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No CM on Tuesday here either. What gives???

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OK, first off. Ordered in January.

Mail lady just went by at 9:30am and no CM!!! What gives????

Steve, got an answer for this? You said the primary factor in delivery is when you ordered, not where you live. People that ordered in June have gotten their orders already!! While some of us that ordered way earlier haven't gotten it yet.

Now, having worked in the postal service before, I know how the system works. If you live near a major distribution center (usually a large city), then you'll get a package sooner (usually the same day that that center sorts the mail). But if you live in the "sticks", so to speak, it takes a little longer as it goes through an extra or two minor distribution centers before it reaches the local post offices.


"I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus

[This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-20-2000).]

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Well, I'm sure Maximus that if you don't recieve your pre-order tommorrow, it'll come Thursday. For Sure. If mine doesn't come on Friday, I'm e-mailing Steve. I've been pretty reserved on trying not to e-mail Steve, but if it doesn't come on Friday, I'll e-mail him and I encourage all others to do the same.

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I know if I don't get it tomorrow, I'm going to be seriously discombobulated. smile.gif

I originally thought that I'd probably get it on Tuesday or Wednesday, but when so many got it yesterday, I'm thinking great! since it went through our major distribution center.


"I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus

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***Biting lip***

Captain, as BTS stated earlier, once the package has left their warehouse, it's all in the hands of USPS. Unless you have received a "trouble" message from BTS, your package should be in the system. I'd refrain from encouraging others to needlessly bother BTS about things that are beyond their control. You're not the only one that has yet to receive their CD (includes me) - just remain patient; it WILL arrive.

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It often takes the credit card several days to post it to your account. For example, mine was charged on the 15th, but didn't even show up until yesterday. With all of your postings on the forum, I'm sure that BTS is very aware that you've ordered. Just relax and boot up the Gold Demo one last time. That's my solution. Look at it this way, at least you'll most likely be able to play it by this weekend. The guys overseas will have another week or so to sweat it out. I'm leaving town on Friday, so even I'll have to wait a week! We'll all survive...

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Its quite simple really

the Mail Gods have spoken and EVERYONE who has behaved poorly on this BBS (you know the type, childish behavoiur and excessive flaming, not regular run of the mill flaming mind you, but gratuitous and excessive flaming) has now aquired some uundesirable karma and the Mail Gods have mystriously held up or delayed your order....

I cannot think of a more plausable explanation..


(Ok my cd will now be delayed a day or two as well..... I guess by that logic)



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Have you thanked BTS by buying your SECOND copy of CM yet?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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I pre-ordered in November, my credit card was charged on the 13th, and I still haven't received it. I wish I had a tracking #, but that's just my impatience talking.

It'll get here sooner or later. It's the waiting that's the hard part. Captain, I hope it's waiting for you when you get home. Good luck.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Manieri:

but if it doesn't come on Friday, I'll e-mail him and I encourage all others to do the same.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I'd suggest you re-think that game plan. The last thing Steve needs is a stampede of bitch-mail. The game is on it's way, just relax. I haven't received it either and i'm cool about it.

Consider this: What would happen if the game shows up a day after your bitch-mail? What are you going to say then? Take a moment and think about it.


The dead know only one thing - it is better to be alive

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You need to calm down, relax, get drunk smile.gif. Don't start to worry until the mailperson arrives and then departs on the 23rd without leaving the game in your mailbox. BTS wrote not to start sending them email saying you didn't get your game until after the 23rd.

Mine hasn't shown up either and I preordered in Nov 99. I'm not going to worry until next Monday (26th) if my game doesn't show (because the card did get charged).

I've waited since Nov 99, I can wait a few more days. Besides I have other games I've had for a couple months now and haven't even played, maybe I'll start playing those.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Manieri:

Dude, he TOLD us to e-mail him if any continetal US did not arrive by Friday. What now?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


And if ever we English had reason to bless

Any arm save our mothers', that arm is Brown Bess!

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Still no joy in Mudville, the mighty USPS has struck out!

SIGH! No CM for me today. mad.gif

Fatherof6, Leftwinger, or any of the other lucky sods in St. Louis, can I come over to one of your guy's houses so I can drool all over your copy of the game?

Sheesh! Guess I'll have to go to the Cardinals game instead....


Formerly known as not THE Charles from BTS

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No CM again today here in the SF Bay Area,frustration is really setting in now. ARRRRGGGHHHH mad.gif I know that international customers have to wait alot longer than us Yanks, but I think they would be frustrated too if several of their neighbos 10 miles away had it and they still didn't. It wouldn't be as frustrating if I weren't reading posts of people who ordered a few weeks ago and already have it in the SF Bay Area, yet for some reason, I still don't. I'm beginning to think my order is one of the ones that Steve has said will inevitably get screwed up. Sorry, but I needed to vent!!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

***Biting lip***

Captain, as BTS stated earlier, once the package has left their warehouse, it's all in the hands of USPS. Unless you have received a "trouble" message from BTS, your package should be in the system. I'd refrain from encouraging others to needlessly bother BTS about things that are beyond their control. You're not the only one that has yet to receive their CD (includes me) - just remain patient; it WILL arrive.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If BTS is only going to sell their product over the Internet than they should have a system in place that can notify customers that their order has shipped/status. Other companies don't seem to have a problem keeping their customers' updated on their order. I have no problem waiting but I would like to know what the status of my order is since my CC has been billed.


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Checking order status probably depends alot on what info the shipping company can provide, and the manpower the company can provide to handle those inquiries. I've rarely ship a lot of packages, and I've never used USPS so I don't know how much tracking detail the Post Office could provide. I also don't know how many people actually "work" for BTS, but I'm pretty sure they don't have a person who works full time on handling order inquiries, so that Job more than likely falls back to Steve and Charles. I for one will wait until the requested date (23rd) before making an official inquiry of them concerning my copies. Everyone just take a breath and fire up the Gold demo, turn on the History Channel, go to a strip club, or whatever you need to do to relax.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 0311:

Ordered in Dec ship to Dallas and some cat in Midland TX (Mayberry) orders last month and has had it for a few days. hmmmmm<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've noticed a lot of that myself. I'm beginning to wonder if a certain mailbag filled with early orders isn't sitting in a nice cozy location, right where it's not supposed to be, or maybe it's just the pain medication the doctor gave me this morning.


He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

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No game here in Stokesdale, NC.

Postal Service, huh? The USPS is run by the government.....'nuff said.

I would think that an option for the orderering via UPS should be available.

I ordered 2 copies in November 1999, ordering early does not work if the USPS is involved, they are not accountable. Priority mail means first in line to get lost.

I'll have to shift my excitement to the 1988 Volvo 240 DL Wagon I am buying, now their is an armored vehicle with class!

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