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What's your favorite computer war game? (other than CM of course)

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Gawd, that's along time ago and I've played quite a few good games. I think Crusade in Europe (VERY early Microprose title), East Front and yes, X-Com. Never really found a good, WWII tactical game if I remember correctly. I was thrilled with CC1 when it first came out, but...Same with CC2 (better).

Let's see, and I really enjoyed Road From Sumter to Appomattox. And some of the Battleground series (pbem).

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Hmm, favorite recent computer wargames. TOP is a lot of fun.

Pacific War is neat but playing the entire war in the

pacific with a turn for each and every day is a grueling

affair to say the least (and the U.S. carrier

AA defenses are so ridiculously tough that it's seemingly

impossible at times to sink one even with full

Jap aircraft strikes). smile.gif Action Stations is the most

realistic WWI/WWII tactical naval gun battle wargame there

is, but the graphics make TOP look sophisticated. wink.gif

Jagged Alliance II is the best at what it does, turn-based

tactical combat at the lowest level (down to individual


Also if you want to count sci-fi wargames as well as the

usual kind, Star Trek: Starfleet Command came out a few

months ago and is outstanding. It's a wargame of

tactical starship combat, very detailed, great graphics,

great sound, great interface, tons of fun. smile.gif It's based

on the ultra complex boardgame called Starfleet Battles

(which has rules like a phonebook smile.gif). I highly recommend

it if you like sci-fi combat at all.

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In those rare moments of not playing CM, I'll hang out around Novaworld kicking some butts with Delta Force 2. Great way to relief your mind of all those tactical problems.

Another game I've played recently was Shadow Company. Not bad, actually.

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I would have to say Panzer General, that game captured me in 1994 BIG TIME. Of course it is kind of silly compared to the great games of today, but for me it will always be a classic. I also enjoyed Steel Panthers, and The Operational Art of War. Other Honorable mentions include Sid Meyer's Gettysburg, CC2, and although Commandos is a little cheesy, it sure is addictive ... biggrin.gif



"It is well that War is so terrible, lest we grow to fond of it"

Robert E. Lee

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My favorites are

EF2/WF. The best simulation of regiment-division level combat out there. My dream would be to recreate the entire Russian front with the EF2 game engine...1000 players per side each commanding a regiment plus all the division commanders, corps commanders, army commanders...And supply and everything. You'd get a real sense of joy and pride when reporting to your commander that you have taken that or this great town or crossed this river...Now that would be realistic!

TOAW. Waiting for Road to Moscow, this is the best operational-strategic level wargame.

Oh, and since Manieri mentioned Commandos:BEL, I'll mention Half Life. It's my third favorite wargame wink.gif Oh, and don't forget Grand Theft Auto, and Kingpin, and Unreal, and Quake3, and Thief, and Need for Speed2, and Diablo, and..........

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M1 Tank Platoon (the original) was the game I played for the longest period of time.

I don't know if it counts, since it's a hybrid sim/wargame, but it was great regardless.

I bought the sequel, but right after that CM's beta came out. I haven't even installed M1TP2 yet.


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Glad to see lots of people already mentioned my choices of Steel Panthers & Xcom both of which sucked away a large portion on my life and I regret none of it.

I would also put in a vote for Fantasy General, easily the best of the general series IMHO

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Anyone remember another VERY early Microprose title, "Conflict In Vietnam". Loved that one. Even those primitive sound effects gave me chills. "Crusade In Europe" was also a blast (I think it was the same engine).

X-com is not only a one of my favorite wargames, but one of the greatest computer games of all-time. (Right up there with Pirates! and Half-Life).

Another favorite is the old SSI title, "Colonial Conquest". Man, was that ever fun. That was one of those all night High School get together games, and it didn't get any more fun than that. I remember getting together for simultaneous games of CC and Axis and Allies. Just to keep the mind limber.

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X-Com, drool. I must have played that game to death! The best part of it was it's comedy. X-Com 2 was kind of lame. X-Com 3 Apocalypse was neat for its non-turn aspect. Once I saw that, I could never go back to the old versions. Soldiers at War came out a while after X-Com 3. Bought the game, played it through, but, I just missed the action that X-Com 3 offered.

CM, to me is like X-Com 3 + Soldiers at War with a realistic twist.

I have to say that TOAW is the most versatile Macro-Wargame I have seen. You aren't restricted to a single battle or theatre of war. Anything you want you can create. However, some of their representations of weapons and their power was very off. And their Aircraft and Naval representation isn't very great either.

