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CM2 Pre-orders?

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While it could seem a little early for them, let's not forget a couple of things:

1) The pre-orders for CM1 started about 18 months before the game actually shipped (not sure about when, but I was among the very first! smile.gif)

2) It would be a nice way to show confidence and support to Steve and Charles.

3) S. & C. Could have a rough projection about how many gamers buyers of CM1 are also interested in CM2. Let's not forget that for every grognard out there there is someone who bought CM1 for it's gaming value, but who could not be interested in a variant of the same game with "different vehicles".

What do you think? I, for one, would pre-order it today to show my support, like I did with Combat Mission 1! biggrin.gif


Vincenzo Beretta

Milan - Italy

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Nice idea but I already tried to do this (a couple of months ago!) and Steve said that they would not be accepting pre-orders until a few weeks before they ship. Too much hassle with expired cards etc, etc.

I guess now that they have more confidence in their business model and sales figures, they sdon't need so desperately to collect pre-orders as an indication of production requirements.


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I really hope they don't get bought out by a Major Software Company. Because that Major Software Company will more then likely screw the game up to maximize profit and to hell with the customer. The Major Software Company will modify the game to appeal to a vast majority of people. Forget about what the people on this forum want. I don't think wargamers are a big enough group to cause concern at a Major Software Company if we complained about what they were doing to our baby CM2. Which means that the Major Software Company will more then likley take out all the hardcore wargame stuff and put major eye candy in instead. I don't want that. If I wanted that I'd buy a wargame from a Major Software Company.

I know it would be good for Steve and Charles to benefit from their hard work. But, man, I'm being selfish here. I've been waiting a long long time for a game like this and I don't want to lose it now.

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They don't need to get bought out to get in stores or to get additional funds.All they need is a publisher to back them.Most games released are not made by the publisher but by a software company such as BTS.I wouldn't be suprised if they are negotiating as we speak.

With the success of the game so far I don't think any publisher would ask them to change the game too much.I know alot of people here don't like TOAW,but do you think Talonsoft put pressure on Norm Koger to make TOAW appeal to casual gamers? I don't.

Now if BTS sells the rights of the game,well then we're all screwed.

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I doubt VERY much that Steve and Charles would sell the rights to CM to anyone. This product definitely shows signs of being "their baby". Though I suppose that enough $$$ would get the attention of any of us. Hope it never happens though.

I would cringe in horror if it did happen. Not that it could ONLY be bad for the game, but I for one would certainly expect such a move to be very bad for the game.

Yes, I can envision it now.... BTS sells CM to some soul-less software development firm, who immediately drops the software in the middle of it's marketing/development/production team. Here are a few "possible" suggestions they might have on how to proceed with CM2...

1) "The basic mechanics aren't too bad, but I think we could make it more accessible by turning it into an RTS."

2) "I'd like to see players be able to work the tank guns arcade style... can we add support for joysticks?"

3) "The whole thing seems sort of slanted towards WWII, don't you think?"

4) "The sounds remind me of a battlefield. We need some background music to liven things up. Has anyone checked Puff Daddy's availability?"

5) "CM2: UFO Defense"

Nope. Not for me, thanks. Here's hoping Steve and Charles retain the reins for a long time to come.



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I believe Steve and Charles have enough many times praised the deal they got with Battlefront. And they are selling so well that they don't NEED that big firm to support them. They already have a good enough distribution channel, and above all, they are getting the profits themselves to go to Honolul... I mean, to make the next sequel of CM soooooo much better, which otherwise would have been swallowed by that Big Company and retailers.

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Has anyone read the "Mantra" for BTS? They think that big companies are the enemy. Now for really big money then I can see it and even though I am against it I cannot say that I would not do the same if the situation was reversed. I hope they do not. The fact that historical wargames do not generate huge "peripheral" gamer support may finally work in our advantage. Also this is a great game from great game people. I have said it once and I will say it again CM2 3 4 5 100 whatever shoud be about EVOLUTION not REVOLUTION.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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"Combat Mission: Dungeon of Death"

Can you battle zombies, skeletons, and mutants and still guide your platoon to the Codex of the Damned and save the land of Elewhyre from destruction? Your GIs can now jump, climb, sidestep, and use the secret weapons developed by M1 including the Nailgun, Railgun, Sailgun, Palegun, Rocket Launcher, and K Rations of Annihilation!!!

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Even beyond providing a superb game, one of the best things that BTS has done has provided a template for other individuals or small programming groups to achieve success through online sales.

IMHO, this cannot be underestimated. Now, a developer can point to BTS's success (I think selling out two printings in about a month and a half can be defined as pretty good success) as a realistic goal, and not just a pipe-dream. Release a very good game with some new features that are done well, and you can make money--without selling your soul to a publisher.

Steel Beasts looks to be another game (hopefully) following CM's example and Space Empires IV's publishing by Shrapnel also has the potential. It seems it has finally become possible to make real money on internet-only sales if (but it's a big if) you actually have put the time into makeing your game a good bug-free game.

I'm looking forward to CM2 to CMx, but I think I may be looking forward more to a reversion to quality in games, and the games being made by someone who not only has the desire to see it made into the best game it can be, but also has the ability to not be pressured by a bottom-line-only publisher.


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I don't think anyone has anything to fear for the next version of CM2. My reasoning is economics.

BTS needs to follow up quickly to its successful product with a sequel and also recoup the effort they put in for the initial work on the engine. There is no way fans will wait such a long time for a sequel that requires major rework. That is only the smart thing to do.

Use the same quality engine with incremental changes such as change of setting, new units, fixes and hopefully few game play additions so that they will make money on top of the profits from CM. That is the where the real money kicks in for developers. Also mission packs, technology licensing, and cross-marketing can add value to the work they've already put into it.

So fans should get more of the same product with improvements.

Even if they were bought out or offered a traditional publishing deal I would expect nothing more. Perhaps they would have money for extra artists, an emarketing staffer and customer support. Some publishers might insist on a graphic makeover such as glossier menu screens, more animations in the game engine, but again no major changes to game play.

That said, I've heard enough horror stories from friends at traditional studios that I can imagine a deal falling apart because of bean counters. These are people who don't even like games but insist on p****ing on a good product because of marketing vectors, demographics and phantom competition.

What I admire about this venture is their up front statement of purpose matched by the quality of their product. Sometimes you get one or the other but in this case, you get both.

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Guest Big Time Software

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by maxm2:

"Combat Mission: Dungeon of Death"

Can you battle zombies, skeletons, and mutants and still guide your platoon to the Codex of the Damned and save the land of Elewhyre from destruction? Your GIs can now jump, climb, sidestep, and use the secret weapons developed by M1 including the Nailgun, Railgun, Sailgun, Palegun, Rocket Launcher, and K Rations of Annihilation!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My God! Who showed you the design doc for CM2?! eek.gif

Just kidding. biggrin.gif

But seriously, you don't have to worry about us selling out CM2+ to some collection of publisher halfwits who just want to junk it up. First, because we're doing very well on our own so we don't need a "deal" like that. Second, I'm in no mood to see CM screwed around with by... some collection of halfwits. smile.gif So no worries, fellas. CM2 will see the light of day and it will be true to form.


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