these daily updates of how the light work on a recto-cranial inversionary like Lewis is going, but please Fionn, remember you promised me and some others more deserving some whoop ass first. smile.gif


desert rat wannabe

[This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 03-25-2000).]

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I once spent six weeks of around the clock effort trying to find and fix one bug. In desperation I even tried completely rewriting all the routines that could possibly of had anything to do with the problem. Nothing helped. Once I finally found the bug it turned out to be a single character typo in a single line - I used '*' where I should of had '**'. I had probaably looked at that line dozens of time and even retyped it several times but the typo just didn't register.

Well heres what I do. I edit backwards. I literally read the code in reverse to put it in a different light. Dont laugh it works.

Never work frustrated or for long hours. Its diminishing returns. Keep it light inside and try meditation.

Always remember, its what you did, not the computer. To see with a still being is to really apreciate what is right and what is wrong.


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Hey, Lewis, you prick.

I'm a Irish/Jewish/Russian/German/English/French/American/Canadian/Yank/Dutch/Drunkard/Reb/African-American/Black/Yellow/Purple/Green/Gray/Hetero/Homo/Bi/Transexual that happens to be Protestant/Catholic/Muslim/Shi'ite all mixed into one.

Take a shot at me, you pathetic bum.

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You greatly misunderstand my motivations I fear. I'm not challenging you because of any insult (perceived or otherwise) directed at me. Rather I'm challenging you because you have taken it upon yourself to name-call a large number of deserving members of this forum community.

As for the "F u if you can't take a joke" comment. What YOU have said on here goes beyond being a joke and is openly abusive to several forum members. It is because of that and because you haven't apologised to them that I challenged you.


Yes, I'll definitely play you first. Business must come before pleasure after all wink.gif.

Anyways, guys, Lewis is really just sounding like a troll. Let's all just stop responding to his inanities now. Nothing'll come of it since he obviously has a hyper-active and patent recto-medullary fistula wink.gif. ( hmm, 5 cool points to anyone who figures out what that translates into in English wink.gif ).

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Guest Zulu1

If I'm not mistaken, this is at least the 3rd flamewar that Username has started in here. He was that close >< (too bad he didn't make the final 0.5%)to getting banned IIRC, so to echo Fionn.

Username -> PLONK!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dumbo:

If I had one piece of advice for BTS it would be, go heavy on the copy protection _dumbo<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Late as usual here. Is CD-RW becoming that much of a problem? A pox on CD-RW then!

I'm not going to cancel my order becose of a copy protection scheme, but I'll be highly upset if I have to spend as much money to get CM on my hard drive as I did on the game. I didn't have a hard drive during the floppy drive copy protection wars, but I do remember the work around programs costing as much or more than the games I bought.


He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

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Just one word.

Mr. Losername Lewis has a certain reputation. He is already famous on the Panzer Elite board. Now he seems to give this board a try.

Don´t take his bait.



Sbelling chequed wyth MICROSOFT SPELLCHECKER - vorgs grate!

- The DesertFox -

Email: desertfox1891@hotmail.com

WWW: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Capsule/2930/

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DesertFox:


Just one word.

Mr. Losername Lewis has a certain reputation. He is already famous on the Panzer Elite board.



I am very much loved and revered on the PE board. Unfortunately it has gone into snooze mode there.

Hey I am just trying to get my hands on the "Gold" here. If it takes having to play a self-involved, pontificating, long-winded donkey like Fionn, then so be it.


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