CLASH OF STEEL came with a warpack CD containing this game, Pacific War, War In Russia and a spinoff of Pacific War (some carrier game). This was very abstract yet interesting.

Another good Wargame was Carriers At War.

My very first Computer Wargame was North vs. South which ran on my 386sx many MANY years ago. Wasn't a real wargame, but, the closest I got to one.

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Guest Paul Roberts

WEST FRONT has been one of my favorites, although some of the luster is off of it now that CM is close to release. I much prefer the squad/team scale of CM to WF's platoon scale, and it's hard to go back.

As for X-COM, that was the first computer game that ever kept me up until sunrise. I once logged eighteen hours in a single session of that game, with breaks only for food and the bathroom...

I'm surprised no one has mentioned 101st AIRBORNE IN NORMANDY, which was a turn-based, man-level WW2 tactical game that went almost unnoticed. Much better than SOLDIERS AT WAR, in my opinion. It replicated the tension of the X-COM experience, and mated it with real-world weapons and a good enemy AI. I no longer have my copy, but I sure wish I did.

[This message has been edited by Paul Roberts (edited 01-24-2000).]

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well I'd have to say Panzer Gen. and does anyone remember a game called "patrol"? was done like soldiers at war. but a long time ago. also loved x-com. The CC line is good. I don't get the bitching about CC4, it has some problems, but is still fun to play HTH.


P.S. For those playing Delta force 2.... I loved the original, but the demo for DF2 lagged like crazy, has this been fixed? and i'm running a p3 500 with a voodoo 3000. so i know its not my machine.


"A stupid man dies a stupid death."

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Lorak: Actually it may very well be your machine

(at least in part). Since DF2 uses voxels instead

of polygons your 3D card can't help out on the rendering

workload. The CPU has to do all that (it's like trying

to run Quake III in software mode, haha). This pushes

system requirements for smooth frame rates somewhere

into the super computer range. smile.gif

This is one of the main reasons that a lot of gamers

don't like the Delta Force games. Well, that and the

extremely pixelated graphics at long range.

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OK, thanks Lee. I wanted so much to buy DF2 but after the demo i decided that it would be a huge waste of money. Love the gameplay, graphics, ect.. But i'm not paying that kind of money to watch a slide show. smile.gif



"A stupid man dies a stupid death."

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Some of there are older titles, but here goes...

Carriers at War

Steel Panthers Series

Panzer General

Jagged Alliance

Jagged Alliance 2 (highly recommended)

Starfleet Command (was in the beta)

The Operational Art of War (TOAW)

Almost any combat flight sim you can think of (any era)

Silent Service

Ace of the Deep

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Lorak: Seems there may be hope. smile.gif Moon says that the full

version runs a lot cleaner than the demo. Of course, smooth

can be a relative term, I wouldn't expect to get 45 frames

per sec or anything. wink.gif But why not give it a try

if you like it that much? I have played DF on a LAN with

friends and that was fun, but a bit choppy, haven't tried

DF2 yet.

Personally, I like Rainbow 6 better (I rule at that wink.gif).

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Guest GriffinCheng

My pick on war games:

Carrier at War

W@W : Operation Crusader

TOAW 1 (will install WtoY soon)

EF2/WF (still figuring how to play them well)

ToP2/PitS (same as above)

Steel Panthers 1

and for "strategy" games:

Jagged Alliance 1 & 2

Shadow Company

Starfleet command

To PeterK:

Sorry for my slow turnaround time, I am currently engaged in my 4th try on Planescape: Torment....

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Guest MantaRay

Wow, you guys have reminded me of some good times playing a couple of years back. X-Com was a blast. And no one mentioned Navy Seals by EA. It is going to have a sequel soon(2001) and I am looking forward to that.

Does anyone remember D-Day by Impressions? Wow that game was ahead of its time. It may have been the first wargame that I know of that had you control your individual soldiers, although it was hard, while playing in a 2D view also.




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Guest Mikeman

It seems that many of you really enjoy the HPS games. How is the AI in PitS? Is it any good? I've looked over the HPS site and their products look interesting, but very expensive. I would consider a purchase if I heard good things about the AI. Any opinions on this would be appreciated. THANKS!!

Mikeman out.

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Guest Mikeman

It appears that many of you enjoy PitS and other HPS games. How's the AI in those games? They are very expensive games but if the AI is any good I would consider a purchase. Any opinions from PitS owners would be appreciated. THANKS!!

Mikeman out.

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